Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 345 Long live the nine-headed snake Omegon: Today, we are all Alpharius! (9)

Chapter 345 Long live Hydra Omegon: Today, we are all Alpharius! (seven)

[In week six, you munch on a native beetle with bitter sap while having an in-depth conversation with your newly revived Primarch Omega. 】

[You first expressed your loyalty to the Emperor and the Human Empire to the other party, and then you introduced the concept of subspace to the other party. 】

[You used a pronoun that would not attract the attention of the four gods to popularize the existence of the forces of chaos to Omegon Co. 】

【"Chaos Demon? It turns out that the horrible rumors I heard in the past are all true." One corner of 'Omegon''s mouth trembled slightly, and one eye that showed a burning gaze couldn't help blinking. . 】

【"Brother, according to your memory, isn't Horus' betrayal inevitable?" 'Omegon' pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked you in a low voice. 】

[You take a deep breath. 】

【You picked up a local beetle and threw it into your mouth, chewing vigorously. 】

["Unless the Emperor blesses me one day, allowing me to reach Horus before accepting the corruption of Chaos, and successfully break through the traps carefully arranged by those things... However, I personally think that the Emperor wants to buy time for the future of mankind. Many hidden dangers that have come down will explode sooner or later.”]

【“Even without the occurrence of the Horus Rebellion, other Primarchs and Astartes will betray the Emperor and humans again due to various factors, and may even set off a war far worse than the established one. The betrayal of the galaxy is even more serious, because as long as the warp exists, those four things will last forever."]

['Omegon' seems to have fallen silent. 】

【He who has peeked into part of your memory didn't agree with your idea, but he didn't express objection either. 】

【At this moment, 'Omegon' suddenly turned his gaze, staring at the dark night not far away. 】

【You slowly clenched the double-ended spear in your palm, and quickly got up from the depths of the bunker where you were hiding to keep warm. 】

["Something is coming, brother, now is not the time for you and me to continue talking, our priority now is to survive!"'Omegon' couldn't help but pull a smirk from one corner of his mouth, facing You speak. 】

【You remained silent and did not answer the other party's words. 】

【You opened your own eyes with extreme vigilance, observing all the movements in front of you. 】

[In an instant, a figure was obviously taller, and only judging from the shape of the spiked armor on his body and the weapons he carried, the Ran Dan alien, who was more suitable for melee combat, rushed out of the thick pitch-black night and headed towards you He swooped up in front of him. 】

[At this moment, the enemy's heavy steps kicked up countless sand grains, constantly hitting the black armor covered with terrifying spikes. 】

[You pulled out the only remaining star dart gun from the back of the power pack with your backhand, and quickly pulled the trigger on the enemy in front. 】

【Accompanied by countless long and narrow star darts that were as crystal clear as they kept hitting Ran Dan's alien light green shield, there were bursts of extremely crisp cracking sounds. 】

[You take a deep breath. 】

【You threw away the star dart gun casually, activated the power armor extremely swiftly, and charged towards the enemy head-on. 】

[The sharp double-ended spear is firmly held under your arm by one of your thick arms. 】

[Afterwards, with the help of the strong impact speed between the two sides, it pierced Ran Dan's alien light green shield and penetrated deeply into the opponent's spiked armor. 】

[Ran Dan's alien reaction was also very quick, the dancing flail and mace immediately fell heavily towards you. 】

[However, you did not give the enemy a chance to re-attack. 】

【The moment the double-ended spear pierced into the opponent's body, the second half of the spear was quickly disassembled into a short spear. 】

【Your other hand tightly held the temporarily released short spear, and without hesitation, you stabbed the sharp spear head into the depths of Ran Dan's alien head. 】

【Ran Dan's alien counterattack came to an abrupt end. 】

【You took a deep breath, and casually pulled out the short spear stained with green blood, and let Ran Dan's tall and tall corpse fall to the ground heavily. 】

[However, Omegon, who has not waited to observe the battle, congratulates you on your further improvement in combat skills. 】

[The next second, the strange-shaped body of Ran Dan who had just died and fell to the ground suddenly burst into the dark night sky with extremely eye-catching pale green fluorescence. 】

[At the same time, you can also hear the humming of the engines of the Ran Dan landing craft quickly cutting through the air. 】

【"Damn it, this is another trap deliberately set by Ran Dan's alien!" You growled through gritted teeth. 】

【"Run in that direction! According to the composition of the surrounding geographical environment, the terrain over there is more complicated, and you may be able to escape the enemy's pursuit!" Omegon quickly turned your gaze, and he said to you in a calm tone. 】

【You didn't even have time to pick up the discarded star dart gun. 】

【You immediately turned around and drove the power armor towards the more complicated Gobi area. 】

[In the seventh week, you seem to have escaped the non-stop pursuit of Ran Dan's alien. 】

[However, after entering the Gobi region with complex terrain, the food supplies you can get from it gradually become pitiful. 】

[Even those native beetles that can be found everywhere in the desert seem to be rare food. 】

[You need to expend more energy to barely find a few. 】

【Omegaon took this opportunity to teach you how to draw fresh water from the harsh environment in front of you. 】

【You lie on the ground digging for local beetles, while listening to 'Omegon' speak slowly. 】

["This set of survival techniques in the wilderness is still figured out by myself. I remember the first time I opened my eyes and had memories, there was only an incubator on the verge of breaking beside me. The living environment in that place may be better than it is now. , but thinking about it now, it’s not much better.”]

["The most important thing is that it is a desolate and uninhabited planet. My highest record is that I haven't spoken any words for three years. I still vaguely remember that the longest thing that accompanied me was a pair of alien metal skeletons. Now you use The pale spear I picked up from near the skeleton, maybe the other party also encountered a tragic battle that no one will remember..."]

【"Wait... bro! Stop digging up beetles! What the hell is that?"】

[At this moment, the exclamation from 'Omegon' made you vigilant. 】

【You immediately stood up with the pale spear in your hand to stand on guard, but your eyes widened in an instant, and you took a breath of cold air. 】


 thanks for your support!
In the future, I will write on the web page of the writer's assistant.

Not to mention that the codeword software crashed, it would be fatal if the manuscript could not be retrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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