Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 295 Star Knight: World Engine, We Live To Death! (1)

Chapter 295 Star Knight: World Engine, We Live To Death! (one)

【Simulation starting——】

[Current identity: Space Wolves Bloodclaw (Webway Comoros Death Arena)]

【Please select the coming identity first】

[If you refuse, it will come randomly]

[Refused to choose an identity]

【Simulation starting——】

【You have come to the Warhammer universe】

【Time: M41】

[Location: Milky Way, Vidal Subsidiary Star Region, Valf Galaxy]

[You have arrived at the core compartment of a battle barge named 'Storm'...]

[You are standing inside a bridge that is desolately lit and full of sailing contemplators and pale green screens. 】

[There are countless mortal crew members wearing communication helmets and navigators who are responsible for guiding the route sitting in front of the screens, making subtle sounds of controlling unknown equipment. 】

【You couldn't help blinking your eyes, and exhaled a mouthful of air from your nasal cavity. 】

【You haven't figured out your identity and where you are. 】

【"Are you listening? Captain Amrad?" At this moment, you suddenly heard a hoarse female voice full of doubts.】

[You immediately turn your head and look away. 】

[You saw a middle-aged woman wearing the uniform of the Imperial Navy Vice Admiral at a glance. 】

[The skin on her face is wheat-colored, she has neat short hair, and a right arm that has been replaced with a mechanical prosthesis. 】

[It also further brings out the sharp heroic spirit and knowledgeable ability of the senior general of the Imperial Navy on the other party. 】

【"Uh...Captain Gretus? Please continue your topic." You subconsciously blurted out the other party's name and position. 】

[Immediately, a small number of rather unfamiliar memories quickly flashed through the depths of your mind. 】

["Okay, Captain Amrad... But, you seemed to be distracted just now, right? Then I'll repeat my previous report." Captain Gretus twitched slightly with a solemn expression mouth, she took a deep breath and said to you. 】

【You squeezed out a fleeting smile without embarrassment. 】

【You lower your head slightly and stare at the other party. 】

[At this moment, the female captain's report, combined with the small part of memory you just acquired, also let you gradually understand the current situation. 】

[This is the flagship of the Star Knights Chapter, the Battle Barge Storm. 】

【You are now the current head of the Star Knights Chapter. 】

[Currently, the entire fleet belonging to the Star Knights is crossing the Vidal subsidiary star sector and is about to arrive at the Walf galaxy. 】

[At the same time, as many as [-] battle groups from the Ultramarines, Invaders, Blood Angels, and Dawn Goddesses were jointly composed of fighters, an extremely large Valf The rescue fleet is gradually converging there. 】

[And your only combat mission, or target. 】

[It is to try our best to prevent the planetary weapon battleship "World Engine" of the Necrons from continuing to wreak havoc on the territory of the human empire. 】

[Before you arrived, two important agricultural planets were completely destroyed by the terrorist weapons of the World Engine, and they became completely dead planets with no hope of recovery. 】

【You quietly finished listening to the female captain's report. 】

【You didn't say much, you just frowned and instructed the other party. 】

[When the fleet arrives at the meeting point of the Valf galaxy, you will be notified immediately. 】

[You drove this set of power armor, which is mainly iron gray, supplemented by blue spraying, out of the position of the bridge. 】

[Three teams are quietly waiting for your veteran team to immediately step forward to salute. 】

[They are all the personal guards responsible for protecting the safety of you, the chapter leader. 】

【Preoccupied, you raised your hand to refuse their continued follow, and walked towards the metal passage ahead alone. 】

[Not long after, you, who are very unfamiliar with the internal layout of the ship, stopped in front of a three-way intersection in the metal passage. 】

【"Respected Captain, where do you want to go?" At this moment, you heard another indifferent female voice full of mechanical voices. 】

【You glanced around blankly, but you didn't see any figure except for the deserted light from above your head in the metal passage. 】

【"Master Chapter Leader, I am the machine soul of the battle barge Storm, if you like, you can call me Cortana... Where do you need to go now? Do you need my help?"]

[The carrier-based aircraft soul named Cortana once again issued an indifferent mechanical voice to you. 】

【You couldn't help raising your eyebrows, then suddenly looked down. 】

【Your gaze inadvertently catches the metal helmet hanging on your waist. 】

[Obviously the voice of the other party was transmitted from the communication device. 】

【"When did the empire have so many 'machine souls'... Cortana, right? Help me inform all the Astartes monks in the battle group and let them go to the large training ground in the ship to gather."】

【You were silent for a while, then suddenly issued an order to the shipboard machine soul. 】

["Okay, Master Chapter, I am contacting the Lord of the Fleet, the fourth company commander Xie Hezi and other company commanders from Dalian... Please first enter the passage on the right, which can directly lead to the large training ground in the middle cabin." Cortana, the ship-spirit, responded swiftly to your commands. 】

[You nod expressionlessly. 】

[You continue to drive the power armor, and enter the interior of the metal tunnel where the lights are still deserted. 】

【You gradually went deeper into the winding and winding metal passages, and also passed the repair machine servants in charge of maintaining the ships. 】

[By the time you arrive at the large training ground, a total of [-] Astartes monks have completed their assembly. 】

[You saw the fourth company commander Xie Hezi, the master of the fleet, with twelve service nails on his forehead, and the company commanders of several other Dalian companies. 】

【A few of them, together with the head pastor and the head of the think tank, quickly turned and stepped forward, raising their hands in your direction to salute. 】

【"Battlemaster!" Everyone shouted at you with different pitches. 】

[At this moment, the tall figures and voices that followed the movement of the various commanders. 】

[The monks Astartes who were still emitting a little noise immediately entered a state of silence. 】

[They raised a thick arm wrapped in ceramic steel almost at the same time, and they collided heavily in front of the breastplate of the iron-gray power armor, making dull knocking sounds one after another. 】

【"Battlemaster!" Everyone greeted you in the same voice again. 】

【You narrow your eyes slightly and let out a hard breath. 】

【You slowly nodded to the people in front of you. 】

【"Brothers of the Star Knights, everyone should have understood the basic situation of this battle, right?" You slowly stepped forward and said in a calm tone. 】

【"If someone is still unclear, I will repeat it again. Those skeletons who have fallen asleep, that is, a planetary weapon battleship of the Necrons attacked the territory of the empire. Two agricultural planets were destroyed. Destroyed into a planet of death!"]

【"If the opponent is allowed to continue raging, not only the entire galaxy will face the crisis of destruction, even the center of the empire, the solar system will suffer a huge disaster! Because according to the empire's prediction of the navigation route, its ultimate goal is very It may be an important planet of the Adeptus Mechanicus, Mars!"]

【You subconsciously drive the power armor to stop advancing. 】

[You are standing at the forefront of the neat queue, and the deserted light is shining down from above you. 】

【Your gaze also scanned all the star knights in front of you one by one. 】

【"So, the Valf Rescue Fleet we are about to join will be a powerful team that gathers the elite forces of fifteen battle groups! It is also the only rescue force that the Valf galaxy can count on!"】

【"However, if you think that this will be an easy and devastating battle, then I can tell you very bluntly that this is a very wrong idea!"】

【"Because, this will be the most difficult battle in the history of the Star Knights! It may even be the last battle of the Star Knights!"】

【You suddenly opened your eyes wide and roared loudly. 】

[You stare at the Astartes monks who are expressionless, but the will to fight deep in their hearts is about to erupt like a volcano. 】

【You suddenly showed a bright smile from the bottom of your heart to everyone. 】

【"Even if I am standing here at this moment, as the leader of the battle group, I can't guarantee that you will survive!"】

【"The only thing I can promise you is that I will fight side by side with you until the last moment of death!"】

[As soon as the voice fell, you raised a thick arm wrapped in a pottery steel shell with a solemn expression, and stretched it above your head. 】

[The ceramic steel glove clenched into a fist is illuminated by the cold light above, and the metallic luster that is constantly reflected is like a little bit of starlight. 】

【You took a deep breath and let out a hoarse roar at the people in front of you. 】

【"Star Knight! Destruction is redemption—"】

[In an instant, the huge sound waves from every Astartes cultivator almost completely overturned the ceiling of the entire training ground, echoing repeatedly inside the middle cabin of the battle barge. 】

【"Star Knight! Destruction is redemption—"】

[The next moment, the knights of the star realm raised their thick arms almost in unison, and roared with all their strength. 】

【"For the Emperor! For the Star Knights!"】

[However, at this time, a whisper as thin as a mosquito suddenly floated out from your mouth, and was finally completely submerged in the depths of the deafening battle roar. 】

【"May the emperor bless your loyal souls, and light the way for you to return to the golden throne..."】

 thanks for your support!
Write about Astral Knights.

And the actions of the elder brother of the battle group also seem to be things that the protagonist can do.

In short, it is quite consistent, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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