Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 264 The Round Table Meeting Reconvened!

Chapter 264 The Round Table Meeting Reconvened!
Right now, it's time to pick the most explosive news stories in the entire world.

Not so long ago, madness hijacked the Internet and communication channels all over the world.

The super-terrorist organization 'Terra Astral Legion' that announced to the outside world and actually caused the tragic death of 10 people in the Mexican slums.

Definitely a hot topic that everyone around the world is raving about.

Countless people are cursing each other's terrorist acts in cyberspace.

They also clamored for their respective countries and even international official organizations to send powerful troops to crusade against such a disgusting villain organization.

Although a considerable number of locals have been persecuted by the Blood Worship Sect.

And sensible people who understand supernatural forces also made weak rebuttals to the outside world.

But it was completely submerged in the depths of the network by more passionate and crazy humans.

Three days after the tragic events in the slums, official forces from every major country came together.

They urgently held several secret meetings for closed-door consultations.

It was finally announced that the 'Terra Astral Corps' was identified as having been destroyed since the end of World War II and the destruction of the Hydra organization.

The second terrorist and evil organization sentenced to a series of extremely serious crimes such as crimes against humanity.

However, except for Mexico, which is the country concerned, it has really sent its core force.

A search was carried out on the tragic scene that was gradually returning to normal, looking for any valuable clues.

The rest of the countries participating in the secret meeting do not seem to be too concerned.

They only sent a few joint investigation teams symbolically.

Just let the official forces of Mexico toss it alone.

Of course, as for whether those big countries have secretly formed their own investigation teams and intelligence channels.

That is a state secret unknown to outsiders.

Only occasionally, it becomes an enduring topic of comparison in heated discussions among some netizens.

And as the instigator, Rorschach.

It seems to be temporarily away from the turbulent world situation and the storm of public opinion caused by the outside world.

He stayed quietly in the underground base.

Keep doing what belongs to you.

The first is the resettlement of rescued slum refugees.

Imperial Heavy Industries has always shown its enthusiasm for public welfare and charitable activities.

It was almost the first time to express condolences to the official forces in Mexico.

After several rounds of negotiations between the cordial and friendly parties.

In exchange for the location of the slums excluding the capital region plus the benefit of official revenue for the next 30 years in some surrounding areas.

Imperial Heavy Industries promised to rebuild their homes 'for free' for all refugees.

And there will be a theme park commemorating the hundreds of thousands of innocent victims.

It is used to pay respects to lovers (humanitarians) from all over the world, and it can also be regarded as promoting local economic development.

At the same time, Imperial Heavy Industries has also generously provided a large sum of money to the official forces in Mexico.

Used to hunt down the culprit 'Terra Starbound Corps'.

Things have developed here, except for those slum refugees who are deeply saddened by the death of relatives and friends.

All forces are happy.

However, these are only superficial camouflage efforts.

As the only and the most generous funder, Imperial Heavy Industries has the right to know any investigations and reports by the Mexican official forces.

Even if it is a joint investigation team that does not belong to their management.

Mexican official forces are also obliged to provide regular progress and intelligence to the other side.

Wait until these simplest superficial things are temporarily over.

The civilians who followed the gang dogs throughout the battle were also properly housed.

They can receive a large sum of bonuses according to their wishes, and then hide their identities and stay away from sadness.

Or he voluntarily joined a subordinate unit of Imperial Heavy Industries and temporarily became an ordinary Mexican immigrant, gradually washing his identity.

And Iron Man David also transferred a large nursing home in a relatively secluded location from the many industries under his control.

It is used to properly manage civilian soldiers who have not yet recovered from their injuries or are physically disabled.

Not long after, Rorschach, who simply calmed down, held a serious round table meeting with everyone.

First of all, after thinking over and over for a long time, he reviewed the many consequences of his willful behavior to everyone.

It not only greatly increases the risk of complete exposure of the fledgling team.

It can also be said that it indirectly caused the ultimate sacrifice of tens of thousands of people.

Although everything is unavoidable, the harm caused by the extinction order has never been such a simple matter.

Today, on the surface, the order of the entire world seems to have never changed, and the peace of the past has also been restored.

However, countless forces should have secretly launched investigations into the 'Terra Star Legion'.

Therefore, after some discussion between Rorschach and Iron Man David.

Several plans named "base relocation" and "Li Dai Tao stiff, golden cicada escape shell" were put on the round table one by one.

Bucky and Old John will leave secretly, and they need to lead [-] gang dogs to Japan.

Help the Yashida family to completely stabilize the territory and eliminate any forces that threaten the team.

Moreover, it also gradually took over the establishment of a training base for recruits and special arms berserkers.

Iron Man David will lead five hundred autonomous servo robots to get up and go to the depths of the Pacific Ocean as soon as possible.

Discover a deserted island rich in minerals that won't stand out from the waterway.

Carry out the mission of opening up the second secret base.

As long as the second base has a basic prototype, all equipment must be quickly and secretly transferred.

At the same time, the foundry workshop in the second base will also be upgraded to a real foundry factory.

However, Mr. Connors, who hadn't shown up for a long time and barely knew what happened, made a small request to everyone with a wry smile.

His severed limb regeneration potion has entered the final juncture of research, and he cannot be distracted by relocating the laboratory.

Rorschach expressed his understanding for this, and confessed that everything was just the worst plan.

He will lead the remaining gang dogs to station in the underground base for a long time.

Teacher Connors nodded in agreement and regained his composure.

In addition, the Reditus floating on the metal table was the most exciting existence in the round table meeting.

Because it has not only obtained permission to continue in-depth research on more types of robots, to supplement the effective forces on the battlefield.

And also temporarily obtained a small explosion permission.

This is also the basic content of the so-called 'Li Dai Tao stiff, golden cicada escape shell' plan.

The purpose is to use a large number of mechanical creations to fill the underground base where the defense force is close to emptiness.

Also in the worst case plan, the first to investigate the underground base.

And the official forces that launched the attack offered a small surprise.

The next step in the plan is the ancient routine of righteous official forces defeating evil terrorist organizations.

It is also used to prove to the whole world that the 'Terra Star Legion' has finally fallen into a 'dead end'.

After all, because of the gift from the Queen of Asgard.

It is almost impossible to divination the location of the base from the magical level.

However, the mages of Karma Taj may betray the information behind Gu Yi's back because of the influence of public opinion.

Moreover, even Tony Stark can follow the vine and come to the door in person.

It also proves that other hard-hearted superheroes can achieve their goals if they put a lot of thought into it.

After all, Iron Man David's concealment method is only carried out on the Internet.

Unable to affect and change too many realistic factors.

In reality, it is undoubtedly necessary to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to conduct follow-up investigations.

However, many superheroes and official forces may not lack manpower and material resources.

Most importantly, they also have great patience...

All plans are being rolled out in order.

The base, which had been bustling for a while in the past, seemed to have fallen into silence again.

Rorschach first used phantom dust to hide the striking features.

He went to the hospital alone to check on Jessica's treatment.

Then all his thoughts were devoted to persuading his aunt to leave New York.

Plan to run a 'delicious' restaurant in another country.

Finally, when the first snow of winter came to the city of New York.

The 'delicious' Chinese restaurant above Chinatown quietly closed its doors.

The eye-catching red paper for renting out is also pasted on the metal shutter door.

(End of this chapter)

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