Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 237 Open the door, the court of justice! (9)

Chapter 237 Open the door, the court of justice! (Nine)

【You led the Battle Sisters team without fear and charged towards the entrance of the Hive Capital. 】

【You quickly raised the bolt gun in your palm, and pulled the trigger on the Astartes Brothers of the Truth Seekers Chapter. 】

[The Battle Sisters team following you also quickly raised a pair of Godwin-type bolt guns, and poured continuous and terrifying firepower at all the heretics in front of you. 】

[The monks Astartes of the Truth Seekers Chapter seem to have noticed your movements. 】

【They turned their guns one after another and began to try to block your way forward. 】

[The explosive bombs that pierced the air grazed your ceramic steel shell one after another, leaving deep and terrifying scratches, and some explosive bombs even barely grazed your silver metal skull. 】

[At this moment, it seems to have received an order from Sister Jaina. 】

[The battle nuns with incineration guns in their palms drove blood-red power armor, rushed out from every corner of the battlefield, and quickly approached your front position. 】

[These battle sisters uttered battle roars full of anger. 】

【They actually resisted the bombardment of the truth-seekers battle group, approached the front of their position, and pulled the trigger of the incineration gun without hesitation. 】

[In an instant, a burst of extremely hot high-temperature flames completely covered every nearby Astartes monk, and only a very few lucky ones barely escaped the baptism of the flames of promethium. 】

[You seem to hear the tragic howls from the monks of Astartes, those power armors that have been repeatedly roasted by the flames of promethium are completely a walking torture tool. 】

[But even so, the tall figures wrapped in high-temperature flames still launched a desperate charge in the direction of the battle sisters, and they seemed to want to die with the battle sisters who were close at hand. 】

[The next moment, roaring chainsaw swords appeared in the palms of the fighting nuns. 】

【They rushed up to the burning Astartes monks without fear, and started a cruel and merciless melee fight with each other. 】

[Suddenly, a battle nun who had no time to dodge was hugged by the monk Astartes, and the terrifying flames of promethium instantly engulfed the tall figures of both sides. 】

[There are also Astartes monks who were forcibly sawed through the power armor by the chainsaw sword in the hands of the battle nuns, cut off their necks, and completely became headless flaming torches that could not move. 】

【You led the squad of battle nuns who replaced the chainsaw swords and approached this tragic battle. 】

[You kept swinging the roaring chainsword, and using the thick shoulder armor to slam into an Astartes rushing towards you. 】

【However, wisps of promethium flames from the opponent's whole body quickly scorched half of your face. 】

[The terrifying high temperature instantly ablated your skin and flesh, leaving only half of the scorched black facial bones and silver skull. 】

【You suddenly opened your only blood-red eye wide, and opened your frightening lips that exposed your gums and teeth. 】

【You couldn't help but let out a roar, the rapidly turning chainsaw sword forcibly embedded into the opponent's power armor, completely tearing apart the two hearts inside the chest. 】

【You kicked down the still standing tall body of Brother Astartes. 】

【You continue to lead the squad of fighting nuns with only seven members through the sea of ​​promethium flames that have not yet been extinguished. 】

[You have finally arrived at the entrance of the hive capital. 】

[At this moment, quite a few local defense forces who have discovered the changes in the hive capital have already changed their attack direction. 】

[They have turned to the light and are fighting fierce battles with their past colleagues and angels to defend their only homeland. 】

【With half of your face terribly injured and a bloodstained chainsaw sword, you took over the command authority of the Home Defense Force. Almost no one dared to resist your tough decision. 】

【Without any expression on your face, you ordered the defected home defense forces to charge towards the entrance gate of the Hive Capital. 】

[Most of the local defense forces just hesitated, and rushed forward with their laser guns. 】

[At the same time, the battle squads of the battle nuns also passed through the battlefield burning with high-temperature flames, and quickly arrived behind you. 】

[You turn your head and glance at the big nun Jaina who is approaching here. 】

[You gave up command authority without hesitation, and joined the offensive charge towards the entrance of the hive capital, waving the chainsaw sword. 】

[And with the addition of more battle nuns, the casualties of the home defense forces and the Astartes battle group stationed at the entrance of the hive capital became more and more heavy. 】

【You once again let out a roar, continuous blood flowed down from half of your face, and gradually poured into the interior of the power armor. 】

[You seem to be unaware of this. 】

【You slashed down an Astartes monk who was trying to stop your progress, and the sharp sawtooth that turned rapidly cut off the opponent's head. 】

【You flicked the blood on the chainsaw sword with a ferocious expression. 】

【You led the battle nuns with only three people behind you and rushed into the upper hive of the hive capital. 】

[You can almost see the leader of the Gellers Chapter who is using the flesh and blood of a large number of hive civilians to smear the ground and intends to perform the chaos ritual. 】

【You even saw a familiar figure standing beside the other party. 】

[It is the demon judge named Amani. 】

【"Gellers! Amani! Come up and die!" You couldn't help but widen your bloody one-eyed, and let out a terrifying roar at the other party. 】

[At this moment, the Gellers Chapter Leader who seemed to have traces of feathers or fine scales on his face suddenly turned his head and stared at you. 】

【"Lies! Lies! Lies!" He suddenly uttered an angry battle cry that echoed around him. 】

[Afterwards, monks Astartes wielding chainsaw swords and power weapons quickly rushed towards your position. 】

[You take a deep breath. 】

[You feel that the nerves and blood vessels under the silver skull seem to be burning fiercely. 】

【The severe pain from one side of your face also made your spiritual will almost fall into a hazy state. 】

【You activated the power armor without hesitation, and tightened your grip on the roaring chainsaw sword in your palm. 】

[You swing your chainsword at an oncoming Adeptus Astartes. 】

[In an instant, two chainsaw swords with rapidly rotating teeth collided fiercely, splashing out countless dazzling sparks. 】

【You swung another huge fist wrapped in metal armor vigorously. 】

[The monk Astartes who is facing you face-to-face in a stalemate sword fight does not move, he seems to want to resist with the metal helmet. 】

[Unfortunately, when your heavy fist shattered most of the metal helmet, countless shattered pottery-steel metal penetrated into the opponent's face and head. 】

【At the same time, a battle nun who has been following you also approached your side wielding a roaring chainsword. 】

[The next moment, countless rapidly turning sharp sawtooths embedded into the tall body of the monk Astartes without hesitation, quickly tearing apart the power armor and the fragile flesh and blood body. 】

[Then, with the heavy sound of magnetic boots trampling on the ground of the Hive City, more Battle Sisters also poured into the Hive City. 】

[These battle sisters in blood-red power armor passed by your side like red lightning bolts. 】

[They were so fierce that they slammed into the Astartes monks head-on. 】

[In an instant, the Truth Seekers, which were already sparsely populated and suffered even more heavy losses, fell into a great disadvantage in the battle. 】

[The monks Astartes, who had only more than 50 people left, had to stop their charge. 】

[They fought and retreated towards the rear, and spontaneously formed an extremely strong defensive array around Captain Gellers, who was arranging the chaos ceremony. 】

[At this moment, the big nun Jaina, who was flying the pure white battle flag above the power pack, also waved her power claws to join the battle. 】

【Her graceful figure, which is heavily wrapped in blood-red power armor, is far faster and more concise than the combat nuns around her, and even the means of attacking and fighting are more neat and neat. 】

[Countless scalding blood from Astartes monks almost splashed all over her power armor. 】

【You shake your drowsy head slightly. 】

【You slapped hard on the silver skull whose blood vessels seemed to burst. 】

【You casually picked up a power sword dropped by the enemy from the ground. 】

【You take a deep breath of the stale air filled with a strong smell of blood. 】

[You wield the chainsword and the power sword and joined the charge attack against the truth seekers group again. 】

[However, at this time, the Truth Seekers, who had almost fallen into a jeopardy, seemed to erupt with the tenacious fighting will that belonged to the monks of Astartes. 】

[Even if the battle nuns who are not afraid of death use their lives as the price to launch repeated attacks on them, it is difficult to break through the defense array formed by the opponent in a short time. 】

【You just killed a seriously injured Astartes monk, but you were forced back by a power sword swung over in an instant. 】

[You subconsciously turn your gaze. 】

[You accidentally saw the demon judge Amani next to the leader of the Gellers group slowly raised his two palms. 】

[You seem to have clearly sensed that an extremely powerful wave of chaotic witchcraft is rapidly brewing in the opponent's palm. 】

【"Big nun! Amani is the corrupt Tzeentch demon! Stop her chaotic sorcery! Don't let her open the demon portal!" You suddenly opened your blood-red one-eyed wide, and looked at it without looking back. roared in the direction of the Battle Sisters. 】

【"For the emperor—"】

【You gritted your teeth and let out a loud roar. 】

【You drove the power armor full of battle marks once again, and launched a desperate charge forward. 】

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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