Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 220 Line up and shoot!

Chapter 220 Line up and shoot!
The last afterglow of the blood-colored sunset slowly fell, and it was about to sink.

The bloody battle on Staten Island has only just begun.

On the chaotic streets where gunfire erupted one after another.

The elite gangs in black combat uniforms relied on the dilapidated walls of the buildings as basic shelters.

Facing those black-armored ninjas who were elusive by shadows, they fought extremely difficult counterattacks again and again.

Ordinary bullet shooting can only delay the attack of these ubiquitous undead ninjas, and even the leather armor on them is difficult to penetrate.

Only the powerful grenades and high-explosive grenades can really cause damage and completely dissipate the opponent's body.

But slowly over time.

The situation on the battlefield became more and more unfavorable for the gang elites.

The gradually dimming sky provided better natural shelter for the black-armored ninjas.

Every shadow that exists increases the risk of casualties for the gang elite.

The most important thing is that the grenades and high-explosive grenades they have stored are almost exhausted.


At this moment, there was a burst of violent roar as the ground continued to collapse.

Located between the battlefields of the two sides, the center of the ground of a main street suddenly collapsed!
Ka Ka Ka!
At the same time, automatic servo robots with metal shells like tortoise shells suddenly jumped out of the huge potholes that had not yet cleared the dust, carrying heavy logging guns!
They quickly launched a vigilance operation around the huge pothole that was constantly collapsing on the edge!
boom boom-

The heavy logging gun that roared like a logging machine engine fired out extremely accurate large-caliber bullets in an instant!

Almost every bullet will completely tear a black-armored ninja hiding in the shadow of a building into wisps of black smoke that continue to dissipate!
Immediately afterwards, tall figures covered with unpainted gray carapace all jumped out of the dark underground pit at the entrance of the hole.

In just a few breaths.

Countless movements are vigorous and powerful, and the gang dogs who seem to contain infinite power quickly formed a fighting team with a tacit understanding!
Afterwards, they raised the Hydra energy gun and the Terra I laser gun that were tightly held in their palms.

They moved in unison and pulled the trigger fiercely towards any enemy in the field of vision!
Whoosh whoosh—

In an instant, scorching lasers with blue beams mixed with red beams shot out from the muzzles of a large number of laser weapons!

The terrifyingly powerful lasers even penetrated the fragile walls of buildings.

Forcibly burned those black-armored ninjas who tried to hide to ashes!

There were only wisps of weird black smoke that were still slowly dissipating in the air!

"The first team builds a defensive line around the current position and occupies the surrounding commanding heights! The second team assists the gang to clean up the wounded in the team, and unites the third team to search for civilians still alive on the battlefield as much as possible to ensure their safety! The fourth team leads the automatic servo Robots enter the streets for street fighting! Compress the enemy's range of activities!"

At this moment, a Terra I laser gun was carried in the mechanical arm.

Bucky, who still had a chainsaw sword on his back, listened carefully to the battle instructions from the communication channel.

Then, with a cold expression, he immediately opened his mouth and issued successive orders to everyone:

"Remember! Don't show mercy to any heretics! Shoot and kill, and leave no one alive!"

Bucky just finished speaking.

A combat team composed of gang dogs in gray carapaces moved quickly.

They quickly launched a series of battle plans according to the order.

With the help of countless ruined walls, some gang dog teams easily jumped onto the platforms of buildings.

They all held a Hydra shooter in their palms, and everyone half-kneeled on it.

The eyes in the metal helmet kept scanning the streets under the building.

Occasionally, keep pulling the trigger of the laser weapon in the shadow of nearby buildings to kill the enemy!

At the same time, fully armed autonomous servo robots are used as mobile armor.

Part of the Gang Dog Squad enters the ruined streets, following autonomous servo-bots that scan their surroundings.

They probed carefully and cleaned every corner of the battlefield.

When necessary, they will even conduct a round of laser scanning at any suspicious location before investigating!
As a result, countless black-armored ninjas who were hiding and waiting for an opportunity to attack had to attack first.

However, even the sharp samurai swords and special dart guns can hardly penetrate the composite armor made of plastic steel and ceramic steel on the gang dog team!
However, the bulletproof leather armor or bulletproof ability that the black armor ninjas are proud of can hardly resist the terrifying power of laser weapons!
Even if a few black-armored ninjas with exceptionally strong combat effectiveness managed to break through the barrage of scorching lasers.

However, the gang dogs whose strength and reaction speed obviously surpassed that of well-trained ordinary humans grabbed the throat of fate!
Then he was hammered to death on the street ground by metal fists covered with composite armor, and quickly dissipated into wisps of strange black smoke!

Whoosh whoosh—

With the passage of time, and the continuous sweeping of scorching lasers.

The situation on the entire battlefield has gradually reversed in a very short time!

The gang elites who were at an absolute disadvantage also followed the invincible gang dog squad to launch a fierce battle to compress the enemy's range of activities.

Accompanied by the explosion of countless grenades and high-explosive grenades.

The silent black-armored ninjas were quickly wiped out, turning into wisps of strange black smoke that dissipated in the air.

However, just when the gang dog squad and the gang elite are about to gain an advantage on the battlefield.

The black-armored ninjas, whose numbers had decreased a lot, jumped out of the shadows again!
It seemed that what had just been wiped out were only their shadows, and shadows were endless existences!
At this moment, these taciturn undead ninjas brandished long and narrow dart guns and katana swords.

In the other palm, he tightly held high-explosive grenades that would explode if he let go!
Obviously, the commander of the black armored ninja also knew the disadvantages encountered by the ninja team.

Beginning to rely on the undead characteristics of the black armor ninja to launch a series of suicide terrorist attacks!
boom boom-

Firelight mapping with lots of explosions.

The gang dog squad located on the commanding heights of the building immediately made the necessary response.

They rely on the nerve reaction speed far exceeding ordinary people and the extremely high rate of fire of laser weapons.

Start to explode those black-armored ninjas carrying high-explosive grenades in the counterattack team one by one!
At the same time, Bucky, who received a report on the changes in the battlefield situation, also quickly made adjustments.

He ordered the gang dog teams who were still treating the wounded and searching for civilians to abandon their current tasks immediately.

Join the frontline battlefield for support.

And with the addition of more gang dog squads.

The scorching lasers that gradually became denser did not give any black-armored ninja any room to react!

Wait until the dilapidated buildings on the nearby streets are completely swallowed up by the terrifying laser barrage and the metal bullet storm of the automatic servo robot, and gradually flattened.

The black-armored ninjas, who had no place to hide anymore, had no choice but to stop their counterattack decisively.

The remaining enemies went so far as to swing their samurai swords and decapitate themselves.

Then, the continuously dissipating body turned into wisps of strange black smoke.

They quickly gathered in a building on a secluded street!
 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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