Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 119 Space Man Eater Shark: Ax in hand, follow me!Grab people, grab food, grab bombs! (8)

Chapter 119 Space Man Eater Shark: Ax in hand, follow me!Grab people, grab food, grab bombs! (Eight)

[The violent explosion flames of the rockets obscured your sight. 】

[The powerful force field generated by the shield generator blocked the damage of the fragments. 】

[The shock caused by the explosion didn't even shake your Terminator. 】

【At this moment, with a sharp roar, the Tornado missiles of the Destroyer Heavy Fire Team flew across the air one after another. 】

[Falling into the tide of flesh and blood composed of aliens, a terrifying explosion occurred. 】

[The cannons of the five Predator tanks roared violently, and at the same time, they crushed the hybrid aliens that were almost everywhere with their heavy armor. 】

[Suddenly, the turbulent trend of aliens seemed to be temporarily stopped for a moment. 】

【You seized the brief opportunity. 】

【Relying on the protective force field of the Terminator power armor, you covered the combat brothers and rushed into the cathedral. 】

[However, the aliens that surged up again gradually upgraded their attack methods. 】

[The buzzing of laser guns becomes the playing of heavy logging guns. 】

[The Genestealer sect occupied the commanding heights around the Pardon Square, and launched a fierce counterattack condescendingly. 】

[Even if the opponent's shooting accuracy is not high, there are still a few unlucky combat brothers who were penetrated through the power armor and fell heavily to the ground. 】

[Accompanied by the praise and shouts of countless aliens. 】

[The half-breed acolytes in the first generation of gene stealers waved four arms, and they joined the battle with their stolen weapons in terrifying shapes. 】

[Then, three-meter-high gene stealer aberrations rushed into the Pardon Square wielding heavy industrial weapons. 】

[They surrounded the Land Raiders and Predator Tanks, trying to damage the heavy armor of the vehicles. 】

[Space Sharks can't afford to lose any heavy vehicles. 】

[Company Commander Shawen immediately issued an order to retreat. 】

[The drivers inside all locked the vehicle, and tried to break out under the cover of Astartes shooting. 】

[Those clumsy mixed-breed chicken thieves are difficult to control again, so it becomes possible to recover vehicles after the battle. 】

[Only 10 minutes later, the battle vehicles on the Absolution Square almost lost their function. 】

[The current third company lacks bunker protection and some fire support. 】

[Company Commander Chavin ordered the Destroyer heavy fire team to release more firepower to try to suppress the surging aliens. 】

[The beams of plasma cannons and the roar of heavy explosive bombs continued to sound, and each salvo could eliminate thousands of gene stealers. 】

[But this is not even fur damage to the never-ending tide of aliens. 】

[The storm bolter in your hand keeps shooting those tall mutants, trying to reduce the defensive pressure of the entire company. 】

[At this moment, a large-caliber logging gun bullet collided with your protective force field. 】

[The consumption of protecting against the impact of large-caliber bullets also made your power backpack emit a sudden and violent buzzing. 】

[A combat brother standing next to you had no time to dodge, and his tall figure was completely torn in half by the logging gun. 】

【"Company commander! The commanding heights must be removed!" You yelled at the company commander Sha Wen through the communication device. 】

[The next second, with the teleportation light, a tactical team with full Terminator power armor appeared in the center of the Pardon Square. 】

[A flamethrower in their hands instantly sprayed burning promethium, which violently ablated the surrounding aliens. 】

【You saw the squad leader Colo raised his roaring bolt gun and led the entire squad to attack the surrounding commanding heights. 】

[A reserve team took advantage of the short gap cleared by the Destroyer team with its powerful firepower, rushed into the Pardon Square, and provided the necessary support for the Terminator team. 】

[Afterwards, the two teams that managed to join together formed a wedge-shaped offensive formation, and launched an attack against the aliens that came again. 】

[Several silent combat brothers sacrificed themselves, providing an important opportunity for the two teams to approach the commanding heights of the building. 】

[Several battle brothers carrying jumping backpacks jumped up in an instant, brandishing chain axes and bolt guns and jumped into the commanding heights, suppressing the alien heavy weapon firepower. 】

[The pressure of the battle in front of the cathedral has temporarily eased a lot. 】

[Company Commander Shawen sent several other teams to reoccupy part of the square and hold the front line. 】

[A few minutes later, the Terminator team that completed the assault mission occupied the commanding heights of the building and began to suppress the enemy. 】

[However, just when you think the situation is temporarily easing. 】

[The flanks of the square position gradually fell into a state of loss. 】

[A group of half-breed cultists drove a stolen Chimera personnel carrier and rushed in, opening a gap for the follow-up tide of aliens. 】

[You swing the power ax and chain saw ax again to the rescue. 】

[You use all the fragmentation grenades on your body to blow up the Chimera personnel carrier that is trying to turn around. 】

【You escorted the wounded combat brothers into the interior of the cathedral. 】

[Company Commander Shawen stood in front of the cathedral, and he received the reconnaissance data from the flying vehicle. 】

【In an instant, you saw several bursts of explosion flames continuously rising under the dark night sky. 】

[That was a short-lived victory for the flying vehicle to kill the small leader of the Genestealer sect. 】

【Company Commander Shawen stared at the alien tide that became crazy again, and chose to shrink the defense. 】

[The Astartes of the several squads holding their positions retreated into the cathedral one after another, and even the Terminator squad occupying the commanding heights deliberately slowed down their shooting speed. 】

[This causes numerous aliens to begin storming the cathedral's front door. 】

[Your storm bolter has already run out of ammunition. 】

【While you are controlling the deflagration gun above your head to spit out the remaining flames, you are wielding the power ax and the chain saw axe. 】

[Lian Chang Shawen also joined the battle. 】

[He silently swung the chain saw ax named 'Reaper', his combat movements were terrifying and efficient. 】

[Countless aliens who rushed forward were chopped into pieces of flesh and blood by company commander Shawen. 】

[At this moment, the always ferocious alien tide suddenly stagnated for a moment. 】

[Then the aliens with their teeth and claws backed away to the two sides, slowly giving way to a wide road leading directly to the cathedral. 】

[You subconsciously glance at Company Commander Shawen. 】

[The company's deliberate show of weakness in the fighting style really caused a change in the Genestealer patriarch. 】

[A gene-stealer patriarch with a body height of six meters, covered with a black chitin carapace, and four thick and terrifying claws that almost dragged to the ground appeared a huge and terrifying figure. 】

【Its steps are slow and heavy, and each step seems to be full of powerful strength, like a king walking among his subjects. 】

[The terrifying alien leader has stepped up the steps made of stone, and is about to enter the interior of the cathedral. 】

[The Astartes battle-brothers behind you have drawn their chainaxes and are ready to attack. 】

[You also hold the power ax and the chain saw ax tightly in your hand. 】

[At this moment, your vision suddenly became blurred, and there was a severe stabbing pain in your head hidden in the dog-shaped helmet. 】

【The company commander Shawen standing beside him also stopped his movements suddenly. 】

[It seems to be a psionic attack from the patriarch of the gene stealer, hypnotic gaze. 】

【You forcibly broke free from the shackles of psionic energy. 】

【You endured intense pain and let out a hoarse roar. 】

【"For. Father of Void!!!"】

 It’s almost over. I don’t know if you still want to read the story of the man-eating shark. To continue writing is to watch the chapter leader jump to help the Hive Fleet alone. Of course, the protagonist has to come back once, at least you need to meet the Hive through the node will
(End of this chapter)

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