Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 112 Space Man Eater Shark: Ax in hand, follow me!Grab people, grab food, grab bombs! (1)

Chapter 112 Space Man Eater Shark: Ax in hand, follow me!Grab people, grab food, grab bombs! (one)

【Simulation starting——】

[Current identity: Space Wolf Bloodclaw (subspace)]

【Please select the coming identity first】

【If you refuse, it will come soon】

[Refused to choose an identity]

【Simulation starting——】

【You have come to the Warhammer universe】

【Time: Unknown】

[Location: Milky Way, Outer Domain, Unknown Void]

【You descended into a battle barge named 'Water Monster'...】

[You are in the interior of a private cabin. 】

[Just behind you, a huge water tank occupies one-third of the room. 】

[You are wearing a set of Mark V rebel power armor with a mix of parts. 】

[A sallow-faced and thin boy reluctantly holds up the metal helmet to you. 】

[His slightly bright eyes are one basket and one red, and the iris seems to have undergone some kind of mutation. 】

【You breathe the moist air, subconsciously take over the heavy helmet. 】

[You saw the smiling little boy, revealing the deformed teeth caused by long-term malnutrition. 】

【"Name." You bowed your head and asked. 】

[Your deep voice is like a rough eraser scratching the smooth glass, which is extremely harsh. 】

【"I, my name is S, Sbangji, Pa, Master Patrick..." The little boy with a hesitant expression stammered. 】

【You can't help grinning, revealing a row of shark-like sharp and sharp white teeth. 】

[You drive the put on power armor to the broken mirror in the cabin. 】

[You saw a bald Astartes monk with no hair. 】

【Your skin color is as pale as the dead, and even the sclera in your eyes are completely black. 】

[You stare at the rebellion-style power armor, which is a mix of parts, and the shark logo printed on the gray ceramic steel surface. 】

[You seem to recall the Astartes Chapter with similar characteristics. 】

[Space Sharks... The Human Devouring Sharks. 】

[You hear the cautious urging from the little boy Spongi. 】

[He reminds you that a brief lunchtime is coming. 】

[You let Spangi lead you out of the cabin, through the complex and varied passages, to the lower compartment of the battle barge. 】

[You have come to a wide space that Spangi calls a 'crab-shaped hall'. 】

[You saw countless mortals who came to receive food, and there were about 3000 people just by visual inspection. 】

[You also saw the Astartes monks among the crowd. 】

[Wearing mixed power armor, they almost all have the same pale gray skin, but only a few of them have completely black sclera. 】

【You are sitting in a corner where no one is around. 】

[You stare at the excited little boy Spangi, who has quick steps and a flexible figure, passed through a large crowd, and went to the hatch where the food was collected. 】

【You get a small bowl of nutritious porridge mixed with ceramic powder and about one liter of fresh water. 】

【You ate a spoonful of nutritious porridge with a slight frown. 】

【You look at the little boy Spangji holding a bowl of corpse starch as light as clear water with a blank face, and sip it reluctantly. 】

[Your keen senses have noticed a strong mortal warrior, he just walked in front of you with a plate of fragrant unknown beast meat. 】

【"Sbungie, look at my bowl...don't steal it, or mortals will choke to death." You told the little boy, and slowly got up. 】

【You drive the power armor and strode towards the hatch for receiving food. 】

[Suddenly, a large number of mortals, whether warriors or servants, made way for you one by one. 】

[Dozens of Astartes monks who were eating looked at each other, their eyes seemed to be full of doubts. 】

[Your power armor blocks the hatch for receiving food. 】

[You stretched out your arm and grabbed a mortal chef who was in charge of distributing food. 】

【"Why can my servants only eat corpse starch, while others can eat meat?" You stared blankly at the mortal chef whose forehead was covered in cold sweat. 】

[The fat body of the other party hanging in the air was shaking violently, and he opened and closed his mouth several times but failed to make a sound. 】

["Padrik 5020 of the scouting team, I order you to put him down." A deeper voice came from behind you. 】

【You move the heavy power armor and turn around to look back. 】

[A burly and heavy Terminator powered armor, with a Terminator Ankh and several prayers on the edge of the shoulder armor, and three ancient iron skulls hanging from the waist Astarte monk slowly walks towards you Come. 】

[You try to judge the other party's identity information from the respectful actions and words of the nearby Astartes monk. 】

【You quickly let go of the huge palm holding the mortal chef's collar. 】

[You cast the Chapter Salute on the Adeptus Astartes wearing Terminator power armor. 】

["...Company Commander!" You didn't know the name of the opponent, but you subconsciously made a reasonable judgment based on the preciousness of the Terminator's power armor. 】

【"Why bully mortals without authorization? Have you forgotten the Astartes scriptures and your dignity as an Astartes monk?" The deep voice from the company commander rang through your ears like a bursting mine. 】

【You tactfully waited for the other party to end the questioning, and then explained the ins and outs of the whole incident in detail. 】

[The commander of the third company named Chauvin stared at you blankly, and there seemed to be no emotion in those black scleras. 】

【He walked close to the mortal chef, leaned over and listened to what the other person said. 】

[You also learned from this that the food supplies of this battle barge and the entire battle group are running low. 】

[The reason why those mortal warriors get meat food is because they are a group of mortal auxiliaries called 'devourers'. 】

[They were about to participate in a fierce battle, and they received additional food compensation... that might be the last meal in their short life. 】

[You fell silent for a moment. 】

【You turn around and apologize solemnly to the mortal chef. 】

【You also admitted your mistake again to the expressionless Company Commander Chauvin. 】

[Company Commander Chauvin accepted your apology, and at the same time, he also used his share of food to fetch an unknown animal meat and handed it to you. 】

【"Padrik, the never-ending ship is our only homeland. We used to be the Forsaken, but now we have changed...Although they are servants of mortals, they are also the servants of Langu (Emperor) My people, I don't want to encounter this kind of thing again..." The deep voice of the expressionless Company Commander Chauvin came to your ears again. 】

【You stared at a pair of pitch-black eyes, revealing sharp teeth like sharks. 】

【You made a small suggestion to the other party. 】

[You volunteered to participate in the combat mission of the Mortal Auxiliary Army. 】

【You plan to atone for your crimes and try to bring them back alive. 】

[The expressionless company commander Chauvin rolled his dark eyes. 】

【He seemed to hesitate for a while, but finally agreed to your request. 】

 thanks for your support!
Sharks, big sharks, tiger sharks—

Haha, write about the Shark Shark, and also write about the Outland Void and the Renegade Warband in the Warhammer Universe.

Because there are very few materials, there are many places where I can play.

PY transaction, book push time:
"As Superman's Brother, But I Became a Homelander" by Fang Daxie who escaped, Wanding's work, it is worth recommending!

Friends who like the same type of books can give it a try.

(End of this chapter)

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