Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1098: Final Ascension to God ()

It was when the Emperor's humanity had its first official interview with the soon-to-be-god Rorschach.

  On the sea of ​​nothingness that transcends time and space, a crazy killing spree against the planet devourer is going on quietly.

  First, the Holy Tzeentch, who had the deepest understanding of most of the conceptual power of the native universe, used supreme means to cut off the close connection between Galactus and the native universe.

  Immediately afterwards, the Sixth Chaos Evil God and the icy sun transformed by the Emperor cooperated with each other to resist the constant siege from the other creation gods, buying time for the other Chaos Evil Gods.

  After the loving father Nurgle, who occasionally let out honest laughter, sprayed Galactus, the ultimate divine plague that even the gods could not withstand for a long time, on Galactus who was being hacked repeatedly by the blood god Khorne.

  The planet devourer, whose huge body was rapidly exuding signs of decay and decline, finally revealed an emotional wave called fear for the first time!

  In fact, both the creation gods and the evil gods of chaos will perish.

  It's just that because of the special nature of subspace, the Chaos Gods with their backs to the Supreme Sky will find it difficult for them to fall into such a difficult situation unless the real universe is completely destroyed.

  However, the creation gods are completely different. Although they have some kind of conceptual god body, they have freedom that the chaos gods do not have, and they can even choose to abandon the local universe after paying a certain price, but this does not mean that they It will definitely be immortal.

  If someone could exhaust all their efforts to design a seamless conspiracy, and possess terrifying power that rivals the creation gods.

  Then it will naturally become easy to kill the gods successfully.

  And the Holy Saint Tzeentch, who happens to be the best at this, also has this ability with the strong cooperation of other Chaos Gods!

  At this moment, Galactus, who had fear and many other negative emotions, was immediately caught by the most sensitive Slaanesh Shalesh, who had a fatal loophole in his mind.

  The opponent who occasionally let out a low and charming smile suddenly emerged from the depths of countless subspace storms, a charming figure that was neither a man nor a woman.

  A huge long sword with a sharp blade constantly exuding purple spiritual energy took the opportunity to insert into the depths of the planet devourer's huge body, and instantly injected more negative emotions that could not be suppressed into the depths of the opponent's mind!

  And just when Galactus became more and more panicked, he even wanted to forcibly escape from his native universe and escape into the Sea of ​​Nothingness.

  The scarlet ax wielded by the Blood God Khorne suddenly became the only image left in the opponent's consciousness!


  Accompanied by terrifying vibrations and crazy roars from between the two universes.

  The entire head belonging to Galactus instantly rose into the sky, and then the head and huge body quickly turned into the power of countless concepts and returned to everything in the local universe!
  But the complete return of the power of countless concepts controlled by a creation god himself has made the overall quality of the local universe heavier.

  The collision and fusion with the Warhammer universe has gradually gained some upper hand.

  Whether standing on Sacred Terra or Native Terra and looking up.

  The black hole of nothingness between the two solar systems is clearly spiraling out of control. Even the Emperor and the Sixth Chaos God, as well as the Blood God Khorne and the Orc Gods, cannot completely stop it!
  Almost at the same time, Emperor Humanity and Rorschach, who were at the top of their native Terra Himalayas, couldn't help but look up.

  They seemed to have witnessed the fall of a creation god, and immediately noticed that a small part of the conceptual power that originally belonged to Galactus fell into Rorschach himself and Sef Rorschach's body.

  At this moment, a super-large subspace storm seemed to envelope the entire native Terra.

  Rorschach, whose whole huge body was sitting on the black glazed throne, seemed to have officially entered the important stage of becoming a god. Even if he wanted to regret it now, he could not step down from the throne.

  Rorschach, whose soul and even consciousness were still awake, quickly began to communicate more with the emperor's humanity in front of him. In fact, after learning part of the truth from the emperor, Rorschach was not very surprised, nor did he feel any emotion to blame the emperor.

  He does know what a miserable end it will be for a helpless mortal to face the subspace and the evil god of chaos.

  And he was able to become the Primarch, and now he is about to ascend the throne of Chaos God. This is already a perfect ending for a time traveler and a foreigner.

  Thinking of this, Rorschach suddenly asked the emperor's humanity about the specific origin of the simulator.

  Rorschach, who originally expected to get a correct answer, saw the Emperor shake his head slightly.

  The Emperor's humanity believes that the simulator is more like a manifestation of Rorschach's own talent, which means that Rorschach himself can travel through time and space and reach the past and future.

  Although the Emperor and the Chaos Evil Gods can tamper with it to a certain extent.

  But Rorschach, who has most of the autonomy, is the real controller of the simulator.

  Even if this controller is just a mortal who was lucky enough to be successfully saved by the Emperor.


  At this moment, Rorschach's entire huge body is rapidly absorbing a large amount of chaotic spiritual energy, pushing the essence of greedy dissolving power to the limit.

  The emperor's humanity, who had been pondering for a long time, also slowly told the other party a method that might temporarily solve the doomsday of destruction caused by the collision and fusion of the two universes.

  In any case, the overall process of the two single universes merging into the multiverse cannot be ended.

  But they can try their best to slow down this process gradually, or even switch to a softer and more stable fusion method, so that the two universes can merge into one in a slower state.

  And the emperor's method is also very simple.

  That is, from the moment Rorschach ascends to the throne of Chaos God, he needs the other party to force himself between the two universes and become a brake pad when the two sides collide and merge.

  Moreover, this situation is not only extremely painful for a Chaos Evil God, but the time required may also be calculated in tens of thousands of years.

  It seemed that the Emperor's humanity could not bear to see the scion of the Primarch face such a difficult and terrifying situation.

  He even proposed that some cooperation and compromise could be reached with the Chaos Evil Gods, so that the gods could unite to capture the creation gods to carry out the braking plan.

  However, when Rorschach asked the other party about the success rate of the plan to capture the creation gods, what he received was the emperor's humane silence.

  Therefore, Rorschach, who slowly took a deep breath, agreed to the braking plan proposed by the Emperor's humanity without any hesitation.

  He needs to use the body of a god to continuously slow down the collision and fusion speed between the two single universes, so that the formation of the entire multiverse will no longer be full of destruction and end!


  At this moment, the six infinity stones were emitting endless energy, and Rorschach without any hesitation made a terrifying snap that resounded between the two universes!
  The next second, the first to disappear were naturally the Super Vanguard Guards and the cosmic powerhouses of many alien races that occupied almost the entire solar system!
  In addition, there are more alien races that have not yet arrived and are constantly turning into flying dust and ashes throughout the local universe!
  And with the dull thunder that rings in the ears of every living being and a suffocating silence that is simply unbearable.

  This triple ascension ceremony belonging to the sixth evil god of chaos, Rorshach, has been officially completed!
  thanks for your support!

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