Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1096: Final Ascension to God (8)

As time goes by, the super void shield of native Terra is crumbling.

  Looking around, an endless number of Super Vanguard Guards continuously broke away from the large landing cabins, and then fell directly from the icy void onto the Super Void Shield.

  Even if most of them were bombarded by the terrifying firepower from the surface of the planet, nothing was left.

  But these mindless super biological weapons have no intention of stopping their attack!
  At the same time, Perturabo, who had countless nanorobots wrapped around his huge metal body, was looking up at the super void shield.

  Around him, except for the steel phalanxes composed of tens of thousands of fully armed steel warriors.

  There are also hundreds of thousands of heavy vehicles controlled by elite mortal warriors and servitors, as well as an uncountable number of intelligent control legions.

  At this moment, I saw that the super void shield covering the world could no longer hold on for long.

  Perturabo, who was extremely experienced in war, immediately issued a series of orders.

  The most important one is to have Iron Man David use the Super Void Shield to open a gap above the surface position where the Iron Warriors are stationed.

  It intends to use this to release more resistance pressure for the Super Void Shield. Otherwise, once the entire Super Void Shield continuously collapses, the native Terra will inevitably fall into the vast ocean of Super Vanguard.


  As a huge gap slowly opened, a large number of super vanguard guards like a tide began to fall continuously toward the surface.

  Even hundreds of thousands of super vanguard guards turned into bloody corpses on the spot!

  However, after more and more corpses could be buffered, countless super vanguard guards who had successfully survived immediately launched an extremely fierce charge towards the densely packed intelligent control legion and heavy vehicle phalanx!

  And when Perturabo, who was standing at the rear, suddenly raised a vibranium warhammer held tightly in his metal palm.

  The steel warriors who maintained the steel phalanx also quickly held up vibranium energy shields and thicker jump shields, and attacked the front of the super vanguard step by step!

  However, at this time, fierce fighting was taking place on every battlefield between the two universes.

  Illusory giant hands that were as big as planets slowly emerged from the cold void.

  The creation gods, who had just lost one of their chosen gods, seemed to have lost their remaining patience, and actually descended on the battlefield of the local universe in person!

  I saw this illusory giant hand that only contained various concepts of the universe quickly launched a bombardment towards the black hole of nothingness that was being firmly supported by several giant hands!
  But then, another terrifying giant hand belonging to the Emperor and the Sixth Chaos Evil God appeared out of thin air in the cold void.

  They launched a head-on confrontation with the illusory giant hands of the creation gods without any hesitation!
  Boom boom boom!
  At this moment, there are just some aftermaths of the battle between several terrifying gods.

  This caused part of the fleet of gods besieged around the native Terra to fall into an unavoidable disaster!
  The huge ships of the gods instantly turned into floating metal powder.

  More alien races and super vanguards have become cosmic dust without any sound!

  Chi Chi Chi!
  At the same time, an illusory giant hand belonging to Planet Devourer, one of the creation gods, took advantage of the fact that the Emperor and the Sixth Chaos Evil God were temporarily unable to escape, and suddenly penetrated the black hole of nothingness with the entire hand, and successfully entered the Warhammer time of the universe.

  A series of terrifying energy beams from the Necrons immediately bombarded this extremely huge illusory giant hand! Even if these extremely ancient weapons are just in terms of power, they are far inferior to the secret weapons used by the Necrons to deal with the Star Gods.

  But being able to inflict some harm on the real gods with mortal creations is already far beyond the imagination of many alien races and even the human empire!

  And just after the creation gods Planet Devourer faintly let out a low roar that resounded throughout the universe due to the injury between the illusory giant hands.

  In the depths of countless subspace storms that permeated the solar star field, a big blood-red hand holding a scarlet ax tightly in its huge palm immediately launched an extremely terrifying sneak attack towards the opponent!


  In an instant, just one blow later.

  A huge severed hand with divine blood splashing everywhere was completely separated from the planet devourer's thick arm.

  Falling heavily towards a ring-shaped defense zone in the Sun Star Domain!
  If it weren't for the bursts of sudden golden light that suddenly slowed down the fall of this extremely terrifying severed hand.

  Then the still intact circular defense zone may be completely penetrated!
  However, a sneak attack from Khorne did some real damage to one of the Creator Gods.

  But the extremely angry Planet Eater did not immediately launch a counterattack.

  The other party's lofty gaze suddenly turned back to the local universe, and then quickly focused on a skeleton that was quietly crossing the sea of ​​nothingness!


  At this moment, Rorschach, who still maintains the form of a skeleton from top to bottom, is speeding through the sea of ​​nothingness that transcends time and even space.

  The living saint Zoya did not accompany him, after successfully activating Rorschach's will to fight.

  The opponent immediately returned to the fierce battlefield of the Warhammer universe.

  At this moment, Rorschach's eyes were burning with golden flames deep in his eyes.

  He could clearly see five illusory figures above a crystal ball, engaged in a non-stop duel with six terrifying figures deep in a super-large subspace storm!

  Just the powerful aftermath produced when the two sides fight can easily destroy one unsuspecting single universe after another!

  But now looking from Rorschach's perspective, he also discovered that among the six Chaos Evil Gods, only the Emperor, Khorne and the Sixth Chaos Evil God were constantly fighting against the five creation gods, and the remaining three terrifying figures Hidden in the subspace storm, he remained unmoved, as if he was watching a show silently!

  Boom boom boom!
  In an instant, Rorschach, who was gradually approaching the crystal ball under the local universe, suddenly felt a fear and pressure from all directions firmly condensed on his soul and even consciousness!
  He understood almost instantly that the creation gods had discovered his existence!
  But before Rorschach could release any essence of power.

  A terrifying big hand covering the sky and the sun, wrapped in the infinite divine power that swallowed all things, slammed down towards his position!

  thanks for your support!

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