Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1094: Final Ascension to God (6)

However, when Thanos, the Beyonder, reopened the fighting distance between them.

  While quickly recovering from all injuries, he also continued to engage in fierce energy battles with Rorschach.

  A large amount of transcendent divine power and chaotic essence remain in the depths of terrifying fluctuations.

  The extremely huge demigod Rorschach waved his huge palm without any hesitation.

  Looking around, the broken universes like tombstones around the Cemetery of Gods were instantly pulled out of dead planets with extremely amazing mass!
  The next second, these dead planets were like meteorites, facing the aftermath of countless energy bombardments and bombarding them in front of the huge body of Thanos, the Beyonder!
  At this moment, as time continues to pass.

  Rorschach seems to be gaining the upper hand in this death battle!
  Because no matter how hard the Beyonder Thanos fights, his attack methods and offensive forms are being deciphered and familiarized one by one by Rorschach.

  Instead, Rorschach benefited from the awakening and fusion of the essence of chaos power and the essence of countless subspaces.

  Allowing him to change combat strategies and fighting methods at any time, catching Thanos, the Beyonder, by surprise!

  However, just when Rorschach wanted to rely on this method of war of attrition to deal with Thanos, the Beyonder.

  From the perspective of the past, amid countless bloody storms.

  Horus, who was greatly blessed by the Four Gods of Chaos, had successfully killed the dying Archangel Sanguinius!
  The other party casually dropped the remains of the archangel, which no longer had any human form or sound.

  Then he turned his head and charged towards Rorschach, who was constantly emitting subspace essential fluctuations from the depths of his huge body!

  At this moment, Rorschach, who slowly took a deep breath, had to turn some of his attention again.

  Engaged in an extremely brutal close combat fight with the extremely powerful Horus!

  boom boom-

  And above the current Cemetery of Gods.

  Thanos, the transcendent who was constantly using his transcendent power to engage in a stalemate with the dead planet that Rorschach pulled out casually, immediately noticed it.

  Some extremely terrifying and tragic injuries will appear out of thin air between the huge demigod bodies belonging to Rorschach!

  Even if the opponent's own self-healing ability and the golden light from a large number of female birdmen will heal everything instantly.

  However, Thanos, the transcendent with extremely rich fighting will and experience, successfully caught the slightest flaw!
  At this moment, only wisps of colorful divine power of the gods were seen flowing freely between the pure white body of Thanos, the Beyonder.

  This is not the transcendent power of Thanos, the transcendent, but the original power from the five creation gods!
  It opened its mouth suddenly, but no sound came from deep in its throat.

  Until an extremely huge palm quickly lifted forward.

  A finger pointed clearly at Rorschach's demigod body instantly erupted with a burst of instant death power from a mixture of death and annihilation!

  At the moment of lightning, even the living saint Zoya, who was in mid-air, had noticed the little moves of the Beyonder Thanos.

  She even subconsciously controlled each of her clones to perform rescue actions like a moth flying into a flame.

  But this instant death power from the death and annihilation of the creation gods still fell on Rorschach's entire demigod body!

  Chi Chi Chi!
  In an instant, Rorschach, who was focusing most of his attention on Horus in the past, suddenly let out a fierce roar that resounded throughout the Cemetery of Gods.

  His extremely huge demigod body instantly unfolded inch by inch of decay and decay.

  The vitality that almost no one can surpass was quickly stripped of the entire flesh and blood body!
  With a distorted expression, Rorschach quickly fell heavily towards the surface of the Cemetery of Gods.

  His demigod body, which was about five hundred meters high, also continued to shrink and collapse.

  Until the only thing left in the sight of Thanos, the Beyonder, was a skeleton with countless bones and a shiny black texture!

  "Haha..." Seeing the extremely difficult situation, Rorschach finally perished in front of his own eyes.

  Thanos, the transcendent who still raised his hand, subconsciously showed a fleeting and ferocious smile.

  It even completely ignored the golden light spears that countless female birdmen were throwing at it, trying to prolong the joy and regret of defeating a terrifying enemy as long as possible.

  ka ka ka-

  However, just when Thanos, the Beyonder, stood between the Tombs of Gods and enjoyed his moment of victory.

  Rorschach's huge skeleton that had collapsed on the ground suddenly started to tremble.

  The next moment, Thanos, the transcendent, opened his eyes wide and stared at the horrifying scene in front of him.

  Between the skull belonging to Rorschach.

  The depths of those extremely dark eye sockets once again burned with extremely bright golden flames!

  I saw him slowly shaking his dark and shiny skeleton as he stood up from the ground.

  A huge, trembling bony hand reached into the empty chest and groped back and forth.

  Wait until the huge bone hand is taken out.

  An Asgardian God of War that was faintly emitting a faint red light actually appeared deep in the palm of his hand!
  "Ugh... No wonder I always feel that there is something extra in the essence of all power. I'd better leave this Asgardian God of War to the wild wolf cub."

  At this moment, Rorschach, who still maintained a skeleton appearance, muttered to himself.

  He casually put away the God of War, and waved his other huge bone hand.

  Six Infinity Stones, which were on the surface of the Cemetery of Gods, constantly emitting terrifying energy fluctuations, slowly rose into the air, and then landed one by one on the surface of one of Rorschach's huge bone hands!
  "This is impossible! How can you still be alive!"

  "Even if I deal with the instant-death power from death and annihilation, I need to be careful! This is a conceptual power that comes from the origin of the universe!"

  Thanos, the transcendent whose facial expression gradually became distorted, subconsciously issued a question that resounded throughout the Cemetery of Gods.

  Its two huge palms were raised forward again.

  A series of terrifying divine powers from Galactus, Annihilation, Infinity, Death and Eternity surged out crazily once again.

  However, Rorschach, who seemed to have only a skeleton left, lowered his head slightly and stared at the six infinity stones completely attached to the back of the giant bone hand.

  He subconsciously let out an extremely low sneer and said in a very indifferent tone:

  "First, I may be one of the most powerful immortals besides the Emperor and even Vulkan. As long as the spiritual power around me is immortal, it will be difficult for me to be successfully killed."

  "Second, these six infinite gems, which contain the power of the universe for several epochs, are far beyond the imagination of you, me and even the creation gods. Perhaps you have designed countless conspiracies and tricks for me, but you have only forgotten Stop me from collecting all the Infinity Stones in advance!"

  Rorschach's voice just fell.

  Before his face turned ugly, Thanos, the Beyonder, once again launched an extremely fierce and crazy attack.

  He quickly raised a huge bony hand.

  Then without any hesitation, he made a crisp finger snap that resounded throughout the Cemetery of Gods!

  thanks for your support!

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