Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1091: Final Ascension to God (3)


  At this moment, even Rorschach, who had no emotion, couldn't help but let out a terrifying roar that echoed around him.

  His entire soul and even consciousness seemed to be being torn apart rapidly.

  In an instant, part of the soul and consciousness successfully returned to the past under the influence of the Emperor's power, and embarked on the most powerful Glorious Queen-class battleship 'Spirit of Vengeance' in the history of the Human Empire!

  The other part of the soul and consciousness is left in the present, and has to control the huge body to face Thanos, the transcendent who is very close at hand!
  "Haha, humble heretic traitor, why do you think the gods and I allowed you to gather all the resistance and even allowed you to successfully complete the ascension ceremony?"

  Thanos, the transcendent who subconsciously raised his thick arms, stared at Rorschach in front of him with interest, and said in a low tone:
  "It must be for this moment! This may be the time when you are the most powerful, but it is also the time when you are the most vulnerable!"

  The voice of Thanos just fell.

  Rorschach, with strands of pale golden blood constantly flowing between his mouth and nose, seemed to be quickly adapting to today's special situation.

  Not only was his entire soul and consciousness completely split in two, but even the perspectives he could see were in the past and the present!
  From his left perspective, he could clearly see in the depths of the dark passage not far away, the Sons of Horus wielding demonic weapons, leading many Chaos Demons to charge towards him.

  From the perspective on the right, Rorschach can also clearly capture that Thanos, the transcendent whose huge body is completely wrapped in pure white energy, is slowly raising an extremely thick arm in front of him, which is enough to destroy all matter. The terrifying energy is rapidly condensing!
  dong dong dong-

  Rorschach couldn't help but widen his eyes and had to multitask.

  He raised his left arm in the past, and from the depths of his palm he released terrifying psychic energy waves of greedy dissolution towards a large number of Sons of Horus and Chaos Demons, constantly decomposing and devouring combat units that could pose a threat to him.

  At the same time, Rorschach, who was in the present, used the subspace essence belonging to Khan without any hesitation.

  The entire huge body instantly turned into an extremely bright white light, speeding away in a direction away from Thanos, the Beyonder!

  "Traitor Rorschach, don't waste your efforts. This is the cemetery of the gods specially selected by the creation gods for the fierce battle between you and me!"

  "There is no concept of time or space here. This is an isolated island located above two universes, deep in the sea of ​​nothingness!"

  "Have you seen it? Those huge tombstones everywhere represent the complete failures of single universes. If the two universes you and I are in fail to successfully merge together and be upgraded to a multiverse, then this is you and me. Even the final graveyard of all life!"

  At this moment, the low words from Thanos, the Beyonder, penetrated into Rorschach's ears like maggots on the tarsal bones.

  His huge body, completely transformed into a white light, kept passing by the broken universe that looked like tombstones on the outside, but seemed to be slowly rotating with countless dim planets inside!
  In addition, the entire strange forbidden land known as the Cemetery of Gods is also filled with terrifying gods piled on the surface like huge mountains!
  But from Rorschach's right perspective, these once-famous terrifying gods now only have their broken bodies covered by countless dust!

  What was even more chilling was that Rorschach, who was desperately flying forward, even saw the broken remains of the creation gods more than once!
  The planet devourer whose entire head was twisted by an invisible force, or the death with only one head left, and the annihilation that was completely torn into countless corpse pieces by some terrifying force... even if it is similar to Thanos. Huge corpses were also everywhere.

  Here you can see Thanos wearing observer costumes, Thanos wearing mechanical armor, Thanos wearing primitive fur, and Thanos who has become a god...

  But now, these creation gods who are capable of destroying everything and Thanos from various universes have become an ordinary cornerstone of this cemetery of gods!
  No one even knows how glorious their past was, and what happened to them that brought them to their current miserable state!
  "Rorschach, have you seen it with your own eyes? This is the ultimate fate of the creation gods and even the superpowers in a universe. The sea of ​​nothingness that transcends time and space has never been a good place. This place is more like a A farm where big fish eats small fish, and you and I only exist as plankton in it!"

  "Do you think the creation gods pushed the two single universes to upgrade to the multiverse out of mere ambition? No, they were just frightened after accidentally seeing the Cemetery of Gods!"

  "But if you choose to trace the origin, the responsibility for all this still lies with your universe and those Chaos Evil Gods! When they, who have never set foot in the Sea of ​​Nothingness, thought they had found a brand new universe where they could unleash their malice unscrupulously, They never thought that their existence and foundation would be exposed in the sea of ​​nothingness."

  "To a certain extent, this is the only chance for our two universes to continue to survive. Once the single universe is successfully upgraded to the multiverse, the ten terrifying gods who are forced to join together are enough to make us live in the void. Gain a certain foothold in the sea! Those terrifying enemies who are spying on us will also think twice before taking action!"

  "Rorschach, you are indeed a traitor who betrayed your own universe, but if you are willing to turn back, then we can give you a mere chaos god position in the subspace, and even let your original body brothers and even your descendants... Become a survivor of the entire multiverse!”

  At this moment, the low words from Thanos, the Beyonder, poured into Rorschach's ears like a shadow.

  But Rorschach never stopped.

  In fact, all of his attention is on the left perspective of the past.

  They are rampaging aboard the flagship of Horus, the Spirit of Vengeance!

  He not only unexpectedly sensed the emperor's magnificent power from this extremely large ship.

  He even sensed the throbbing blood of Rogal Dorn and Sanguinius respectively!

  It was at this time that Rorschach, whose entire huge body forcibly penetrated countless layers of thick decks, finally arrived at a bridge hall filled with terrifying chaotic energy!

  And it's within his field of vision in the past.

  The extremely huge body, infused with the blessing power of countless Chaos Evil Gods, Horus Luperkar, who is also at the extreme state of becoming a god, is madly ravaging the Archangel Sanguinius with a crushing level of powerful combat power!

  In an instant, Rorschach, who had experienced the black rage and felt the same, couldn't help but let out a huge roar that echoed through the past and present!

  thanks for your support!

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