Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1089: Final Ascension to God (1)

To some extent.

  Jointly resisting an uncontrollable terrorist threat will always be an important means of uniting all forces.

  Even Rorschach did not expect that the doomsday involving the life and death of the two universes was about to come.

  Many alien races throughout the galaxy can unite with the human empire to fight against the crazy enemies from the outside world.

  Even the Necrons are because the power of the Infinity Stones can create flesh and blood for them.

  The green-skinned orcs simply came to enjoy the fun of brutal war.

  But no matter what, several major races in the Warhammer universe have gathered in the Sun Star Territory to contribute their share to this war-torn universe.

  Soon after, there was a wave of bright green energy.

  Within the field of vision of Rorschach and others, Sefrosha led the God Lord Doom, the figure king Trazin, and a group of Necrons headed by the King of the Storm Dynasty to successfully descend on Holy Terra.

  Immediately afterwards, the wild wolf Rorschach and the war leader of the green-skinned orcs, Slakar the Bonecrusher, also arrived at Holy Terra on a rickety orc flying vehicle.

  Therefore, while the intensity of all wars is still within control.

  Rorschach, Crow King Corax, Lion King Lion, Regent Guilliman, Omegon, Magnus and Lorgar who were forced to come had a formal meeting with the leaders of many alien races. .

  Rorschach and Regent Guilliman first expressed their gratitude to these alien races on behalf of the Human Empire and the Emperor.

  Although many of the Necrons' Pharaohs and Bonecrusher Slarka showed disdain, they suppressed their disgust and allowed the meeting to proceed.

  Later, Rorschach shared all the information in more detail with everyone present without any hesitation.

  Especially when Rorschach truthfully told him that he was about to become a god, the ones who reacted the most were the many Pharaohs of the Necron.

  Because in ancient times, they had personally experienced the endless torture from the Star God.

  Nature is full of distrust and disgust towards these beings whose power and personality far exceed those of materialism.

  However, Slaraka the Bonecrusher, war leader of the greenskin orcs, nodded in agreement.

  The great green-skinned god Gomao Er Ge made it clear that the green-skinned orcs would help Rorschach ascend to his throne of chaos.

  Facing the trouble from the green-skinned orcs, the Necrons' Pharaohs were about to break out on the spot, but were stopped by the Storm King's Pharaoh, Storm King Imotek, who raised his hand.

  The other party asked Rorschach very clearly whether the power of the legendary infinite stones could restore flesh and blood to the Necrons.

  At this moment, Rorschach, who lowered his head to feel the state of the infinite stones, had no unnecessary nonsense.

  He asked the Necron side to randomly send a candidate, and then mobilized some of the power of the infinite gems on the spot to completely bombard the opponent's living metal body!
  The next moment, it was within the sight of countless people.

  A Necron made entirely of living metal turned into a flesh and blood body that constantly exuded the breath of life on the spot!
  In fact, from the moment the Necrons' souls were completely devoured by the Star Gods, they could no longer transform from metal into flesh and blood.

  Not even the omnipotent power of the Infinity Stones could reverse this situation.

  Instead, it uses the living metal of the Necrons as the skeleton to re-grow a flesh and blood body with life activity and basic metabolic cycle on the outside.

  However, no one can find out the truth except Rorschach, who possesses the infinite gems. Especially after the Arch-Emperors from the Necrons witnessed this miraculous live demonstration with their own eyes.

  Even Storm King Imotek immediately fell into a state of uncontrollable excitement.

  Therefore, the other party announced to Rorschach and others on the spot that the Human Empire would be one of the most important allies of the Necrons, and all the power of the Necrons would provide any help for Rorschach's ascension to the gods and the patron saint of Terra.

  At this moment, I saw that the initial trust and balance had been reached among many alien races.

  Rorschach and Regent Guilliman glanced at each other subconsciously, and immediately drafted a temporary agreement and conducted a signing ceremony with each alien race.

  They do not expect the human empire and the alien race to fall in love with each other in the future, but they will have to wait until everyone successfully survives this doomsday crisis.

  After everything was successfully completed, Rorschach assigned tasks to everyone present without any hesitation.

  Because of their large numbers, the green-skinned orcs are full of fun in war. Their mission is to hold back the Tyranid army of the Hive Mind as much as possible.

  The Wotan Alliance and the Ark Eldar need to assist the Human Empire in guarding the Sun Star Domain and Holy Terra.

  The Necrons themselves have mastered many extremely powerful large-scale war machines. Their mission is to stare at the black hole of nothingness. Once the fleet of gods on the opposite side launches an invasion in the direction of Holy Terra, then I hope the Necrons can exert their power. Their powerful fighting ability.

  In addition, Wolf Rorschach and Sef Rorschach need to lead part of the Scourge's Great Company of Astartes.

  Travel to the Dark Eldar webway city of Commorragh for a perfect start to the massive blood ritual of the Rorshades.


  Above the Himalayan peaks of native Terra.

  The overall large-scale black glazed throne and the alien artifact Shadow Light are gradually merging together.

  And among the countless fluctuations of chaotic spiritual energy that are emitted wantonly.

  Rorschach, who wears Shinichi Shinichi on his huge body, is having his final conversation with Iron Man David.

  "David, you and I have been together along the way, experienced countless sufferings and redemptions, and finally reached this point."

  "You are one of my few friends. I hope you can take good care of the future human empire and the local universe after I completely leave the real universe. Although I don't know if they can survive this doomsday. .”

  "I have no way of knowing what kind of scenes and situations I will face after the ascension ceremony officially begins, and how much of my soul and even consciousness can be preserved. I just hope that the Rorschach of the past can still be remembered by you."

  At this moment, Rorschach, who had an indifferent expression, turned to the iron man David standing beside him and said in a deep voice.

  Iron Man David shook his metal head slightly, with a little blue light flashing deep in his eyes. He replied with an extremely pious and respectful attitude:

  "My Lord, I have witnessed with my own eyes your growth from weak to strong. I have always been your most loyal servant and steward."

  "Please rest assured that I will abide by the agreement between you and me even if I am shattered to pieces!"

  thanks for your support!

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