Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1084 The sky collapses in the end!

In the Taiping Star Territory, the situation is extremely chaotic.

Whether it is the ship-borne auspicious instrument on each main ship, or the more eye-catching and intuitive visual inspection method.

They could all clearly see the overwhelming number of narwhal insect ships, as well as the large Tyranid creatures that almost filled the entire icy void.

Faced with this kind of situation, even some Astartes veterans from the Death Watch have never seen it.

Because all the Tyranid swarms that the Human Empire encountered in the past are nothing compared to the current situation!
The Great Devourer Hive Mind seems determined to sweep across the Sun Star Territory and eat up the entire Holy Terra!

And even if a large number of the combined fleets of the Human Empire managed to keep the ships and the people alive, the ships would die and the people would die, sacrificing the lives of countless mortal crew members for the Emperor.

But after the several Astartes battle groups that came to support were completely destroyed, and the planets that were originally strategic locations were completely lost.

Some of the mortal auxiliary troops who were lucky enough to survive could only watch helplessly as the terrifying fleet composed of countless Tyranids launched an unstoppable march towards the Sun Star Territory.

The only thing that was unexpected, however.

In the cold void, super subspace storms of extremely large scale that even spread to more than a dozen galaxies began to rage wildly in the border area between the Pacific Star Domain and the Sun Star Domain.

Even on some imperial worlds that were supposed to be swallowed up by the Tyranid worm tide and where a large number of mortals were unable to evacuate, densely packed time and space remnant armies or hidden traces of the Cursed Legion appeared one after another.

And as time went by, countless Chaos Demonic Armies from the realm of Khorne accidentally merged into these resistance fronts against the Hive Mind.

According to reports from some Rogue Traders who were lucky enough to escape back to the Sun Star Territory, it was said that the terrifying figure of Angron, the demon prince of Khorne, also appeared on some void battlefields from time to time.

However, it is the above-mentioned methods that buy the maximum time for the entire Sun Star Territory and Holy Terra.

Wait until Rorschach's Scourge Legion and the entire huge fleet successfully arrive at the edge of the Sun Star Territory.

He even saw a large number of extremely unfamiliar alien ships, as well as void defense rings shaped like star rings that filled almost every inch of the cold void inside the Sun Star Territory!
If the Sun Star Field at this moment is carefully viewed from a more macro perspective, it will become more like an extremely large and unfinished community of cosmic miracle buildings!
At the same time, in addition to the main ships from the entire empire that could slowly swim along the void defense ring, countless divine machines belonging to the Mechanicus Order also strolled among the giant forts of astonishing scale. between.

If Rorschach hadn't been so clear-headed, he knew that what was in front of him was the Sun Star Domain and Holy Terra.

He even thought that he had traveled to the golden age of the human race!

And when Rorschach quickly arrived on the surface of Holy Terra.

After meeting the space dwarf representatives from the Wotan Alliance and the prophet representatives from the Ark Eldar Tribe.

Instead, he was no longer surprised that the void defense ring, which was like a wonder of the universe, was no longer there.

After all, this is the first time in the history of this universe that mutual trust and cooperation between various races have been re-established.

Even if they have irresolvable hatred for each other, they still need to work together to face the terrifying crisis of universe destruction.

Soon after, Lion King Lion and Regent Guilliman also came to Rorschach.

The three of them exchanged a few simple greetings and immediately got into a state of dealing with countless difficult problems.

First of all, the Pacific Star Territory has been completely lost. The chaotic power from the Emperor and the Sixth Chaos Evil God alone cannot stop the Tyranids' crazy army for a long time. In the end, they still need to deal with it all on their own.

In addition, the entire solar system of the local universe has been completely blocked, and countless combat forces are actively preparing for war. Although everyone still doesn’t know the next move of the creation gods.

But nine times out of ten, the native Terra will become one of the opponent's breakthrough points.

In addition, Regent Guilliman and Lion Lion subconsciously exchanged glances before speaking to Rorschach.

All subsequent battles and even command tasks will be the responsibility of them and any Primarchs who come to support Holy Terra.

Rorschach has only one mission, and that is to find a way to start the ascension ceremony as soon as possible and completely step onto the throne of Chaos!
At this moment, Rorschach, who was listening silently, did not make any refutation.

At present, the soul anchor point in the three-layer ceremony has been achieved.

Although he has not yet obtained the essence of the power of the Chaos God, he believes that he will not fail.

As for the most difficult sacrifice ceremony, after Rorschach successfully mastered the six infinity stones, he subconsciously came up with an even crazier idea.

He wants to sacrifice countless alien races in the local universe with a snap of his fingers, bringing a successful conclusion to his ascension to the throne of Chaos God!

So, in the next period of time.

In order to increase the communication and support between the Chaos Godhead and the two Terras.

Holding countless gold throne coins, Rorschach chose to be inside the palace of Holy Terra and summoned to open a large two-way portal on the native Terra.

However, Rorschach, who had not returned to his homeland for a long time, had the necessary exchanges with Iron Man David, Thor, Fulgrim and others who came to greet him.

A dense fleet of gods appeared at the edge of the solar system in the local universe, rushing towards the local Terra!


At the same time, it was within everyone's field of vision.

The large teleportation gate that had been standing between the surface of the palace suddenly emitted streaks of colorful light that did not belong to the Chaos Evil God!

The next second, when the colorful rays of light completely rose into the sky, void cracks like knives and axes also instantly appeared in the cold void above Holy Terra, and even formed rapidly above the entire solar star field. There are pieces of space debris that are constantly collapsing inwards and being destroyed!
At this time, countless thoughts were spinning back and forth in my mind.

With cold eyes, he stared at the native Terra who was completely clearing up in the black hole of nothingness. Rorschach subconsciously gritted his teeth and shouted in a deep voice to the people standing around without looking back:
"Your Majesty the Emperor, brothers, we have been fooled!"

"All of this is the conspiracy of the Creation Gods and even the Chaos Evil Gods! The Creation Gods specially blocked the solar system of the local universe in order to reduce the tragic losses when the first collision occurred, and the Hive Mind launched a plan to target The crazy invasion of the Sun Star Territory and even Holy Terra may be because the other party has noticed the doomsday crisis in advance, or maybe it is because the other party has already reached some secret agreement, but in any case, this has now become a part of the entire plan!"

"It is precisely because of this that all of us were able to come to support Holy Terra until, for various reasons, I accidentally opened a portal that can completely connect the two universes!"

"If I'm not wrong, the damn creation gods are using part of my power to force the two universes to quickly approach each other and create an extremely terrifying collision and fusion!"

 thanks for your support!

  (End of this chapter)

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