Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1066: Fire Dragon Lord Vulkan Beast War (4)!

[For countless low-level people on Holy Terra, life is not easy right now. 】

[When everyone has almost forgotten the tragic memory of the Horus Heresy, the super war machine from the alien race green-skinned orcs, the Battle Moon, once again taught them a lesson. 】

[And when some well-informed people learned that Vulkan, Lord of the Fire Dragon, one of the emperor's descendants, was still alive and returning, they thought they had finally found the legendary savior. 】

[However, after a large fleet arrived at Holy Terra, they did not enter the lunar starport, but directly surrounded the entire low-Earth orbit of Holy Terra. 】

[The next moment, in front of the eyes and ears of countless people, your virtual image and deep voice slowly echoed throughout every place in Holy Terra! 】

["Children of the Human Empire, I am one of the Emperor's exiled primordial descendants. The Fire Dragon Lord Vulkan and I rushed to Holy Terra regardless of the safety of the Emperor and you."]

["I know that you are extremely fearful and uneasy now, but please rest assured that as long as we loyal Primarchs are still there, Holy Terra will never be lost or fallen!"]

["But my fellow humans, perhaps some of you already know something, that is, those high lords of the Supreme Council, who are aloof, stupid and corrupt, actually want to join the damn green-skinned orcs! They are trying to betray the human empire. Countless benefits in exchange for a chance to survive!"]

["What a blasphemy and betrayal. Most of you will become slaves of those green-skinned beasts, and your descendants will also become victims of this capitulationism!"]

["However, everyone must not be afraid. How can we, the loyal originals, tolerate this kind of thing? Whether it is the Imperial Fists Chapter you are familiar with, or the White Scars and Raven Guard Chapters are all in my Beside you, next, we will carry out a special operation to clean up the corrupt nobles for the emperor!"]

["If you support us, then stay at home for the time being and don't go out. If you are stubborn and choose to support these nobles who are trying to betray you, then don't blame me for not telling you all the consequences in advance!"]

[At this moment, your low words have just fallen. 】

[Inside each main ship, the landing modules belonging to the White Scars and the Raven Guard, as well as the Thunderhawk transport aircraft, quickly launched their descending operations towards the surface of Holy Terra. 】

[After hesitating for a period of time, the Super War Fortress Phalanx from the Imperial Fist Chapter also slowly moved to the vicinity of more Imperial Navy and Mechanicus Adeptus ships, and launched a prepared attack on the opponent. Deterrence plan! 】

[In order to quickly obtain the command authority of Holy Terra and even the entire human empire, you chose to cut through the mess with a sharp knife and did not give the high lords a chance to verbally fight with you. 】

[You even used the prestige of the Primarch to force the vast majority of the people of the empire to oppose the Supreme Council, causing more than half of their ruling foundation to collapse. 】

[To a certain extent, even the corrupt high lords may not have a negative impact on all war plans. 】

[You just found a specific target for many people in the empire to reasonably vent their anger and fear. 】

[At this moment, when the Imperial Guards with blank expressions had to put down their laser weapons under the threat of the Astartes battle team, and even turned around to lead the way. 】

[Even though the high lords from the Supreme Council were extremely angry, they had to become one of the victims in the Beast War. 】

[Although Fire Dragon Lord Vulkan did not agree with your approach, the other party still personally came forward to appease many people in the empire and middle-level officials, and continued to prepare for the expedition against Ullanor. 】【Except for the pope of the state religion and the minister of the interior who were useful to you, and others who were lucky enough to survive, the other high lords also became the bloody foundation of this fanatical war movement. 】

[As for Beirut, the commander of the Forbidden Army of this generation, he made a serious protest the first time he met you, but you kicked him out of the extremely gorgeous palace. 】

[In your opinion, the Emperor's Imperial Guard has never played any positive role. Originally, their existence should have been a powerful barrier to restrict the Supreme Council, but they seem to only have eyes for the Emperor, and have completely forgotten that the Emperor gave them real mission. 】

[Vulkan, Lord of Fire Dragons, has no demands for power. He only cares about whether countless human subjects and his salamander descendants can reach Holy Terra as scheduled. 】

[Although you did not have a formal coronation ceremony, most people recognized your identity as the original body of the temporary regent. 】

[With the joint efforts of you and Vulkan, the entire Holy Terra and the Sun Star Territory are completely entering a state of war. All people's livelihood plans, except for the basic protection, have begun to give way to the expedition. 】

[Even the Adeptus Mechanicus, which has always had trouble dealing with Holy Terra, has chosen to safely provide all war resources to you and Vulkan after a short period of silence. 】

[During this period, you and Vulkan went to the Golden Throne Room where the Emperor was, and chose to have one of the few interviews with the other party. 】

[Although the emperor today is still so brilliant that it is difficult to look directly at him, he is far from the terrifying power that he will have ten thousand years later. 】

[Vulkan, with an extremely heavy expression on his dark face, told the Emperor about the corruption of the Supreme Council and the various difficult situations currently facing the Human Empire. 】

[You slowly drove the vibranium power armor to kneel down on one knee. After hesitating for a moment, you silently exposed everything in your mind to the emperor. 】

[What surprises you most is that you seem to be under the constant illumination of countless bright golden spiritual energies, and you can barely feel the silent gaze of a gentle gaze and a fleeting low sigh. 】

[As for what the emperor on the golden throne said to you, you couldn't hear it clearly, and naturally you didn't remember it deeply. 】

[However, wait until you and Vulkan temporarily withdraw from the Golden Throne Room and plan to return to the Ullanor Expedition Plan. 】

[You suddenly noticed the spiritual flame and golden spiritual power slowly flowing out from the huge body! 】

["Haha, no wonder Omegon thinks that he will never lose to me... It turns out that the nature of his subspace is imitation. The stronger the enemy he faces, the stronger he will become!" You raised your head as if you suddenly understood. A huge hand. 】

[The next moment, golden flames that are almost indistinguishable from the emperor's spiritual power quickly swept through the surrounding air, even causing countless Imperial Guards who remained silent to kneel to you on the spot! 】

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