Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1060: Eight Angles of Chaos in the Ark of Omen!

Inside the foundry hall of 'Iron Fist'.

When Rorschach's bronze face was as neither sad nor happy as the surrounding emperor statues, and he slowly told the two primarch brothers this spiritual knowledge that was only secretly circulated in the depths of the High Heavens. .

All the light within the sight range of the three people dimmed instantly.

Looking around, wisps of chaotic spiritual energy seemed to be penetrating the powerful Geller force field of the Glory Queen-class battleship out of thin air, and constantly filled the surroundings of the three original bodies!


At this moment, Omegon, who always maintained a cold expression, subconsciously let out a cold snort from between his mouth and nose.

Countless overlapping snake-like phantoms emerged from between his huge body for the first time, and quickly spread out along the cold metallic floor!

At the same time, the whole person's spiritual temperament was extremely calm. Lion King Ryan, whose expression remained unchanged as if the Himalayas were collapsing in front of him, also vaguely let out a fleeting low sigh, and a large number of Senluo illusions belonging to the dark forest of Caliban also It began to manifest quickly in the air of the entire foundry hall!

However, Rorschach, a tall human figure holding a shadow scythe standing behind the huge body, seemed to be unaware of this. He was still telling the outside world more secret knowledge about the Chaos God.

"The name of the Chaos Godhead located in the southeast is 'Ecstasy Sense'. According to legend, when the entire Eldar Empire completely entered the realm of corruption, there was a scream that made people mad instantly, which contained biological pleasure and wild instinctive impulses. It resounded in the depths of the highest sky. For some chaos demons and even evil believers who were bathed in countless waves of chaos, the violent ending was not important. What was important was to personally participate in and experience its changes and processes, and what could be caused. The overwhelming pain, and even the fear caused by devouring mortal creatures, etc., these chaos demons are intoxicated by the sensory feast brought by the war itself. They face the burning shells and the cold blades on the battlefield with joy and smiles. Jump and dance, and choose to bring each unfortunate victim a blissful death with every dazzling flash of fierceness and every deafening blast of fire..."

At this moment, Luo Xia's voice just fell.

Deep in the vast and colorful depths of chaotic psychic energy.

A purple-pink light that must represent Slaanesh itself began to flicker and flow back and forth in the field of vision of the three original bodies, and even formed pink humanoid shapes that were constantly changing and twisting to start a wonderful dance performance, as if It was a proper response to everything Rorschach had just blurted out.

"The Chaos Godhead located in the south direction is called 'Greed Dissolution'. It hovers and wreaks havoc in the depths of the highest sky all year round. It even contains hatred of all such concepts, just like the eternal Ouroboros with its own Like its tail is food, this irreversible hatred even extends to its deeper nature. It is undoubtedly foolish for anyone or anything to expect it to have rational or even rational logic, because chaos is what it is born with. It has a name that is its true essence, but in its endless hatred of self-destruction, there is no place for allies, only new and more unpredictable enemies."

"The name of the Chaos Godhead located in the southwest is 'Rotten Corruption.' This is an extremely slow corruption, and it drives the body and soul into irreparable decay all the time. Even if you choose to die, you will not be able to obtain final relief. In this incomparable situation, Among the chaotic subspace demon community, some guys don't care about victory or defeat. They only care about spreading this hopeless pain to the mortal creatures who have strayed into this way as much as possible, and these mortal creatures and will introduce them into the material world in the stench of disease and even filth, contented with the generous idea of ​​bestowing upon all things the malignant gifts with which they were born.”

At this moment, the low words Rorschach had just finished once again attracted Nurgle's attention and response.

Countless terrifying green poisonous mists visible to the naked eye gradually filled the filthy air of the entire foundry hall.

And what followed was the loving father's usual honest laughter slowly ringing in the ears of the three primarchs!


In an instant, the first person to be furious was naturally the Lord of Hydra, Omegon.

Deep in one of his huge palms, he suddenly clenched the two pale spears that merged into one.Countless overlapping snake-like phantoms that had been lurking deep in the cold metal floor for a long time suddenly jumped up.

And the offensive behavior like a violent storm also tore the green poisonous mist and pink humanoid shapes that were spreading deep into the Caliban forest into more primitive chaotic spiritual energy!
However, Rorschach, whose expression showed no change of emotion, just comforted Omegon and continued to talk.

"Omegan, please be patient..."

"The name of the Chaos Godhead located due west is: Invisible Distortion. Judging from ancient records, although the appearance of the Chaos Demon is an obscene imitation of mortal existence, the true nature of Chaos is endless change and unknowability. , it is distorting, changing and even corrupting everything it touches all the time. Some chaos demons who cross the boundary and enter the real universe vividly display this endless distortion and change, and shape themselves into non-material forms of flesh and blood. body, anyway, for them, death is just a part of the eternal changes they cause in the real universe."

In an instant, Rorschach's low words once again caused Tzeentch's blue psychic energy to arrive as promised.

Lion King Ryan, who was quietly listening to a large amount of spiritual knowledge like an old monk in trance, also slowly drew out the loyalty sword from the waist of the power armor.

Countless Caliban forest phantoms born in the depths of Senluo's illusion are becoming increasingly clear and real.

Standing aside, Omega and Rorschach could even smell the earthy fragrance emitting from the surface of Caliban Forest!
"The last Chaos Goddess is the 'Unintentional Killing' located in the northwest. It represents the dark rage emanating from the crazy battle and the red joy contained in the final end of life. For most Chaos Demons deep in the High Sky , whose only goal is to fight and die. As long as blood is flowing and lives are falling, it does not matter where or why. These extremely vicious warp entities are dressed in the gorgeous costumes of conquerors and executioners. They only care about the number of skulls and deaths they can harvest from the mortal world, and never consider whether they are friends or enemies."

At this moment, neither Rorschach, who was motionless, nor Lion King, Lion, who was constantly on guard.

Or maybe Omegon was controlling countless overlapping snake-like phantoms when he instantly heard a deep sneer that resounded in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them seemed to feel a terrifying desire to kill that burst out from the depths of their souls!

But at this moment, the tall human figure who had been standing quietly behind Rorschach's huge body actually took action!

Wait until the chaotic spiritual energy that permeates the entire Caliban forest illusion is completely washed away by countless invisible sword lights and even the power of terrifying shadows.

Only then did the three Rorschachs present return to the extremely deserted foundry hall!
thanks for your support!
According to the current progress, this book will be completely finished by mid-to-late December at most.

This has cut off a large number of side plots in order to speed up the overall ending and try not to end it unfinished.

Because right now I am a little exhausted from writing Fatty. Those who have had experience in writing essays or literary writing should be able to understand that the closer I get to the end, the more restless I become.

In addition, the editor boss has recently been urging me to come up with ideas for a new book. My head is getting bigger, and because of insomnia at night, some of my old physical problems seem to have returned. As a result, I have taken more leave recently. Please bear with me.

I am also very grateful to the hundreds of old book friends who are still subscribing to this book. It is your strong support that has allowed me to persevere. Once again, thank you all for your love.

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