Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1057 The Shadow King of the Ark of Omen, Beelak!

At this moment, the forces of Chaos headed by the Creator Vashtor are rampaging inside the Stone Fortress.

Any Dark Angel Astartes who wanted to face the opponent directly had to pay an extremely horrific price of casualties before barely being able to withstand the opponent's continuous onslaught.

The Deathwing Terminator company led by the Deathwing Grand Master Belial was killing and sacrificing almost every minute and every second in order to block the progress of the Creator Vashtor.

In the end, if a group of Deathwing Terminator guards hadn't risked their lives to rescue Belial himself, then the other party would most likely have become the first Dark Angel high-level person to die at the hands of the Creator.

Soon after, the menacing Supreme Grand Master Azrael joined the battle with thirteen successfully resurrected Extinction Machines.

It is precisely because of this that the Dark Angel's defense front has gradually stabilized.

Looking at it, countless Chaos Astartes and even Daemon Engines cannot easily resist the terrifying attack from the Extinction Relic.

Even the creator Vashtor, who is continuously releasing Chaos Waste Codes and manipulating more mechanical structures inside the megalithic fortress to activate them, is temporarily unable to do anything with these ancient creations from the Dark Age of Technology.

And when more Dark Angels Astartes gradually came to support.

Azriel, who grasped the power weapon with both hands, immediately launched an extremely brave challenge to the creator Vashtor, who was almost close at hand, guarded by five extinct relic machines!


At the same time, they were behind countless Chaos troops.

A large number of Chaos Demons emerged silently from the depths of the subspace storm and launched a sneak attack on the Chaos troops very insidiously.

These Chaos Demons, who are shrouded in the depths of shadow and belong to Chaos, do not seem to belong to any Chaos Evil God.

Because they launched an attack against the Chaos troops of the Creator Vashtor without any hesitation or hesitation, but instead were extremely fanatical.

At the moment of lightning, the creator Vashtor, who was repeatedly swinging the smoldering forging hammer at Azrael and several extinct machines, suddenly flapped the pair of metal wings located behind the huge body, and temporarily broke away. A chaotic battlefield surface emerged.

It was in mid-air and quickly raised its metal face, which was emitting a large amount of hellish sparks from between the breathing grids.

A deafening and terrifying roar was sent out toward the depths of the icy void outside the giant stone fortress!
"I've seen you! Damn the bastard of Chaos, Be'la'ak, Lord of Shadows!"

At this moment, the deep roar belonging to the creator Vashtor had just fallen.

Just within the opponent's line of sight, which has penetrated many obstacles.

A large number of Chaos troops that were surging towards the giant stone fortress were completely blown away by the invisible terrifying force like dry grass!

Immediately afterwards, a figure was also about ten meters tall, and every inch of his body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of extremely illusory pitch-black shadow.

The terrifying figure of the 'Shadow Demon Sword', an ether blade with endless darkness flowing between the sharp blades, is slowly descending into the real universe in a huge palm!
"Haha, Vashtor, did you miss me? I'm here to collect some interest from you!"

The first cursed mortal in history, the first demon prince blessed by the Four Gods, the Shadow King Beelak sent a low sneer full of gloom to the creator Vashtor.

"Beelak, King of Shadows, you and I are both allies of Chaos Warmaster Abaddon, how dare you treat me like this! Aren't you afraid of punishment from Chaos Warmaster and even the Chaos Gods?" At this moment, the creator Vash Thor let out a deafening roar of terror at Be'lak, the Lord of Shadows.

Even if the long-range attacks from Azrael and the Extinction Machine could not cause much damage to it, it made it increasingly upset.

"Creator Vashtor, I originally disdained to talk to you, but when I learned that you were preparing to become a god, I no longer cared about threats from anyone!"

"I am the great being who has the qualifications to become a god, and you are just a Chaos wage earner hiding in the depths of the Supreme Sky. How dare you compete with me for the Chaos Godship!"

The Shadow King Bilak, who instantly raised the 'Shadow Demon Sword', taunted the creator Vashtor without any concealment.

However, the other party's words made the creator Vashtor even more angry.

Countless terrifying flames coming from the depths of the soul furnace seemed to be shrouded in the skinny and huge metal body!

"You damn chaos bastard! Haven't you seen that the sixth evil god of chaos has successfully ascended to the throne?"

"Only two of the eight Chaos Gods are left without any master. Even if they are divided equally between you and me, it should be enough. But instead of pursuing the Chaos Gods that you can touch, you came to block my way to become a god. road?"

"Beelak, the King of Shadows! I will banish you back to the depths of the highest sky now. I want to see how you can return to the real universe after you have abandoned the Chaos Gods!"

In an instant, the enraged Creator Vashtor even gave up his strategic actions against Azrael and the Stone Fortress.

It suddenly flapped the pair of metal wings that burned with the fire of the furnace, and the entire metal body forcibly penetrated the barriers of the boulder fortress.

He quickly launched an extremely fast and fierce charge in the direction of the Shadow King Beelak!

At this moment, the aftermath of the confrontation between the two Chaos Demigods was turning the surface of the Stone Fortress into a terrifying, deserted purgatory.

Countless Chaos Astartes and Chaos Demons were completely blown away by the continuous shock waves.

And this also gave a large number of Dark Angels who were struggling to support themselves an excellent opportunity to counterattack.

Using thirteen extermination machines as the spearhead of the charge, the Supreme Master Azrael immediately led countless scarred Dark Angels to push the Chaos troops back outside the Stone Fortress!

boom boom-

At this moment, in the cold void not far from the boulder fortress.

An extremely large pitch-black shadow portal suddenly appeared among countless shipwrecks.

The next second, an extremely large shadow raven was carrying an unstoppable wave of terrifying spiritual energy.

A massive terrorist attack was launched towards the Creator Vashtor and the Shadow King Be'lak, who were fighting continuously above the Stone Fortress!
At the same time, huge metal ships with thick void shields and weapon turrets at full fire arrived quickly, launching support operations towards a large number of Dark Angel main ships that were being besieged by Chaos ships!
The natural disaster has arrived, and the demons are ready to change!
thanks for your support!

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