Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1044 The Iron Horse Glacier Comes to Dream: Chagatai Khan (9)

Chapter 1044: The Iron Horse Glacier Comes to Dream: Chagatai Khan ([-])
【dong dong dong-】

[At this moment, there was a faint roar from inside the metal helmet. Khan suddenly activated the Wildfire Armor. With a reaction speed far exceeding that of Mortarion, he launched an extremely astonishing and swift charge towards the opponent! 】

【Hoo ho ho! 】

[As the wind and lightning surged, the white tiger sword that Khan held tightly between his hands seemed to emit a tiger roar from the bottom of his heart, and then struck the taciturn Mortarion head-on. ! 】


[Mortarion's breathing mask sprayed out a stream of turbid poisonous gas. The scythe between his hands was quickly raised above his head, and it collided with the menacing white tiger sword, making a deafening and terrifying sound! 】

[However, Khan, whose fighting style is more focused on extreme speed, adjusted his next attack posture from the moment the white tiger sword was successfully blocked. The white tiger sword swept towards Mortarion with an indomitable killing momentum. Between the waist and abdomen! 】

【Boom! 】

[In an instant, the scythe in the palms of Mortarion's hands fell down smoothly, and he actually chose to stand the extremely hard metal handle beside him, easily blocking the fierce attack of the white tiger sword. 】

[But Khan, who was agile and flexible, did not give Mortarion more opportunities to counterattack. 】

[One of his magnetic boots was instantly lifted up, and then with a powerful physical force, Mortarion's entire huge body was kicked hundreds of meters away! 】

【dong dong dong-】

[However, such an attack is nothing to Mortarion, who has already devoted himself to his loving father Nurgle. 】

[The other party didn’t even make any sound, but struggled to drive the unharmed Barbarus Armor, waving the sickle and silently returned to the Khan! 】

[Immediately afterwards, the taciturn Lord of Death, Mortarion's fierce attack became more powerful and heavy, forcing Khan to jump back and forth to dodge. 】

[Khan even saw Mortarion's scythe heavily passed over the position between his chest and abdomen during a brief gap, leaving a clearly visible line of terror on the thick armor of Wildfire Armor. Scars! 】

【dong dong dong-】

[At this time, you, who had just commanded a dozen Terminators and the Thousand Sons Astartes to enter the ship's passage, immediately turned around the skull helmet. 】

[The next second, the magnetic boots under your feet instantly cast Shadow Step, and you joined the chaotic battle between the original brothers at a speed far exceeding that of Khan and Mortarion! 】


[At this moment, the Qinglong Guandao held tightly between your hands quickly cut through the cold void filled with bright mist. The sharp blade glowing with a faint green light was accompanied by the faint sound of dragon roars, and it was directed towards Motali. An's huge body was slashed hard! 】

[Mortarion, who was not slow to react at all, first violently increased the attack intensity of Silence of the Scythe against Khan, forcing the opponent's huge body to take a few steps back. 】

[Immediately afterwards, it suddenly swung the sickle Shen Jing from the side of its body, and hit the side of the Qinglong Guandao that was about to fall! 】

[But at the same time, the white tiger sword from Khan once again swept towards Mortarion's huge body with the roar of the tiger! 】


[At the moment of lightning, even though Mortarion had used Silence of the Sickle to completely destroy the offensive trajectory of Qinglong Guandao, forcing you to quickly make a judgment on the next attack, the White Tiger Sword belonging to Khan was deeply embedded in it. Deep within the chest and abdomen of Mortarion's power armor! 】

[However, to Khan's expectation, Mortarion, who suffered a severe blow, did not seem to feel any pain caused by the injury. 】【Instead, the other party took the opportunity to wave the scythe between his hands. While Khan's whole body was thrown away with a bang, it also added some real injuries to Khan's huge body! 】

["Khan, the Chaos Master that Mortarion took refuge in controls a part of the life force of Chaos authority, so most of the fatal melee attacks have no effect on it!"]

[You conveyed Mortarion’s little secret to Khan who was flying backwards without looking back. 】

[The surface of your huge body begins to rise with strands of dark shadow power, as if you are covered with a shadowy curtain. 】

[The psychic knowledge poured into you by countless kind souls of Magnus is gradually playing a huge role. 】

[It also makes your reaction speed whether you are mobilizing the power of shadow or running the power of shadow even faster! 】

["So, my brother, you have made your choice."]

[At this moment, Mortarion, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke the last low words to Khan who was speeding towards him. 】

[It even drives the Armor of Barbarus to bend slightly, giving a very ironic hat-off gesture to the Khan who stops his heavy steps beside you! 】


[The next second, the huge body belonging to Mortarion was completely shrouded in the depth of the teleportation beacon, and completely disappeared from the sight of you and Khan! 】

[At this time, you also noticed that some of the main ships of the White Scar Fleet have successfully got rid of the influence of the internal rebellion and are launching heavy encirclement and fierce attacks on the ships belonging to the Death Guard Legion! 】

["It seems that Mortarion does not want his fleet to make any mistakes, especially after it has determined that it will be difficult to win with one against two." You said in a low voice to the Khan who was holding the White Tiger Sword in his back hand. . 】

["Little brother, I suddenly have an extremely strong premonition of battle. Sooner or later, there will be a battle of life and death between me and Mortarion!"]

[At this moment, Khan, who was still in his metal helmet, said slowly to you. 】

[However, just when you are about to tell Khan some intelligence and information about the battlefield of Terra. 】

[A burst of explosions and concussive sounds from the rear bridge position made you and Khan react again. 】

[Mortarion and the Death Guard, who are more dangerous at the moment, have temporarily withdrawn from the battlefield, but the rebellion within the White Scars Legion is not over yet! 】

["Khan, are these traitors still alive? If not, our subsequent extermination operations will be much easier!" You grasped the Qinglong Guan Dao tightly in your huge hand and asked in a deep voice. 】

["Brother, please stay for a while. I want to ask you clearly how I, the father of genes, have failed them to make them loyal to Horus!" Khan said to you in an extremely cold tone. 】

 thanks for your support!

  GW is working hard every day. It turns out that the Emperor is not about to become the King of Darkness.

  It's that he is the Lord of Darkness himself, but he just likes to play role-playing in human skin, and he is addicted to it!
  The Emperor is obsessed with the real universe, and the Chaos God is worried.

  Moreover, this statement undoubtedly brings the mystery of the emperor's origin back to the shaman summoning theory many years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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