Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1030: Brothers are at war with each other and are at war with each other!

Chapter 1030: Brothers are at war with each other and are at war with each other!
In fact, when this invasion war from the creation gods developed to the current situation.

Whether it is the Loyalist Primarchs represented by Rorschach or the Chaos Primarchs represented by Angron and others, they have nothing to do with the follow-up plan of this cosmic war.

Unless they can instantly expand their combat power to a level that is intolerable in the real universe, they won't even have a chance to touch the chessboard.

And for the primarchs who have witnessed the battle between the gods with their own eyes, they undoubtedly have a clearer understanding of the huge gap like a chasm!

chi chi chi-

At this moment, the Emperor and the Sixth Chaos Evil God 'Rorsha', who suddenly appeared before their eyes, were working together to restore the void rift to its original state.

After the Chaos Evil Gods looked at each other from a distance, they immediately used some of their own methods to provide more help for the successful closing of the void rift!
Above the realm of Tzeentch with countless crystal domes flashing, the ethereal Holy Saint Tzeentch gently waved his extremely illusory blue palm.

In an instant, the Baal satellite located in the orbit of Baal's main star was forcibly moved into the field of vision of the four gods of chaos like a small marble by extremely terrifying psychic power!

Almost at the same time, countless bloody auras rose repeatedly in the realm of Khorne.

The kobold blood god Khorne, who was carrying a terrifying ax in one hand, also suddenly raised a big blood-red hand and held it in a distant position.

Looking around, it seems that the astronomical blessings of Khorne have been forcibly poured into Baal, which is spinning rapidly in the icy void and building up its starting speed!

This resulted in countless hills, mountains, and even canyons and plains being completely corrupted by the endless power of chaos into an irredeemable blood-red color!
Every inch of the entire satellite's surface seems to possess some kind of terrifying activity that far exceeds human imagination. Even deep in the earth's crust, fresh substances like flesh, blood and even veins of muscles and bones are rapidly growing!

Generally speaking, the mass and overall strength of this satellite planet itself have undoubtedly reached a level that mere mortals cannot imagine!

Immediately afterwards, strange sounds that became increasingly sticky were heard in the realm of Nurgle, where a large amount of green mist was spreading everywhere.

The loving father Nurgle, who was carefully hiding behind the giant cauldron, also smiled and splashed countless Nurgle viruses, bacteria, and countless strong vitality among the living planets that were making low roars.

It wasn't until looking from afar that this blood-red living planet seemed to be forcibly put on a green coat, and then it reluctantly stopped any movement in that fat hand!

And inside the realm of Slaanesh where countless desires are floating back and forth.

Whether it was her movements or her never-revealed expression, Salish seemed to be smiling slightly, and her slightly vague and terrifying fingers were slightly shaking.

The living planet, which exudes blood red and corrupt green, is also surrounded by endless blessings of Slaanesh!
To a certain extent, Bao Er, who has been reduced to a living toy of the Chaos Evil God, has undoubtedly become an extremely qualified consumable weapon!

boom boom-

Not long after, when the rift in the void between the icy void, which was being rapidly healed by the Emperor and 'Rorschach', was less than [-] kilometers long.

This living planet, which had personally received a large amount of blessings from the four Chaos Evil Gods, let out a terrifying roar that resounded throughout the Baal Galaxy, and was instantly ejected by countless psychic powers like a round cannonball that had just come out of the barrel. , and after crossing the entire icy void, he forcefully rushed into the depths of another space in the void rift!

At this moment, the living planet, which repeatedly emitted terrifying roars from inside the huge star, seemed to be carrying an indomitable and tragic momentum.Almost on the spot, the follow-up measures that the Creation Gods wanted to initiate were stopped!
And when the last inch of the void rift was successfully repaired by the Emperor and 'Rorschach', it also symbolized that the entire plan of the gods' invasion was completely suspended!
However, at this time, for the countless mortals and even the Astartes who are still in this special area of ​​the Baal Galaxy, the battle between them is far from over!


Baal Prime, the desert area around Ax Angel Castle.

God's machines, each one heavily wrapped in the golden light emitted by the burning emperor's blood flag, led the knight armors of countless knight families and successfully teleported back to the territory belonging to the empire.

In fact, due to Rorschach's extremely generous contribution of Emperor's blood and Guilliman's vigorous prevention of Chaos corruption.

This terrifying fighting force from the four Titan Legions did not suffer many losses after continuously moving to the Chaos Realm.

This is undoubtedly a glorious achievement that can be recorded in the history of the empire!

However, at this time, neither the Titan captain, whose mind and God's machine were united, nor the armored jockeys everywhere relaxed at all. They quickly raised their firepower configurations that still had ammunition, and locked them firmly in On top of those huge figures located deep in the desert!
At this moment, Rorschach is holding the Dawnbringer warhammer tightly, Regent Guilliman is holding the Emperor's Sword, Crow King Corax is surrounded by a large number of dark shadows, and the Emperor is holding the sword. The Kite Shield faces Lion Lion, the loyal swordsman.

Fulgrim has a playful expression on his beautiful face, Angron has the butcher's nails buzzing on his ugly head, Mortarion is taciturn, and Maag has one blood-red eye full of intrigue. Nusi also stood scattered together.

And between the edge positions between the two sides.

With countless terminal viruses floating back and forth on a metal palm, Perturabo repeatedly stared at the movements of both parties with interest. Even Lorgar, the shame of the original body who was forcibly trampled under his heavy feet, raised his head slightly. With swollen expressionless faces, they seemed to be secretly guessing which side would be the final winner.

After the terrifying invasion of the creation gods was completely defeated.

The hearts of the original brothers that had just been healed quickly developed an invisible huge gap.

It's like loyalty and rebellion can't mix with each other.

The loyalist Primarchs present were unable to completely resolve the deep hatred that existed thousands of years ago with the traitors in front of them!

"Before we both take action, I have a small suggestion. During these days, there have been enough battles and lives lost in the Baal system. How about we just give up on this conflict?"

"This is the largest gathering of our original body brothers in the past ten thousand years. I think the emperor who is deep in the cold void is undoubtedly very emotional..."

At this moment, Rorschach, whose huge body slowly drove the vibranium power armor and stepped forward, turned his cold gaze and said in a deep voice to the traitor originals within his field of vision.

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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