Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1017 Secret War Gods Invasion (3)

boom boom-

Just between the void plane filled with chaotic spiritual energy.

One after another, the giant space battleships that are constantly emerging from the depths of the void rift, gradually adapting to the violent spatial changes, suddenly reveal densely packed huge muzzles from the outside of the metal armor.

Under the cold gaze of four strong humanoids, these giant space battleships from extraterritorial enemies actually launched a terrifying raid on the Chaos Fleet and the Imperial Fleet throughout the Baal Galaxy!
At this moment, one after another, the huge energy beams continuously penetrated the entire icy void, and the power was even more astonishing. They cut off some of the main ships belonging to the empire one after another, and exploded into a series of extremely magnificent and terrifying flames.

Even though a large number of imperial fleets that have already opened the void shield and even the Geller force field are rushing to the battle zone, planning to carry out more effective support and blocking operations.

However, some mortal crew members and even the Astartes who were already suffering from the corruption and even pollution of Chaos were unable to return to their combat posts immediately and launched a more ferocious counterattack against the menacing fleet of the gods!


At this moment, it is quite unexpected.

Chaos fleets, which had no influence on Chaos psychic fluctuations or even the Chaos realm, launched intervening tactics without any hesitation. A large number of living ships belonging to the Death Guard came directly under the leadership of the Queen of Glory battleship 'Endurance'. Arriving right in front of countless imperial main ships!

They quickly propped up the void shield with extremely amazing defensive power, and even used part of the solid ship structure with extremely strong vitality to completely withstand the terrifying energy beams from the fleets of the gods!
The dazzling light spears and nova cannons that suddenly bloomed were also released deeper into the fleet of the gods, carrying the cordial greetings from the evil god Nurgle!


At the same time, angry roars from the Great Demon of Khorne resounded through most of the icy void.

880 Eight Khorne demons who were struggling to flap their blood-red wings immediately broke away from Baweyi, which was wrapped in the subspace storm, under the personal leadership of Angron, the demon prince of Khorne.

The great demons of Khorne holding the axes of Khorne tightly in their huge palms were like blood-red meteorites falling from the sky, falling heavily on the giant space battleships that had not yet figured out the changes in space!

Angron, the demon prince of Khorne with even more terrifying combat power, felt the buzzing sound from the Butcher's Nail while launching a majestic feat of destroying one of the giant space battleships by himself!
Looking around, these giant space battleships, which were undergoing crazy destruction by countless Khorne demons, sank a lot in an instant, and were completely paralyzed on the plane of the void!

This is because the entire Baal Galaxy has been blocked by the Chaos Gods, and the attributes of the three-dimensional space have been temporarily erased.

And the resulting external manifestation is.

These giant spaceships that can obviously travel to distant star fields can be completely transformed into simple rafts floating on the sea level, or even beast-fighting chess pieces carefully placed on the chessboard.

The only thing they have in common is that within the established space rules, they can only move forward, backward, left, and right, but they cannot move freely like a void naval battle!
Whoosh whoosh—

However, at this time, the demon prince of Khorne led 880 eight great demons of Khorne to snipe the fleet of gods.

The giant space battleships that had not yet crashed and sank quickly opened their external armor, and quickly released an uncountable number of large landing pods towards the Khorne realm not far away!

In an instant, these powerful and heavy large landing cabins, accompanied by a harsh whistling sound, crashed onto a large bloody plain covered with skull remains and fear flowers!
The next second, after the closed hatches of the large landing cabins continued to collapse outwards.

There are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of perfect servants of the gods, super vanguards.Just like a more terrifying biological tsunami, it rushed out of the dim and large landing cabin!

These super biological weapons, which seem to have been reforged from the flesh and soul of countless local cosmic groups, have no emotion or reason. The purpose deeply engraved into the genes and even the soul is to kill all enemies within the field of vision!

At the same time, on the outermost edge of countless super vanguard guards.

Countless vampires wielding hell blades and blood-crushing cavalry who firmly control the copper bull have quickly formed a defensive position like a meat grinder.

And as the war horn became more and more shrill and long, it almost resounded throughout the sky of the bloody plain.

In addition to a large number of Khorne berserkers who immediately activated the broken power armor and launched an astonishing battle charge carrying chain axes.

Demon engine skull cannons with more terrifying combat power are also passing by countless flesh hounds and violent beasts, speeding towards the landing direction of the super vanguard!

When it comes to killing and war, the demons of Khorne have never been afraid!

Even if the countless super vanguards in front of them are powerful enemies they have never encountered since they were born in the realm of Khorne!
"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull—"

At this moment, a giant vampire who perfectly controlled the violent copper bull suddenly let out a roar that echoed around him, and raised the hell blade in his palm.

The next moment, countless roaring Blood Crush Cavalry immediately launched an unstoppable and terrifying charge towards the Super Pioneer Guard position that was rapidly surrounding and circling in front!
chi chi chi-

In an instant, a large number of super vanguard guards whose defense and combat capabilities were almost as high as those of ordinary vampires were trampled into scarlet blood mud by countless blood-crushing cavalry.

However, the super vanguard guards, who clearly had a numerical advantage, did not need any command at all, and quickly filled the vacancies in the defensive positions with just their killing and fighting instincts.

They even gradually relied on the old method of killing elephants with too many ants to completely absorb the impact of countless blood-crushing cavalry.

This also made many blood-crushing cavalry whose combat effectiveness was not weak become the first victims on this bloody plain.


After the Khorne demons present quickly realized that the ancient fighting method of the Blood Crush Cavalry had failed.

Countless demon engine skull cannons that let out terrifying roars one after another immediately launched a wide range of artillery fire coverage deeper into the Super Pioneer Guard's defensive position.

In addition to the large number of vampires at the front of the battle line who bear the charge battle that consumes cannon fodder.

Many Khorne berserkers who subconsciously formed a combat team also violently waved their buzzing chain axes, letting out a terrifying roar that resounded throughout the bloody plains!
"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull—"

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