Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1015 Secret War Gods Invasion (1)

At this moment, deep in the cold void of the Baal Galaxy.

It seemed that it was once again completely illuminated by countless bright light spears and laser arrays.

The huge void shield from the flagship of the Death Guard Legion, the Glory Queen-class battleship 'Endurance', successively defended against all attacks, causing ripples to gradually ripple on the surface of the void shield.

Countless green main ships, which contained terrifying viruses and vitality like living creatures, launched a naval battle charge towards the huge imperial ships ahead!
In fact, on the first day that Regent Guilliman led the Indomitable Fleet to the Baal System.

He informed Rorschach and others that the traitor Primarch and the second-in-command of the Death Guard, Mortarion, might launch a surprise attack on the Baal system.

However, when many Astartes and many main fleets were ready to fight.

Instead, this huge fleet belonging to the Death Guard did not enter the interior of the Baal system and always wandered back and forth outside the system.

Rorschach, who wanted to devote himself to dealing with the invasion of the local universe, was determined to lead a part of the Scourge fleet to go out to fight against it.

Let the ignorant Mortarion feel his rage for himself.

However, Regent Guilliman, who has a better strategic vision, believes that they do not need to worry about the Death Guard.

Unless Mortarion wants to return to the depths of the garden again and experience the horror of the dark room for himself.

Otherwise, the other party would definitely not dare to provoke the Baal Galaxy, which has two huge fleets!

However, I don't know whether it was because Guilliman's judgment was slightly wrong, or because Mortarion had more confidence.

The Death Guard fleet, which had been wandering outside, quickly entered the Baal system.

Their fleet master Typhons even chose to start a fierce naval battle with a group of imperial main ships that were on guard in the nearby void!
almost the same time.

Even on Palestine, which was firmly locked by the planet-destroying cannon of the Hero Tower of the War Fortress and launched orbital bombardment by a large number of main ships, dozens of super-large-scale subspace storms suddenly appeared!
The subspace storms carrying large-scale chaotic spiritual energy fluctuations in these core parts seem to be growing and expanding, and even gradually spreading forcefully out of the cold void!
And when the entire Palestine was completely enveloped by a large number of rapidly forming subspace storms, it was not just the orbital bombardment of the main ships that lost its use.

Even the planet-destroying beam that the War Fortress Hero Tower was continuously emitting disappeared into the depths of the subspace storm like a mud cow entering the sea!


In an instant, the main ships that had been waiting in the depths of the icy void for a long time immediately sailed quickly towards the position of Bawei.

The War Fortress Hero Tower also acted decisively and forcibly ended the process of launching the planet-destroying beam.

Under the diligent control of countless automatic servo robots responsible for controlling the internal machinery, the Hero Tower instantly propped up a large void shield, and at the same time started the subspace engine and drove away from Bawei!

However, when a fierce battle with the Chaos Fleet is about to begin in the depths of the icy void.

Rorschach and Guilliman, who were wearing huge bodies wearing power armor and standing above the diamond dome of Archangel Castle, were slowly raising their heads to gaze at the bright night sky between Baal and Baal.

At this moment, a colorful twisted crack representing a large rift almost spanned the entire bright night sky.

This is also the doomsday scene that countless empire citizens who are in the dark side of the empire will see every night.

However, both Rorschach and Guilliman seemed to clearly see another strange scene that they had never seen before!If the entire starry night sky is compared to a soft curtain.

From this moment on, this extremely magnificent curtain seems to be shaking very hard!

Countless distant scenes and illusory things dotted on the starry sky curtain will become larger and smaller.

At its maximum, Rorschach and even Guilliman could even directly see the bridge windows of the main ships, as well as the mortal crew members inside who were struggling to perform their duties!
At its smallest, even Baal and Baal, which are closest to the main star of Baal, seem to have become the size of a needle tip, and even the original bodies will lose the focus of their field of vision if they are not careful!
"Guilliman, they are coming!"

At this moment, Rorschach, who had a solemn expression on his bronze face, growled at Regent Guilliman without looking back.

The Regent Guilliman, who had an equally solemn expression on his resolute face, did not hesitate at all.

The communication bead he has been holding tightly in his huge palm has completely conveyed the important news that the terrifying enemy is about to attack!


That is at this time.

Just within the field of vision of Rorschach and Guilliman.

The entire starry sky curtain that shook repeatedly seemed to have finally been torn apart by an extremely powerful being, creating a deep void crack comparable to a large crack!
The next second, a purple eye that may be far larger than any planet peered out casually with an indifferent attitude without sadness or joy!

In an instant, except for Baal, which was shrouded by a large number of subspace storms, almost all continental plates, whether it was Baal Prime or Baal, experienced extremely violent vibrations and collapses.

Countless terrifying abyssal fissures large enough to swallow an Emperor-class Titan spread across the surface of the entire planet!
If it weren't for Rorschach, they would have been mentally prepared for Baal Prime to be completely destroyed.

And if the powerful productivity of the entire Intelligent Control Corps is used in advance to completely connect the Ax Angel Fort and the large number of defensive buildings around it into a solid whole.

Then just a glimpse from the mysterious creation gods is enough to destroy all the efforts and arrangements of Rorschach and others!

At the same time, Rorschach, who tried to open his eyes wide as if filled with countless scarlet bloodshot eyes, heard with his own ears the repeated horrifying wails of the World Soul from Baal Prime!
Countless cries of fear echoed repeatedly in my ears and even deep in my memory.

It also forced his entire huge body to kneel down heavily on top of the round dome of the Angel Castle!
"Everything in the universe is fearing His name!!!"

“Everything in the universe there is chanting His honorable name!!!”

“Everything in the universe there is remembering His honorable name!!!”

“Everything in the universe is worshiping His name!!!”

"Everything in the universe is praising His name!!!"

"He is the great, irreplaceable, and supreme one of the five creation gods..."

"He is... Galactus!!!"

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