Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1013 A gathering of heroes and four cobblers!

Looking around, the entire sky and ground on Bawei were blood red.

The biochemical pollution that once plagued countless mutant tribes seems to be no longer a problem, because countless corruptions from Chaos have successfully solved this unsolvable problem.

However, judging from the Tyranids heads scattered evenly on the surface and the surging rivers of blood that have never dried up.

The fate of Bawei in the future will either be to become a chaotic planet dragged into the depths of subspace by the demon army of Khorne, or to be sent the warmth from the Extinction Order by the planet-destroying cannon of the Hero Tower.

At this moment, it is between the peaks of the tallest mountains on Bawei.

On top of a huge bone throne made entirely of countless Tyranid heads.

A terrifying figure of extremely large size is entrenched.

The blood-red and ugly demonic face belonging to Angron seemed to have no emotion on it.

It tried its best to open its extremely scarlet eyes, coldly looking down at the bloody plain below the mountains.

There, a murderous mayhem carried out by countless Khorne daemons all year round is in full swing.

Because I have been watching these countless familiar scenes for a long time.

Angron, who was slightly absent-minded, seemed to have returned to the Demonic Plains belonging to the great Blood God, which was full of endless killings and battles just like here.

In fact, if Angron hadn't thought of attacking Baal Prime with all his strength every time.

If those originally silent butcher's nails began to buzz, it would have been unable to hold back its desire to kill deep into the depths of its broken soul, and would have tried to communicate with its little brother.

"One-eyed Ogryn, get out of here!"

"I've already smelled the psychic stench on you!"

At this moment, Angron, who showed no emotion on the face of the blood-red demon, suddenly waved his extremely thick arm.

A Khorne ax that it picked up casually from the side of the huge bone throne flew to the surface not far away with a terrifying buzz!

The next second, a red cyclops with the same blood-red skin appeared quickly from the invisible state.

The opponent only relied on the thick psychic shield that he gathered at random to stop the Khorne ax that was slashing in the air!
"Haha, I thought I would see a mad dog with my own eyes... What, is your blood god willing to let go of your dog leash? Angron?"

At this moment, Magnus, who let out a deep and ferocious smile, subconsciously clenched the golden scepter in his huge palm, and said angrily to the demon prince of Khorne who was entrenched on the huge bone throne.

At the same time, a pair of blue wings located behind the broad spine flapped slightly, as if launching a fierce counterattack against Angron at any time.

"Magnus, you dare to come here alone. Aren't you afraid that I will tear you alive? Or are you already planning to abandon your master and join the great Blood God?"

However, Angron, whose entire huge body remained motionless, did not seem to be so prone to going berserk.

It slowly raised its hand and rubbed the Butcher's Nail above its blood-red head, and sneered at its former brother Magnus.

Magnus, whose huge one-eyed eye blinked slightly, did not pick up Angron's words. He said bluntly:
"Hmph! I don't have much time to have fun with you... Angron, why don't you attack Baal Prime? Are you afraid of Rorschach from the bottom of your heart?"

At this moment, Magnus had just finished speaking.Angron, whose huge body suddenly stood up from the huge bone throne, immediately flapped his huge pair of blood-red wings.

It forcibly endured the buzzing of the Butcher's Nails above its head, and roared at Magnus, who was almost close at hand:
"I, Angron, have nothing to fear -"

"Sooner or later I will crush Rorschach's head with my own hands and completely break his spine! But not now, because the great Blood God asked me to wait patiently for the sake of more noble interests!"

At this moment, the roar from Angron echoed on the bloody land of Bawei like a violent storm.

Countless Khorne demons who were killing each other couldn't help but stop fighting and turned to stare in the direction of Angron!

Facing Angron's terrifying aura, Magnus subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

It casually condensed layers of extremely thick psychic shields and counterattack witchcraft around its huge body.

Then he casually asked Angron with a slight sense of peace of mind:
"Angron, what exactly are your so-called higher interests? You might as well say it more clearly?"

However, Angron, who was trying his best to appease Butcher's Nail, narrowed his blood-red eyes slightly.

It suddenly changed from a state of boiling anger to a state of no emotion.

He even sat his entire huge body back between the huge bone throne!
"Haha... I think I understand it completely. Poor Magnus, your master asked you to come here without telling you anything. Did he want you to suffer?"

A sarcastic smile appeared on Angron's demonic face.

It said solemnly to Magnus, whose face gradually darkened.

Magnus, who was obviously a little angry, suddenly raised the golden scepter in his huge palm, pointed at Angron from a distance and roared:

"Your Excellency Tzeentch! Why are you all so mysterious? Even if the Ascendant Fulgen refuses to explain, how come you, a mad dog of Khorne, know something that I, the demon prince of Tzeentch, do not know? Don’t know anything about this!”

"I want Shengmo Fugen to come over and confront you on the spot! I don't believe you two won't reveal your flaws!"

The voice just fell.

Magnus, whose expression became increasingly ferocious and twisted, vigorously waved the golden scepter in his huge palm.

With the rapid gathering of a large number of chaotic psychic energy fluctuations.

A small subspace portal several meters high gradually appeared in the bloody air!
dong dong dong-

The next second, waves of green poisonous mist filled the air with terrifying damage.

A humanoid moth wearing a full set of decayed armor between its huge body and a breathing mask on its face slowly stepped out of the subspace portal.

Behind the opponent, the Ascendant Fulgen, who had transformed from a huge snake body into a basic human form, also drove the purple gold power armor and came to Magnus and Angron!
"Ah, how many years have passed, and our original brothers who once fought side by side are finally reunited!"

At this moment, Demon Sheng Fugen, who glanced back and forth at everyone, shouted with great excitement.

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