Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1002 Revelation: The Destruction of Baal (3)

Over time.

If someone looks at Ba Weiyi from the cold void.

It can be seen that almost every inch of the land plains and rugged mountains are being buried by countless deformed skulls belonging to the Tyranids.

The blood-red atmosphere seemed to be burning. The never-diminished Khorne demonic army, wielding demonic weapons, kept pouring out from the depths of the dilapidated fortress, engaging in an extremely fierce fight with the Tyranid swarm that was moving like a wave. fighting.


At this moment, several Thunderhawk transport planes with low roars of vector engines rushed into the atmosphere of Palestine with heavy flames.

These flying vehicles, specially equipped with genophage weapons, launched high-altitude bombings towards the densely packed Tyranids on the surface without any hesitation!

Whoosh whoosh!
In an instant, genophage weapons that were comparable in size to mortals crashed down from an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, making an extremely terrifying whistling sound.

And when the first genophage weapon suddenly exploded among countless Tyranid combat units.

A large number of Tyranid swarms that had just been fighting against the demon army of Khorne suddenly melted like heated marshmallows!

The next second, handfuls of colorful and magnificent gases rapidly expanded and spread in the blood-red air.

Almost every Tyranid that was unfortunate enough to be contaminated by the magnificent gas suffered extremely horrific collapse and destruction from the genetic level!
However, what is even more amazing is this.

Wait until the number of Tyranids destroyed by the genophage weapon reaches a certain level.

Even if the Hive Mind, which reacts more and more quickly, wants to survive by breaking off its arm, it is too late.

The countless Tyranid swarms on the surface of Palestine seem to have formed a chain reaction.

Even the Tyranids, which were further away from the expanding and spreading magnificent gas, immediately became seeds of destruction that exploded and spread outward!
And this is the horror of genophage weapons from the dark technological age.

Once the genetic blueprint of the attack target is set in advance, unless there are no more signs of life on the entire planet, the destruction will not stop at all!

At the same time, Angron, the Ascending Demon Primarch, stood with a terrifying body on top of a skull mountain, staring unkindly at the rapidly disappearing Tyranid swarm.

The butcher's nails above its head seemed to be buzzing.

Then, the opponent suddenly waved the huge black sword in the blood-red claws.

On the spot, countless Khorne demonic armies were ordered to immediately launch the final wave of Skull Sacrifice against the Tyranid swarm.

"My dear little brother, since you are so impatient to see me, then I will personally fulfill your wish!" Angron, the Ascending Demon Primarch, slowly raised his head to look up at Baal Prime and murmured to himself.



At this moment, countless Tyranid swarms are raging crazily on the surface of Bawai.

One by one, terrifying roars were emitted from inside the metal helmet.

From a distance, the Astartes, who looked even more like demons than the demon army of Khorne, launched an indomitable death charge.

They are the only remaining Astartes of the Blood Knights Chapter and one of the Blood Sons of the Blood Angels.

But at the same time, they were still judged as treason and excommunicated by the Imperial Tribunal, and they were unfortunate beings bearing the name of traitors.Now, the blood knights who have suffered from blood thirst and black rage for a long time no longer have to suppress it.

They released their long-simmered anger one after another and turned into fierce humanoid monsters that were not afraid of death, buying more time for the evacuation of Bawei's large forces.

Immediately afterwards, more death companies from other Blood Son regiments joined the Blood Knight Chapter's battle ranks.

Those Astartes who could no longer bear the blood thirst and black rage completely released themselves, dedicating their final loyalty to Sanguinius and the Emperor in the form of humanoid monsters!

After a large number of Astartes quickly returned to Baal Prime through teleportation technology, the Blood Knights and Death Company, which were completely submerged by countless Tyranid swarms, almost lost their lives.


Not long after, the blurry silhouettes of Thunderhawk transport planes gradually appeared in the blood-red sky of Palestine.

And as the genephage weapons fell and exploded.

Countless Tyranids located between the surface of the earth suddenly fell into a state of irreparable destruction!

Dawn is coming to Baal Prime.

The Archangel Castle that still stands among countless Tyranid swarms seems to be bathed in the blood-red rising sun.

Rorschach, who stood with a huge body on top of a broken city wall, was carefully checking the list of dead personnel that slowly crossed the front of the virtual screen.

The Blood Knights Chapter, Chapter Master Yor, the Crimson Blade Chapter, Chapter Master Caon, the Lean Angel Chapter... and more than a dozen Blood Sons Chapter leaders have died in the Baal system. The number of Astartes within the Chapter suffered even greater losses.

According to rough statistics from Dante and others, there are only about 6 Astartes troops left out of a total of more than [-] people before the war.

Nearly 5000 people from Lamenter Dalian alone unfortunately died on Bawei and Bawei.

At this moment, Rorschach, who frowned slightly, suddenly raised his head and stared at the large void shield covering the Akers Angel Castle.

As well as the cannon turrets that continued to roar with gunfire, he seemed to slowly exhale from between his mouth and nose.

"Private communication link, Iron Lord Cardin...tell me, how is the Astartes' body recovery plan going?"

The low words from Rorschach reached the ears of Lord of Steel Cardin through the communication channel.

After some careful thinking and calculation, the other party very cautiously replied to the original body:
"Lord Primarch, on Baal Prime, almost no Astartes remains have been missed due to the existence of the Intelligent Control Corps. The same is true for Baal Moon. However, there are nearly 5000 remains on Baal Prime that are too late to be recovered. Therefore, they are so far away from you. There is still a certain gap in the requirements.”

Rorschach didn't hesitate after hearing the words of Lord of Steel Cardin.

He immediately said in a deep voice to the other party:

"This is an inevitable thing. There is no perfect plan... Cardin, in the name of the Lord of Scourge and the Regent of the Dark Side, I order you to activate the 'Key of Hell' of the Iron Hands and target all Aspens who died in the battle." Tate undergoes massive transformation and sublimation surgery!”

"The Mechanical Sage Reditus will assist you in this secret plan. A large number of mechanical prosthetics and mechanical parts will replace the bodies of the Astartes with missing limbs. I want to see an immortal Iron Legion appear as soon as possible. On Baal Prime!"

"We will obey the order of the original body and do our best to complete the mission!"

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