Endless Debt.

Chapter 617 Collections

Chapter 617 Collections

The waiter took Bologo and others through one after another grotesque court room, like a magnificent freak show, under the manipulation of the Desire Witch, the Paradise presents an incomprehensible and indescribable grotesque feeling .

At first, Amy would look into the darkness curiously, but gradually, performances beyond her tolerance were being staged. At the end, Amy reached out and held the corner of Burlogo's clothes, bowing her head, like an ostrich with her head buried , followed closely behind Burlogo, to avoid seeing those crazy things.

Aimu could take the initiative to look away, but she couldn't block those voices, even if she covered her ears, the voices still came into her ears clearly, as if someone was whispering in her ears.

Muscles were pulled and torn, fat was sizzling under the grill, bones were broken and crushed by knocking, and weird and hoarse moans came and went. Aimu couldn't figure out whether they were crying or enjoying themselves, it was even weirder What's more, at a certain moment, Amy heard a familiar voice calling.

He shouted his name.


Amyu turned his head, but the familiar old face in his memory did not appear, what was there was just a strange mass of flesh and blood, and there was a dense heartbeat sound from the flesh mass, the frequency was not consistent, it seemed that it had multiple hearts, overheating His blood was rushing, and his whole body exuded intense heat that was visible to the naked eye.

The blood-stained spines are intertwined, supporting the jagged bone cage, covered with a thin layer of skin, the blood vessels spreading like vines can be clearly seen, the white intestines flowed out, accompanied by lumps of meat They twitched, they squirmed on the ground like roundworms, and the smelly blood dripped all over the ground.

"Amy, my daughter."

A bloody head protruded from the mass of flesh, with tangled and knotted long black hair hanging on it, they were glued together by viscous blood, through the gaps in the hair, one could see the Dense scarlet eyeballs.

The monster desecrated Amyu's memory, as if it could feel Amyu's pain, it let out bursts of laughter, its pale and slender arms stretched out from the bone cage, and its slender nails scratched the ground, sending out metal interactions. Sharp sound when cutting.

It pounced on Amyu, and the dark chains emerged from the darkness, locking it firmly in place, and the sharp laughter echoed endlessly.

Amy stared straight at it. She tried to look away, but her muscles seemed to be completely frozen, and she didn't respond at all. It was not until Burrog stood in front of her that they interrupted each other. Sight.

In just a few seconds, cold sweat drenched Ai Miao's clothes, she looked away as if rescued, and then met another pair of red pupils.

The waiter folded her hands in front of her body, she bent forward and looked down at Ai Miao with a smile. The two of them were very close, almost face to face. Ai Miao could smell the fragrance of the waiter, like a cluster of flowers Stand in front of your eyes.

"You smell nice."

The waiter stuck out her tongue as she spoke, and licked Amy's cheek. She wiped the corners of her mouth, as if she was tasting Amy's emotions.

The sharp knife light flashed, and Amyu's eyes were filled with anger. She almost instinctively pulled out the dagger, cut off several fingers of the waiter, tore her chest, and the flesh and blood rolled out like petals. Hot blood foam hit Aimiao's face.

The waiter didn't seem to feel the pain, she completely ignored her fatal injury, and instead walked aside, introducing the monster to everyone.

"We're used to calling it the Severed Limb. As for its own name, it was completely stripped away when it dedicated its soul to its master."

The waiter stretched out his blood-stained hand and greeted the amputee. The amputee ignored the waiter. It struggled violently, trying to break open the cage and pounce on everyone.

"Just like you, it is also a fool who pursues eternal life," the waiter said, looking at Irving, with blood bubbling from his chest, "What's interesting is that before it completely turned into a monster, it also firmly believed that it would not fall, but in the end It still loses, sinking into infinite joy."

Irwin looked directly at the amputee, as if it had noticed Irwin's gaze, its dense red eyes turned to stare at Irwin, and at the same time, bursts of charming voices sounded.

"Irwin... Long time no see."

The sticky black hair was peeled off, and a familiar face emerged, and she whispered to Irving.

"What kind of story did you bring this time?"

She waved to Irving, "Tell me about it."

Irwin looked at the woman blankly, and suddenly he smiled, and then asked the waiter, "What did it pay for its eternal life?"

The waiter's eyes were a little more surprised, and the amputee let out a sharp cry again because of the escape of the prey, and more arms stretched out, and they propped up the fleshy mass, like a giant star spider made of blood and flesh.

"As you can see, it has eternal vitality, but its flesh and blood will die and wither, so it needs to constantly plunder other people's limbs to continue its own life."

The waiter's voice gradually weakened, the excessive blood loss made her pale, she staggered, and fell backwards to the ground.

The amputee made a sound of longing, stretched out his arm with all his strength, and hooked the waiter's clothes with his slender nails. It slowly dragged the waiter who was not dead to him. His nails were like a scalpel. Carefully cut open the waiter's body, took out the internal organs it wanted, and stuffed them into the bone cage.

"The owner didn't like it at first. It has completely sunk, without any emotion, only empty numbness, an unconscious beast that only follows instinct, and burned out firewood."

The waiter's voice sounded from behind, as if nothing had happened, she appeared in front of people again, exactly the same as the waiter who just died, without the slightest difference.

"The owner later found out that it was very suitable for some rubbish, such as this."

The waiter slapped his hands, and there was a sound of bumping back and forth in the darkness above, and then a man covered in blood fell down. He slapped the ground fiercely, his body twisted, and he did not know how many bones were broken.

When he saw the waiter, he moved his body obstinately, wriggled forward, and begged for mercy.

"Give me one more chance, I will definitely win it back!"

The waiter didn't answer, just looked at him with a smile, and then the sharp nails pierced the man's calf. The amputee laughed and dragged the man to his body, and then the bone cage bloomed and stuffed the man inside.

The horrific wailing resounded, and the amputee laughed loudly as he savored the man's pain.

Burlogo looked away and couldn't bear to look directly. If emotion is a kind of energy, then this place is a waste reprocessing factory, squeezing out the remaining value from these guys who have suffered a complete defeat.

The waiter looked at Irving curiously, and said doubtfully, "It doesn't seem to affect you."

Irwin shook his head, "I don't like fake things, they can't fool me."

"Why should we stubbornly pursue the truth?"

The waiter was confused, "When you do find 'truth', what do you do if it's not what you imagined?"

"Just like it is."

The clear chewing sound and the man's whining became the background sound of the conversation, and Burrog also stared at Irving, and now he was more and more curious about Irving.

I have read Irving's book and learned about Irving's rumors from Palmer, but looking at it now, my understanding of Irving is only superficial.

Cinderella didn't dare to look at what happened in the dark, but she noticed what Irwin said.


I remember that I also discussed this matter with Irving, and he, who was always gentle, became very serious. Cinderella still remembered Irving's words at that time.

"It's important to be real."

Irwin emphasized to the waiter, but he wasn't about to explain why authenticity matters.

"It's so strange that what you want is within your reach."

The waiter shook his head and leaned close to Irwin. The fragrant breath was close at hand. At a certain moment, the pupils of the waiter's eyes lit up, and Irwin saw the shining color again.

"I like stubborn guys, and even more how they cry when they fall into despair."

The voices overlapped in my ears, turning into a wave that submerged consciousness. When Irwin woke up, the light in the waiter's eyes disappeared, and she had already walked to the front of the line, continuing to introduce Lust to others like a tour guide. The witch's collection.

"Sometimes the host doesn't completely eat certain emotions," said the waiter, walking in the endless darkness. "Some guests have precious qualities, sincere and warm emotions, and the host will take the initiative to collect them."

A beam of light fell, illuminating the figure standing like a sculpture in the darkness. The mother held the child in compassion, and the child in her arms had already frozen to death in the cold wind.

Her expression is so sad, just watching this scene, the people watching will feel a burst of unspeakable sadness.

"You have frozen her here and turned her into a spectacle!"

Grieving, Burrog realized what they had done, anger in his voice.

Another beam of light fell, illuminating a deformed child. Her body was curled up on the ground, and the spine on the back branched into another spine in the middle. The body was like a scattered branch bud, and the other half of the body grew out. right next to.

"The sisters, trapped together from birth by deformities, each believed the other had ruined them."

A strong sense of hatred emanated from the deformed child's body, and many scratch marks appeared on the smooth and white skin. They tore each other's hair, bit their cheeks, and left scarlet hickey marks.

The Witch of Desire perfectly freezes the scene where they hate each other, like a frozen picture, standing forever.

"They are connected by blood and are one body. They should be the closest blood relatives, but they hate each other like enemies."

The fiery hatred was left perfectly and became one of the collections.

The waiter continued to lead the few people forward, and more falling sounds sounded from behind the darkness, and blurred figures fell to the ground one by one, before they could wailed, they were dragged into the deeper darkness by the amputee.

From this point of view, Gould is not yet a collection of the Desire Witch. He is just a temporary toy. When she gets tired of playing with it, Gould's ending should be similar to that of the amputee.

"She has terrible taste," said Burrog.

The waiter turned his head in doubt, and Bologo continued, "Look at what she has collected? Distorted and deformed negative emotions, full of pain and hatred."

"These pains will be turned into eternal joy."

Bologo knew what the waiter was referring to, the guardian of the Desire Witch, Nie Chaos Weile. Looking at it this way, Bologo felt that the Happy Garden was a bit black and humorous.

This is a hell on earth that distills the worst parts of you and transforms them into untold joy.

Bologo thought of those enemies who died in his own hands and possessed protection, suffering and joy, and his reason almost collapsed under the contradictions.

Irving said, "False joy, self-deception."

The waiter laughed. She had seen a lot of people like Irwin, just like the amputee.

"Everyone is like this, feeling that they are special, feeling that they can win the game, feeling that they can beat everything."

The waiter's voice softened, as if telling a fable, "But they all lost...no one is special."

"We'll see," Irving said.

The waiter responded with a smile, "We'll wait and see."

Pushing open another door, several people returned to the initial area. Six doors were arranged on both sides of the corridor. The door at the end was not closed. It could be clearly seen that this door led to the outside of the train station. Stopped on the rails, the orange-red light hit the carriage, and the train seemed to be on fire.

Bologo is too lazy to think about the twisted and intertwined space structure in the Happy Garden. In contrast, the spatial arrangement of the reclamation room seems to be more regular.

"You can leave at any time, or you can stay here forever. No one will force you to make a choice."

The waiter did not set foot in this area, she was in the dark, bowed to several people, and then closed the door.

The moment the gates closed, the invisible pressure pervading everyone's hearts finally subsided. Palmer took a deep breath, blinked, and rubbed his cheeks vigorously to confirm his authenticity. The weird deformity just now The show had no small influence on him.

Thinking of this, Palmer's admiration for Irving increased a bit. As expected of his idol, he is so powerful.

"Let's go, it's time to rest."

Burrogo tried his best to forget everything he saw just now, and let himself relax as soon as possible. Only in this way can he cope with the subsequent battle. He was about to help Palmer back to the room, but he found that Palmer couldn't move no matter how hard he pulled. Pay attention to his other leg, which is not limping.

Palmer stared straight at Irwin, his eyes made Irwin feel terrified. Irwin was stunned for a while, probably trying to understand what Palmer meant, and it happened that he also felt that he should let other people know more about it. Own.This helps the next move, success or failure.

"Would you like to come to my house as a guest?"

Irwin opened the door, and the quiet and mysterious library was within easy reach.

 According to the event, the book will be updated for free from the 18th to the 24th, and will be restored and updated after free.

(End of this chapter)

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