Endless Debt.

Chapter 501 Books

Chapter 501 Books
After that, things became a lot easier. Bologo has done this kind of work many times, and he is not proficient.

After greeting Marion briefly, Burlogo ignored Marion's eyes that seemed to be killing people, and handed over the troubles at the scene to Marion, asking him to find a way to end the riot tonight.

Each performs his own duties, and Burlogo can't do anything to deal with the aftermath.

Bologo dragged Ferguson, who was dying, and took the subway back to the Court of Deep Nest, and delivered Ferguson, a prisoner, to the Field Service Department.

Don't need to worry about the rest of the matter. Judging from the process of the Foreign Service Department, Ferguson will receive initial treatment, and then be transferred to the crow's nest for interrogation by the iron whistle. , will be transported to prison.

According to different goals, the Bureau of Order has several prisons to choose from, and the one people are least willing to face is probably the mysterious black prison.

Think about it, Bologo has never returned to that place since he was released from prison. If others hear it, they may think that Burlogo has a problem with his mind, but Burlogo still misses that place quite a lot, not only when he was there. It has been a long time, and looking back now, it is also an extremely mysterious and strange place.

During his captivity, Borrog could often hear whispers from outside the walls, and howls that sometimes wailed in the middle of the night.

For most of the staff of the Bureau of Order, the black cell, like the decision-making room, is a place that only exists in words, but few people have actually seen it.

Bologo pushed open the door, and the office was dark, except for the desk lamp on the office, which was still on.

It was time to get off work, Uriel and Geoffrey both left early, but Lebius was still there, as always.

Lebius is a complete workaholic, but no matter how dedicated a workaholic is, he still needs a little private space to do things other than work and relieve his tense nerves.

The documents were stacked aside, and there was a book in front of Levius, whose reading was interrupted by the arrival of Burlogo.

Lebius raised his head and glanced at Bologo. The news in the Field Service Department is very well-informed, not to mention that the extraordinary conflict just happened in Opals. As early as when Bologo took the subway, Lebius Already know what happened.

Burrog took off his bloodstained, tattered overcoat, balled it up, tucked it aside, and tightened his trousers so they wouldn't fall.

When chasing Ferguson, half of Burrow's body remained at the other end of the shadow gate. The axis of time tracing can trace back the body, but cannot trace Burrog's clothes. Ge robbed Ferguson a bit.

Rebius obviously also noticed the ill-fitting of Bologo's clothes and the astonishing amount of bleeding all over his body, which is normal at this time, and Lebius' expression remained calm.

Inserting the bookmark into the pages of the book, Lebius closed the book and put it aside. Bologo noticed the words on the cover of the book, and his expression was a little surprised.

Levius asked, "What's wrong?"

"No... nothing," said Burlogo, "I just didn't expect that, boss, you also read this."

"You mean this book?"

Lebius picked up the book, glanced at the cover, and explained, "Palmer brought it. He said it was great. He must recommend me to read it."

"I also like reading books."

Lebius is not only a workaholic, but also a very clumsy person. Unless work requires him, he almost never leaves the Bureau of Order. In this monotonous and depressing recuperation room, there are not many entertainment facilities for people to relax.

For this reason, Lebius developed the habit of reading books. In his spare time, he read books endlessly in his arms. He did not resist too much when his team members pushed books, but accepted them happily.

Lebius sometimes felt out of touch with society, and it was a good time to see what young people were reading today.

Burrogo scanned the "Night Hunter", and remembered that he still had a copy at home. It seemed that Palmer really liked this book. He probably bought a lot of copies, and gave one away when he saw someone.

"what happened?"

Lebius asked, according to the work flow, Bologo needs to report to Lebius what just happened.

Bologo nodded and explained the whole thing to Lebius. He didn't add any thoughts of his own, but just recounted the incident in a straightforward manner.


Bologo didn't know for the time being which devil this was referring to, but what was certain was that she must have noticed herself for some reason.

The identity of the chosen one?

Bologo felt that it was impossible. If it was to eradicate his competitors, he should send a negative person, or even a defender, instead of two prayer believers who were good at assassination.It seems that in the eyes of collectors, he is not that important.


Lebius thought, trying to recall information related to this word.

Burlogo asked, "Don't you know who the other party is?"

After a moment of silence, Lebius nodded, and he explained, "The same thing, in the eyes of different people, has different words to refer to it, and the same is true for devils, so their names are extremely diverse."

Balogo knew this, and as his contact with the devil deepened, he often turned to the book Nethaniel gave him.

"The Devil and the Electric Guitar How-To".

An example like this was mentioned in the book. Two small cult groups clashed in the Narrow Kingdom. After the tenth group eliminated these people, it was discovered that they believed in the same devil. But in their cognition, This demon has a completely different name and form.

The devil doesn't care about his believers. He is a profit-only businessman. As long as you dedicate your soul to him, all desire for power can be regarded as a cold business relationship.

As for faith.

This is just a supplement to the fantasies that mortals have for things beyond their own cognition. For things that cannot be understood, they deify him, and then comprehend them self-righteously.

"Okay, I got it," Lebius said, "I'll let the Crow's Nest side pay attention to the relevant information, you can get off work first."


The two simply exchanged words, as if what had just happened was not a life-and-death fight, but an ordinary street fight.

After working for a long time, such emergencies often happen, and the nerves of the field staff have long been numb, and they are used to it.

Fighting with Ferguson and Blau, for Burlogo, is not much different from hunting demons after get off work and fighting with gangsters.

"I'll go to the next door to change clothes first." Bologo said and raised his pants again.

In the activity room next door, Burlogo stocked up a lot of his work clothes. He often encountered such emergencies and always returned to the Order Bureau covered in blood. For this reason, the activity room always had a change of clothes.

When Burlogo returned to the apartment, it was already late at night, and the familiar blue vehicle was parked in the parking lot under the apartment.

Pushing open the door, there was a rumbling sound of snoring in Palmer's room. Since this guy came home to visit his relatives, it seemed that he had been given hormones by Woxilin, and his daily life was darker than before. The days are much more normal.

At least this time, Burlogo didn't smell the strong smell of alcohol in the living room, and Palmer didn't come back after playing until the middle of the night.

Back in his room, Bologo lay flat on the bed, thinking about what happened next in his mind.

Suddenly Bologo got up, took out the "Devil and Electric Guitar Operation Guide" from the bookshelf, and rummaged through the pages, looking for information related to collectors.

Bologo felt that Nethaniel must have recorded it, and the reason why he didn't notice it was because the other party was not called "Collector" in Nethaniel's records.

Different devils wield different powers, so the protection they bestow is also different. From this point, Bologo can infer the identity of the devil.

The evil whispers kept echoing in Bologo's ears. He knew that this was the power of the umbilical cord. As he deepened his understanding of the devil, Bologo would also suffer the backlash of the devil's power.

Bolog took a deep breath, sweat dripped from his forehead, and rashly explored the devil's secrets. Bolog didn't know what would happen. The safest way was to do it in the Bureau of Order, but Bolog couldn't wait any longer.

Lines of distorted and blurred words gradually became clear, and they were reflected in the eyes of Bologo, writing the ancient and obscure story.

Unknowingly, Bologo's breathing gradually became heavy. In the dim room, the darkness began to creep, and the evil whispers gradually became clearer.

An illusory umbilical cord floated from Bologo's body, and it gradually became a reality, connecting to the endless darkness. Someone was dragging the umbilical cord at the other end of the darkness, trying to pull Bologo over.

Bologo didn't notice this at all, his mind was completely attracted by the contents of the book, as if possessed.

The door was kicked open forcefully, the ether set off a strong wind, blowing the books over and closing them, Palmer yelled.


In an instant, the evil was gone, only Burrog and Palmer staring blankly at each other.

Holding a fruit knife in his hand, Palmer looked suspiciously at Burrog's room, and asked vigilantly, "Did something happen?"

Ever since Zeffilin gave Palmer a hard blow in his sleep, Palmer seemed to have a psychological shadow, and his usual vigilance might be relatively low, but at night, when he was lying on the bed, this guy's whole body was tense.

Bologo was stunned for a few seconds, he realized the danger belatedly, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and responded.

"No... nothing."

 I may have to ask for a day off tomorrow. The temperature has dropped in the past few days, and the child is a little unwell from the cold.

(End of this chapter)

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