Paranormal Investigation Notes

Chapter 376 The Heart

Chapter 376 The Heart
Hu Shan felt a bone-chilling coldness at this moment.He only felt a chill spreading from his heart, occupying his whole body.

Really... really dead?Did he really die from a high-altitude parabolic?

Even if I have reminded him, is this outcome still unchangeable?
At the same time, Xia Jie's death also broke the last bit of luck in his heart.

After the death of Luo Wei at the beginning, all the people I dreamed of later were completely unknown to me, they were all in other cities, far away from me, and they were not celebrities or anything.This made it completely impossible for Hu Shan to verify whether they were dead or not, nor did he know whether the content of this dream was true or not.

Then there is a possibility: Luo Wei's death was just a coincidence, and the rest of the people did not actually die.

But at this moment, Xia Jie's death actually proved the accuracy of this dream.

Hu Shan returned home in a daze, and saw his wife waiting for him at home full of anxiety.

"Xia Jie, he..."

Cheng Lan hesitated to speak.

Hu Shan shook his head, sat directly on the sofa, and hugged his head.Cheng Lan immediately understood what was going on, and immediately walked over to sit beside him and hugged him.

Under the shroud of mysterious power, both husband and wife fell into panic.

In this incident, it took the two of them more than a week to come out and return to normal.

After this, life remained peaceful, as always.Hu Shan also began to think about a question.

Since it is irresistible, and the appearance of strange dreams is not under my control at all, it does not come when I want it to come, nor does it go away when I want it to.So... Can I use this ability to gain some benefits?For example, improve the family situation, earn more money and so on.

But he soon discovered that this was completely unrealistic.The reason is simple, there is no channel for realizing this ability at all.

Even if he knew in advance, if he foresaw the death of a stranger in a city thousands of miles away, what benefit could he gain?
Go to the door and tell people when he is going to die?It is good not to be beaten.Even if the reality proves the accuracy of his prediction, so what?I am afraid that others will also suspect that I am cursing others.

Unless you decide to develop in the direction of a "master".But Hu Shan instinctively dislikes this path.

Except that the first dream of Luo Wei's death may indicate the possibility of some kind of profit, the deaths of the rest of the people cannot bring benefits.

As a result, Hu Shan put out the idea of ​​relying on this ability to make money.Just take this as an unexpected experience that is outside of real life.

The strange dream can be done at will, and life should be lived as it should be.

In this way, several months were spent in peace.But on this day, something unexpected happened.

In the dead of night.Cheng Lan fell into a deep sleep.But suddenly, she felt a little movement, as if the husband next to her was making some violent movements.When she woke up from her sleep, she saw her husband sitting up in the dark, motionless.

Turning on the light, she saw that Hu Shan's expression was stiff and cold, and his face was ashen.

"Ashan, you..."

Hu Shan turned his head, with indescribable despair in his eyes: "Lan Lan, I, I had that dream again. I, I dreamed of myself..."

There was a bang, as if a hammer had hit Cheng Lan's head heavily, making her dizzy.After regaining consciousness for a moment, she grabbed Hu Shan's arm and asked eagerly, "What's the content? What's the content?"

Hu Shan said stiffly: "Half a month, I still have half a month. After half a month, a lunatic will stab me to death..."

"Ah? This, this... Ah Shan, Ah Shan, don't die, you can't die, what will I do with the child if you die, woo woo woo, don't die, I will go down to accompany you when you die, woo woo woo... ..."

The sleeping little daughter was also awakened, crying.In the next bedroom, the eldest son seemed to be awakened, and there was some movement.

Hu Shan settled down: "I'll call the police at dawn. It's okay, it's okay."

Reluctantly suppressing the fear in his heart, Hu Shan went to coax his son, Cheng Lan coaxed his daughter, and after putting the two children to sleep, the two never fell asleep again.At dawn, the child was settled, and the two went straight to the Public Security Bureau.

Xu Qing, the captain of the security guard who was in charge of receiving the police on duty today, looked at the man and woman in front of him who were clearly in fear and panic with some surprise, and said uncertainly, "What are you talking about? Did you have a dream? Dreamed about yourself Stabbed to death by a lunatic?"

"Yes, yes. In half a month, a lunatic will stab me to death..."

Xu Qing felt a great sense of absurdity.At this moment, he even doubted the mental state of the two men and women in front of him.After thinking about it, he called the security officer next to him: "Take these two for a urine test."

He suspected that the two were having sex.

Hu Shan said angrily: "We are all good people, we didn't touch those things!"

"Stop talking nonsense, cooperate!"

The two eventually gave in and went for a urine test.The urine test was of course normal.Xu Qing, the captain of the security guard, had a better attitude, and put on a look of persuasion: "You said that there are more than 30 people, why are you so naive? Dreaming? Even if the earth is destroyed in a dream, it is not illegal. What do you want us to do?"

"No, no, it's a strange dream, a strange dream!"

Hu Shan was a little excited to distinguish, and took out the notebook: "I have been having this dream for several months..."

He patiently recounted the experience of this period of time again, and used the deaths of Luo Wei, Xia Jie and others as evidence for his statement.

"You can check the handwriting to see when it was written. Is it because I wrote it first, that person will die? Now I dream that I am going to die!"

Xu Qing felt even more ridiculous.He was even more convinced that the two must have mental problems.

"That... modern people have a lot of pressure in life, and they have a little fantasy, which is normal. In this way, you can go to a psychiatrist to have a look. It's really not good. I still have the contact information of Dajiang Mental Hospital..."

After finally dismissing these two people, Xu Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Leaving the Public Security Bureau, Hu Shan and Cheng Lan each had a look of despair on their faces.

If you can't find asylum from the government... what should you do?
Is it really only possible to seek the help of those so-called masters?But this is too unreliable.

Returning home distraught, the two of them discussed for a long time, but there was no good solution.

Today the child will be picked up by his grandparents, so don't worry about it for now.The two didn't fall asleep until late at night.

This night, Hu Shan dreamed again.This time, he dreamed of a profile of a man named Zhang Yu.

This Zhang Yu is actually from Dajiang City, not far from him, but he doesn't know him.The content of the dream showed that this Zhang Yu would die of a heart attack tomorrow.

"Doesn't the security guards not believe us? Then show us the evidence! Tell them Zhang Yu's death, and they will believe it!"

Hu Shan said so.

The two went to the Public Security Bureau together again, and met Xu Qing again.

Seeing these two people, Xu Qing had a headache.He has even decided that this is the last time.After that, if the two still dare to mess around, they will be arrested for disturbing the work order.

"Sheriff, I dreamed again! This time I dreamed about a man named Zhang Yu, who will die tomorrow! The cause of death was a heart attack! If you don't believe me, you can verify it tomorrow, and you will know that what I said is true Fake!"

"You are old people, you should believe in science! Don't always think about what you have and what you don't have!"

Xu Qing reprimanded them, but the attitude of the two people in front of them was very firm, they didn't ask for anything else, they only asked Xu Qing to verify it tomorrow, which made Xu Qing a little suspicious.

After finally dismissing the two of them, Xu Qing was stunned for a while, before laughing at himself: "That's so true, I almost believed it."

He then put this matter behind him and didn't pay any more attention.

On the second day, Xu Qing left home, yawned, set the second-hand car on fire, and started heading towards the Public Security Bureau.

When he reached the gate of the community, he stopped the car and walked to a small food truck selling tofu fried dough sticks.There were also a few simple tables and a few stools beside the small dining car.In the morning, people who are too lazy to cook often come here to have a casual bite.

"Boss, fried dough sticks for five yuan, a bowl of tofu nao, more spicy, and a pack of mustard."

"Okay, right now."

The boss brought Xu Qing's food skillfully and quickly.Xu Qing began to eat slowly.After eating half of it, I saw a fat man weighing at least 200 kilograms walking out of the Internet cafe nearby.

The big fat man had greasy hair, a layer of oil on his face, two big dark circles under his eyes, and his clothes were full of cigarette smell and wrinkles. He seemed to have just finished spending the night at an Internet cafe.

The fat man seemed to be extremely tired, even walking a little wobbly.

He also came to this food stall, ordered a bowl of egg soup, and a few yuan of oil cakes, and ate them.

Looking at that posture, looking at the simple stool under the big fat man's buttocks, Xu Qing was really worried that he would sit on the stool.

After finishing breakfast in a leisurely manner, Xu Qing stood up, wiped his hands and mouth, and shouted, "Boss, end—"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw the fat man swayed and fell backwards.He fell heavily to the ground, and the ground seemed to shake at this moment.

Xu Qing immediately stepped forward, tried to help him up, and asked at the same time: "What's wrong, buddy? You..."

He saw the big fat man's face was ferocious, full of pain, and his eyes were tightly closed.

Xu Qing's heart skipped a beat.

Having learned first aid, he immediately recognized that it was a symptom of a heart attack.

Fuck!This thing can kill people in minutes!

Beside, the boss and the diners seemed to have been stunned, just staring blankly at this scene, not knowing what to do.

At the critical moment, Xu Qing reacted faster.

"Call 120! Call an ambulance! Heart attack!"

Recalling the first aid knowledge he had learned, Xu Qing did not hesitate, and immediately began to press his heart, trying to make his heart beat again.Nearby, several diners and bosses took out their mobile phones and started calling an ambulance.

Xu Qing rushed to rescue him, pressed his heart for a while, and squeezed the big fat man's mouth open.Immediately, a mixed smell of smoke, sauerkraut from Laotan sauerkraut noodles, and bad breath came to Xu Qing's nostrils, making Xu Qing feel nauseous.But at this time, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

With a heart sway and eyes closed, Xu Qing directly covered the big fat man's mouth with his mouth, blew air into it forcefully, and started artificial respiration.

Cardiac compressions and artificial respiration continued repeatedly.He didn't stop until the ambulance Ula Ula arrived and several doctors rushed over.

"Rescue immediately. Who are the family members?"

"There are no family members here. I am a security officer from Hongye District Public Security Bureau, and my name is Xu..."

"You come with us."

Xu Qing had no choice but to get in the car and followed the ambulance to the hospital.The doctor pushed the fat man and ran all the way, directly into the emergency room.Xu Qing stayed here, and while signing, began to follow the doctor's instructions to contact the family of the fat man.

The doctor directly gave Xu Qing the fat man's wallet.Xu Qing opened it, trying to find some identity documents and the like from inside.

Fortunately, the ID card of the big fat man was inside.

Taking out his ID card and looking at it, Xu Qing immediately contacted his colleagues to get his detailed information and prepare for further actions.But the next moment, Xu Qing was stunned there.

The big fat man's name was clearly displayed on the ID card.

Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu?

With a bang, yesterday, the words that the pair of suspected mentally ill men and women told themselves suddenly surfaced.

"Tomorrow, a man named Zhang Yu will die! The cause of death is a heart attack..."

Xu Qing stood up in a daze, completely forgetting about contacting Zhang Yu's family.He stared blankly at the closed door of the emergency room for an unknown how long.

Until the doctors came out in twos and threes.

"Unfortunately, we tried our best. Chief Xu, have you contacted the family of the deceased? Huh? Chief Xu? What's wrong with you? You..."

"Oh, oh oh!"

Xu Qing suddenly reacted: "I'll get in touch right away, I'll get in touch right away."

After dealing with the hospital affairs in a daze, and ignoring the crying family members lying on top of Zhang Yu's corpse, Xu Qing returned to the Public Security Bureau.

He felt that this matter was beyond his control and had to be reported.

After thinking for a long time, he knocked on the door of the director's office.


The security officers of the brigade quickly dispatched and came to Hu Shan's home.Xu Qing went forward and knocked on the door. After revealing his identity, the door opened, and a team of heavily armed security officers quickly entered, guarding as if they were facing an enemy.That posture completely seemed to be dealing with some dangerous person.

Putting it on ordinary people, facing this scene may be very scary.But at this moment, Hu Shan and Cheng Lan looked at each other, but they both saw a sense of relaxation in each other's eyes.

"Hu Shan, Cheng Lan, we have some matters to investigate, I hope you can cooperate with us."

Xu Qing said coldly.Hu Shan hurriedly said: "Cooperate, cooperate, definitely cooperate! Do what you say! The notebook is here, and I have prepared it!"

The notebook was handed over to Xu Qing without the security officers searching.

(End of this chapter)

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