Paranormal Investigation Notes

Chapter 347 Key Figures

Chapter 347 Key Figures
At this moment, the composition of the restored archway is not all original materials.

During the demolition and landfill more than ten years ago, a considerable part of the materials have been lost, and it is impossible to get them back.It's pretty good to be able to find some large structures.

The missing part was filled by ancient architectural experts with a material that appeared black and red.So, at this moment, the archway in front of him is full of black and red colors.

After the restoration of the archway was completed, various tests on it began immediately.

The first is material science.

Lu Qingliang called several well-known material testing teams to conduct detailed measurements on it from the aspects of rock structure, radiation residue, trace element content, weathering and oxidation degree, etc.

On the other hand, around the archway, several other teams mobilized by Lu Qingliang began to conduct environmental measurements to detect the impact of the appearance of this archway on the current environment.

For example, after the appearance of this archway, whether there is any unexplainable air flow phenomenon in the disturbance of the air flow, whether there is any impact on the propagation of sound, on the temperature, on the light, etc.

In order to make a comparison, in another place of this military base, the second operation team also found someone to reproduce the archway one by one.

It took five or six days to complete the inspection, experiment, and investigation.The final test report was finally placed in front of the three members of the second action team.

"No anomalies. No anomalies anywhere."

Lu Ming flipped through the inspection reports in front of him—there was a thick stack of fifty or sixty sheets, and the categories involved any inspection direction he could think of.

But all tests ultimately showed the same result.

All normal.

"Okay. The Zhou family archway is suspected of being abnormal, it seems that it can be ruled out."

He Wei was a little listless.

Originally, she had high hopes for this clue.But now it seems that this is also a dead end.

It seems that Wang Quan's ability to curse and cause the disappearance of "information" of people or things has nothing to do with Zhou's memorial archway.

So far, all clues have been ruled out.

Lu Ming thought for a while, then came up with another idea.

"Maybe we can look it up from the consequences of this archway."

"as a result of?"

He Wei was a little puzzled: "Lu Ming, do you still think there is something abnormal about this archway?"

Lu Ming sighed: "There is really no other way to investigate, so I can only try to dig out from here."

"What consequences do you want to investigate?"

"The purpose of the Zhou family building this archway was because too many accidents happened to their own family, and the family was declining. The purpose of building this archway was to pray for blessings and change the family's luck. Then, how did the Zhou family's original family luck change? Already?"

Zhang Dingshan was thoughtful.

Lu Ming's words hinted at a possibility.This possibility is, is there actually some kind of abnormality in this archway, but it cannot be detected by our current detection methods?

However, it doesn't matter if you can't detect it.As long as evidence can be found to prove that it has really worked—for example, it has really changed the fate of the Zhou family, which has begun to decline, it can also be proved that there are some abnormalities in it.

Just like a glass of water, no matter where it is tested, it cannot be found to be toxic, but if a person drinks this glass of water, he is poisoned to death, which can only prove that this glass of water still has undetected toxicity.

The plan proposed by Lu Ming is actually a feasible path.


Zhang Dingshan said in a deep voice: "Rumors say that after the Zhou family built this archway, there were indeed no major accidents within the family. But does this prove that the archway has worked?"

I'm afraid it can't.

"I think it's better to collect information first. Maybe you can see something inside."

Lu Ming's proposal was finally approved by Zhang Dingshan.As a result, information about the Zhou family hundreds of years ago was quickly collected again.

The first contact of the second action team was naturally the descendants of the Zhou family.

After hundreds of years of reproduction, the Zhou family has become a veritable big family.In today's era, there are hundreds of adults and hundreds of minors who are directly related to the Zhou family.

They are scattered all over the world, and many families have long since lost contact with each other, and they don't even know each other's existence.

In modern society, this is a very normal thing.

For any modern person, he doesn't know how many relatives he has out of the fifth server, and even fewer keep in touch.What's more, even if the fifth server has not been released, they have long been ignorant of each other.

But none of this escaped the investigation of the second action team.After finding out the location of these descendants, the local public security bureau will come to the door to collect documents such as family trees and family books, and ask the elderly in the family about their childhood memories and what they heard from their elders. A few words from the family.

Near Nanlin Street where Zhou's family is located, interviews with old residents have started again, collecting as much information as possible about the original Zhou's family.

Lu Ming began to search for historical materials again, searching for information from ancient books such as local chronicles and family records, and corroborating with the information collected from the previous two operations.

In the end, millions of words were searched for text information alone.These written materials were handed over to the data analysts of the Planetary Security Bureau's Operations Division, and they were asked to sort them out. When the final results were presented to the four members of the second team of the operation, they immediately noticed the abnormality.

If you just rely on the sentence "Before the archway was built, the Zhou family had frequent accidents, after the archway was built, there were no more accidents" to conclude that the archway is abnormal and that the archway has played a special effect, I am afraid it is a bit arbitrary and far-fetched.

But at this moment, with the detailed and highly reliable data, the four of them had to have doubts in their hearts.

In fact, before the archway was built and after the archway was built, it was too clear.Even an ordinary person can easily perceive the difference between these two time periods.

According to statistics, before the archway was built, there were an average of 6 to 8 major accidents in Zhou's house every year.This situation started when the second son of the Zhou family forced the peasant girl to death and dumped her body in a big pit, and it lasted for four years until the completion of the archway.

The first thing, of course, was the death of the second son of the Zhou family.Since his death, the harvest in the fields has been bad, the youngest daughter has eloped with her servants, the eldest son's official career has not been smooth, the youngest grandson's leg has been broken, Zhuangzi has been robbed by lake bandits, the timber business has been embezzled by county officials, and so on. One thing after another.

Because of this continuous bad luck, half of the family property of the huge Zhou family was tossed away.

When the archway was built, the effect could be regarded as immediate, and there were no new bad luck immediately after that.

There are of course ordinary unlucky events, but after analysis, these unlucky events are just the follow-up effects of the previous unlucky events, which belong to the extension of the previous events.There was none of the new bad luck.

Looking at these data, all four fell silent.

At this moment, there is no point in denying this matter.Because the reality is already here.

"This it really useful?"

Lu Ming rubbed his head: "If this archway is really useful, then the rumors about the revenge of the wronged souls may have a certain degree of truth..."

Several people noticed that before the second son of the Zhou family forced the peasant girl to death and dumped her body in the big pit, the Zhou family could still be regarded as smooth sailing.

Could it be that the female ghost took revenge on the Zhou family and caused the Zhou family's bad luck, the master built an archway to suppress it, and the Zhou family's luck immediately returned to normal?
Isn't it too evil?
Lu Ming instinctively refused to believe it.But at this moment, what other explanation can be given besides this explanation?
In particular, Wang Quan was vaguely involved with this archway.What is the relationship between Wang Quan's curse ability and this archway?
Curse, curse...curse?
Lu Ming's whole body trembled suddenly, and he suddenly remembered something.

He didn't speak, but directly pulled the computer and began to search carefully in the case information database.Zhang Dingshan and He Wei looked at each other, and their expressions became serious at the same time.

Lu Ming seemed to have some new discovery or idea.He seemed to be looking for evidence of his own thinking.

Lu Ming rummaged through the database for a long time, looking at it for a long time.During this process, Zhang Dingshan and He Wei even went out to breathe because of waiting too long, and even had a meal. When it was getting dark, they returned to the conference room and waited for a while before seeing Lu Ming let out a long breath.

Lu Ming's search is over.

"I was almost bluffed by these strange claims."

Lu Ming murmured, raised his head, glanced outside the window, and was surprised to find that the sky had already darkened.

"It's dark?"

He Wei stretched her waist: "What do you think? It's been five or six hours... Tell me what you found."

Lu Ming smiled a little embarrassedly: "There are indeed some discoveries, but I don't know if they are useful. That's right, I found that the root cause of all the bad luck that the Zhou family encountered in those years was because someone died. "

"Someone... died?"


Lu Ming looked a little more serious: "It's like the lake bandits robbing the Zhou family village. This incident is indeed an unlucky event, which caused heavy losses to the Zhou family. It is evidence of repeated bad luck for the Zhou family. But why in the past? , the lake bandits will not come to plunder?"

He Wei's expression froze, and she vaguely noticed something unusual in this matter.

"I searched for some information and found out that the Zhou family once took in a foreigner. The foreigner was thick and strong, but he was very weak because of starvation for too long. Later, this person stayed at the Zhou family and recovered. After that, he helped the Zhou family form a village protection team and trained them single-handedly.

Under the leadership of this outsider, the village protection team has a very strong combat effectiveness.Whether it was fighting against the Lake Bandits or urging rent and food, they all played a great role, and it was the guarantee of the Zhou family's force to oppress the village.

However, this foreigner, according to records, 'drunk and fell into the water to death', died.It was his death that caused the combat effectiveness of the village protection team to drop drastically, which led to the incident of the lake bandits robbing Zhoujiazhuangzi. "

Zhang Dingshan was thoughtful: "The death of this foreigner is the root cause of the looting incident by the lake bandits."

"That's right. There's another thing. The eldest son of the Zhou family was an official in another place, but his official career started to go bad and he was almost dismissed. I searched for information for a long time before I found out the real reason why he was almost dismissed.

The root cause is that the family brother of the chief official of his state capital had close contacts with the eldest son of the Zhou family when he came to the area under the jurisdiction of the eldest son of the Zhou family to do business.But one night after the banquet, the brother of the chief official of the state capital was pushed down from upstairs and fell to his death.

The superior's brother was in your jurisdiction, and after drinking with you, he was pushed downstairs and fell to his death. Can you get away with it?
Because of this, the eldest son of the Zhou family was almost dismissed from office. Although he kept his position through activities, his official career has not been smooth since then.

The root of this bad luck is also because of the dead.

There was another piece of bad luck.The youngest daughter of the Zhou family eloped with the servant.

According to records, the management of the Zhou family's inner house was quite strict.The aunt and sister of the Zhou family housewife is the housekeeper of the Zhou family's inner house.This woman is still very capable and manages everything well. The servants are all trembling and dare not go beyond the rules.

The treatment of Zhou's house servants is pretty good, at least much better than being a tenant.Therefore, the local villagers are willing to enter Zhou's house as servants.But because of the aunt's sister as the housekeeper, some people with bad style can't enter Zhou's house at all.

But one day, this aunt's sister died inexplicably.The cause of death was not specified, but he died anyway.After she died, a new butler was replaced. This butler took bribes and took bribes. He recruited everyone into the house, but he was able to make the old lady and the old lady of the Zhou family happy.

The servant who eloped with the youngest daughter of the Zhou family was a bum before he entered the Zhou family, and he was recruited only after giving money to the housekeeper.The youngest daughter of the Zhou family is considered a lady of the family, and she doesn't leave the house without leaving the door. How can she resist the seduction of such a bum, so it's not surprising that she eloped with him.

The root of this bad luck is also because of the dead.

A total of more than 20 bad luck events, I checked, there are a full 16 of which can be clearly determined to have occurred because of the death of a key person.For the remaining incidents, although there is no clear evidence that it happened because someone died, there is no evidence to falsify it.

From this, I feel that we have reason to make such a judgment: the bad luck of the Zhou family was caused by the death of some people in key positions.

And, another judgment can be made: the disappearance of the bad luck of the Zhou family was caused by the fact that those in key positions no longer died.

So, this Zhou family it really useful?Is it really because of its construction that the deaths no longer occur and the bad luck of the Zhou family disappears?

Or... the deaths of those who were more important to the Zhou family were abnormal in the first place? "

He Wei was shocked, and suddenly remembered something, and lost her voice: "That master!"

(End of this chapter)

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