He was probably aware of Xiaofeng's panic.

Lin Mo then made a voice from behind and called Xiao Feng in front of him.

"Ask him what grievances he has."

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Xiaofeng seemed to have some peace of mind.

He followed Lin Mo's words.

Only then did the crying in front of him calm down a little.

Then he raised his head and looked towards that location.

The whole person has already burst into tears, which makes people panic when seeing him in front of others.

"I got married to Jianglinggang Village last year, and there has never been anything inappropriate during this period."

"I am also in love with my husband."

"My husband has been working away from home, and I have been doing my best to take care of the family."

"But for some reason, people in the village started to have some inexplicable rumors and made up some unfounded charges to put on me."

"My mother-in-law started to have some prejudice against me from then on. When my husband came back, she actually explained the matter to him. Not only that, she even added fuel to the fire and lied about someone entering my room every night."

Lin Mo listened to what the person in front of him said.

His brows were also frowning tightly at this time.

Do not say do not know.

There are still such people in this world who can tell nonsense.

"My husband didn't believe it at first, but my mother-in-law told him every day."

When he said this, a low sob began to sound in his ears.

It seems to be suppressed with all its strength.

Everyone present did not dare to make any more moves.

Listen quietly to the words of the person in front of you.

He was obviously someone they spent time with every day.

But looking at his face now, he looked extremely strange.

It’s even more terrifying.

But he felt pity for it.

"Finally one day my husband completely believed my mother-in-law's words. I was sleeping when I felt something heavy hitting my face. When I reacted, I noticed that my husband was picking up the ax in his hand and preparing to hit me. Cut it over here."


I heard what the person in front of me was saying.

Everyone present was stunned.

In any case, they never expected that in Lang Lang Qiankun, someone would dare to do such a thing.

"I tried desperately to fight back."

"But my mother-in-law rushed in and held down my hand until the ax hit me again and again."

"Afterwards, they were afraid that someone would discover the matter, so they threw me directly into the deserted well."

"They even claimed that I ran away with others."

When I heard what the person in front of me was saying.

Not only the people present, but also the netizens in the live broadcast room were filled with indignation.

Although I don’t know whether this is true or not.

But just listening to it at this moment is already infuriating.

After hearing this, Xiaofeng felt regretful.

But no matter what, this matter was clearly not something he could handle.

While thinking about it.

There was also a sound from behind.

"Tell him that you are aware of all the circumstances and will help him redress his grievances."

Xiaofeng followed Lin Mo's words and spoke.

Huang Wen looked at Lin Mo from the side.

I have to say that I really admire his thoughts.

Be methodical.

There was no panic at all.

Even when everyone was extremely nervous, Lin Mo was still able to think of a solution immediately.

I noticed this.

The man kneeling in front of Xiaofeng also twitched a little.

When he looked over, he had already fallen to the ground.

The rest were silent.

They couldn't imagine what kind of family would dare to commit murder in broad daylight.

"Shocked! It's the first time in the live broadcast room that Mr. Bao interrogates ghosts."

"But is this true? It shouldn't be the extras hired by Lin Mo."

"Stop being funny! When did Mr. Lin Mo cheat? This must be true."

"Boss Lin Mo is really interested. There is no panic at all about this." Huang Wen stood up at this time.

Came to Xiaofeng's side.

When he was about to pull the person in front of him up, he found that the person in front of him had already passed out.

The whole state was groggy.

When Xiaofeng woke up again, Lin Mo was sitting next to him.

There were still a few people in the theater who had watched Lin Mo's live broadcast.

Naturally, he also knew how powerful Lin Mo was.

So Lin Mo's appearance here this time can be said to be a timely help for them.

Xiaofeng had already been frightened into confusion.

The whole person was shivering unconsciously.

When he saw Lin Mo, he sat up subconsciously.

"What happened? Am I alive now?"

Lin Mo nodded.

When Xiaofeng was unconscious, Huang Wen had been asked to contact the local people.

This matter naturally needs to be resolved to some extent.

Since I agreed.

No matter what, we have to find out.

This matter can be said to have exploded in the live broadcast room.

It can be said that everyone has vivid memories of what happened last night.

Naturally, everyone is aware of the possible dangers.

Seeing Xiaofeng wake up, Lin Mo felt relieved.

I also went to the said village with the locals.

They followed the clues given yesterday.

He also dutifully arrived at the location of the dry well.

Several people went down directly into the well.

Sure enough, an unrecognizable female corpse actually appeared in the dry well.

The whole thing fell to the ground.

Just looking at it is enough to understand what kind of treatment he experienced during his lifetime.

This situation made everyone extremely angry.

How vicious can he be to orchestrate his daughter-in-law like this?

Not only that, but he also killed his daughter-in-law together with his son.

Everyone really couldn't understand it.

Soon Lin Mo also left this matter in the hands of the locals.

It seems this is indeed true.

Naturally, there is no need for any confusion.

Lin Mo did not continue to pay attention to this matter.

Instead, prepare to continue driving forward.

Huang Wen chased him out.

When he saw Lin Mo preparing to leave, he subconsciously stopped him.

This actually made Lin Mo a little curious.

He also subconsciously looked towards where he was.

"What's up?"

Facing the inquiry of the person in front of me.

Huang Wen nodded.

"I see you don't look like a common man. Are you interested in coming to our theater?"

I heard Huang Wen's words.

Lin Mo smiled and shook his head.

He finally left the adventure variety show organization.

At this moment, he definitely would not let himself fall into any situation again. After sensing Lin Mo's rejection, Huang Wen naturally had no way to continue questioning.

It wasn't until the car in front of him disappeared from sight that Huang Wen came back to his senses.

Slowly looked around.

Unexpectedly, this time they encountered something extremely frightening.

But it can still help.

Lin Mo had always thought that it was just a coincidence that he had an grievance against Bao Zheng.

But he never thought that this time it would actually appear in front of him.

A play was staged in which Bao Gong interrogated ghosts.

It's really disappointing. (End of chapter)

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