Live Adventure: At the beginning, the unicorn blood stunned Reba!

Chapter 79 Falling from the sky, the star escaped danger

Chapter 79 Falling from the sky, the star escaped danger

Yang Chaoyue was already terrified in her heart, and then she yelled out.

But the next second——

He felt as if he heard Lin Mo's voice.

Then a black figure flashed past.

Lin Mo suddenly appeared, and quickly picked up the ancient black gold knife and cut his palm.

As soon as the Qilin's blood came out, Lin Mo swept across and killed the 'female ghost' in front of Reba.

In less than a few seconds, the female ghost disappeared.

Then came the 'female ghost' in front of Yang Mi, who disappeared after a few seconds.

When the last female ghost saw it, she turned around and wanted to run, but when Lin Mo shook her hand, a few drops of blood just fell on the female ghost.


The female ghost let out a sharp cry, and finally disappeared.

The moment the female ghost disappeared, the surrounding environment had already changed.

The trees that were full of withering before have now become full of leaves, and the sky has changed from dark to bright.

When Reba saw that Lin Mo had arrived, her hanging heart instantly settled down.

After being too tense, he lost his strength, and then fell to the ground, his head was a little dizzy.

Yang Mi's situation is not much better.

He also fell to the ground, gasping for breath, feeling dizzy for a while.

Lin Mo walked to Reba's side first.

Then he took her in his arms.

"Lin Mo, I knew you would come..."

Reba's mind was still dizzy and a little weak.

"Drink of water……"

Lin Mo gave her the water drops on his body.

After taking a sip, Reba felt that her mind became more conscious.

Then sat up.


"I'll be talking later, I'll take you back!"

Lin Mo interrupted her, then walked to Yang Mi's side, helped her up, and gave her the drops of water in his hand.

Yang Mi smelled the masculine breath on Lin Mo's body, and her previous panic turned into tears, but they kept rolling in her eyes.

I have been holding back and not coming down.

"Drink some water so you can feel better."

After Lin Mo saw this, he directly ignored Yang Mi's tears.

I had to ignore it, mainly because I didn't know how to comfort her even if I saw it.

Seeing this, Yang Mi opened her mouth and drank the water. The cool water poured into her mouth, and her previously chaotic consciousness began to become clear.

Liu Yifei and Yang Chaoyue relaxed when they saw Lin Mo coming.

His breathing became heavier and heavier, and he fell to the ground all of a sudden, his body still trembling from fear.

Not only them, but also the netizens followed Qiqi's slack.

"Oh my god, I was really scared to death! My big honey, luckily he's fine! I really want to thank him on behalf of my ancestor..."

"I also thank my ancestors. This really scared me to death. Fortunately, Reba is fine!"

"Lin Mo, I was wrong. You saved my sister Tianxian. Even if you are a tomb robber, I will admit it."

"Upstairs, what the hell are you talking about? Why are you a tomb robber?"

"Don't you think it's strange? How can Lin Mo's knife cut anything? This ancestral tradition is so powerful?"

"Yes! I also have an ancestral knife, and it's not as cool as Lin Mo's..."

"Never mind him, as long as it's useful, my brother Lin Mo is the best!"

Netizens saw that their idols were fine, and the topic became a lot easier.

There was even a sense of humor.

They still don't know that Lin Mo can affect the emotions of all of them now.

Whether he is happy or unhappy depends on Lin Mo.


Bingbing, Dean Xu, and Dean Bai saw that the stars were all right, and their hearts fell heavily.

"Fortunately! Fortunately, Mr. Lin Mo appeared in time, fortunately!"

Bingbing sat on the chair and whispered in a low voice.

The hand holding the microphone was already trembling.

Dean Xu also let out a heavy breath, and began to recall the book he had seen before!

I just feel that this black gold ancient knife is very familiar!
"This knife..."

Dean Xu murmured in a low voice, then picked up the phone, edited the message and sent it to his assistant Xiao Fang.

He had obviously seen this knife before, it should be on his bookshelf.

Let Xiao Fang check it out now.

The professors in the School of Archeology thought that the female stars would definitely die.

But he didn't expect Lin Mo to descend from the sky and successfully save these people.

It's amazing!

Wouldn't it be better if there were people with such abilities when they went down to the tomb?
But they just think about this idea and dare not say it.

Xiao Fang was watching the live broadcast. After seeing Dean Xu's message, he got up and went to the dean's office.

at the same time.

When the Ghost Bureau and others who were heading to the forbidden area saw the live broadcast, everyone couldn't help being surprised.

If the knife in Lin Mo's hand can kill a corpse, it can be explained by its sharpness, but this...

Bullets are hundreds of times more lethal than knives.

The female ghost that bullets can't solve...

How could Lin Mo kill him?
And Reba's slap...

What exactly is going on?

"Guo Ju, this Lin Mo is so evil, why can his knife solve things that can't be solved by bullets?"

"And Reba's slap..."

When the members of the Supernatural Bureau on the side saw this scene, they were 100% surprised.

"What do you think is the root cause of solving this female ghost?"

Guo Ju looked sideways at the few people beside him.

Wait for their response.

"It should be the knife, right? That knife looks very powerful!"

"Yeah, I thought so too!"

"Yes, me too!"

The team members' explanation made Ju Guo smile.

"You have all overlooked a problem. It is Lin Mo's blood that can kill these things."

"Reba has Lin Mo's blood on her hand, and when Lin Mo made a move, he also cut his palm first..."

"So I think Lin Mo's blood is the root cause!"

Guo Ju's words woke them up.

Everyone was very curious about Lin Mo's blood.

The team members were discussing for a while.

Guo Ju looked at Lin Mo, his eyes were full of interest...

Lin Mo!


Explorers don't have this ability.

Master Bei, who was overseas at the moment, saw Lin Mo's skill, his eyes shone with light.

Hastily put down the phone, and booked the plane ticket to Daxia.

I plan to create an opportunity to go on an adventure with Lin Mo.

The forbidden area of ​​Daxia should be more exciting than other places, and it would be good to explore the forbidden area of ​​Daxia.

Lin Mo didn't know that his behavior had aroused the interest of many people.

Instead, he looked at Liu Yifei and the others.

Seeing that Yang Mi and Reba had started to get better, she took them away.

"Lin Mo, how did you find us?"

Liu Yifei walked beside Lin Mo, feeling very puzzled.

Lin Mo's eyes drooped.


"Ah? What sound?"

(End of this chapter)

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