Chapter 168
"Brother Qin, get out of the way!"

Looking at Qin Shubao standing in front of him, Shan Xiongxin said directly.

"Second Brother Shan, I can't let you go."

Qin Shubao dare not look into Shan Xiongxin's eyes.

Li Shimin will undoubtedly die if he makes this concession.

The rest of the people would not come up to help at all, even the other 46 friends of Jia Liulou.

After all, this is internal strife.

Only Qin Shubao and Li Shimin have a good relationship, so they stood up.

"Brother Shan."

Xu Maogong called out.

Shan Xiongxin turned his head to look, his anger has not diminished, and has always remained strong.

"Are you going to beg for mercy for this guy too?"

Shan Xiongxin asked directly.

"Second brother Shan, you misunderstood."

Xu Maogong shook his head: "But Brother Qin wants to protect Li Shimin today, so if you want to kill Li Shimin, you have to kill Qin Shubao first."

Hearing this, Shan Xiongxin frowned, and the hand holding the long lance was trembling constantly.

Shan Xiongxin is also a kind and righteous person, how can he kill Qin Shubao if he is asked to do so?

"Brother Qin, even if you fight to the death, you still want to protect Li Shimin?"

Shan Xiongxin gritted his teeth and asked.


Qin Shubao was silent for a long time, but still nodded.

"Okay, well said!"

Shan Xiongxin laughed out of anger.

However, he did not take the next step, and directly took back Zaoyang.

"Today, I will give you a face. As long as Li Shimin leaves Wagang Village, I will kill him as well!"

Shan Xiongxin said solemnly.

After saying that, he turned and left.


Seeing this, Li Shimin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Engong, why does Second Brother Shan insist on taking my life?"

he asked puzzled.

"We don't know either."

Qin Shubao shook his head.

"Second Young Master, let's go!"

Wang Bohe trembled.

If we continue to stay, who knows when Shan Xiongxin will kill him?
If this person chooses to do it in the middle of the night, wouldn't that be the end of it?
"Don't worry, as long as you are in Wagang Village, Second Brother Shan will never touch you."

Qin Shubao said to Wang Bohe and Li Shimin.

"Then what if we leave Wagang Village?"

Wang Bohe asked subconsciously.

"If you leave Wagang Village, then you won't be able to tell."

Qin Shubao smiled wryly.

It is possible that Shan Xiongxin will kill them immediately.

Moreover, Qin Shubao knew that he could hold back for a while, but definitely not for a lifetime.

Especially when Li Shimin will go to Taiyuan, it is impossible for Qin Shubao to follow him?

In this way, isn't it really against Shan Xiongxin?

What Qin Shubao can do is to keep Li Shimin from worrying about his life in Wagangzhai.

Only the follow-up anger is up to Li Shimin himself.

"In that case, Second Young Master, let's stay for a while longer?"

Wang Bohe licked his lips and said.

Li Shimin remained silent with a sullen face, the panic just now had disappeared without a trace.

"Pressure and shock."

Qin Shubao patted Li Shimin on the shoulder, turned around and left.

At this moment, Li Shimin suddenly raised his head and looked at the people other than Qin Shubao.

Whether Cheng Yaojin or Luo Cheng, they looked at him calmly.

But apart from these people, there seemed to be murderous intent hidden in everyone's eyes.

That murderous intent made Li Shimin tremble all over.

After everyone left, he just stood there alone in a daze.

It took a long time for Li Shimin's eyes to shine.

"Second Young Master, what shall we do now?"

Wang Bohe asked.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. It's better to leave early. Besides, after I go out, I will tell you about their attack on Luokoucang!"

Li Shimin said solemnly.

"But how shall we go?"

Wang Bohe had a bitter face.

"You don't need to worry about this, I have my own way."

Li Shimin said coldly.

Now, just wait for night to fall.

Time passed, and night fell quickly.

Li Shimin changed his clothes and quietly approached the city gate.

Then, I saw him bend down again and start digging the soil with a small shovel.

"Second Young Master, isn't this the way you said to leave?"

Wang Bohe was dumbfounded.

Isn't Li Shimin's move just to dig a dog hole to get out?

"You don't have to go!"

Li Shimin said without looking back.

Fortunately, the walls of Wagangzhai are not too thick, if it is a heavy city like Taiyuan or Daxing City.

Even if Li Shimin dug for a day and a night, he might not be able to dig it out.

Soon, Li Shimin's figure disappeared into the pit.

At this moment, Wang Bohe became nervous.

"As long as you can get out, the dog hole is nothing, and the second son has already got out!"

Wang Bohe's heart swelled, and he made a decision immediately.

Soon, Li Shimin finally dug it out, and it only took about two hours.

At this time, it was almost dawn.

Li Shimin knew that time was running out.

After all, there is Wang Bodang guarding the city during the day.

This man never misses an arrow, and hits the target with every shot.

Seen by Wang Bodang, there is only one dead end.

At night, the line of sight will be obstructed, providing conditions for escape.

If not, why would Li Shimin choose to leave that night?
Li Shimin left Wagang Village, he ran out without waiting for Wang Bohe.

After Wang Bohe got out, he followed Li Shimin's buttocks.

Not long after the two had left, they saw Wagang village coming out, and suddenly many fires lit up.

Then, there was another noise.

Hearing these voices, Li Shimin felt the hairs on his back.

If he is caught in this way, he must die!

Even Qin Shubao couldn't keep him.

"Second Young Master, but we don't know the way!"

Wang Bohe was about to cry.

"Go in one direction, and you can always get out."

Li Shimin replied.

In this way, it is not easy to be caught.

On the way to escape, Li Shimin also made many false appearances to confuse the pursuers in Wagangzhai.

Let them not find the real trace of Li Shimin.

After doing this, Li Shimin felt a little more at ease, and had already escaped from Wagangzhai.

Wagangzhai also sent people to patrol the mountain overnight, and they must find Li Shimin.

But Li Shimin was too smart to escape tracking perfectly.

When the sky was bright, Li Shimin and Wang Bohe crawled on the reeds to rest.

It can be said that the two of them were running wildly all night.

"Second Young Master, is it safe now?"

Wang Bohe asked panting.

"It's safe."

Li Shimin said lightly.

Hearing this, Wang Bohe was completely relieved and closed his eyes to rest.

Unknown, Li Shimin on the side has slowly got up.

He found a huge stone and walked up to Wang Bohe.

Li Shimin's eyes turned hard, he raised a stone and threw it at Wang Bohe's head.


There was a muffled sound, and Wang Bohe didn't even have time to react to what happened, so he passed out directly.

Li Shimin didn't stop, he raised the stone and continued to smash it.

"Bang bang."

The muffled sounds continued, and after a while, Wang Bohe was bloody and bloody.

Seeing this, Li Shimin stopped.

"Seeing me going through a dog hole, can I still let you live?"

Li Shimin gasped heavily.

In other words, Wang Bohe is dead anyway.

Then, Li Shimin dragged Wang Bohe's body and placed it not far away.

I am going in the opposite direction.

In this way, the Wagang Army will only search nearby.

Moreover, Li Shimin cleverly left marks on the places he walked, so as to avoid repeating the road.

In this way, you don't have to worry about bumping into the Wagang Army.

After walking like this for a day and a night, Li Shimin didn't know where he went, and finally saw a village.

After going in and asking, I knew the right direction and was able to escape from the vicinity of Wagang Village.

Li Shimin, go directly in the direction of Xingyang.

How could he not avenge Wagang Village?
The purpose of this trip is to tell those Xingyang defenders to be careful about the Luokou warehouse.

After that, he just needs to wait here, and Duan Zhixuan will send someone to pick him up.

"My lord, I've never been so embarrassed, I'm so ashamed!"

Li Shimin clenched his fists.

That's right, the dignified second son of the Li family went to dig a dog hole, how could he not be ashamed?

Back to Wagang Village, everyone gathered together.

Everyone's face was gloomy and terrifying.

Above everyone, the person sitting is Zhai Rang.

"How can Li Shimin escape during this critical period?"

Zhai Rang asked in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone below fell silent, not knowing how to answer for a long while.

"Who can tell me?"

Zhai Rang patted his desk.

"My lord, who would have thought that Li Shimin, the dignified second son of the Li family, would choose to dig a dog hole!"

Cheng Yaojin replied.

Even Qin Shubao didn't think of this.

"My lord, this subordinate is guilty."

Wang Bodang even knelt down on one knee, his expression extremely ugly.

Li Shimin's escape has a lot to do with him.

After all, the purpose of keeping him at the top of the city is to prevent anyone from escaping from Wagang Village and to find the enemy in time.

"What should we do now? Brother Xu thought of such a good idea, but it is difficult to implement!"

Zhai Rang asked in a deep voice.

Everyone present didn't know how to answer for a while.

They opened their mouths, but couldn't say a word for a long time.

"My lord, Li Shimin is known to his subordinates, and he will never leak the news."

Qin Shubao cupped his hands.

"I also agree with what Brother Qin said. After all, Brother Qin is Li Shimin's benefactor, and this person will not avenge his kindness."

Xu Maogong agreed.


Zhai Rang frowned, half-believing.


Luo Cheng replied.

Who knew that the Li Shimin they got along with was a hypocrite.

Everyone's understanding of him is false.

"In that case, proceed as originally planned."

Zhai Rang said in a deep voice.

"My lord, I request you not to participate in Luokou Cang's actions."

Shan Xiongxin stood up.


Zhai Rang asked curiously.

"The subordinates are going to hunt down and kill Li Shimin. Only in this way can we ensure that the news will not leak out."

Shan Xiongxin explained.

"Okay, then it will be as you say."

Zhai Rang nodded.

After saying that, Shan Xiongxin turned around and left.

Qin Shubao opened his mouth to say something, but finally shut up and chose to remain silent.

"Forget it, brother Qin, you can't keep him forever."

Xu Maogong patted Qin Shubao on the shoulder and said.

(End of this chapter)

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