Yang Guang peeked at my diary and lay down like an emperor through the ages

Chapter 139 Luo Shixin Supports Yanmen Pass (Subscribe)

Chapter 139 Luo Shixin Supports Yanmen Pass (Subscribe)

"You go?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xutuo took a second look at Luo Shixin.

"General, this is indeed a good idea!"

Zhang Jinsheng was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly agreed.

"Why is it a good idea?"

Zhang Xutuo frowned.

It is not difficult to see that he seems reluctant.

It's not Zhang Xutuo's fault. Although Luo Shixin fought bravely, he was facing Turkic cavalry after all.

In this case, Zhang Xutuo didn't dare to take it too seriously.

"General, this is the best choice. While Luo Shixin is away, we have time to quell the chaos."

Zhang Jinsheng persuaded.

"That's it."

Zhang Xutuo let out a long breath.

Zhang Jinsheng and Luo Shixin's eyes were on him at the same time.


Zhang Xutuo agreed.

As Zhang Jinsheng said, there is no other way but to do so right now.

"Then general, how many troops should I take with me?"

Luo Shixin asked again.

"General, I will send you [-] soldiers and horses, [-] elite cavalry and [-] infantry!"

Zhang Xutuo said in a deep voice.

The classic cavalry formation is suitable for dealing with Turkic cavalry.


Luo Shixin took the lead.

Immediately, Zhang Xutuo gave a few more instructions, and he hurriedly left the hall of the government office.

As soon as he left, only Zhang Jinsheng and Zhang Xutuo were left in the hall.

"General, rest, tomorrow morning we will further compress the space for the rebels' activities."

Zhang Jinsheng said.

"Well, you go to rest first, and let Luo Shixin speed up, don't delay any longer."

Zhang Xutuo ordered.

Not only that, he also needed Luo Shixin to march there urgently.

All in all, the sooner you arrive, the better, otherwise Zhang Xutuo will feel uneasy.

"General, the situation in Dengzhou is much more stable. Maybe the old man who is backing the mountain will personally lead troops to serve the king."

Zhang Jinsheng couldn't help but say something.

"This will know."

Zhang Xutuo frowned.

"So don't worry too much, general. Maybe the Turkic cavalry will retreat without you going out."

Zhang Jinsheng didn't realize it yet, so he continued.

"Hundreds of thousands of Turkic cavalry, do you think they are all rebels?"

Zhang Xutuo said in a deep voice.

"Although it is not, but once King Qin's army increases, they can only retreat."

Zhang Jinsheng replied.

"Everything can't be said too absolutely. The general still decided to clean up the rebels and bring the follow-up army to serve the king as soon as possible."

Zhang Xutuo said in a deep voice.

And the attitude is firm, beyond doubt.


Zhang Jinsheng didn't say much.

After all, Zhang Xutuo has already talked about this, so what else can he say?
Zhang Jinsheng turned and left, while Zhang Xutuo was in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Back to Yanmen Pass.

Not long after the first attack, the Turks launched a second attack.

Almost the same as before, attack Yanmen Pass with cavalry and shooting.

And this time, more cavalry and archery cavalry were used.

Arrows rained one wave after another, and the damage in the city continued to increase.

It is even more difficult for Yang Guang to stay in the government office with peace of mind, but keeps changing places.

The rain of arrows this time can be said to have tormented everyone enough.

Lai Hu'er, Mai Tiezhang and others were also injured.

Fortunately, the soldiers at Yanmen Pass are tough enough.

No matter how many Turkic cavalry there are, and how powerful the rain of arrows launched by cavalry and archery is, they dare to resist.

Soon, the rain of arrows stopped again.


Lai Hu'er asked with wide bloodshot eyes.

"General, it just stopped for a while, I don't know what else Turkic will do."

Chen Ling replied.

"Riding and shooting for two consecutive days, even though there are many Turkic arrows, they can't do it like this."

Lai Nuer pondered.

After saying that, he poked his head out, wanting to see what the Turks were doing.

Who would have thought, but saw another scene.

Many Turkic cavalry dismounted and re-transmitted their armor.

In addition, there are Turkic siege tools, climbing ladders.

Yes, they also have ladders, and they are the only siege tool.

Although the Turks are not good at siege, they also have their own ways of siege.

For example, they don't have siege rams, but instead choose to ram with siege cones.

It's just that the power of the siege cone is far inferior to the blessing of a crash.

"General, it looks like this group of guys are planning to snatch the top of the city."

Mai Tieshang said in a deep voice.


Lai Nuer nodded.

This also means that the next battle will be tough.

It is necessary to fight hand-to-hand to block the Turks' attacks again and again.

The point is that the Turks have that number and can consume it.


Lai nurse hurriedly gave the order.

The military order was conveyed, and the guards at the top of the city immediately performed their duties and prepared to deal with the Turkic impact.


Among the Turkic cavalry, the horn of attack sounded.


The Turkic iron cavalry launched cavalry and shooting again, forcing Yanmen Pass to be difficult to defend with a rain of arrows.

When the rain of arrows stopped, the Turkic cavalry dismounted and quickly rushed towards Yanmen Pass facing the climbing ladder.

"Fire arrows!"

Lai Nuer roared angrily.

The archers at the head of the city immediately took their positions and shot at the enemy.

Dense arrows flew towards the barbarians who wanted to rush up.

Lai Hu'er and the others could clearly see from the top of the city that many barbarians were hit by arrows and fell to the ground.

There were a lot of people, so it looked as if those barbarians had burst out of blood mist.

Although it can be effectively killed, there are too many Turks.

It was densely packed one after another, as if it would never stop.


Following a few muffled sounds, the Turkic people's climbing ladder leaned against the city wall.


A few strange screams sounded, and the Turks began to climb the ladder.

It is worth mentioning that their climbing speed is not slow.

And looking down from a high position, it feels like the vast ocean is about to submerge Yanmen Pass.

It can be seen how many Turkic cavalry there are.

Even if they dismount and attack the city, Yanmen Pass will be under a lot of pressure.


"Fire arrows!"

"Pikeman, take your place!"

Lai Hu'er, Mai Tiezhang and others gave orders repeatedly.

When the military order was issued, someone started to move immediately.

They did as they were ordered, and returned fire with slings and bows.

All of a sudden, countless stones soared into the sky and flew towards the Turkic people who took down the city.

Among them, there was also a lot of arrow rain.

In this case, the lethality to the Turks is still great.

After all, the more Turkic people, the higher the hit power.

However, the firing speed of arrows and catapults is not too fast.

There were a few more muffled sounds, and there were ladders for climbing the city one after another, which were put on the city wall.

Many Turkic people roared angrily, climbed the ladder, and kept approaching the top of the city.

When Lai Huer saw that the use of catapults and arrows was difficult to slow down the speed of the Turkic attack, he felt a little panicked.

"General, the situation is not good, do you want to inform His Majesty?"

Chen Ling hurriedly asked.

"So what can I do if I inform you, so that His Majesty will be frightened?"

Lai Hu'er asked with a wry smile.

If you want to say that there is a secret passage in Yanmen Pass that allows Yang Guang to leave, then there is no harm in telling him in advance.

But at Yanmen Pass, there is no way to go, only to continue to fight.

Yang Guang is also at a dead end.

It's okay if the Yanmen Pass is not broken, but if it is broken, we can only face the Turkic people!
"Give me a hard hit!"

Lai Huer withdrew her thoughts and roared.

"Guards, think about it, who are your enemies!"

"If they break through the Yanmen Pass, what will happen to your relatives?"

"Or are we men from the Sui Dynasty inferior to these barbarians?"

Lai Huer kept yelling.

He stimulated the nerves of every guard, making them not afraid, and even full of fighting spirit.

I have to say, this method is really useful.

Even though there were Turkic people approaching the city, there were also guards who were fearless and even stabbed their spears before the enemy arrived.

The spear pierced out, and with the splash of blood, the guard suddenly became excited.

"I killed the first Turk!"

the guard said loudly.

With the first, there is the second!

The Turkic people who came up later faced the sharp edges of spears.

And the rest of them all wanted to see the blood of the Turkic people, and all of them became heroic.

Some even paid the price for his bravery.

This offensive and defensive battle did not end until dusk.

The Turkic army quickly retreated, and the defenders at the top of the city breathed a sigh of relief.

The guards were all excitedly discussing their results.

Only Lai Hu'er, Chen Leng and the others had terrible ugly faces.

Because there are corpses everywhere on the top of the city.

In some places, it is even difficult to get off the ground.

This is not surprising, how many troops does Yanmen Pass have?

Even with the elite army brought by Yang Guang, how many troops can there be?
I am afraid that there is not even a third of the Turkic people!

Under such circumstances, it is already quite good to be able to stick to it until now.

"Martial law."

Lai Hu'er dropped these words, turned around and went down the wall.

I saw him walking quickly, rushing towards the direction of the government office.

When he arrived at the government office, Yang Guang seemed to be waiting for him.

Su Wei and Xiao Yu stood beside Yang Guang quietly.

"Sir, see Your Majesty."

Come to nurse and salute.

"Excuse me, come to Qing's house and talk directly."

Yang Guang said lightly.


Lai Huer cupped her hands.

"Currently, the Turks have given up riding and shooting to attack the city, and turned to attacking the city with the climbing ladders they are not good at."

he said directly.

"How is the result?"

Yang Guang asked again.

"They took advantage of the large number of people to put a lot of pressure on our army, but the guards still defended."

Lai Nuer replied.

Hearing this, Yang Guang's face softened slightly.


Lai Nuer hesitated to speak.

"Come to Qing's house, we have come to this point, but it doesn't matter."

Yang Guang said bluntly.

"But if this goes on, it's only a matter of time before the level is broken, and our army doesn't have too much food and grass."

Come to nurse and speak bluntly.

In other words, Yanmen Pass will not last long.

"How long can the grain and grass last?"

Yang Guang asked.

"Your Majesty, if you live frugally, you can only last around the 21st,"

Su Wei replied.

Hearing this, Yang Guang didn't react too much, but Xiao Yu's face turned pale.

Only 21 days, what about after 21 days?

Without food and grass, the city will fall sooner or later.

Even if you can stick to it for a month, so what?
Therefore, the biggest problem right now is the problem of food and grass.

(End of this chapter)

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