Yang Guang peeked at my diary and lay down like an emperor through the ages

Chapter 115 Turkic barbarians want to get married?No way! (seeking subscription)

Chapter 115 Turkic barbarians want to get married?No way! (seeking subscription)
Daman never expected that he had already arrived at the Qianyang Palace and met Wenwu of the Great Sui Dynasty.

But it has been a long time since I saw Yang Guang, the Emperor of the Great Sui Dynasty.

However, Daman was not dissatisfied.

The strength and military strength of the Sui Dynasty were greater than those of the Turks.

What's more, he Daman is not Shibi Khan Duoji, so he can still wait.

"Hmph, barbarians."

The big future nurse almost squinted at Daman.

In his bones, he just looked down on Turkic people.

Although Pei Ju didn't show much expression, he also ignored Daman and others.

On the contrary, Su Wei and others were more or less polite.

This is not because they have any relationship with the Turkic people, but because they pay attention to etiquette to give Daman some face.

Poor Daman thought Turkic was so great that he was valued by veteran officials like Suwei.

For a while, I was a little complacent.

As for Yang Wu, he was distracted the whole time.

"The blueprints for the eight-ox crossbow and the continuous crossbow are ready for preparation."

He secretly thought.

After all, now Yang Guang believes in him very much, and he has no idea of ​​starting his own business.

It's a pity that the financial and human resources are still a little short.

As time passed, there was finally movement from the direction of the imperial passage.

It was a sound of footsteps, very rhythmic and unhurried.

Everyone raised their heads subconsciously and looked in the direction of the footsteps.

Finally, Yang Guang appeared from the imperial passage.

"Sir, see Your Majesty."

All civil and military people said in unison.

"My lords, excuse me."

After Yang Guang sat on the dragon chair, he replied lightly.

"Ashina, Daman, on behalf of the Turks, send greetings to the emperor of the Sui Dynasty."

Daman also hurriedly saluted.

The etiquette of the Turks is not to bow their hands, but to put their right hand on their left shoulder.

If they are facing Khan, they still need to half kneel.

But facing the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, Daman did not perform this salute.

Yang Guang knew this, so his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his expression was a little displeased.

"It seems that the Turks think that their Khan is bigger than His Majesty."

Lai Nu'er said in a deep voice.

"Come on, general, you can't talk nonsense."

Daman said quickly.

"Since it's not, why don't you half-kneel and salute?"

Lai Nuer asked.

"After all, I am loyal to the Khan. Although the emperor of the Sui Dynasty has a high status, I still have to be loyal."

Daman replied.

How to deal with this situation seems to have been told to him long ago.

Yang Guang remained silent, squinting at Daman.

"You Turks came here, why?"

he asked.

"I heard that the emperor destroyed Goguryeo, and Turks came to congratulate them."

Daman said bluntly.

Then, he winked at the messenger.

The envoy understood, and hurriedly went out to report the tribute brought by the Turkic trip.

What cattle and sheep, as well as some animal skins, as well as precious ginseng and so on.

The large number shows the sincerity of the Turks.

"I see your sincerity."

Yang Guang's face softened slightly.

Daman smiled triumphantly upon hearing this.

When preparing the tribute, he knew that there would be no big trouble.

"Congratulations to the Son of Heaven for winning Goguryeo and increasing the territory of the Sui Dynasty!"

Daman said loudly.

It's still pretty sweet to say that.

Turkic people who have always been rebellious will also lower their heads.

"In that case, I accept your Khan's wishes."

Yang Guang spoke slowly.

This speech also accepted the tribute brought by the Turks.

"Son of Heaven."

Daman opened his mouth, about to say something.

"I also have something to do, I want the Khan you brought to you."

But was interrupted by Yang Guang.


Daman froze for a moment.

Duotu, the Turkic envoy, frowned, and at the same time glanced at the surrounding civil and military personnel.

Veteran Su Wei opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

Pei Ju also had a premonition, and his expression changed slightly.

All in all, the atmosphere of the court meeting has changed to a certain extent at this time.

"My lord, please tell me."

Daman said curiously.

"Your Turkic tribute should be increased."

Yang Guang seemed to say something casually, a little carelessly.

In other words, the Turkic people were completely ignored.


Daman's expression changed.

Duotu's face sank even more.

Yang Guang was not discussing, but in an orderly tone.

"Winning Goguryeo, Tai Sui thinks he has a bargaining chip, so he can do whatever he wants?"

Duotu was extremely angry in his heart.

Daman couldn't bear it anymore, his arrogance and anger as a Turk were about to erupt in front of Qianyang Hall.

Seeing it, Daman shouted angrily, and Duotu stopped him in time.

"Da Sui is the world, since this is the case, shouldn't the rewards given by Da Sui also increase?"

Doto said.

The Turks would send animal skins and other things as tribute, and the Sui Dynasty would naturally not neglect, and would give some food or other things as rewards.

Both are mutually beneficial.

Since Yang Guang wants to increase the amount of tribute, it is not surprising that the Turks want to increase the amount of rewards.


Yang Guang frowned slightly.

"Your Majesty, you really made this request. Could it be that you want to anger these barbarians?"

"Even if the Great Sui took Goguryeo, the domestic situation has not eased, and the people's hearts have not been completely unified. It is no good to tear the face off with the Turks at this time."

Pei Ju was secretly anxious.

"Don't worry, His Majesty is not impulsive and reckless."

Pei Yun spoke suddenly.

Hearing this, Pei Ju quickly adjusted his emotions.

"Tianzi, besides that, do you still need to agree to one of my requests for this trip?"

Doto continued.


Yang Guang sneered.

"That's right, our Lord Daman is here to propose marriage to His Majesty, and wants to marry Princess Sui."

Turn up the volume on multiple maps.

Before, the Turkic people would definitely not be like this.

However, the Great Sui took Goguryeo and formed a siege on the Turkic territory.

Turks are not afraid, that is false.

So in order to confuse Da Sui, it is the best choice to propose a marriage again.

Otherwise, the Turkic side would not have this time's mission and marriage proposal.


Lai Nuer exclaimed.

The rest of the civil and military officials all looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Your Majesty, Lord Daman is Khan's younger brother and a member of the Ashina clan."

Duotu continued.

Show Daman's identity and tell Yang Guangda that Princess Sui will not suffer from marrying.

Listening to these words, Yang Guang remained expressionless.

But if you look closely, you will find that his temples are protruding, and his hands are tightly clenched into fists.

The back of his hand was also bulging with blue veins.

Yang Guang originally thought that the purpose of Turkic mission this time was to investigate the situation.

I really didn't expect that there was such an ambition.

"It was already a disgrace for my father to let Yicheng marry Turkic. I will never allow such a disgrace to happen again!"

Yang Guang secretly said in his heart.

"The point is, if you really do this, isn't it just to make the traversers laugh at me?"

His eyes became more determined.

Even if he broke his face with the Turks because of this, he would not hesitate.

"His Majesty!"

Pei Ju bowed his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Su Wei and the other civil and military ministers followed.

Obviously, everyone has different opinions on the matter of marriage proposal.

Only Yang Wu still stood there, watching all this quietly.

"Your Majesty, how would you choose?"

He was a little curious.

Whether it can be done is the same as Yang Guang's own idol, Ying Zheng.

Contempt for the barbarians, let alone peace talks, there is no possibility of peace talks.

The Han Dynasty lost part of this inherent arrogance.

Now, is Da Sui going to lose some of it?
"My lord, what do you think?"

Duotu looked at Yang Guang.

Daman also suppressed his anger and waited for Yang Guang to reply.

All the civil and military personnel also kept playing, wanting to say something.


Yang Guang pondered.

At this time, one meter Yang Guang leaned into the hall and shone on Yang Guang.

Yang Guang with his head bowed, the upper half of his face was hidden in the shadow of the sun.

At that moment, all the civil, military and Turkic envoys present fell silent.

Because the decision on this matter is in Yang Guang's hands.

"Emperor Da Sui, will you agree?"

Daman didn't know what to do, he looked at Duotu and asked.

"I don't know, the possibility of agreeing is very high. After all, the first emperor of the Sui Dynasty once married a princess of the Sui Dynasty."

Duotu replied.

Otherwise, the Turks would not have made this proposal.

"Turkic messenger."

Yang Guang's eyes were exposed.

Those eyes are sharp, like a sharp knife, making people afraid to look directly at them.

Moreover, the entire hall was filled with his emperor's majesty.

Duotu and Daman were a little apprehensive.


Duotu responded.

"Princess Da Sui is the jewel in my palm, how can you covet it?"

Yang Guang said solemnly.

"Emperor Da Sui, how can you speak like this?"

Daman said angrily.

The word "coveting" means that he is Daman, not worthy of Princess Sui?

This is an insult, a naked insult!

"Emperor Da Sui, what do you mean by this?"

Duotu was also dumbfounded, not understanding what happened to Yang Guang for a moment.

"I don't want to hear about marriage proposals."

Yang Guang replied lightly.

"Also, regarding the increase in tributes corresponding to the increase in rewards, I reject this matter."

He paused and continued.

In other words, it is unilaterally allowing the Turks to increase tribute.

"Emperor Da Sui, what do you mean?"

Duotu was dumbfounded.

"Da Sui won Goguryeo, and its strength is stronger than that of the Turks. Is it strange to have such a proposal?"

Yang Guang asked back.


Hearing this, Pei Ju sighed.

He knew that Yang Guang really planned to tear himself apart with Turkic.

No, it should be said that it doesn't matter if you tear your face with the Turks.

"In that case, when I go back, I will tell Khan the truth about these words!"

Dotu said in a deep voice.

Daman wanted to say something, but was stopped by him again.

Because Duotu is a smart man, Yang Guang said so, which shows that he is not afraid of Turks.

If Daman was uttering some harsh words, maybe even the envoys would be inseparable from Tai Sui.

"Haha, am I afraid?"

Yang Guang looked at Duotu intently.

"Emperor Sui, aren't you afraid of Khan's revenge?"

Daman couldn't help but said.

"Noisy, give me a slap on this person!"

Yang Guang scolded angrily.

After saying that, the Forbidden Army rushed in.


Daman couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to fight back.

But he was stopped by Duotu and gave him a look.

(End of this chapter)

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