Lawyer Luo’s live broadcast of popularization of the law, are you acting as a joke player?

Chapter 282 Judge: Criminal case!Private banks are suspected of illegal lending!

Chapter 282 Judge: Criminal case!Private banks are suspected of illegal lending!
"Now that we have officially finished the matter, let's chat about the daily routine. Now that we are returning home from get off work, let's talk to each other as friends, Lawyer Luo, you have recently taken over the case that is about to go to trial.

Regarding the employee loan to work case in which you acted as the plaintiff’s attorney and sued an education and training institution and a private loan bank as defendants.

The defendant is Lawyer Luo, and since your opponent is a private bank, there are many difficulties in collecting evidence and litigating the case! "

"For this case to go to trial, if an ordinary lawyer takes action, he will definitely encounter various difficulties whether it is collecting evidence, going to court, or following the legal process!

But if the current Luo Lu takes action, then the situation will become relatively simple! "

Sitting in a law enforcement vehicle.

Maybe it’s because of the judge’s professional qualities…

It may also be because after seeing Lawyer Luo do so many righteous things...

Any justice-minded judge will have a favorable impression of such a person.

The judge exits for evaluation and reminders.

People and groups are divided, and birds of a feather flock together.

The judge was quite satisfied with Luo Kai, who helped popularize the law in this way and had an extremely explosive effect in popularizing the law.

Maybe out of admiration.

It could also be out of gratitude.

The judge gave a relatively professional and sincere evaluation based on the relevant information he learned:
"Your opponent is not just an education and training company, but also a private bank! The water here..."

"In addition, Lawyer Luo, you have sent quite a few people to the dock recently. Among the people you have offended are business giants and various entrepreneurs worth over tens of billions!
Aren't you afraid of retaliation?Aren't you afraid of your own personal safety? "

"Or worrying about your own safety all the time will cause your nerves to be on extreme alert all the time. Will you get used to this kind of life? Can you endure this kind of life?"

Luo Kai heard the judge's caring words.

There was silence for a moment.

He raised his head slightly.

Scattered hair fell on his forehead: "Why can't I get used to it? I don't feel that I need to be alert all the time. This is an act that my body can't bear.

Psychologically, I think there is nothing to be afraid of. I, Luo, sit upright and have always acted within the scope allowed by the law and filed lawsuits!He didn't do anything to offend his conscience.

My lifelong pursuit is nothing more than the pursuit of a clear idea. When I see an uneven road, I always want to step forward and help level this screen.

Besides, we live a harmonious life now. If anyone wants to use force against me or someone, I also strongly welcome it! "

When Luo Kai said this, he seemed to be thinking of something happy and laughed: "Many people on the Internet, many netizens jokingly call me Zhang San, the law popularization teacher. Those who really want to commit crimes, intentional injury and other crimes, if they can't listen If you understand my method of spreading the law, then I, Luo, also happen to know a little bit about boxing!"

"In terms of self-defense or something, I have already shown it to everyone once. When my opponent comes to pursue me with a gun, everyone knows what the consequences will be. If I show it again, it is no big deal!"

After Luo Kai finished speaking, he felt happy.

Luo Kai thought of a fitness BGM with a very touching soundtrack.

A man in Tang Monk's costume stretched out his arms vigorously and his whole body roared.

Several bricks were broken into pieces.

And the accompanying text: The poor monk knows a little about Buddhism, but if the donor does not understand Buddhism, the little monk also knows a little about fists and kicks!Wukong, please get out of the way and become your teacher. You want to give the earth a center score.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Luo Kai rubbed his forehead.

Bring your thoughts back.

It may be that this overly optimistic mentality affects people too much.

The judges and law enforcement officers present silently gave a thumbs up.

This mentality.

This mind.

This pattern.

This force value...

Lawyer Luo...awesome!
"To be honest, those of us who are judges and work in the law have never been accustomed to such unfair and illegal things, but the workload is too great! We law enforcement officers are basically overloaded! It cannot be comprehensive.

We also hope to make judgments based on the law and the legal provisions as the criterion, and give everyone fairness and justice!

This requires a lot of judicial resources. A county-level trial court has more than 100 staff, of which about 60 are qualified to hear cases!
Probably every day, even if all the trial halls are full, only more than 20 cases can be heard in a day, and only more than 600 cases can be heard in a month!Sometimes it’s really hard to do anything! "

The judge spoke out the thoughts of the law enforcement officers present.

Stop the car.

Luo Kai paused for a moment, stood up and opened the car door.

Get out of the car.

He turned around and showed a smile: "I will do my best to smooth out the injustices that can be seen in front of me! That's all!"

"Thank you to the judge and everyone for giving me a ride. Thank you to all the law enforcement officers for helping me move the compensation for this case into the execution auction stage quickly!"

"I'm very grateful. If we have time to talk later, I won't interrupt your work for now!"

The judges nodded: "Lawyer Luo, go ahead and do your work first. We are also watching your case that will be heard in court tomorrow!"

Luo Kai bent down to express his gratitude.

The law enforcement vehicle closed its door and slowly drove away.

The direction we are going is...prison!
The female driver who was responsible for the accident and was taken away just now is now a death row prisoner.

He is a serious criminal.

After bringing her to the scene, he handled the case and executed the property in front of her.

Now it is time to send the female driver who caused the accident back to where he should be until the next court proceedings begin...

The verdict becomes effective as soon as it is announced, which is no joke.


Luo Kai took a taxi and went to the hospital.

I met with the family members of the parties involved and explained to them the situation during the law enforcement process.

Although the families of the victims have seen the live broadcast of the live auction of the defendant's mansion by law enforcement and the realization of the money as compensation.


Luo Kai still thinks it is better to explain some things face to face.

After all, the second trial is about to begin.

"I have made it clear from the beginning of this case. Since I, Luo, have taken over as the plaintiff's attorney, I will be responsible for this case to the end. You can just pay the fee once. There is no need to be polite to me anymore. Really of!"

Luo Kai repeatedly declined the attempts by the victim's family members, the father and daughter, to stuff money into Lawyer Luo's pocket.

The victim's husband said with a grateful face: "Lawyer Luo, you have helped us a lot. I also know that in the legal industry, litigation fees are generally calculated by button, and the first and second trials are charged separately!
It just so happens that the first-instance compensation in this case has been decided, and we still have a little money in hand..."

Luo Kai refused directly and righteously: "Uncle, I understand what you want to express, but compared to the legal fees I charge now, this fee in your hands may be more useful for treating the victims." Great value for money!
This is life-saving money, and uncle, you are only a family member of the victim. It is up to the victim to decide how to use this money, so let’s just waive the legal fees! "

"If you really want to express your gratitude, after the lawsuit is won, uncle, you can bring me one or two local hams from your hometown. I will be particularly greedy for the taste of ham...

Okay, okay, don’t send me off, you two, go back to the hospital and take a rest first. I have something to do, and there are cases to be heard in court tomorrow, so I’ll leave first..."

Luo Kai waved quickly.

He waved to the victim's father and daughter at the entrance of the hospital and told them not to see him off.

The victim’s husband watched Lawyer Luo get into a taxi and drive away!
He rubbed his slightly red eyes and put the money in his pocket: "Daughter, Mr. Li said before that there are good people in this world. I have always felt that this sentence is quite childish and immature!

Now I apologize to you. People like Lawyer Luo are truly good people and truly kind people. When doing good deeds, they will also take into account the dignity of the person receiving the money. Not only did they not accept the money, but they also donated money during the lawsuit!
He even said that the reward after appeal would be a country ham. I don’t know how to express my words! "

"So what are people like Lawyer Luo trying to do?"

The winter wind blew the bare, leafless trees on both sides.

It seems to be expressing some kind of doubt.

..."Lawyer Luo, I feel really uneasy about this case of mine! Is there still justice from heaven? Is there still law from the king? How can there be any argument in this world that migrant workers work for company loans?"

"And this company, under such public attention, even issued an announcement, claiming that the training company's loan behavior was "voluntary" and the employees wanted to share the difficulties with the company and help the company. The decision was made , What a clever word, confusing right and wrong!"

The person involved was furious.

There is a mobile phone in the hand.

What was displayed on the phone was exactly the reply given by this training institution.

After half an hour.

some coffee shop.

Inside a relatively soundproofed compartment.

Luo Kailai had a simple communication with the parties in his next upcoming case.

Make a final statement.

Victims working for companies taking loans from training institutions.

This one was eaten up as soon as he entered the society, and he was beaten hard by the workers.

There was a hint of anger on his face.

Luo Kai raised his head slightly.

Look at the people around him looking at him!
There are quite a lot of people in this cafe.

I can hardly sit down anymore.

Who are these people?
They are all people with the same experience, and they also work for this company on loans.

They lend passively.

My ID card information was even taken to the bank for loans by the training institution and company without anyone noticing.

Some of them are still employed, and some have resigned.

Now they are gathered here just to let Lawyer Luo help them evaluate the case.

At the same time, there were also reporters who accompanied the young worker girl who came to the door to ask for an explanation.

The reporter didn't say much.

Just look at Luo Kai with your eyes!

Luo Kai gently tapped the table in front of him with his fingers.

There are several pieces of A4 paper scattered on the table.

The names and contact information of the same victims were on the papers.

Under the gaze of the people around him, Luo Kai said: "Now that the statistics are almost over, the number of victims who have suffered the same situation of passive loan payment for work is almost more than 50, right?

When I initiated a lawsuit before, I had already added so many people as co-plaintiffs when I filed the case!The number of people is basically complete!

When filing the case, I initiated the case as a civil lawsuit and also initiated the case as a criminal lawsuit, which means there are two cases!

The civil lawsuit is to terminate the loan contract, restore your credit rating, and recover your wages, etc.!The defendant in the lawsuit is the education and training institution company where you have worked before, and the private bank may be listed as an incidental litigant or a third party! "

"After the civil lawsuit is over, there will be a criminal lawsuit, which will sue private banks for illegal lending. Private banks will be listed as the main defendants..."

"Tomorrow morning, the case will be heard in court. The relevant preparations have been prepared in advance and are basically in perfect condition..."

"If you are free tomorrow, I suggest you all come and watch it live. After all, this is a major event in your life!"

After Luo Kai finished speaking, he continued to talk about various details.

How should I behave in court tomorrow?

How to choose the right complaint?

How should the legal process proceed?

When will you speak to this group of plaintiffs?

These all take some work.

The eyes of those present were shining.

All shimmering.

The name of this light is...justice.

But why did Lawyer Luo prosecute him as a criminal case?
And it’s a private bank that’s being sued?
After everyone discussed all the details, they simply had something to eat at the buffet at the Fly Restaurant on the street.

leave each other.

Luo Kai is covered with moonlight.

back to his home.

After a simple wash.

Just fell asleep.

After all, the official trial will begin tomorrow.

One civil case and one criminal case were heard in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

Two cases tomorrow, um.That was a particularly difficult one!
You have to recharge your batteries.

"This case may have received a little less attention..."

Luo Kai's last thought before falling asleep was this.


Will fewer people pay attention to this case?
Do not!
It will explode even more.

There will be more people.

Because as a migrant worker, this kind of cheating company really resonates with me.

at the same time.

In the online world.

Regarding the upcoming trial of this case, three consecutive hot searches have reached the top three of the hot search list:

#Being classified as a dishonest person after paying to work? #

#Who should protect the rights of workers? #

#xx Private Bank has been criminally investigated for illegal lending#

Luo Kai was wrong about one thing.

The attention of this case that is about to go to trial is directly reported.

Because the largest number of people in the world are hard-working workers.

It is easiest for workers to empathize with workers.

Because of these deceptive things, they have all encountered them more or less...

In situations involving one's own vital interests.

Every worker will do his or her part to shine.

Hundreds of millions of people, as long as they surf the Internet, are intensely concerned about this case.

Under such circumstances.

The heat exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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