Lawyer Luo’s live broadcast of popularization of the law, are you acting as a joke player?

Chapter 264 The judge suspended death in the first instance!Neither the plaintiff nor the defendant

Chapter 264 The judge suspended death in the first instance!Neither the plaintiff nor the defendant is satisfied with the appeal in court?

The main event is coming!
What's the highlight?
That is the result given by the official after considering various factors, investigation results, evidence chain, etc.!

It has legal effects!
In litigation cases!
Both the plaintiff and the defendant must hold their own opinions!

The public said the public was reasonable, the mother said the mother was reasonable

But in court, the final official investigation results shall prevail!
In court!

Everyone stood and listened carefully!
The judge who pronounced the sentence...

He is one of the three judges who formed the collegial panel to hear the case before!

This case has attracted the attention of people from all walks of life, and the number of people watching the trial has reached 1 million!
You know, this is a working day.

Not the weekend.

I don’t know how many netizens are paying attention to the outcome of this case and waiting for the verdict...

Fishing in the morning.

Watch live.

Watch the trial online.


Understand the law.

It's like bringing an end to a drama I'm following...

Draw an ending.

Every case that arouses public opinion.

As official!

As a court of justice!
There can't be any mistakes, not even the slightest bit of gossip!

You can imagine how much psychological pressure there is!
Even if you mispronounce a sentence or mispronounce a word, this is a flaw, and it will be recorded!

The judge said it was stressful!
But I can handle it.

He wrote the verdict!
After updating and iterating, we have reached version No. 20...

Even though I can recite it backwards and forwards, I still feel nervous!
But to the ears of those around him, the judge’s voice remained calm!

Coupled with the function of the microphone, the sound of the trial echoed in the trial hall:

"After trial, it was found that at 21:35 on x month xx, xx, the defendant xx (name of the female driver) drunk and drove a BMW small car with license plate number xx from south to north along xx Highway, when he reached the xx intersection , and collided with the victim xx who was returning home from work along the road.

The plaintiff and victim xx were injured and seriously injured!The female driver who was drunk was the defendant. During the process, she heard, saw, and felt what happened when she hit someone!This is the first behavior.

In this case, instead of getting out of the car to check and send the injured to the hospital, he did something that was contrary to his profession... hit and run.

The victim was rolled under the car and dragged for nearly 1 kilometer before being stopped on the spot by law enforcement officers. The victim was also quickly rescued. At this time, the victim was already dying and on the verge of death.

Then he was quickly sent to the hospital ICU for first aid. After three days of coma, he finally regained consciousness and improved during the subsequent recovery process!

but!According to forensic identification, the level of injury is already at the level of serious injury, second only to death!The head and face were damaged...the cervical vertebrae were twisted...the skin of the whole body was damaged to the extent of..."

The judge should work out the specific injuries of the victim.

I just feel like my teeth are aching.

That was a human being, dragged directly under the car.

And it was dragged for 1 kilometer.

What's even more outrageous is that it's face down...

The injuries suffered.

It hurts, it hurts too much.

It is not an exaggeration to say that I have experienced 18 levels of hell.

The judge only felt that his fist was hardened.

He paused for a moment and looked at the handcuffed female driver who was placed inside the fence.

I wish I could just shoot her right away!

What kind of inhumane person is this?

people present.

They all felt like they had some phantom pain!

People with compassion and empathy have long covered their mouths and shed tears...

Some people who didn't have enough mental capacity simply rolled their eyes and fainted on the spot.

Even the few reporters who had reported countless tragic scenes subconsciously felt some phantom pain on their faces.

Chew your teeth straight.

When they subconsciously bring themselves into the scene experienced by the victim.

There are even scratches on the cheekbones of the face...

Everyone glared at the female driver who was locked inside the fence.

Not a shred of sympathy.

For this kind of scum.

I really hope that the law will quickly sentence her to death, sentence her to die, die early and be reborn.

Death is not a pity, there is no pity at all.

in the plaintiff's box.

The father and daughter of the victim's family standing next to Luo Kai once again heard the tragedy that happened to their mother and wife.

The teeth were clenched and rattled.

The eyes immediately turned red.

Especially the victim's daughter.

Already fainted.

Luo Kai and the staff next to him helped each other and pressed the button.

It was with great difficulty that she was rescued from her fainting state.

"Be born! The death penalty must be the death penalty!" The victim's husband roared in anger like a beast!

If Luo Kai and the surrounding staff hadn't stopped him.

It is estimated that the female driver locked inside the fence will be torn apart by her hands.

This kind of blood feud.

Must take revenge.

This kind of intentional xing behavior is all too clear.

It's just too bad.

What's even worse is that the female driver was stopped by law enforcement officers and got out of the car after being caught.

His face was full of indifference!
He even had a flaw, arranging his hair and untying the luxury watch on his wrist...

What makes even more people angry is that this female driver is a doctor by profession...

as a doctor.

This female driver violated the professional ethics and medical ethics that this profession gave her that she must abide by.

There was some confusion in the courtroom.

But the scene quickly calmed down the emotions of the victims' families.

The judge and the staff present did not blame this.

If you put yourself in the other person's shoes, you might feel that you would be angrier and act more tolerant of control.

It is human nature to feel sad and angry, to curse angrily, and to be unable to restrain oneself from wanting to take action.

But netizens watched the trial online.

I don’t know how many people cursed the most filthy words in their lives at this minute...

Anyway, many of them are directly displayed in the barrage...

After court order was restored.

The judge holding the verdict in his hand continued to pronounce the sentence and said:
"...The serious injuries suffered by the plaintiff's victim are causally linked to defendant xx's hit-and-run and intentional assault. The liability assessment by multiple law enforcement agencies determined that defendant xx bears full responsibility for the accident.

It was also found that the defendant xx had been temporarily detained by the law enforcement office for driving a BMW car with license plate number xx and driver's license on x month xx, xx year, after drinking alcohol.

As for the civil compensation part of this criminal case, the plaintiff and defendant failed to reach a compensation agreement, and the defendant failed to obtain the understanding of the victim’s relatives. Not only did the defendant’s family not take the initiative to reach a settlement, they even made disguised threats during the process.

And during the subsequent trial, evidence was even destroyed in court. Criminal coercive measures have been taken and it will be counted as another case, and the sentencing trial will be held soon...

Defendant xx has been caught on the spot and criminal coercive measures were taken until the eve of sentencing! "

The judge explained clearly in the judgment various measures taken by the defendant, a vicious perpetrator.

It even highlighted some of the evil things the female driver’s husband had done.

It's okay, the whole family will come one by one, don't be anxious.All quality control requires a chain of evidence.

The judge took a deep breath.

Then continue to list the evidence:

“The above facts are confirmed by the following evidence submitted by the prosecutor and cross-examined and authenticated by the court:

([-]) Documentary evidence

1. The household registration certificate confirms the fact that defendant xx has full capacity for criminal responsibility...

2. Check the identification certificate of the road traffic accident No. xx from the law enforcement point (xx), which proves that the defendant xx bears full responsibility for the accident.



5. Investigation records confirmed...

([-]) Witness testimony
1. The testimony of witness xx (a passer-by at the intersection) confirmed the moment when the defendant hit someone with his car...

2. Witness xx……

3. Witnesses…

([-]) The defendant’s confession and defense
Defendant xx’s confession confirmed that he drove a BMW small car with license plate number xx along the road to... and had a traffic accident... and then fled in a panic...

Later, law enforcement officers arrived and pulled him out...The ambulance pulled the injured person who was dragged under the car away from the scene...

Then he was taken to xx Hospital (with identification qualifications) to have his blood extracted.

([-]) Appraisal opinions

1. The No. xx forensic medical examination certificate issued by xx Law Enforcement Point (xx) Gong (Criminal Technique) Jian (Forensic Disease) (xx year) confirmed that the victim’s serious injury level was...

2. The blood alcohol test and identification report confirmed that the content of ethanol in the defendant’s veins and veins was 103.9mg/100ml, which met the standard for drunk driving...

3. Identification of physical evidence: The impact and scratch marks on the front left side of the BMW small car driven by the defendant are consistent with the characteristics of the corresponding collision marks in the accident...

4. Driving speed identification...

5. Forensic backup of driving recorder SD card...

([-]) On-site inspection and inspection records


([-]) Other evidentiary materials


The process of arriving at the case confirmed the fact that defendant xx was captured by the law enforcement point.

The sources of the above evidence are legal, objective, true, and consistent in relevance, and this court confirms them all. "

Here comes the judge.

I just feel like my temples are beating all the time.

pissed off.

The judge's anger level was also the same as that of the people around him, and it was accumulated to the extreme.

Finally, the verdict given by the trial court was announced in court:

“This court believes that defendant xx violated traffic and transportation management regulations, had a major traffic accident, and then escaped, causing one person to be seriously injured and on the verge of death. He bears full responsibility for the accident. His behavior has constituted the crime of traffic accident. This is behavior one.

After escaping from the scene of a traffic accident, he dragged the victim under the car and continued dragging him. This was the second act, which violated the crime of intentional sexual assault. Objectively, he committed the act of deliberately sexually assaulting others. Subjectively, he was aware of his own behavior, which was consistent with the crime. The subjective and objective elements of this crime!
The prosecutor's and plaintiff's lawyers' accusations were clear in fact, the evidence was reliable and sufficient, and the two charges were found guilty. "

"Defendant xx committed the crime of traffic accident. He behaved badly and fled the scene after committing the crime. This is in line with the maximum sentencing situation for the crime of traffic accident. According to law, he should be sentenced to more than ten years in prison!

The defendant did not voluntarily plead guilty after such a heinous case! !He did not truthfully confess all the facts of his crime! ! !Not to mention actively compensating the victims’ families for various economic losses! ! !I didn’t get the forgiveness of the victim’s family! ! !

Therefore, the punishment is severe! "

The judge's voice grew louder.

It was obvious that the female driver had no idea that she had made a mistake!

After making a mistake, no remedial measures were taken!

This kind of person is simply inhumane!

The judge clenched his fists in anger, and everyone present was equally angry.

The anger brewed to the extreme, like thunder in the sky.

Fall directly:

“Now in accordance with the provisions of the law, the verdict is as follows:

Defendant xx committed the crime of causing a traffic accident (aggravating circumstances), and intentionally raped a person (the method was vicious, an aggravating circumstance). His bad behavior was very harsh and caused a major impact on society!Several crimes are punished concurrently, and the sentencing standards are superimposed in accordance with legal provisions! "

"Sentenced... to death!!! Suspended execution!!"

"If you are dissatisfied with this judgment, you may appeal through this court or directly to the superior trial court within ten days from the second day after receiving the judgment. If you appeal in writing, you must submit one original and two copies of the appeal."

“The judge in this case:…

Trial time:…


The content of the legal provisions cited in this judgment is as follows:..."

After the judge finished reading the verdict in his hand.

The whole place was silent.

The verdict is over.

The clerk held three copies of the judgment in his hand.

They came to the plaintiff's table separately and were handed over to the hands of the victims' families.

The families of the victims were in tears.


People in their 50s were forced to cry like babies in confinement under the gaze of countless people.

Like the cuckoo crying blood.

Maybe it's too sad.

Maybe he was too excited.

So I cried so much that I couldn't catch my breath and fainted...

This tragic situation has made countless people hide their faces and cry!

When the clerk took the verdict and handed it to the defendant in the case, the female driver.

The female driver struggled like a madman: "I don't accept it, I don't accept it, I didn't do this!
Even if I hit someone with my car, I would only plead guilty to traffic accident. I didn’t intentionally kill anyone. I didn’t commit a crime. I asked for a second trial. All of you are targeting me. My husband has obviously offered to settle. , but the other party disagrees, can you blame me? "

"It's not me that's wrong, it's the world that's wrong. Yes, that's right, I'm mentally ill, am I mentally ill?! The world is upside down, hahahaha, we are all a bunch of lunatics."

“I demand that my capacity to act be determined in court! Hahahaha, I demand to file an appeal, I demand to appeal in court!

Go away!Go away!Get out of here, he can't judge me if I take away this verdict!Hahahaha...get out of here! "

The female driver was crying and laughing this minute.

Messy hair.

He acted violently in court.

The hands with gold bracelets tore at his hair that was like a chicken coop.

Like a madman.

Good guy, I won’t recognize you after the verdict comes down.

Are you not satisfied with a suspended death sentence even after being sentenced to death?

You still need to file an appeal in court and want to appeal to the second instance?

Is this girl's brain sick?
Crying, fussing, and even screaming that he was mentally ill.

Good guy, are you ready to stack buffs?

He was not the only one dissatisfied with the outcome of the trial.

The husband who was holding back his breath roared loudly at the plaintiff's table: "We are not convinced by this verdict. Why was it sentenced to a suspended death sentence? Why wasn't the death penalty executed immediately?
As a single crime, the crime of intentional xing has reached the legal standard of egregious circumstances. Why is it not sentenced to death?Adding a punishment for serious traffic accident crimes, can't she be sentenced to death and executed immediately? "

"As a family member of the victim, I am dissatisfied with this verdict and request an appeal!! A second trial is required!"


The judge felt his scalp numb.

This was the first time he lent a verdict, and neither the original defendant nor the defendant was satisfied.

and so……

Is this case in second instance?

(End of this chapter)

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