Lawyer Luo’s live broadcast of popularization of the law, are you acting as a joke player?

Chapter 21 Basic Fuck?A company with a market value of [-] million yuan was sent to the dock by Lawy

Chapter 21 Basic Fuck?A company with a market value of tens of billions was sent to the dock by Lawyer Luo!
Write a complaint live and sue a company with a market value of tens of billions?

Is it such a big game?
tsk tsk!
But it's exciting to think about.

The live broadcast watched Lawyer Luo write word by word.

Then turn these words into a sharp sword.

Severely slash at the instant noodle company that does evil and ignores the health of ordinary people.

It's very touching to think about it.

And very involved.

Full of realism.

The emotional value is full.

The Internet is full of heat.

For netizens who eat melons and like to watch and make things happen.

One word!

That is……

So cool.

TV dramas and variety shows are all weak, okay?

If you want to watch it, you can watch Lawyer Luo's live broadcast of a company with a market value of tens of billions.

And this is only possible with the enthusiastic support of every ordinary live broadcast viewer.

Excited to think about it.

The general audience's sense of participation is full!
It probably makes netizens feel:
In the process of pursuing this campaign, there is also a part of my contribution...

"Hurry up, I like watching this so much!"

"Hahahaha, does Lawyer Luo really want to teach us how to write complaints?"

"Wait, I didn't come to the wrong live broadcast room, I want to watch the whole job, will writing a complaint be boring!"

"Mom, don't take my phone. I'm watching the live broadcast now. I'm watching Lawyer Luo teaching people to write complaints!"

"Law students come to report, KaoShenQuickly teach us the secrets of how to pass the law exam!"

"Husband, look here! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"What are you doing today?"

"I personally support Lawyer Luo's actions!

Because I am just an ordinary person, I have no money to hire a lawyer to sue a large company with a market value of tens of billions for a few packets of instant noodles!

Because it costs money, time and effort, it is too heavy and costly for an ordinary person! "

"That's right, is Lawyer Luo really suing for that compensation?

Even if the compensation is ten times that of a few boxes of instant noodles, it is estimated that it will not reach 1 yuan.

Not enough for the lawyer's fee?
But Lawyer Luo stood up and fought for the legitimate rights and interests of ordinary people!
Don't like this?
This is so positive! "

"Today, the stock price of a certain instant noodle company evaporated by 30%!

It is estimated that it has exceeded 100 billion! "

"Good guy, is this the power of Lawyer Luo?

Love love love! "


The barrage of netizens is called a dense one.

Luo Kai is obviously only broadcasting live for the second time.

But it only took 3 minutes.

In an instant, it won the first place in the popularity list of the live broadcast room in the sub-category of the legal knowledge zone.

And as netizens rushed into the live broadcast room.

Luo Kai looked at the number of people online, beating rapidly in units of 10.

Some even directly 20 a second.

It's scary, okay?

Luo Kai glanced at the other dozen or so anchors sitting opposite.

It is also clear.

These people are under the average social live broadcast account of each person!

At least it's all calculated in millions of fans.

There are also several with tens of millions of fans.

There are so many traffic slant.

It would be strange if Luo Kai's live broadcast room didn't explode in popularity...

There are a lot of words from anchors who just came out of Novice Village and want traffic.

Will let an anchor who has exploded in popularity all the year round take a little lead.

This is called rubbing traffic.

As for Lawyer Luo's law-enhancing live broadcast room.

This is no longer called rubbing traffic, this is called traffic backflow!

In addition, Lawyer Luo's post in the morning is still on the hot search list.

Countless netizens are angry.

Also watching the progress of things.

under the combined effect.

The heat exploded.


"A lawyer's letter cannot be sent indiscriminately!"

"...Then go to the court tomorrow to submit a complaint and start the prosecution!
Today, under the witness of netizens, write a complaint! "

Luo Kai talked about the reason for posting that morning in the live broadcast room.

and what to do next.

A piece of paper was taken directly from the side.

He took out a pen from his pocket.

Compared with typing on a computer or something.

Luo Kai still prefers this kind of traditional paper.

Adjust the camera a little bit.

Netizens can watch the generation of a complaint from the first perspective.


Luo Kai explained to netizens while writing.

After all, there are many law students who are about to practice.

Sharing knowledge has to be complete.

Remove the identity of those plaintiffs, personal privacy and the like.

Luo Kai wrote down the lawsuit request this time:

[-]. Lao Tan Sauerkraut Instant Noodle Company produces unqualified food, harms the interests of consumers, and demands economic compensation...

[-]. The bad production method of the company has caused damage to our spirit, and we demand spiritual compensation...

[-]. The company may be suspected of market monopoly...

[-]. Expenses such as litigation identification shall be borne by the defendant...

These several claims are listed bit by bit.

Luo Kai's handwriting is beautiful.

Just like himself.

The font is thin, but powerful.

While following the rules.

With sharpness.

Let netizens be amazed.

Then came the statement of case!
"The seasoning packs produced by this company use the old altar sauerkraut earth pit method to make, a lot of harmful substances, dozens of times more than the safety standard..."

"...did not issue an apology immediately after the fact that the legal rights and interests of consumers were infringed was exposed!

Instead, it issued a lawyer's letter warning to those who dared to speak out, this behavior is for private use, and the possibility of abusing legal weapons..."

"...disturbing the market order and damaging the health of countless people is a heinous act..."

"...The facts stated above are all supported by evidence, and the evidence attachment is as follows..."


Luo Kai is full of emotions, but objective!
We tearfully denounce this company for being improper!

on the basis of objective facts.

Try to fill up the emotional value as much as possible.

This is the charm of words.

Many people think that when writing a complaint, it must be written in a hype.

But it's all wrong.

Writing a complaint is as simple as it can be.

Be as objective as possible.

Get the facts out there.

List the injuries you have received.

Also write out the lawsuit request.

After all, if you don't write too much about your lawsuit!
It is impossible for the judge to go beyond the scope of this lawsuit to make a judgment...

It is already difficult to do the above points.

Add a little emotional word on this basis.

That's what a good lawyer does.

This is not!

A lawsuit paper from Luo Kai.

Let the netizens in the live broadcast room nod again and again.

That's right, that's how it should be.

This dog business is a real misfit.

I have eaten the sauerkraut of Tukeng Laotan for so many years.

Damn you, if you don't explode some gold coins and don't produce some blood, how can you be worthy of me?

There are even professional lawyer peer reviews in the live broadcast room!

Popular science for netizens on the spot.

Science popularization in my law-enhancing live broadcast room?

Dolls are forbidden!

"This Lawyer Luo is so young, why is his writing so sophisticated!

Everyone, please look at a lawsuit paper, the most important thing is the lawsuit request!
There are 4 simple requests, but there are hidden killer skills in it, which can advance or retreat, it is simply amazing! "

Someone on the Internet urged: "Don't give me a riddle, explain it clearly! Riddler get out of Gotham!"

The lawyer typed slowly and said: "Claim 1, it is reasonable to demand compensation for the production of unqualified products!

For the second point, experienced lawyers who have experienced mental damage will also write like this!

In the fourth point of the lawsuit, the lawyer's fees and appraisal expenses incurred are all borne by the defendant, which is also very ingenious!
Ordinary lawyers will only write litigation fees instead of appraisal fees, and this word is used very well, and there is a lot of room for the upper limit of follow-up requests..."

"As for the most amazing thing is this monopoly market, the company that was sent to the dock by Lawyer Luo is probably about to explode..."

(End of this chapter)

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