Lawyer Luo’s live broadcast of popularization of the law, are you acting as a joke player?

Chapter 202 Lawyer Luo: Punishment!Throwing objects from high altitude?Smashing someone in the face

Chapter 202 Lawyer Luo: Punishment!Throwing objects from high altitude?Smashing someone in the face of a law enforcement officer and seriously injuring him?
"Zhang San has been resurrected indefinitely in my jokes. Please don't take it seriously! If I let him know that he actually broke the law and let everyone know countless legal knowledge, I believe Zhang San won't mind either!" Luo Kai Zhang San gave many examples of explosions.

Netizens cried out after hearing this.

What’s even more outrageous is that some netizens, said to be medical students, actually came forward to prove that such a possibility existed.

Netizens have become more knowledgeable.

He opened his eyes.



But is it reasonable?
That's outrageous, okay?
The barrage on the screen was flowing.

Like running water.

Luo Kai adjusted the camera slightly.

Make your face smaller.

Because then it’s time to start connecting on a daily basis.

See which netizens need help online?
Lawyer Luo will provide corresponding legal advice whenever he can help.


Luo Kai brought the tablet over.

He tapped on the computer on the table next to him.

Open the hot search list on your computer and take a look.

While chatting with netizens, I learned about some exciting things that happened recently.

Things like celebrities losing their houses, evading taxes, etc., things like anchors bringing goods and taunting consumers...

Anyway, quite magical.

Luo Kai eats melon online.

Then quickly reflect on whether you have maintained your original intention: to speak for ordinary people!
Provide legal help to the weak and provide free legal support.

Luo Kai briefly reviewed recent events, as if his original intention had not changed.

As humble as ever.

Peaceful as always.

As always, no airs.

He responded sincerely to everyone who came to ask for help.

Provide the cheapest and most convenient legal advice to solve the problem.

Thousands of people in this world are like thousands of lights.

Luo Kai is one of them.

It's no different.

If I have to say something different, maybe his light is a little brighter...

Able to illuminate more wicks.

That's it.

Other than that, there seems to be nothing special about it.

After becoming famous online on Luo Kai.

There are many manufacturers or big brands on the Internet who even want to come to him for endorsements, business cooperation, or even goods.

Luo Kai politely refused.

It doesn't matter that these big manufacturers are a little regretful and thankful, and they tremble with fear.

On the one hand, it’s a pity that I can’t cooperate with someone like Lawyer Luo, who has a huge number of fans and a hot topic.

On the one hand, I am glad that big companies like them have temporarily passed the test with Lawyer Luo.

As for trembling...

Luo Kai has been nicknamed the stock market killer of listed companies on the Internet...

Once Lawyer Luo takes him to the dock, a company with a slightly weaker foundation may basically be on the verge of bankruptcy.

Are you panicked when being targeted by such a person?
Luo Kai refused to be kidnapped by money.

If you are after money.

The new energy automobile industry and the chip industry that Artificial Intelligence Jarvis has recently invested in are two tracks with a market value of trillions...

Luo Kai is the master of the artificial intelligence Jarvis.

He can completely use these potential assets...


For Luo Kai, money is just a supplement to meet the necessary functions of the body!

Because he eats a lot.

A body that has been strengthened 10 times consumes a lot of energy.

Therefore, the amount of food consumed every day is staggering, and it usually takes more than five meals to feel full.

Under the huge appetite requirement.

I don’t want to eat any delicacies from mountains and seas, big fish or prawns.

Instead, eat food ingredients that are as cheap as possible and readily available.

It’s still 9 yuan and 9 for a box lunch.

Just buy cheap stuff online and eat self-heating hotpot!

I still go to the vegetable market to buy some cheap and discounted bones to make soup.

The rice comes in cheap white-skin rice bags, and I bought 10 big bags of [-]-jin rice at once.

A very ordinary, ordinary person.

What?What did you do with the money you saved?

The money Luo Kai continues to donate is transferred to poor areas. It is said that the teaching building of a third primary school has been built now!
The first two primary schools not only built main teaching buildings, but also added libraries...

Every time a donation is made, the real name is not indicated.

Instead, Luo Kai casually made up the name of a lamp that studied the Fa.

As for subsidizing the children of the victims in the mysterious case of the dead delivery rider, Luo Kai promised to help them go to college.

But it’s the kind of funding that comes with conditions: study a solid major, and be among the top 10 in the same major every year!
If the conditions are not met, Luo Kai will directly withdraw the funding.

All kindness should be conditional, because only in this way can it be cherished.

If it has been given for free for a long time, and if you extend your heart to ask for something that you should be asking for, that would not be beautiful.

Luo Kai did this.

Seeking fame?

Luo Kai did not.

There was no fanfare.

There is no big show off on the Internet.

He just silently did something he thought was right.

It doesn't matter what other people think.

Although Luo Kai thought his lamp was nothing special.

But since he came to this world.

The gears of destiny have undergone some quiet changes in this world.

For example, Yanhuang has more high-tech industrial chains.

In this chain, there are countless small businesses, like bamboo shoots after the rain.

Small businesses are rapidly recruiting jobs.

It allows more people to make money from these industrial chains, get employment, and get the company to barely support their families!
Especially people from small inland cities at the county level can find employment locally!
Employment at home and the wages of white-collar workers in second-tier cities prevent these people from leaving behind their children and elderly parents to work as they did in previous years.

Benefit countless ordinary people.

As for the rapid advancement in high technology.What is the crown jewel of industry?
After the recent explosion of science and technology, Yanhuang just picked it up with his bag, just like picking mushrooms.

Everything is happening quietly.

Luo Kai, on the other hand, shines as much as possible in the fields he can do, in lawyer-related industries.

Help ordinary people as much as possible.

Even if you use jokes to spread the law...

Let more people understand the law, know the law, and take up the law to protect their legitimate rights and interests.

These all make sense!valuable!


Luo Kai put his thoughts back.

Thousands of thoughts, under the ten times strengthened brain, are just a matter of a moment and a trance.

After adjusting the equipment.

"Come, let's see which seeker will be the first to add friends today? Let's see what kind of story he will share today!

I will also do my best to provide him with legal advice! "

Luo Kai picked up the tablet and scratched it gently.

Many people have added friends recently.

Luo Kai randomly added a friend.

This is a person whose avatar is the head of a cat.

It was an orange cat head that seemed to be watching furtively.

Luo Kai chose him to add as a friend.

Pass friend authentication.

Luo Kai quickly made a video call.

Putting himself in the little box of a video call.

Then let the caller appear in the large frame of the video call.

Netizens can also watch it from a first-person perspective.

Very sweet.

Very skilled too.

The video call was quickly connected.

The moment the video call is connected.

Luo Kai narrowed his eyes slightly.

The perspective of the caller is the front camera appearing in the lens.

And now he seems to be squatting on the ground.

Then the camera directly captured him and the big sun behind him.

The light is dazzling.

"I'm sorry, Lawyer Luo, I have to find another location, wait a moment! I am now at the gate of the xx law enforcement point, and the law enforcement officer asked me to come over and give a certificate. I will handle an incident that happened yesterday!"

This is a middle-aged man in his 30s.

Wearing a plaid shirt.

The hair is somewhat thinning.

Like a programmer?

Come to the law enforcement point to be a witness. Did something happen?
Is it something serious?

Luo Kai raised his eyebrows: "Sir, can you tell me what happened to you? If you are invited by the law enforcement office to be a witness, it means that this matter is definitely not simple, and it may involve someone trying to step on the sewing machine. !”

This witness held a mobile phone in one hand and waved the fingerprints on his fingers that had not been wiped off at the camera with the other hand:
"I used to watch Lawyer Luo's live broadcasts often, and I believe many people will watch them now. Well, let me introduce myself briefly. I am a programmer in my 30s. When I was having skewers at a barbecue restaurant yesterday, I There are residents on the dual-purpose high-rise building and the barbecue restaurant below the building is throwing stones and bricks!"

The programmer sat directly next to him on a shady stool.

He continued: "It seems that the dispute between the residents and the barbecue restaurant is getting deeper and deeper!
Because it is a floor for both commercial and residential use, the first and second floors are used for commercial shops and barbecue restaurants. As for the higher floors, they are used for living. Everyone knows that the smell of barbecue restaurants is usually very loud and smoky. Burning!

In addition, guests who come and go in the evening usually like to sit on the roadside when eating barbecue, set up an umbrella, set up a table, drink some beer, eat barbecue, and keep the scene lively and noisy until midnight. "

"The residents on the roof were disturbed by the noise and oil fumes. The two parties have argued many times, and law enforcement officers have come to mediate many times, but there is still no good result.

After a family couldn't stand it anymore, just yesterday evening, a man picked up random things in the house and threw them downstairs one after another.

Objects thrown from more than ten floors hit the roadside tent set up by the barbecue restaurant. Some tables were smashed into a mess. Some people who came to eat barbecue were seriously injured, and some were knocked unconscious. , fortunately, it didn’t hit the head, just the shoulder. But it was said that the injury was very serious, and a steel plate was installed in the hospital. "

"Law enforcement officers rushed to the scene quickly, but the person who threw things continued to throw things down, making loud banging noises. Finally, the person was taken away for investigation by law enforcement officers who captured the scene with a law enforcement recorder.

As for me, as a bystander and barely a resident of the building opposite, I was called to be a witness and take a transcript. Lawyer Luo, is this considered throwing an object from a high altitude?If so, what kind of crime would be committed?

And Lawyer Luo, can you help us find a way to resolve the conflict between the residents and the barbecue shop on the first floor? "

After the man finished speaking, he twisted the color of his fingertips with his hand.

After recording the evidence just now, the witnesses still need to sign and post their testimony.

The colored mud was stained on all the man's fingers.

Luo Kai simply listened to the narrative.

Think for a moment.

Already have a general understanding of the facts of the case:

The smoke or noise from the commercial barbecue street on the first floor disturbed the residents. The residents upstairs were dissatisfied, so they threw things downstairs, hitting people and injuring them.

Moreover, the law enforcement officers were almost hit when they arrived at the scene.

This can definitely be regarded as a high-altitude parabola.

And it was also captured by the law enforcement recorder.

There is a specific crime that regulates this matter.

It’s easy to explain this crime, but how to find a way to mediate the relationship between neighbors?

Luo Kai was still thinking about how to organize his words to reply to this requester.

Netizens expressed their opinions one after another:

"Buildings integrating commercial and residential buildings are prone to this kind of situation [eating melons]. Because I also live in such an environment, and I am annoyed to death every day!"

"Of course there are problems with barbecue stalls and customers, and it is true that they are disturbing the public, but it is possible that throwing objects at high altitudes will lead to jail time [Tibetan Fox].

And it is also very likely to cause disability.Which ones are good to throw away... Do you have any legal awareness? "

“Is this considered a parabola or a public safety issue?”

"Throwing objects, because the target is specific and the danger range is predictable, one brick can only hit one person."

"Report it to the official for processing. If not, let's wait! You killed someone. Is it worth the death penalty and jail time?"

“The house our family rented before had a shop underneath it, and we would drink too much and make a lot of noise every night in the summer.

Or maybe a few people were drinking until 2 or 3 in the morning, talking loudly through the alcohol, and the loudest ones would have to use a loudspeaker to shout.

The most awesome thing is that a few people can drink all night, and the wine bottles are all over the floor [laughing and crying]. It’s okay for my family to live on the 18th floor, but the residents in the lower floors not only have to endure the smell of all kinds of oil smoke downstairs, but they also have to endure it for a long time. The helper brags downstairs every day [doge]"

"Like this, these drunkards won't know who is who after drinking some horse urine. They are shouting. There is a shabby restaurant downstairs from my house. All middle-aged and elderly drunkards come to eat. It's so annoying!"

"It's wrong to set it outside. The operator's entrance belongs to the public area, and setting the table outside is a business occupying the road."

"It's not safe to throw things away. You can apply pure natural fertilizer to the plants on the windowsill, and you may accidentally spill some [doge]"

“Stupid, you can’t escape basically by doing this, you can’t solve the problem of making a big fuss, and you’ve even gotten yourself into it.

If you encounter long-term noise in a place where you can just throw objects away, the first thing you should do is file a complaint.

If complaining doesn't work, then you "absolutely cannot" accidentally throw hair clumps and other dirt from the sink into the customer's pot downstairs while hanging clothes.

Because it can't hurt anyone, it's not threatening, and it's careless. The merchants can only leave, and they are less likely to be held accountable, and it hurts the friendly atmosphere.The dog's head saves his life. "

"Just pour water. If you go too far, you have to pay attention to the method. There is no need to kill yourself as soon as you get started."

"Throwing objects from high altitude is a crime. Let's hear what Lawyer Luo has to say."

"Why do you encounter so many weird things in this law popularization live broadcast room? Face-palming, ever since I watched this live broadcast room, I feel like I can see different life events happening in the world every day..."

(End of this chapter)

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