I played the world alone

Chapter 9 starts the second flash chapter

Chapter 9 begins the second flashback
After getting along for so long, he probably understands each other's work habits.

After the live broadcast, she usually edits the recorded content briefly, and then uploads it to some well-known video websites.

In this way, not only can you earn advertising fees for clicks, but you can also increase your subscriptions and increase your reputation. Maybe more people will watch the live broadcast in the future, which is a virtuous circle.

But it doesn't seem to be doing well recently.

When he just opened the door and came in, he happened to hear her complaining to Lianmai's friend: "Why is the click-through rate getting lower and lower, how can you mess around like this..."

"There's nothing hot about the live broadcast, it won't be popular at all!"

"But the location is hard to find now... Especially the hospital two days ago, we went in and wanted to secretly take some exciting photos, and we were caught and scolded. We might be complained about and the live broadcast room will be blocked next time, but it's really over..."

Halfway through, she probably realized that Lu Chen had returned, so she lowered her voice a little. She met his gaze and nodded embarrassedly. Then, swinging her white and slender thighs, she trotted back to her room.

Lu Chen didn't care. After returning to his room, he hesitated for a while and added Zhou Manyin's VX.

But it has not passed yet, probably because I am busy.

Instead, he turned on his computer and began to carefully plan his next flashback plan.

But suddenly, he remembered what happened just now, as if the anchor named Yu Yiyi went to the hospital?

He opened the video website, searched, and soon found the recorded video uploaded by the other party.

There are only a few thousand hits and few comments.

Click on it to take a look, and the hospital she went to this time happened to be the No. [-] Hospital.

It was around two o'clock in the morning, and most of the hospital building was dark at first glance, only a few rooms were lit.

The girl and the accompanying photographer were indeed courageous, sneaking in and wandering around the hospital building.

Although the motivation and behavior are wrong, the courage alone is indeed admirable.

It's just a pity that I didn't take any amazing scenes. I just wandered around boringly, and was finally spotted by the patrolling nurse and kicked out.

Fortunately, he slipped fast, or he would be detained.

But thanks to her, Lu Chen probably got acquainted with the environment inside the hospital.

In the next few hours, he has been refining the plan.

Of course, work hard on the appearance.

He chose a clothing store in the same city and ordered a "vampire" cosplay suit.

For example, black cape, old tuxedo suit, silver and white brooch and red color contact lenses and so on.

He wasn't worried that these clues would be found by others. After all, he went there three days ago and had nothing to do with him now.

And no one would have thought that vampires would still wear red colored contact lenses.

After placing the order, he placed another order for intra-city express delivery, which was delivered on time at around [-] pm.

As soon as he got the clothes, he simply tried them on.

The size of the clothes is very close to the body, except for the first time wearing the contact lenses is a bit awkward, everything else is going well.

Then he started pinching his face like the blood race he imagined.

As we all know, the most interesting part of quite a few games is pinching faces.

In order to ensure authenticity, he also referred to the images of vampires in some movies and TV shows.

The final one was a young vampire with facial features similar to that of a mixed race, handsome but sickly pale, with messy dark red hair and evil eyes.

"I have to say it's really handsome."

Lu Chen looked at it carefully and nodded with satisfaction, almost comparable to his real self.

Then he packed all the things that he needed to take back into the portable space, so that he could
With everything in place, the only thing left to do is flashback time.

Close your eyes and rest your mind, and wait until two o'clock in the morning.

Suddenly, a familiar beeping sound came from my ear.

The spirit lifted.




[Flashback begins! 】

Everything in front of me was stretched into infinitely long lines of mixed colors, like a beautiful oil painting.

Then it was back to normal in an instant.

It was the same motion sickness dizziness as before.

After getting used to it a bit, he quickly opened his eyes.

Sure enough, it was still his own room.

But at that time, I was already lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, the lights in the room were not turned on, and the fluorescent alarm clock showed the time at two o'clock in the morning.

[59 minutes countdown to the end of the flashback]

"Ready to work!"

Excitedly, a carp stood up straight.

He took out all the prepared costumes and props from the portable space, and in a blink of an eye, he re-made up into a mixed race.

Facing the mirror, he adjusted the details carefully, and nodded in satisfaction after confirming that there was nothing wrong.
But as a vampire, you definitely can't go through the normal door, and you have to be careful to avoid the monitoring. There is no doubt that flying out is a good idea.

Opening the window, he looked at the height of the ten-story building. The vehicles underneath looked like matchboxes, which made him a little frightened.

"This... if it doesn't fly, it won't fall to death, right?"


Leap out.

In an instant, the whole person turned into hundreds of tiny bats, and after a slight stop, they quickly flapped their wings and flew towards the sky. Noisy squeaking bats sounded in the midair.

This feeling is very strange, as if the body has become liquid and split into countless small pieces.

But he didn't feel any pain, and he could even feel that his ability to control his body had improved to a higher level than when he was in the physical body.

He can even precisely control the flying movements of any one of these hundreds of little bats, turn left and right, roll and dive...

As dexterous as your own fingers.

However, it is not possible to control all bats to do different movements at the same time like fighting left and right.

"Is this what it feels like to fly?"

He swooped down, and hundreds of small bats flew past at an angle close to the ground.

And his line of sight will not be restricted by the body of the bat, like an impermeable panoramic camera formed by countless pairs of eyes.

The flying speed was a little faster than expected, flying freely without obeying the traffic rules, and soon flew to the roof of the inpatient building of the First Hospital.

All the little bats quickly gathered together.

After a few breaths, under the cold moonlight, a pale young man in a black cloak and western tuxedo emerged.

The night wind on the rooftop was a bit strong, making his cloak flutter constantly.

"A little earlier than expected."

He coughed a few times and adjusted his voice to be slightly hoarse, which was more in line with the characteristics of his current identity.

He picked up his phone and glanced at the live broadcast room of Yu Yiyi, his roommate.

She's already on the air.

Now I am introducing today's plan to the audience outside the hospital, while observing the surroundings, I plan to sneak into the hospital.

"Audience friends, let's play something exciting today..."

(End of this chapter)

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