I played the world alone

Chapter 549: Which generation of the Qin Dynasty is it now?

Chapter 549: Which generation of the Qin Dynasty is it now?
"Holy shit... the terracotta warriors and horses actually moved?!"

Lai Yu's mind went blank, and his whole body was so shocked by this scene that he froze in place.

Aren't these things dead?

Is it just a pile of funerary objects made of soil?

How come it can still move like a living creature?

And judging from their appearance, they seem to be kneeling in the direction of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum? !
He suddenly realized something, his body trembled suddenly, and his face became frightened and slightly excited.

"Could it be that... Qin Shihuang is really going to be resurrected?"

Especially the person next to him didn't seem to be weird at all, but looked like he had expected it, which confirmed his guess.

His heart suddenly surged, and he felt vaguely excited about being involved in a major event that might affect the whole world.

But no one else could care about him at this moment.

In addition, there are some ordinary-looking extraordinary beings who are also on guard.

Lu Chen, who had not been dressed as Yueze for a long time, smiled slightly, put the sword in his hand, and pointed at the machines around him that were getting ready to go: "I'm afraid if I come a little later, these machines will really start to move. "

"But if they are violent and hurt people and endanger society, then they are our enemies."

Lu Chen pointed at his feet.

Make sure you shoot them immediately if they make any movement.

"Not only will the tomb be damaged, but it may also cause a bad misunderstanding to Qin Shihuang, thinking that you are hostile to him..."

Xu Xun raised his hand to signal, and personally stepped forward to shake hands with the other party.

"Are you ready to start digging the underground palace?"

Although we all know that for advanced immortal cultivators, the lethality of this firepower is very limited.

Fortunately, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses did not make any more dangerous moves. They just knelt on the ground solemnly and remained motionless for a while, which made the people around them relax a little.

However, when all the preparations were in full swing, suddenly a figure flying down from the sky with a sword attracted the attention of most people.

In fact, the decision above was more decisive than they thought.

"If you want to catch up with the time when he wakes up, the only way is to go in directly. You have probably used this method before."

But that doesn't mean it will be so smooth next time.

If it weren't for the fact that the existence of immortal cultivators is no longer as rare as before, and it is known that the two camps are friendly and not enemies, otherwise it would have been shot into a hornet's nest long ago.

After all, no one had ever seen this scene before, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn for a while.

An hour ago, a large number of large-scale machinery and equipment had been transported here, as if they were going to start construction here immediately and completely dig this place upside down!

"Put down the gun, this is our old friend."

"But this is our first meeting, so there won't be any big fights. Just pick a few people who have more say, and I'll take you with me."

Xu Xun thought for a moment.

These were all decisions reported to the higher-ups after the Xu Xun meeting and made in the shortest possible time.

If there is any abnormality, it will fire immediately.

I was afraid that the next second I saw, these treasures that I had guarded for many years would instantly break into pieces. That would definitely make him, a person who loves cultural relics, faint on the spot.

Xu Xun has also hurried here with his people and is directing the combatants to carry out the next operation.

Several people looked at each other and felt a sense of urgency.

Lai Yu stood nearby and could only vaguely hear their deep conversation.

Lai Yu was controlled to one side and could only watch the confrontation between the two sides in fear.

"Thanks for the reminder, we really didn't expect this..."

"This is just the first wave of warning, we have to speed up the progress..."

The previous regulations prohibiting excavation are of course still in place at this moment, but the current situation is special and it can be considered as protective excavation to a certain extent.

After some discussion, Xu Xun quickly selected a few people besides himself.

"The underground palace is much deeper than you think."

"Wait a minute, these are national treasure-level cultural relics..." Lai Yu was startled by this gesture and quickly tried to dissuade him.

Now a large number of soldiers are beginning to set up guard around the area, and they have even taken out weapons and aimed at the terracotta warriors and horses.

"Besides, it's too late to start digging now. Qin Shihuang has already begun to wake up."

It is indeed quite familiar. It was when I was exploring the location of the tomb of Immortal Zhong Kui.

They all came here in advance to investigate the situation, and as of now, it is still within control.

The situation is urgent now and no time can be wasted.

"Mr. Yueze, I didn't expect you to come here in person."

Of course, even so, before he got the order, there were still countless guns pointed at him, overtly or covertly.

"But this decision is of great importance, and the final decision needs to be made from above."

There are those responsible for defense, those responsible for sensing danger, and experts who specialize in the history of the Qin Dynasty. They even took into account the differences in languages ​​​​at different times, so they also brought scholars of ancient Chinese.

Although there are not many people, they are all elites and should be enough to handle it.

Of course, the most important person responsible for negotiation is himself.

"So we have to go down from here now?" Several experts who had never been exposed to this area were quite curious about this.

Especially those who have participated in archaeology.

"And based on our previous inspections, it seems that Qin Shihuang's underground palace is not in this location..."

Lu Chen smiled mysteriously: "Do you think Qin Shihuang, a thoughtful person like Qin Shihuang, the only emperor in the ages, would be so generous and open to the public about the character of his descendants by using the tomb he planned to use for resurrection?"

"This... is possible." Everyone looked at each other and it made sense. They couldn't help but nod slightly.

"The actual location is even more remote. If you really dig it, I'm afraid the mountain will be flattened and you won't be able to see it. Next, let me take you in."

Lu Chen didn't want to waste time, so he clicked remotely on everyone and sent out a ball of spiritual light.

Before a few people could react at the first moment, they suddenly felt that the solid land under their feet seemed to have disappeared, replaced by a piece of soft cotton, and the whole person began to sink slowly!
"Fuck! I'm about to fall! Someone grab me!"

Several ordinary people screamed in fright on the spot. Fortunately, they soon discovered that the sinking speed was not very fast and it was very stable, without any shaking feeling at all.

Even after entering the soil, their breathing and sight were not affected in any way, as if the surrounding soil and stones were just illusions.

"Incredible...Is this a superpower? Or is it an immortal magic?"

It's a pity that they didn't have much time to study. After traveling through deep soil, a long-lost light finally appeared in front of them.

Is there still light underground?

Soon, a shocking underground palace appeared in front of them.

"This is……"

"How can it be so well preserved?!"

It is as if there is a barrier protecting this place, forming a complete barrier that isolates all contamination from the outside world, including time!
When you see these bricks and palace walls, you feel as if you have spanned more than two thousand years and seen the tip of the iceberg of that magnificent empire with your own eyes.

It is the most direct proof of the past that should only exist in history books!
It's a pity that in order to minimize the impact of the outside world on this place, no cameras or other electronic equipment were brought in, otherwise the discoveries here would definitely shock the world!
After landing firmly on a square, they couldn't wait to start checking everything around them.

Even a brick or a weed is extremely important to these experts.

But soon, they discovered something more crucial.

A large group of ancients from the Qin Dynasty!
No, not real people, but terracotta warriors that are more realistic than those terracotta warriors and horses outside!
"Incredible... almost exactly the same as the real thing, as if he was alive not long ago but suddenly turned into a pottery figurine..."

"It is said that some terracotta warriors and horses had paint when they were first excavated, but they quickly became what they are now because of insufficient technology and insufficient preservation. In other words, what we see now is probably the most realistic look?"

These experts were in high spirits, but Xu Xun did not forget his mission this time. "Qin Shihuang...is he here now? Has he been resurrected?"

"Right away."

Lu Chen pointed to the largest palace: "Let's go in now and prepare to welcome them."

As the seal was lifted, Qin Shihuang, who had seemingly spanned more than two thousand years, but had only slept for one day, was slowly waking up.


As if he had just slept for a long time, he slowly opened his eyes and saw a very familiar palace.

"Here... why are you back again?"

He couldn't help but press his swollen and painful head. The last scene in his memory was that he took the pill at the risk of a narrow escape in the name of faking death.

He thought that when he woke up, he would either be in the dark underground palace or see an unheard-of world of immortals. Of course, he might not be able to wake up at all.

No matter which one it was, he never expected that he would wake up in this most familiar palace!
"Did they fail? Or did they simply not follow my instructions?"

He frowned, this aging body that was no longer what it used to be made him feel more and more anxious.

"Somebody come!"

He called out, but there was no response.

It stands to reason that there would be at least some attendants waiting around.

However, at this moment, except for the slight sound of the burning candle, there was no other voice besides him in the hall.

He was suddenly confused.

Suddenly, the door of the main hall slowly opened from the outside, and several completely strangers and people dressed in clothes they had never seen before walked in.

Although the current situation was strange and inexplicable, Qin Shihuang was still an emperor who had controlled countless lives and deaths. Apart from his darker brows, his expression remained calm and collected.

"Who is coming?"

"Where are my servants? Where are my ministers? Where is the army? What have you done?"

Xu Xun looked at the emperor on the throne who was still astonishingly powerful even though he was alone. He took a deep breath and said slowly: "Qin Shihuang, welcome to two thousand years later."


Two thousand years later?

Qin Shihuang subconsciously thought that the other party was lying to him.

After all, everything in front of me is familiar.

But when he walked out of the palace and saw the environment around the underground palace outside, he was deeply shocked and really began to believe it.

"Is this... really the tomb of the widow?"

Why doesn't he remember a building that was so restored and amazing?

It was as if his palace had been moved here intact.

What's more, these are completely different from the previously designed structures.

But it's not dissatisfaction, after all, it looks even more majestic than before.

And there were so many "soldiers" respectfully standing outside, waiting for his orders.

"You...were you ordered by the immortal to pick me up?"

Qin Shihuang turned his gaze to Lu Chen, his eyes showing a bit of expectation.

"That's right. But before everything is ready, I have to ask Your Majesty to stay in the human world for a while longer. It's just in time to see how the world today is different from back then."

Qin Shihuang frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with this arrangement but didn't say much.

After all, this is the arrangement of the immortal. If you want to ask the immortal, you have to endure it.

But then he asked rather arrogantly: "I wonder how many generations of the Qin Dynasty is it now? How much has the territory expanded?"

"Is this..."

Xu Xun hesitated for a moment, then answered directly: "The Qin Dynasty actually perished in the second generation, more than two thousand years ago."

"Today on this land is a country where the people are the masters. The autocratic empire of the past is no longer there..."

Qin Shihuang was really stunned at this moment, and his eyes widened as if struck by lightning.

This was the first time I saw him acting so gloomy.

Then came the rage.

"Absurd! Our Great Qin Empire has conquered Liuhe, with cars on the same track, books on the same text, merits and demerits for thousands of years, and many talents, how can it be possible to perish in the second generation?!"

"That's nonsense!"

If he had a sword in his hand, he would probably rush over and kill someone on the spot.

Fortunately, Xu Xun was prepared in advance. He took out books and even video materials that recorded the relevant history on the spot and played them for the other party to see.

After reading it, Qin Shihuang fell silent on the spot, unable to speak for a long time, and finally sighed, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Okay, let's talk about these things after we go out. It's quite boring to stay here all the time, isn't it?" Lu Chen interrupted his emotion.

As for other experts, although they were extremely shocked, some even suggested digging out the entire underground palace. It is definitely a world-class national treasure.

But Xu Xun still refused.

The reason is still the same, precisely because these things are too precious, they cannot be actively excavated until there is enough technology to preserve them completely!


Lai Yu felt a little unlucky.

Yesterday, I encountered some strange things. After a hard day's work, I was invited to have tea by the police. All the data on my phone was deleted and I was told not to disclose what I saw or heard to others.

That serious look scared him so much that he couldn't sleep well last night.

I finally got up with a dark circle under my eyes. I wanted to take a day off, but was urgently recalled by the leader, saying that a special guest named him to be the tour guide.

Subconsciously I thought it was the same ones from yesterday again, and I couldn't help but feel frightened. As a result, when we arrived at the place, we found that although the person from yesterday was indeed accompanying us, the main person this time was a middle-aged and elderly man with a serious face and slightly white hair.

Wearing an old-fashioned cadre shirt, he is unsmiling, and his eyes are somewhat scrutinizing no matter who he looks at. There is an invisible sense of oppression when standing in front of him, which makes people unable to raise their heads.

"Isn't this a big shot who has resigned from a key position?"

Lai Yu was more cautious and took the other party around the exhibition hall.

What's strange is that this man seems to be coming here for the first time, but he knows everything about these ancient relics from the Qin Dynasty and speaks eloquently.

Some even knew better than he knew.

Some publication errors in literature can also be pointed out without mercy.

It's like a historian who has been immersed in the history of Qin all his life!
That look was as familiar as returning home.

But although it saved him a little time, the trouble was that this man was very interested in some trivial things, such as some things at the end of the Qin Dynasty and the ridiculous things Qin II did.

Especially after learning that Fusu committed suicide, he sighed deeply.

When he walked to the pile of terracotta warriors and horses, Lai Yu found that all the terracotta warriors and horses had returned to their normal appearance, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain such a huge phenomenon.

While walking and introducing, the voices of several tourists arguing suddenly came from the side.

What they are talking about is nothing more than the merits and demerits of Qin Shihuang, such as his cruelty and ruthlessness, how many people died in order to build the Great Wall and the mausoleum, and so on...

However, Qin Shihuang's achievements are naturally not small, otherwise people would often commemorate him in modern times.

Lai Yu didn't take it seriously, after all, this kind of thing happened all the time, but he didn't expect that the tourist he was taking walked up to him with a sullen face, and started to argue with the other party in a somewhat substandard Mandarin.

(End of this chapter)

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