I played the world alone

Chapter 544 Ask the gods to teach you!

Chapter 544 Ask the gods to teach you!
Lu Chen had already prepared for the worst.

If these people were smarter and did as they were told, they would be able to see Qin Shihuang safely.

But if they were still dilly-dallying and trying to stop him, then he would just tear down the cell and fly out.

After he flew around the capital with special effects so that everyone could see him, Qin Shihuang couldn't pretend to be invisible even if he wanted to.

Fortunately, this group of people are not idiots. The strange thing in front of them can no longer be described by ordinary deception. They even reported the matter in a hurry.

Before getting the news, each of these jailers served him carefully and entertained him with good wine and food, for fear that he would be dissatisfied.

Although I'm not sure whether he is a god or not, I'm sure he has real abilities, and there's nothing wrong with flattering him.

But he is just a special case.

The other alchemists were not released.

After all, before the emperor's order, these people were still death row prisoners, and no one dared to let anyone go rashly.

If this guy is also a fake, then those who reported him might also be punished.

No clue for a moment.

But this does not include Lu Chen.

As an immortal, you should behave without desires and desires and not care about these mundane things.

"Uh... little fairy, please." The jailer carefully opened the cell door and invited him in.

If the other party had done this during the conflict yesterday, they would probably be dead by now!
Mr. Huang finally put away his contempt.

Even Lu Chen was still staying in the cell, but the treatment was improved and he was moved to a single cell with a bed and a temporary cleaning.

"Otherwise, I'm afraid your death method will not only be buried alive, but it is also possible for you to survive and endure being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts."

However, what surprised Lu Chen was that he thought that if Qin Shihuang knew of his existence, he would be very anxious to greet him, lest he, a true immortal master, run away.

However, when he actually saw this eternal emperor in Xianyang Palace, there was not much smile on his face, and he was even a little too serious and tired.

"Little Immortal Master, there is something I have to say first."

Lu Chen finished his night's practice and looked up at him with a faint look.

"Is there anything more important than finally seeing hope in his great wish for immortality?"

Lu Chen was thinking that if there was no news from the other party the next morning, he would smash the cell and fly out to implement the second plan.

It seemed that just by sitting there, a genuine aura of domineering power naturally emitted, making everyone around him tremble and feel uneasy in awe.

Wearing a luxurious crown, with a high crown and gilded beads hanging down, the clothes show the majesty of the emperor. However, even though his face is only middle-aged, it has a somewhat old look. I wonder if he has spent too much effort in the past, which has led to premature aging. .

But if the other party wants to see him at that time, it will not be that simple.

Several people around him took a breath and felt a chill on their backs.

Lu Chen was a little stunned and glanced at the other party curiously.

Other than that, I don't have much impression.

The jailers excitedly led a man with a fair face and dark, restrained clothes to the front of the cell, and looked at him carefully with a pair of soft eyes.

Holding hot tea in one hand and chicken drumsticks in the other, Lu Chen Shiran walked in and didn't care about this little thing.

If he didn't want to act too impatient and avoid the other party's suspicion, he would really like to fly out and see what the other party is doing.

There was a kindly fake smile on his lips: "Young master, you are very capable. Come with me quickly. Your Majesty will definitely be very happy to see you."

This time he was called by his first name, the chamberlain's pupils couldn't help but shrink, and he subconsciously wanted to scold him, but he swallowed it when it came to his mouth.

His voice also sounded a bit like the stereotypical drake voice, and his tone was slow and unhurried, as if he was really giving advice.

Anyway, it is estimated that Qin Shihuang will send someone to take him out soon.

In addition, traces of the handsomeness of his youth can probably be seen in the other person's face, but now, in addition to the roughness of a middle-aged man, he has the majestic and solemn air of an emperor.

Mr. Huang suddenly said: "Your Majesty has been deceived by those traitors recently and is in a very bad mood. If you still want to be like those people before and think that you can get away with some sweet words or tricks, then don't run away. This trip is over.”

Although I have indeed seen too many fakes before, with this skill alone, I am afraid that the other party is really quite capable.

As a result, he waited in this cell for a whole night and did not see any news from the palace.

The jailer reminded him respectfully: "Little Immortal Master, this is Mr. Huang, the chamberlain in the palace. He was sent by His Majesty to take you into the palace."

The appearance of Mr. Huang in front of me is mainly feminine and a little thin. He has a somewhat male-female appearance, so he seems to be quite suitable to be a eunuch.

Well, this is really the first time I’ve met a eunuch.

Regarding the eunuchs of the Qin Dynasty, the one who impressed him most was probably Zhao Gao, who had once reached the rank of prime minister. He could be regarded as one person below ten thousand people here.

Just as he was about to count down, there was finally a shout from outside the cell.

And these words really made the guards nearby feel a chill in their hearts, and their faces turned a little pale.

Lu Chen smiled casually: "It doesn't matter. If Ying Zheng really has that ability, what's the harm if he cuts me to pieces with a thousand swords?"

Think about it again, Qin Shihuang only lived for a total of 49 years, and he was not even fifty, which shows how hard he worked and worked hard.

Because when he saw that the other party just waved his hand, the cell door wrapped in iron chains opened automatically, and the iron chains shattered into pieces. It was extremely terrifying!

They didn't even dare to shout loudly and had to be respectful, which was completely opposite to the attitude towards other prisoners.

These kingly arrogance had no effect on him. He even dared to look directly at the other person's honor and see the difference between the real appearance of the First Emperor and those in later film and television works.

Seeing his posture, the attendant next to him seemed a little angry: "How brave! Why don't you kneel down and salute after seeing His Majesty?"

As he spoke, he even raised his weapon and walked towards him, as if he wanted to teach him a lesson.

Ying Zheng didn't mean to stop him at all, he just watched calmly.

"Is this a show of force?"

"Or a test?"

This kind of little trick is a bit boring, but considering the other party's past, it is understandable.

Lu Chen didn't even bother to think about it and slapped it with his backhand.

"Boom!" A strong air current emerged out of thin air with him as the center, sweeping towards the surroundings.

Suddenly, a group of people fell on their backs, tables and chairs fell over. Some of the courtiers and attendants who were standing to watch the show were caught off guard and were all blown to the ground.

Some even had the misfortune to roll on the ground several times, wiping the floor clean.

For a time, screams and screams of pain came and went.

Even Qin Shihuang was no exception. Fortunately, he was sitting down and did not fall down. However, his eyes were blinded by the wind and the table almost tipped over.

After the wind gradually dissipated, Ying Zheng's eyes when he looked over again no longer held the original scrutiny and contempt, but instead were full of shock and scrutiny.

Even though he was the emperor of the ages, unified the six kingdoms at a young age, and became the ruler of countless people, he had never seen this magical method that could control wind and rain on the spot!

Even he is like this, let alone others.

The eunuch who was originally serving Qin Shihuang and was suspected to be Zhao Gao, now turned pale with fear.

Although he calmed down quickly due to his strong psychological quality, and even protected the First Emperor very loyally or wanted to show off, the fear in his eyes was still difficult to conceal.

Lu Chen casually looked at the unlucky people around him who were lying on their backs, and took two steps towards the First Emperor in this hall.

"Ying Zheng, put away those little tricks of yours. I am a god from heaven and descended to earth, and these ordinary people's weapons will not do any harm to me at all."

"I'm not seeking any glory or wealth this time, I'm just giving you a chance to live forever. If you don't want me, I can leave now."

What a joke, how could Qin Shi Huang not want it?

Until the moment he died, this guy was still talking about Xu Fu, who was far away overseas using boys and girls to seek elixirs. Unfortunately, it was all in vain.

The opportunity he had been looking for all his life finally appeared in front of him. If the other party dared to let him go, even his intestines would be filled with regret.

Sure enough, when he slowly floated off the ground and was about to turn around and leave, Qin Shihuang finally couldn't help it anymore and immediately shouted in a hurry: "The immortal will stay!"

What happens next is much simpler.

Qin Shihuang directly dismissed everyone, including Zhao Gao, whom he trusted most, and they were the only two people left in the entire hall.

At this moment, he no longer had to pretend to be calm. He stood up directly, his fingers trembling slightly with excitement, and asked in a deep voice: "You... are you really a god?"

"Can it still be fake?" Lu Chen smiled.

With a thought in his mind, lotuses grew under his feet, spreading all the way to the front of Qin Shihuang. There were even flashes of colorful lights, accompanied by bursts of sacred and mysterious Sanskrit sounds...

In short, it is full of special effects, as dazzling as you want.

Even though these are just fake goods, they actually have no real use at all. They can be used to bluff people!
Not to mention an ancient person like the other party who has never even seen modern TV and movie special effects.

At this moment, I just felt that the other party's eyes were dazzled and sparkling, and I didn't even want to blink and miss such a miracle.

The breathing was much heavier. For him, even if the most beautiful woman in the world stood naked in front of him, there was no way he could take away the slightest bit of his attention!
"Fairy! Really a fairy!"

Qin Shihuang finally believed 90% of his belief. He excitedly trotted all the way to Lu Chen, looked up at the gods flying in mid-air, and asked with a bit of admiration and curiosity: "The gods come from the three fairy mountains in Penglai." one?"

"Could it be that Xu Fu and others who were sent out by Gu before found your traces and learned that Gu was determined to seek immortality and respected the immortal way, so they came here to teach you the elixir?"

It's quite flattering to one's own face.

Lu Chen smiled in his heart, but said calmly on his face: "This matter has nothing to do with Xu Fu and others. According to my deduction, those people should be trying to survive on a desert island at the moment, and they don't dare to come back to see you."

"As for the Penglai Immortal Mountains. Those Immortal Mountains seem to be very close to your mortal world, but in fact they are far away. They are the places where many great immortals live."

"I'm just a little fairy, and I'm not qualified to go to those fairy mountains."

Qin Shihuang was startled: "Then you are..."

"I am here to teach you the method of immortality, and it is also for my own cultivation."

Lu Chen deliberately sighed softly and explained: "You know, there are also ups and downs after becoming an immortal. A little immortal like me is still very young. I need to accumulate merits before I can go further, and I can even hope to enter the Penglai Immortal Mountain."

Qin Shihuang was by no means a fool. Even though he understood the meaning, his face couldn't help but show a bit of disbelief and excitement: "Is it a great merit to help an orphan live forever?"

Lu Chen nodded: "You are the first emperor in this land to rule the world, and you are the well-deserved First Emperor. You have many great achievements. If it can help you live forever, it will be a merit."

He had already made plans in advance.

The advantages and disadvantages of Qin Shihuang are very obvious. He is not as perfect and great as shown in some Internet celebrity videos in later generations, but he is not as cruel and unkind as in the wild history.

All in all, he was an emperor with extraordinary talents and amazing talents. At the same time, he was also a greedy person who was very happy with his achievements and liked to be praised by others. At the same time, he was also eager to pass down his great achievements and even himself to future generations.

This is what Lu Chen needs.

"Please ask the gods to teach you!" Qin Shihuang couldn't help but be happy.

Being flattered by ordinary people is just like that if you hear it too much, and you may even feel bored in your heart. But the gods are different. It feels like they are in a state of ecstasy.

Of course, what’s more important is that your long-cherished wish is about to come true!
"Immortal magic should not be taught lightly."

Lu Chen did not say it directly.

He has already observed that Qin Shihuang does not have spiritual roots in his body, so cultivating immortality will be more difficult than expected.

Not to mention helping the other party survive more than two thousand years later.

But it’s not impossible.

For example, you can try to take advantage of the time difference between the real world and your own little world.

One thing has been determined in the previous attempts on Lu Wangcai, that is, the time of the two worlds is parallel.

No matter how my flashback in the real world proceeds, in fact the time in the small world is still anchored by modern times and will not be affected in any way.

In other words, I can completely bring a person from more than two thousand years ago back to modern society in an instant when I end the flashback.

Just skip the two thousand years in between.

But even if Qin Shihuang can survive, if there are no preparations, such as a built mausoleum, then who will believe that this person is Qin Shihuang?

According to the current situation of rampant fraud, I am afraid that I will be treated as a liar.

"I am Qin Shihuang, V I am 50 or something like that..."

So Lu Chen had already made a plan and was ready to take a big risk so that Qin Shihuang could cause uproar even in modern times!
(End of this chapter)

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