I played the world alone

Chapter 537 The First Natural Disaster

Chapter 537 The Fourth Natural Disaster
"Is my leg really fully healed?"

Huang Yingzhuo looked down at his legs in disbelief.

He originally thought that he would need long-term treatment, but after receiving a recommendation from the department and meeting a person with healing abilities, he felt that the leg disease that had troubled him for many years was cured in just a few minutes. !

"Theoretically, yes." The lady sitting opposite nodded and took a sip of the still warm milk tea to relieve the exhaustion from just now. "You can try to move around on your own. If there are any problems, I will help you treat it." one time."

"After all, I'm not a real doctor. At most I can only treat with supernatural powers, and my diagnosis is not professional."

Huang Yingzhuo didn't care so much. Since it looked better and was easy to use, he was really cured. He jumped up and down to confirm that there was no problem, and he couldn't help but express his gratitude in surprise.

"No need to thank me, I'm just here to complete the task of my superiors."

As he was talking, his cell phone suddenly rang.

"There are new changes in the world of the Lord God. Professor Han has already sent a notice. You should come over quickly and prepare for the meeting!"

The sudden news forced him to interrupt the friendly exchange with the "doctor" and hurried to the meeting site.

As one of the owners of the small world who was also on the verge of extinction, he now wishes that the main god could take all the small worlds into his bag, summon as many reincarnations as possible, and save everyone.

Professor Han nodded: "It is said that there were hundreds of millions of people in that world, but there are probably less than a million alive now."

"If you don't know, you can check it out now, but you just need to take a look, because the rules and ghost stories in that world are different from it, and may even be more dangerous and confusing."

"It's really boring to do just these few every time... How about I introduce him to the coordinates of a few more small worlds next time we meet?"

It seems like I am back to when I was writing essays in school.

"They need to find the right path in a short period of time and find a way to survive..."

"We have investigated and now a new reincarnation has appeared."

"We are obtaining the unedited copyright of this film through official channels, and are asking the embassy to help contact the original script author, screenwriter, director and others to understand their creative ideas and deeper settings at the time."

Shu Jianying is indeed somewhat interested in this aspect.

"Well, it may be a bit complicated for me to say it. In fact, you can refer to the movie Pacific Rim for monsters. It is said that the setting is somewhat similar. However, the background is a mixture of Chinese and Western, and even the mecha operating manuals are in Chinese..."

It's a pity that Shu Jianying was indifferent to this, and the others turned back silently and continued to listen to Professor Han's explanation.

Professor Han continued: "A few years ago, there was a well-known weird story about zoo rules on the Internet. I wonder if you have heard of it."

"This shows that the world of the Lord God has made new moves after being silent for a long time."

"We will hold an internal movie viewing party at that time, and we also need each of you to write a review after viewing..."

"There is a code-named magic light in the world of the Lord God. There are terrifying behemoths that can reach hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters in height. They can easily destroy cities. Humans have developed huge robots controlled by humans."

"There are two new worlds that have been identified so far."

This person is the only known time traveler who has returned to the real world.

"It's useless even if we use known clues to investigate, because its rules will change every day, and once you violate any of them, you will die directly."

"According to our information, those who leave the game within eight hours of participating in the game for the first time are not eligible for the game and will be directly deprived of the game qualification."

Then let all the world return to its original peaceful and prosperous appearance, and he can close his eyes with peace of mind.

"Just laugh when there is such a ready-made example to refer to. What I want to say next is the second one, which is also the most difficult and incomprehensible for us."

Professor Han could probably guess the reason by looking at the bad looks on these people's faces, but he just smiled.

Especially since many of the people here are from the military or non-arts majors, and are confident in doing data or competing in battles, this thing can really only be made up through hard work.

"Based on their current intelligence, the world they are going to is different from what we have learned before."

Someone raised a question: "According to this, people in that world must have suffered heavy casualties..."

But if you look at the other person's current appearance, you can't recognize him at all. He looks like an ordinary person who is not much older than them. He is even sitting in the last row, leisurely drinking milk tea and casually swiping his phone.

"Referring to previous situations, we suspect that travelers from our country may be involved."

All the participants in this meeting are not just the four known reincarnations. On the contrary, there are many people, and a considerable part of them are people who provide logistical support, maintenance and aftermath.

Of course, Shu Jianying, the old man with terrifying strength from before, also attended the meeting.

Professor Han had no right to control the other party, so he could only ignore the other party for the time being, and then took out the information he had prepared so far.

As soon as this word came out, many people in the audience started whispering.

"And it's still decreasing at an alarming rate. Almost none of the reincarnations who entered in the past two days survived a day, and even the fastest ones left within an hour."

When he said this, he saw Shu Jianying put down his mobile phone, and rarely raised his eyes to look here, which made him feel slightly relieved, indicating that the other party would at least be interested in this information.

But it was different from what Professor Han thought. He already knew the truth about the Lord God. What was even more curious was which lucky little world would be chosen to be saved this time.

It is impossible to tell that he is an old man who is hundreds of years old.

"There may be more reincarnations hiding deeper, and our intelligence personnel are working intensively to investigate."

Although watching the movie is good, it is very painful to write down your thoughts after watching it. When hearing this sentence, many people showed pain on their faces.

"Weird rules."

"The specific identity information cannot be disclosed for the time being. There are currently five people known to have their identities exposed because they suddenly showed extraordinary power or possessed some special item."

When these words were spoken, many insiders subconsciously turned their attention to Shu Jianying.

At this time, Professor Han was giving a detailed introduction.

"I even doubt that if we don't move faster, it will directly become a world without a single living person left, and the mission of the reincarnations will be declared a failure..."

Immediately, he turned his attention to Huang Yingzhuo and others who were a little restless.

"So we need the help of senior people like you. I hope you can apply to the Lord God to enter these worlds to conquer them."

"If any help is needed, we will find a way to provide it."

But in fact, there was no need for him to say much, as several reincarnations had already made preparations.

"No problem. We've all been bored lately anyway, so it's good to find something to do."

Qin Yuanhong didn't know what fear was, but he couldn't die anyway, and there were rewards redeemed from the first world, which was more than enough for him to conquer other worlds.

Others are a little uneasy. After all, even if they can be resurrected, they have died once, and the pain is inevitable.

Especially this time it sounds more dangerous than before!
But after all, this is their job, and they still need to be more dedicated, so they can only bite the bullet and continue.

"I have already thought about using the points I saved before to buy more spells! I just want to see if our immortal magic can deal with those big monsters..."

"What about that strange rule?" "I can't do it. I can't do anything about this kind of unreasonable stuff, so I'd better have less contact with it."

Although they had a lively discussion, they actually had to accept the official arrangement in the end. After all, they were all well-established people.

The final decision was to divide the group into two groups, with two people each going to a world.

Fortunately, it is up to them to decide how to enter and when to set off, leaving them enough time to prepare.


Lu Chen did not completely sit back and do nothing. In order to avoid accidents and to understand the true situation in the two worlds as quickly as possible, he was always paying attention to the movements of these reincarnations.

However, the situation does not seem optimistic.

"Everyone died again? The death rate is too high."

Lu Chen looked at the five people who had been kicked out of the game again and couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, the number of reincarnations he selected during this period was much greater than what Professor Han had already counted.

So far, there are at least a hundred people who have cast a wide net.

But because they were all brought in at night while they were sleeping, and most of them died within a short period of time and were kicked out of the game.

For people like this who had no luck or talent, Lu Chen was not polite and directly blurred part of their memories, so they basically thought they were just having a very strange nightmare.

As of now, there are less than ten people who can actually survive the eight-hour basic task.

Eight of them are still in the magic light world.

The mortality rate among the rule monsters was the highest, and only two of them were lucky enough to survive.

"And this thing doesn't seem to have much to do with academic qualifications..."

Lu Chen reviewed the personnel selected previously. Many of them were specially selected students and teachers from well-known universities, and even some scientists. As a result, the mortality rate was higher.

After all, this thing cannot be made by relying on formulas or the like. Many of these rules are even contradictory and contrary to common sense. The more seriously you reason, you may fall into self-contradiction.

It is not impossible to completely deduce the truth and falsehood, but it is very difficult to do it in a very short time. I am afraid that only those super geniuses can do it.

So starting yesterday, he no longer specifically selected personnel, but completely randomly.

This success rate is actually a little higher than before.

Because some people really don't understand these inexplicable rules. They see everything as normal and just do nothing honestly. The probability of surviving to the end is actually higher.

"Let's start recruiting a large group of preparatory reincarnation candidates today."

If you cast a wide net, there will always be a few people with abnormal brains who can get through.

So Lu Chen didn't pay much attention to it anymore. He was more concerned about the world of magic light now.

Although the invasion of monsters in this world is very serious, because at least there are traces to follow and there are various shelters, the survival rate is actually higher.

It can even be said that the humans here are like invincible little warriors, very strong. As there are more and more monsters, the mechas they research are also advancing with the times, updated generation after generation.

Although the reality is different from the one in the movie, the strength of the monsters is very terrifying, and the defeat of mankind is almost foreseeable in the near future.

But thinking about it, waiting for the reincarnations with various extraordinary abilities to join the battlefield may be able to turn the tide of the war.

"Is this the fourth natural disaster?"

Lu Chen suddenly thought of this setting.

"Immortal players, the BOSS goal we must advance together..."

"It's really a bit like..."

But he didn't forget his true goal.


"Death row prisoner?"

Newcomer Samsara Ye Zijin looked at the mission conditions set by the Lord God with some confusion.

Find death row criminals, or people who have committed crimes that deserve the death penalty, and hand them over to the Lord God to get rewards.

This condition cannot be said to be outrageous, it can only be said to be unbelievable.

"If the Lord God has a need, why not directly seek cooperation with the real authorities? This is not just about getting what you need."

"The official also saved time in carrying out the death penalty."

By chance, another friend who was also a newcomer next to him heard him talking to himself and explained: "It's not that simple."

"First of all, the death penalty is currently on the verge of being abolished. In reality, if we do this, once the news gets out, the international community will definitely criticize our human rights issues."

"The second issue is how to judge the guilt of death row inmates."

"Although we certainly can't doubt anything, if someone deliberately increases the punishment or guides for profit..."

Although the rest of the words were not finished, they could understand its meaning.

Zi Zijin couldn't help but be speechless. He didn't dare to think too much about the dark side, so he just finished his task honestly.

"But how should we get the death row prisoners?"

Go directly to the prison to poach people?
I'm afraid that I will be regarded as a prison robber and then die suddenly on the spot.

He now only has a few dozen points that were rewarded after completing the survival mission for the first time, but he has no ability to exchange them for an indestructible body.

"You are new."

While he was thinking, a voice from behind woke him up.

He quickly turned his head and found a strange man standing behind him, not the same new reincarnation he had seen before.

What's more important is that the other party's familiarity with the main god's space and the natural feeling of being at home are in sharp contrast to a newcomer like himself.

"Are you... a senior?" Ye Zijin was a little surprised.

Although he knew about the existence of senior people, it was said that these people were elusive and almost no one had ever seen them with their own eyes.

Now that it appeared in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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