I played the world alone

Chapter 524: Revenge, never be a coward!

Chapter 524: Revenge, never be a coward!
As soon as Matchmaker Sun said these words, people passing by couldn't help but burst into laughter.

The villagers who had just become angry turned red and green, and became angry with embarrassment.

"What's so great! As for your stupid boy, he might have failed to serve the gods well, and then he would have been driven back! By then he would have gained nothing, so why not just farm here like us? born……"

The tone of his voice could smell an uncontrollable sour smell from far away.

"Hmph, the vision of the gods is not that great. My child is so smart that he doesn't like it. He may have calculated that my child has a better future, so I don't dare to delay..."

"Only an ignorant guy like you can be so happy with such a thankless task."

Although he said this, the other party's eyes would look towards Lu Shengrong's home from time to time.

Especially when seeing the gifts sent by others, the jealousy in his eyes cannot be hidden at all.

He himself knew that there must be a lot of benefits, otherwise he would not have rushed there so excitedly yesterday. Who would have expected that the benefits would not be seen, but he would suffer a big loss.

How could Matchmaker Sun tolerate this guy belittling his client like this?

Matchmaker Sun couldn't help but become dumbfounded and didn't know how to answer for a while.

What if this guy's nonsense spreads and the girl's family hears it and feels it's inappropriate and cancels the marriage?
All the money she was supposed to get was lost!
And just when she was about to have a good talk with the other party using the posture she used in her youth, even if she cursed for three days and three nights without getting tired, she suddenly heard a shout from a distance.

That posture was quite scary, especially when the hoe in his hand was swung vigorously as if it were a big knife, as if he was trying to fight someone with all his strength!

"Hahaha! It's fun! That's it!" Several other children also laughed and catered, slowly approaching with unkind eyes.

One of the most muscular children, who seemed to eat a lot of meat, pressed his finger bones and showed a cruel evil smile.

The only thing he could do was to shout for his child to run away and not just stand there and get beaten!

During the quarrel, a villager with a hoe in his hand seemed to have gotten the news. He rushed here with an angry face, squeezed through the crowd of onlookers, and started yelling loudly when he saw the child on the ground.

There were several crisp sounds that seemed to be broken bones, which made people feel a chill down their spine.

"Who dares to hit my son! Do you want to kill me?! Do you think I am dead?"

At this moment, there is nowhere to vent your grievances, and I just happened to see this kid come back from the gods. I have to vent my grievances!
"Let's do it quickly, look at the cripple running over!"

"Auntie, everyone has seen what happened just now. Don't confuse right and wrong! It was your child who led someone to break my son's leg!"

but now!

"And just now my son was about to be beaten, and you guys were just standing there motionless and just watching the fun. Now that they are being counterattacked, they jump out to make trouble?! How can this make sense!"

"How about we break one of this kid's legs and make him look exactly like his lame father!"

Waves of unabashed ridicule came from all around, making his chest even more burning.

After getting closer, they could vaguely hear them shouting, saying that their son had been too popular recently, which made them very unhappy.

"Yes! But now the eldest son of Wang Orion's family and several children have surrounded him, saying that they want to teach him a lesson. You go quickly."

At this moment, he hated his own incompetence, that he couldn't even do this little thing.

Although no one could see clearly what was going on just now, anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that it must be this kid’s fault!

In the past, they had a difficult time in the village. Because of their health and family situation, they might be bullied overtly or covertly.

Seeing that everyone was here, the young man who sent the message ran over panting, pointed in the direction of the village entrance and said: "Your son is back!"

Hearing this, the bruised-faced villager burst out laughing: "I'm afraid he was driven back by the gods! It's exactly what I said!"

It's just that at least it wasn't so blatant before, so I just tolerated it and got over it.

When Lu Shengrong also heard this, he was so angry that his eyes were splitting, and he rushed over here even more desperately. However, due to the inconvenience of his legs and feet, he tripped and fell to the ground due to his too-fast movements. He fell solidly with a plop.

"Who saw it? It's obvious that your son is bullying us just because he follows the gods!" The woman was extremely aggressive, and it was better not to speak. When she spoke, her voice was as sharp as a gong, which made her ears hurt.

"Lu Shengrong! Lu Shengrong!"

However, at this time, he saw the children who were rushing toward his son suddenly screamed, and then flew directly backwards and fell heavily to the ground!

"Don't be afraid, at this speed, we don't have to worry about being caught up if we walk slowly!"

Soon after arriving nearby, I saw several twelve or thirteen-year-old children surrounding a boy who was obviously a head shorter.

The parents of two of the children who were still watching the excitement could no longer sit back and watch, and rushed forward to help their children with panic on their faces.

Isn't that child his own son?
Lu Shengrong became even more anxious and limped over.

However, Lu Shengrong had no intention of arguing with him here, and ran towards the entrance of the village in a hurry, while the others followed him either out of curiosity or to watch the excitement and not mind the trouble.

Then he looked angrily at the son of the Lu family who was walking towards Lu Shengrong.

"what happened!"

Although she didn’t know how this kid suddenly became so strong, her mentality of protecting the calf almost made her go crazy. She yelled: “Old Li Tou, someone is going to kill your son! Why don’t you come here quickly!”

Several children noticed that Lu Shengrong was coming towards them with an angry look on his face, but they were not afraid. Instead, they showed mocking expressions.

One of the women, in particular, was so distressed that she wiped away tears when she saw her son falling to pieces and almost frothing at the mouth.

Lu Shengrong was helped up by his son, but he also looked at the woman angrily.

He felt that he was extremely angry. Even if he risked being severely beaten by their parents today, he would seek justice for his son!

"Back?!" Lu Shengrong was stunned and suddenly said in surprise.

Some even get criticized and blamed by their families because they were not selected but he was selected, so they should learn from him...

Mrs. Li finally reached the backer, and her waist became stiffer. She wiped the corners of her eyes like crocodile tears, hugged her child and said, "That's the family named Lu!"

"Just now he was clamoring to beat us, mother and son, to death!"

Old Li Tou's fierce gaze quickly locked on Lu Shengrong and his son: "Okay, just you two!"

"See if I don't kill you two first!"

Shouting, he rushed forward brandishing his hoe. This scared the onlookers around and ran back, for fear of blood splattering on themselves.

They are basically all from the village, and they know that Old Li Tou was a tyrant in the village when he was young. Later, he got into trouble and was thrown into jail and taught a lesson for a few days. After a few days, he finally became a little more stable, but he was still domineering and domineering, even if he couldn't take advantage. The kind that suffers.

Many people just take it as bad luck and just tolerate it for a while.

But according to the temper of old Li Tou, I'm afraid he will really see blood!
The sinister villagers before were even more gloating about the misfortune. Seeing that Lu Shengrong and his son had to die under the hoe, they felt even more happy!

He secretly thought to himself that it would be best to kill him directly, so that not many people would know about his embarrassing incident yesterday.

Lu Shengrong turned pale with fright. However, he came out in a hurry and didn't bring anything for self-defense. He could only hug his son in a panic, hoping to at least save him.

But just when Lao Li was about to swing his hoe down at his head, a ball of fire suddenly appeared out of thin air and hit him directly.


It was like the sound of coal briquettes exploding. In an instant, the clothes on the other party were ignited, and the whole person turned into a ball of fire!
"Where did the fire come from?! Help! Come and put out the fire!"

Old Li Tou screamed repeatedly, dropped the hoe in his hand and jumped up and down. Because his eyes were so painful that he couldn't see the road clearly, he could only run in all directions, frightening the surprised onlookers even more, for fear of setting off a fire. When it comes to him, he quickly runs away again.

Finally, someone happened to be passing by carrying a bucket of overnight urine. The smell of urine was overwhelming. Seeing this, he didn't care so much and could only throw it at Lao Li's head.


Although the fire was indeed out, the stench from the other party made people dare not get close.

And even if it was extinguished in time, there would be a lot of burns on the body. Lying on the ground would probably result in less air coming in and more air coming out. Even if he survived, he would probably be more miserable in the future.

This miserable and terrifying scene frightened everyone around them and stunned them, while Mrs. Li's eyes widened in horror and she looked at the Lu family and his son.

"It's you! It's you who did it, right?"

But instead of flinching, the son of the Lu family took a step forward and pointed at the opponent with wide eyes.

"What can you do if I burn you? You did something wrong first! If you dare to bully others again, you will be next!"

Lu Shengrong looked down at his child in shock.

When did you become so brave? And he actually has such a powerful ability...

"You..." The aggressive Mrs. Li next to her was so angry that she was shaking all over. She couldn't help cursing loudly, and then rushed over with her teeth and claws bared, "I'll fight you!"

The son of the Lu family immediately performed a magic formula in a decent manner, and then shouted: "Go!"

In the next second, several vines stretched out from the ground, and immediately grew at an alarming speed, tripping Li who was rushing towards him and falling to the ground.

Then he was tied up and hung in the air.

No matter how much Li cursed or begged, he had no intention of putting her down.

"You hang up here today! If you dare to bully others, you will have to bear the consequences!"

Immediately, he turned to look at the onlookers again, with a majestic attitude like a young adult: "If anyone dares to put her down secretly, I will hang her up too!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the people around him changed.

Even if some people who had a good relationship with Li were thinking about secretly helping to cut down these vines, they would definitely not dare to do so now.

Lu Shengrong couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

The scene before him far exceeded his understanding of the world.

"Son, are these...the magic arts you learned from the gods?"

The son nodded reservedly but proudly.

Lu Shengrong still couldn't believe it.

Although he believed that the kind-hearted god would not just recruit a few random slaves as others said, he never expected that he had already learned his true skills after only a few days on the mountain!

But this does not prevent some people from shouting dissatisfied: "Child of the Lu family, did you learn immortal magic from gods just to bully us ordinary people? Do you still have royal magic like this?"

The son of the Lu family raised his brows, put his hands on his hips and shouted: "Master Immortal taught us these immortal methods so that we can seek immortality and ask questions, so that we can have a clear conscience. But we are definitely not here to be wimps and let you beat and scold us. Don’t fight back!”

Although he is not old, he has learned a lot in these two days.

In the past, he had no ability, and he had no choice but to endure it when he saw his family being bullied. But if he has real ability and still endures the humiliation, wouldn't he learn in vain?
Master specifically mentioned this when he asked them to go down the mountain.

"After you come down from the mountain, you don't have to be timid. You just need to take revenge! As long as you don't do anything harmful to nature or against your true intentions, no matter how big the trouble is, Master will always be there to support you!"

He kept this sentence in mind and regarded it as truth.

Therefore, facing the doubts of many onlookers, he did not show any timidity at all, but dared to stare back.

"We in the Lu family will not bully others, but we will never allow others to bully us! Even if I, the King of Heaven, come here!"

"If anyone is not convinced, feel free to give it a try! Let's see who is more powerful, my magic, or your fists and kicks!"

As for talking about upholding fairness and justice, how could a half-grown brat like him get his turn! He should be more willful now to be consistent with his age!

As Master said when teaching, as long as there is no morality, no one can kidnap oneself morally.

When others accuse you of being domineering and unruly, you'd better really mean it.

Although he still can't quite understand the deeper meaning with his little head, he just thinks it's right!
Everyone who met his eyes looked away guiltily, especially those who had bullied them or taken advantage of the Lu family. They hid their faces and left in secret, for fear of being discovered and unlucky.

Seeing that no one else dared to speak, the son of the Lu family snorted proudly.

"Don't worry, Dad, I will be here from now on! No one will dare to bully you anymore!"

But at this moment, the strange man had long since run away in fear, while Matchmaker Sun recovered from the shock, smiled more eagerly, and planned to introduce him to him.

"Good guy, I have a son of a little god. I'm afraid this is nothing more than the princes and nobles!"

(End of this chapter)

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