I played the world alone

Chapter 513 Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Chapter 513 Impossible! Absolutely impossible!
"Mr. Shu, I respect you as a senior, so I didn't dare to disturb you even after I knew you were living in seclusion. But now you bring someone to kill yourself, and you don't know what you want to do?"

The voice of the master of the Eagle Kingdom became colder and colder, with a hint of anger, and his aura was also rising steadily, as if he was planning to take action if he disagreed.

"This momentum... is incredible..."

Huang Yingzhuo and others also have some knowledge. Although they cannot judge their specific strength, they can generally feel that they are definitely not weak!

Even judging from their perception, this person's strength is almost the same as that of the old man.

The old man just frowned slightly, but he was still a little impatient: "No need to say more nonsense. I am here today to take your life. If you are wise, come down and kneel here immediately. Maybe I can give you a little pleasure, otherwise …”

"What a loud tone!" The Imperial Master of the Eagle Kingdom suddenly narrowed his eyes and sneered, "Shu Jianying, do you think it's still the time for you to conquer the continent? That was more than a hundred years ago!"

"You are already an old immortal with half a foot in the coffin. In today's era, I am the one in control!"

"Master Qi, go give him some color and let him know that he is old."

After hearing this, Master Qi immediately took a step forward with a proud look on his face.

Compared with their astonishment, the Eagle Kingdom's national master's face was full of shock.

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of poisonous needles flew out from his sleeves, which had become looser due to the depletion of blood and flesh, and stabbed various parts of the old man's body in an instant.

From a distance, Huang Yingzhuo and others could smell a suffocating stench, as if countless rotting corpses were piled together.

The master of the Eagle Kingdom stretched out his fingers and gently touched his cheek.

The invisible palm wind instantly penetrated the blood energy of his protective body and hit the opponent directly.

Before he finished speaking, a white light suddenly appeared in front of him.

However, the Imperial Master seemed to have expected this. He opened his bloody mouth and spat out a thick mist of blood at him.

He suddenly opened his eyes wide and shouted in fear: "Aura! How come you have so much aura to cast such a powerful spell?!"

Naturally, he couldn't bear it anymore. He waved his hand violently to form a strong wind and blew away the blood mist, and then clapped his hand again.


"You're evil..." The old man realized something was wrong.

The old man who faced it head-on was obviously more shocked. His brows were so furrowed that he could almost pinch a fly to death.

It was quite plump at first, but as the blood mist around him became thicker, his cheeks began to dry up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and now looked more like a skinny mummy.

He didn't even have time to express a frightened expression or scream, before his entire upper body was penetrated and turned into countless black blood foam and charcoal!

"Yes... without spiritual energy, if I want to live and continue to have this powerful power, I have no choice."

"Shu Jianying, actually I have heard of your name before, and I admire you quite a lot. But times have changed now."

In just an instant, his vision was completely occupied by white light, and the pitiful red light on his hand looked so insignificant.

So much so that when it makes various actions and speaks, the sense of dissonance is almost overwhelming.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Eagle Kingdom's National Master yelled as if he was crazy.

There was an explosion, and a thicker mass of blood mist and pieces of flesh flew into the air.

The old man's frown deepened.


"If you can have enough spiritual energy to squander it, then what have I done all these years is nothing!"


"Is this the evil method you researched?"

Then, only the left half of the body above the waist was left, and the Imperial Master fell from the air to the ground like a kite with its string broken.

He sighed somewhat artificially, and his hands glowed with blood, as if he was preparing to cast a spell.

"The spiritual energy in this world has been completely exhausted a long time ago. There is no way there is any spiritual energy left!"

"Now that the spiritual energy is exhausted, the only way to surrender is like me..."

Shan Ya finally couldn't bear it anymore, turned her head and bent down to vomit it out.

He died so cowardly that he didn't even have time to say his last words, and he didn't finish even half of his cruel words.

But now it seems that Shu Jianying was not affected at all, as if he just waved his hand casually.

It's even hard to imagine how many people he had killed.

"It's very simple, because I have a sufficient source of spiritual energy." At this time, the old man was not in a hurry and answered slowly.

If it hits it this time, I'm afraid it will turn into a hornet's nest!
The old man's figure flashed, and in the next moment he appeared ten meters ahead. All those flying needles were stuck on the floor, leaving small cracks.

His whole body was exuding a rich blood-colored red mist, and it seemed that the air was filled with a strong smell of blood, which was even stronger than the pool of blood of the dead bodies on the ground.

Huang Yingzhuo couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, not because of this bloody scene, but because such a famous national master died so simply?

According to his own situation, it is not impossible for him to cast such a powerful spell, but it will definitely drain his body, causing his body to deteriorate rapidly or even die on the spot.

"Aura..." The master of the Eagle Kingdom became more and more crazy, "The aura in your body belongs to me! Go to hell!"

The remaining half of the body fell directly to the ground. The wound was even charred due to the high temperature and not much blood flowed out. It looked so absurd and terrifying.

Shan Ya couldn't help but started to retching again, even though there was nothing left in her stomach to vomit.

After falling to the ground, he groaned again, but he couldn't even spit out a mouthful of blood. After all, all the organs in his body had been severely damaged, and the flesh and blood were so bloody that it was too horrible to look at.

"You're not dead yet?" The old man was a little surprised. "It seems I'm still old. All my enemies in the past should have been crushed into pieces by me."

The Imperial Master looked gloomy and stared at him coldly.

It was indeed a thin line between life and death just now.

Even though he had sensed danger just now and wanted to twist his body to avoid it, the speed exceeded his limit. In the end, he could only cut off his tail to survive, giving up half of his body.

But despite his current miserable appearance, in fact, as long as he has enough blood, he can return to his original state in a short period of time, and it will not be fatal at all.

"This old man is worthy of being a contemporary of my master. Even after so many years, he is still so troublesome..." In the flash of lightning, his thoughts were also flowing at an alarming speed.

In the current extremely dangerous situation, he must find a way to survive.

"I definitely can't beat him head-on... I can only think of ways to supplement my strength and slowly consume his."

"I don't believe that the spiritual power in the other party is really endless!"

He had carefully sensed it just now and was very sure that the spiritual energy in this world had not recovered at all. In other words, this old man Shu must have accidentally obtained some spiritual energy from somewhere else.

But it is definitely limited!
His eyes quickly scanned the people present.

If you want to quickly regain your strength, the easiest way is to suck flesh and blood.

And the one closest to him right now is...

His eyes quickly locked on the woman who just scolded him, her eyes showing a bit of cruelty and bloodlust. "The decision is yours!"

There are no traces of cultivation on his body. He seems to be just an ordinary person. It's best to take action.

As for the few people around you, if you have enough energy later, you can devour them all.

"Haha, this stupid old man Shu is really stupid. He even brought a few blood packs to me when he came here."

In an instant, his body, which seemed to be just barely able to move, turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed straight towards Shan Ya, who looked dumbfounded next to him.

"Take your life!" He screeched viciously.

Seeing that his fingers were about to touch the other person's body, but the other person and the people around him obviously didn't react, looking dumb and stunned, he couldn't help but feel happy.

good chance!
However, the next second, a sudden figure suddenly appeared in front of the woman who was very close to him.

Yes, it just appeared out of thin air. He was very sure that there was nothing there just a moment ago!
The Imperial Master subconsciously thought that some infatuated person was using his own body to save people. He felt that it was almost the same anyway. As long as he could eat a person's flesh and blood, he would have hope of killing him.

However, when the fingertips touched the other party's body, the hard touch was obviously not right.

It's like being inserted into a brick!

His hands directly gave a chill to the human body in front of him, and he could even see the dull and distressed expression of the woman behind him through the hole in his chest.


"Why didn't you absorb any flesh and blood?"

Unfortunately, there was no time for him to think. A huge force came from behind and pulled him out. He was hit hard on the floor and passed out completely.

At this moment, Shan Ya was indeed looking at the scrapped puppet in front of her with a distressed expression.

Although it was just a puppet during the Qi training period, it did help me a lot in the initial stage, and I have become accustomed to its existence during this time.

As a result, he died so miserably now...

"My condolences." Zhang Lingchu patted her shoulder and comforted her.

It's not bad to at least get one life back.

With their current points, if they lose 20% if they die, the loss will be even greater!

Huang Yingzhuo cautiously ran over and looked at the Yingguo national master who had been completely subdued.

"do you died?"

"Not dead yet." The old man shook his head, "I knew you wanted to torture me, so I deliberately held back my hand."

Several people breathed a sigh of relief, because the Lord God's mission was still to catch him, and it would be best if he could be captured alive.

But when he turned around, he saw a group of soldiers who were thinking about going up but didn't dare to go up in the distance. They had a headache and didn't know how to deal with the current situation.

Killed them all?

After all, they are people who grew up in modern times and are not so crazy. They are thinking about whether there is some way to subdue them.

"By the way, capture the thief first and capture the king first!"

Qin Yuanhong had an idea.

"Aren't we in the palace? Bring down that emperor! Let's also have a look at the emperor's side and see who dares to resist us!"

His tone was very excited and he couldn't wait to execute it.

"You have a pretty good idea. Do you still want to sit on the dragon throne?" Zhang Lingchu rolled her eyes.

Qin Yuanhong chuckled: "It's just for fun anyway, it's not serious."

Although with their strength, it would only take a matter of minutes to become the Supreme Emperor, but after all, they are now cooperating with the real government, and they will not be allowed to act recklessly here.

They can't stay here forever, they still have to go back. There are relatives and friends waiting for them to return home in glory and honor their ancestors.

Although it is impossible to be an emperor, the idea is indeed okay.

The old man has no objection to their decision. He is here to be a thug anyway, so he just needs to solve it as soon as possible.

With his leadership, there was almost no obstruction along the way, and all the soldiers blocking the way retreated to the side like snakes and scorpions.

Suddenly, a loose passage was squeezed out for them in this somewhat crowded environment.

No one dared to step forward.

"Are you so cowardly? No one with the courage to come up and try to see if he can perform meritorious service?" Qin Yuanhong was a little disappointed. The talismans he prepared were almost rotting in his hands and he had no chance to use them.

"Nonsense, even their most powerful national teacher died in our hands. Will they die again if they come back?"

Their monthly salary is only so much, so why do they work so hard?

But they didn't dare to go up. Qin Yuanhong and the others really had to take the initiative to find him.

He directly caught an unlucky guy and asked for directions, all the way to the emperor's palace.

Good guy, this old boy has no idea what's going on outside, and he's blindfolded and playing tricks with a few concubines who are wearing extra cool clothes.

The moment he saw it, Qin Yuanhong's eyes almost widened, but Zhang Ling next to him quickly shielded his eyes when she saw that he was a minor.

"Be careful of the needle's eye."

The old man was already accustomed to these situations, and his eyes didn't even waver at all. He raised his hand casually, and the emperor was caught in the air and fell in front of them.

"Bold! You..."

Before he could scream, a pair of invisible hands grabbed his neck and lifted him up. He was so suffocated that his face was red and his ears were red and in pain. There was even a faint smell of urine under his crotch before he was released.

The emperor was quite sensible. Seeing that no bodyguard came to rescue him at the moment, he even saw the Imperial Master whom he relied on being dragged behind like a dead dog and bleeding all over the ground. He immediately understood what was going on. In this situation, he bowed his head very cleanly.

"You heroes, you can take whatever you want, as long as you keep me alive. If you like these concubines, you can enjoy them as much as you want."

The emperor was like a licking dog, and his flattering smile looked so greasy, making people disgusted just by looking at him.

But anyway, as long as you recognize the appearance.

He directly issued an imperial edict to stop all frontline wars, and also released news to the outside world, saying that the former Imperial Master was an evil man who deceived the government. Today, fortunately, the chivalrous man came to the side of the emperor, slayed the demons, and brought peace to the world...

Huang Yingzhuo and others were also directly honored as the new national preceptor. Anyway, no one stipulated that there could only be one national preceptor.

Anyone object?

Let’s talk about it if we can beat it.

After solving these trivial matters, Huang Yingzhuo and others immediately received new tasks.

"Investigate the secrets related to the depletion of spiritual energy in this palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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