I played the world alone

Leave Chapter 49 to us

Leave Chapter 49 to us
Sun Hao was yelling and looking for cover.

If it weren't for the chains, this guy would probably be scared and hide under the table.

"Do not worry."

Xu Xun patted the table speechlessly.

"You are now our witness and it is vital."

"And the person behind it... We may already know the identity. You are our witness now, even if you are guilty, you will have to wait for the legal trial, and you will not be killed casually."

What he thought of was the mysterious cultivator who flew a sword and slashed bats at the comic exhibition.

Maybe it's the other party who is eradicating these demons hiding in the city.

As for Sun Hao...

Can only be said to be unlucky.

Although I usually do a lot of stupid things, I can't be guilty of death.

Even the Liu Yuan who was killed before, the other party shot and killed first, but he didn't kill Sun Hao, which can barely be regarded as a legitimate self-defense.

And now, this guy can also be regarded as a human being with extraordinary power that is really controlled by the country. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at this place. Countless people want to collect something from him for experiments to see if they can research something new.

The matter is very important, and the people above will never let him be killed casually!

Xu Xun recalled the amazing figure of the immortal cultivator cutting the demon with his sword on Hanyun Mountain. He was only curious and admirable before, but now he only felt the pressure doubled.

"If the other party is really a cultivator and has transcended the mundane world, will he still give our country a face?"

In case the trouble is really unpleasant, do I have the ability to save this guy's life?

"I just hope that this person is not like the old antique in the Xianxia TV series, who wants to destroy demons and goblins no matter what he says."


After about half an hour.

On the empty road that had been temporarily blocked, green military vehicles were lining up, roaring towards the urban police station in an orderly manner.

All the roadblocks or traffic lights in the urban area have all green lights so that they can pass through as soon as possible.

Not long after, after stopping at the door, more than a dozen heavily armed soldiers got out of the car neatly and stood guard around to prevent any possibility of attack.

From the car in the middle, a young man in his 30s walked slowly down. He looked ordinary but had a majestic face. The military badge on his military uniform and the guards of the two soldiers behind him indicated that his position was not low.

At this time, Xu Xun had already received the notice, and he waited at the gate of the police station with his people early, and immediately went up to meet him.

The young man glanced around, and finally his eyes fell on him.

He quickened his pace and walked in front of him, and the two saluted each other.

"Where is the target of this delivery now?"

"follow me."

Xu Xun took him into the police station, but instead of entering the previous interrogation room, he took the elevator to the garage on the basement floor.

The vehicles here have all been cleared at this moment, leaving only a one-person-high iron cage covered with a black cloth in the middle.

Although I couldn't see what was inside, I could smell the danger.

"Target has been scheduled and anesthetized and is not expected to wake up for six hours. Ready to be transported at any time."

The man in military uniform nodded slightly: "Thanks for your hard work."

He motioned to the soldiers behind him to step forward.

However, it didn't move after the first lift, and the few people behind shouted "one, two, three" together, and they used more strength, and they barely lifted it after their faces turned red.

Xu Xun explained: "The things inside are very dangerous, so we used a cage specially used to hold ferocious beasts, so as to prevent him from tearing and escaping."

Soon, the soldiers on duty outside saw that the person who entered the police station before lifted out a heavy black cloth iron cage and carefully placed it on the military vehicle.

It seems to be transporting an adult male tiger.

And the man in the military uniform kept following the iron cage, and he didn't look back until it was moved up.

He suddenly asked in a low voice: "Is it really... the thing mentioned in the document?"

He is at this level and is the person in charge of the transfer, so he naturally knows a little more than ordinary soldiers

Until now, he still couldn't imagine it.

This kind of creature that was supposed to be a fantasy would actually appear in reality.

If it wasn't his duty, he really wanted to open it to see what it really looks like.

Xu Xun's eyes were deep and he did not answer directly.

"The task of checking and detaining him will be left to you. Whether it is true or not is up to you to judge."

"Maybe in him, we can find secrets unknown to human beings..."

Major Lin felt a surge of blood in his chest.

With a straight face, Ban saluted vigorously: "Please rest assured, sir, we will leave the follow-up to us! Even if something happens to me, there will be no problems with this transportation!"


By noon the next day, the results of Sun Hao's preliminary physical examination came out.

As the direct person in charge, Xu Xun received the report immediately.

"The strength has reached 2-3 times that of ordinary people, and after sucking blood, it can temporarily burst into a huge increase."

"The blood contains unknown components, and the cell activity is far beyond normal. The specific reason needs to be further analyzed by the laboratory..."

The content of Sun Hao's physical examination is a full ten pages, covering basically every item, even private parts.

The results of these inspections are basically very surprising.

Not just strength, his body has surpassed the limit of the human body, and every time he sucks blood, it will be further strengthened. It is hard to imagine where his limit will be.

Looking at the report, it seems that those medical experts are very excited, as if they have found a mouse that is most suitable for the experiment.

Combined with the accidental discovery in the hospital before, do they think that vampire blood can be used as a new medicinal material?
What's even more frightening is that they really want to study the cause of vampires and try to see if they can be artificially created.

Regarding this point, Xu Xun gave a warning reply, telling them not to try to do such a thing.

After all, there is still an unknown force of immortal cultivators destroying vampires in an unknown place. If I try to create vampires again, won't I turn my face against the other party?

Fortunately, he still has the right to speak, and with the suppression of military personnel, the worst situation should not happen.

For subsequent further research, it is necessary to select suitable experts in various fields across the country.

However, the screening conditions of this selection process will be more stringent, and it is estimated that it will take longer.

All experts and scholars who can participate must undergo background checks over and over again, and even the slightest risk of leaking secrets will not be considered.

After all, this is the world's first known supernatural creature. Once the news is leaked, it is hard to imagine what kind of storm will be set off...

"The next key is to find that cultivator."

Xu Xun had already rushed back to Hanyun Mountain overnight, and only rested for less than four hours a night.

At this moment, he looked up at Hanyun Mountain, which was under rumbling construction.

"Can the ruins here help us further understand that mysterious world..."

(End of this chapter)

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