I played the world alone

Chapter 482: Feeling Strong (2 in 1)

Chapter 482: Feeling Strong (Two in One)

The sound of fighting here instantly attracted the attention of others. When they saw this scene, they suddenly screamed.

The bespectacled man and the others struggled to get up from the ground on their hands and knees, but the mysterious man reappeared in front of them as if teleporting.

Before they could react, they reached out and grasped the man in the air, and the man with glasses was caught in the air. A pair of eagle claws grabbed his neck tightly and lifted him up, almost making him roll his eyes and gasp.

"Help... help..."

But the other three people were frightened out of their wits just by one look at this mysterious man, and their legs weakened and they fell to the ground.

It's not that they are too timid. As they have been dealing with dead people and tombs for a long time, and have even killed people with their own hands, they are definitely more courageous than most people.

However, the invisible momentum hidden under those eyes is simply terrifying, like a terrifying beast. It is not even a tiger or a lion, but an unknown monster that is countless times more terrifying!

The moment their eyes met, their bodies almost reacted automatically. It was as if there was a heavy weight on their shoulders, and they almost fell down.

They even suspected that if they stood up, the other party would kill them without hesitation!

Passers-by were also frightened. Although they could not understand the situation and did not dare to stop them, some people still quietly called the police.

Instantly, a clanging sound resounded on the ground, and messy things fell all over the floor.

The expressions of passers-by who were getting closer changed immediately when they saw these things, especially the special equipment hidden among them that were obviously used for tomb robbing. Even if they didn't know much about it and couldn't tell the specific purpose, it was still very suspicious.

The bespectacled man's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he wanted to take advantage of others?

"No...no more. The cemetery was discovered before we could dig any more."

They had no choice but to start with the few tomb robbers they had contact with, so they interrogated them repeatedly and separated each person to prevent collusion in confessions.

Because the sound of police cars was heard in the distance.

They could only admit their defeat and honestly explain their criminal process and other accomplices who were not local but were responsible for other work.

Even using face comparison, this person's information was not found in the national big data, which was as strange as a fog.

After all, the mysterious man stole all the antiques.

Jiang Xingchao is one of them.

It's just that I didn't expect to steal things on the street so openly. I simply didn't take them seriously!

But what frustrated them the most was that they seemed to be helpless against each other.

The four people were quickly handcuffed back, looking ugly. Although they wanted to be tough at first, it was only when the police retrieved their identities and criminal records, as well as the "grave robbing tools" that were stained with their fingerprints.


I even heard that people from the mysterious Special Operations Department have been alerted and will soon send special personnel to deal with it.

"Grave robber?! Catch him!"

The man with glasses was stunned and quickly shook his head.

Everything inside has been thrown out.

But before he could finish speaking, the mysterious man interrupted again in a cold voice: "I'm talking about digging it out from here."

He frowned: "Is that all?"

They have checked the surveillance videos from the street to the end of the street. After looking through them all, they found that the other party seemed to appear suddenly and then disappear suddenly, and they could not find the origin and whereabouts at all.

"I don't think it's necessarily another group of tomb robbers. After all, he said he doesn't need other antiques, but he only cares about the ones here." A team member next to him interjected.

But there was still no harvest.

"Is it possible that the gangster eats the gangster?"

"We have asked many times, and they are very sure that they have never seen the person who injured them before." Jiang Xingchao shook his head.

The commissioner in charge of this case, Jiang Xingchao, walked out of the interrogation room. Several other uniformed police officers were waiting at the door. When he came out, they immediately asked: "How is it? Are there any clues?"

I just want to at least find some clues before the people from the Special Operations Department come, so as not to be looked down upon by others and think that their abilities are no more than this.

But they didn't know that Lu Chen, who had just run away, had transformed back to his original appearance and was observing their movements from the air.

His voice paused and he did not continue.

"These should be the ones you dug out..."

The mysterious man threw aside the almost suffocating man with glasses and waved his hand. The antiques they secretly dug out seemed to have gained life and automatically jumped into his hands out of thin air.

"You are lucky. If you dare to dig more..."

The bespectacled man and the others had just regained their breath and wanted to run, but it was already too late. Their legs were still weak and they could not outrun the police car.

In a few steps, he crossed a distance of more than a hundred meters, and then disappeared at the end of his sight.

Soon, a roaring police car parked next to them, blocking them.

But after all, they are also experienced old policemen. They have solved many major cases and arrested many criminals in the past. They feel that their abilities are not bad, at most they just lack super powers.

After the police got out of the car, they first looked at the miserable conditions of several people, then looked at the things scattered on the ground, and their expressions changed instantly.

Because this matter involves relatively precious antiques and even extraordinary people, the police station attaches great importance to it. The local level is not enough and even a special task force from the city was set up to investigate.

The mysterious man picked up their backpacks with his other hand and then shook them.

"It's been hinted to this extent, so it shouldn't disappoint me."

But now that the situation is pressing, we can only quickly explain: "This is all we have on hand. There are still some that we haven't taken action on before. I can have people come over, but it will definitely not be that fast..."

He glanced back, and the next second he left in the opposite direction, equally astonishingly fast.

"Perhaps they are just here to punish rape and eliminate evil, the kind that some middle school students think they have superpowers and want to punish the bad guys..."

"And he still doesn't believe in the law. He always thinks that officials protect each other, and he is the only one who is the most fair and objective..."

Several people fell silent for a moment.

This kind of situation is not very rare since the emergence of extraordinary people. They have seen it several times when they were responsible for helping people in the Special Operations Department.

But it usually happens to underage children, and this person this time...

They pulled out a photo taken from surveillance video.

After special processing, the person's full body appearance can be seen relatively clearly.

What's weird is that he's half-foreign and half-ancient, and he's dressed like a dancing master, and has that vicissitudes of life. No matter how you look at it, he's already an old man running around. He shouldn't be as immature as a child.

"This is quite strange... Then why did he take away the antiques? He was short of money?"

While I was thinking about it, a vehicle with a foreign license plate slowly stopped outside the police station, and several leaders from the bureau eagerly stepped forward to greet it.

I heard that people from the special task force had arrived, and the people from this task force were called to come together.

After walking over, I saw a few people getting out of the car, two boys, both young people.

After observing them carefully, they could see that they must all have extraordinary powers, because their steps were not very steady and they probably had not practiced basic skills. Their movements were also casual, but there was a bit of pride on their faces. If they only competed on their own kung fu, they should be able to knock anyone down within two moves.

However, several people also know very well that if they really want to challenge, the extraordinary power of the opponent is the key.

I've suffered this kind of loss before.

Moreover, the other party's level was half a level higher than theirs, and even the director had to be polite.

After all, extraordinary people are still quite rare at the moment. There are only tens of thousands of them in the country at most, and excluding those with poor moral character and criminal records, there will be even fewer if they are dispersed to various districts to handle various affairs.

I heard that this time there were people with supernatural powers in other places who had committed crimes and were being hunted, so only these two were sent.

And from the conversation, I learned that these two people were also a little impatient. They were on vacation but were suddenly pulled over to be young men.

Although the subsidy is definitely quite large, I still want to resolve the matter here as soon as possible and rest.

Entering the conference room, they looked at all the information provided by the task force.

"Is he suspected of being a person with super powers? Tsk tsk, teleportation, and photographing objects from the air...these are two kinds of superpowers."

The boy on the left with his legs crossed casually said casually while browsing, and his companion nodded: "It's quite rare, but it's still a little worse than the two of us..."

This person's name is Yao Rui, and the boy next to him is named Zhou Haoge.

It's just that their abilities are confidential, and no one can interfere unless they tell them themselves.

The people in the task force listened and secretly guessed in their hearts that these two people should be very capable.

"Ahem, we are investigating his motives now..." Jiang Xingchao took the lead and put forward his own ideas.

But before he finished speaking, the other party interrupted him directly.

"Isn't it just a gangster attack? The two of us have already guessed it."

Jiang Xingchao was speechless for a moment, but he still patiently explained: "But there are other possibilities..."

"It's not important!" Yao Rui threw aside the information in his hand.

"Anyway, he committed a crime by beating people on the street and taking away antiques. He also used supernatural powers at will. We can just arrest him directly. As for the motive? We can also interrogate him slowly after he is caught."

The people in the task force were a little stunned. This was the first time they had encountered something so direct.

"But there's another problem, we haven't found any trace of him yet."

Yao Rui didn't care at all: "It's okay. I brought him here specially. His abilities are very useful."

Several people's eyes instantly turned to the side curiously.

The rather elegant boy wearing glasses said slowly: "My ability can track a specific person, give me his photo."

After getting the photo, he closed his eyes and seemed to be slowly sensing it.

At this time, Yao Rui explained proudly from the side: "His ability is very special. As long as the person he sees looks like him, it doesn't matter if he has plastic surgery or is disfigured or becomes old. He can still see the person thousands of miles away." Sensing the specific location.”

"Because of this ability, he has found many wanted criminals who have been hiding for many years. So far, they have not been lost."

Several people in the task force couldn't help but take a high look.

They have heard from some higher-level people before that there is such a magical figure, but the other person's ability is relatively special and consumes a lot of money. For ordinary cases, they can't get the other person to take action now, so they have never had the opportunity to meet.

But I didn't expect to encounter it today.

Amid everyone's expectant gazes, Zhou Haoge opened his eyes a few seconds later, with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

"It's strange, this person seems to be shrouded in a fog. I can't find any trace of him..."

Yao Rui suddenly felt a little embarrassed. What he just said was slapped in the face. He noticed the suspicious eyes of others and couldn't help but became a little anxious. He coughed lightly and said: "Are you in a bad state? Do you want to try again?"

Zhou Haoge hesitated and shook his head.

"No, there must be something wrong with the other party. It won't matter if I try it a few more times. And I can only use my ability once a day at most. If I use it more, my head will hurt like it's exploding..."

"Then we can just check the surveillance everywhere and see if we can find any clues..." Jiang Xingchao added in order to ease the awkward atmosphere.

But before he finished speaking, there was an urgent knock on the door of the conference room.

Then another police officer hurriedly walked in. As soon as he came in, he said something that surprised them: "The probe captured the trace of the mysterious man!"

Several people looked at each other and rushed over immediately.

Yao Rui and the other two also breathed a sigh of relief and followed.

In order to avoid disturbing the suspects, they did not drive a police car this time and were wearing plain clothes, so they drove two ordinary cars in the direction of the satellite positioning.

"According to the surveillance, this person suddenly appeared at the foot of the mountain, and the mountain is the recently discovered ancient tomb of the Ming Dynasty, which is under emergency excavation work. We suspect that he went there!"

"Is he really a tomb robber?"

"But it seems that he is still dressed as he was in the morning, without any tools, and there are no other accomplices around him."

"Will you just go up the mountain and check out the spots in advance?"

"I don't know. Anyway, let's inform the archaeological team on the mountain first and ask them to be careful. This person is very dangerous!"

Several people in the car communicated through the security intercom. Considering the danger, they even loaded their bullets and were ready to take action at any time.

When the car arrived at the foot of the mountain, more than ten minutes had passed. Fortunately, there were already colleagues controlling several high-altitude drones on standby, updating each other's position in real time.

However, the opponent's anti-reconnaissance capabilities seemed to be very strong, and they even glanced in the direction of the drone.

What's strange is that the other party has no intention of hiding his traces. He has no intention of running into the woods where he can avoid being tracked. Instead, he just walks casually on the road.

"This is so arrogant. Do you really think that you can do whatever you want with your superpowers?" Yao Rui, who was also arrogant and arrogant, suddenly sneered, "Let's see how I beat him down later!"

But at this moment, Jiang Xingchao suddenly said with a serious face: "Wait, this road... isn't he going to the ancient tomb on the mountain?"

Because from the positioning point of view, the other party seems to be going astray.

Instead, he walked straight towards the top of the mountain.

"No matter what, speed up and rush over! I will take him down with my own hands!" Yao Rui has been impatient for a long time.

With a click of the accelerator, the wheels rotated rapidly, and the car sped along the steep mountain road at an even faster speed.

Finally, after a few more minutes, they successfully caught up with the dusty man, and drifted just in front of him.

Yao Rui and Yao Rui couldn't wait to open the car door and stop in front of each other. They took out their IDs and waved them in front of each other.

"We are members of the Special Operations Department. We now suspect that you have used your extraordinary abilities to commit crimes. Please surrender immediately and cooperate with our investigation. Otherwise, we will not rule out the use of violent means of arrest!"

(End of this chapter)

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