I played the world alone

Chapter 45 Escape

Chapter 45 Escape
But suddenly, Sun Hao let go of his hand and threw him on the ground.

"Cough cough..."

Escaping from the dead, Liu Yuan lay on the ground like a dead dog, coughing again and again, raised his head and stared at Sun Hao with his eyes fixed on him, he couldn't believe that yesterday's waste who was pressed and beaten turned into a Terminator-like monster today!

"It's really boring."

Sun Hao shook his hand, feeling like an adult bullying a child.

Strength, speed, or physique, all crushed.

It doesn't matter if you win.

Looking back, the whole bar was so quiet, and I had already become the focus of everyone's gaze, regardless of gender.

There are fear, doubt, worship and so on in those eyes.

Sun Hao, who had never had such a bright moment, felt that at least his vanity had skyrocketed, and his whole body was a little smug, more comfortable than drinking a good wine.

But right now.


A loud bang!
Sun Hao only felt a sharp pain in his chest, and he fell back instantly.

A strong smell of gunpowder stimulated his now sensitive sense of smell.

Falling to the ground and clutching his bleeding chest, he looked in astonishment at Liu Yuan who slowly got up from the ground, who was holding a pocket pistol in his hand.

"You still dare to fight with me?" Liu Yuan spat and sneered.

"Do you really think you can turn over with a little strength? In my eyes, you are still that dead dog that can be beaten and crawl all over the ground!"

He didn't look at Sun Hao who was waiting to die on the ground, and turned his head to stare at the people around him.

"No one is allowed to speak out about what happened today, or wait for my revenge. Also, today's monitoring is all destroyed..."

Before he finished his sentence, he suddenly saw a waitress in the booth in front of him screaming in horror.

Just as he was about to scold her for what her name was, there was a heart-piercing pain behind him!

He looked down stiffly, only to see a hand forcibly penetrated his chest, and pulled out his heart, and he could even see the heart beating slightly twitching.

Blood gushed out continuously along the clothes, and his consciousness gradually blurred.

At the last moment, he looked back with rounded eyes.

He only saw Sun Hao, who thought he was doomed to die, standing behind him strangely and alive, with two fangs that definitely did not belong to humans exposed in his slightly grinning mouth.


Sun Hao pulled out his hand violently, panting violently like a beast.

With scarlet eyes, he looked around, staring at everyone fiercely, with strong desire and greed in his eyes.

If it weren't for this bastard who suddenly fired a cold shot, his body would not need to be so embarrassed in order to repair the injury.

"Blood...I want blood..."

He sucked the blood stained on his hands, barely relieving the strong desire in his body.

But obviously this is drinking poison to quench thirst.

Regardless of other things, he lay down directly, bit the neck of Liu Yuan's corpse fiercely, and sucked in the still warm blood.

The surrounding women continued to scream, but more security guards surrounded them.

This time they held steel pipes or knives in their hands, and approached more cautiously than before.

But compared to them, the ears after the blood supply keenly caught the sound of the distant phone.

Someone called the police!
It's right to think about it, shooting and killing people, it is impossible not to call the police.

"Can't stay here!"

Immediately he felt fear and anxiety in his heart.

It's fine to kill someone, but the point is that he is a vampire now, if he is caught, he can't be sliced ​​for research?

He immediately raised his head and looked around viciously, causing the security guards to take a step back in fright, as if they were being targeted by some bloodthirsty jungle beast.


He let out a roar, and charged forward violently. No one dared to stop this ferocious posture. He stepped aside subconsciously, and watched him rush out from the door.

The speed was extremely fast, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving only bloodstains all over the ground.

In the event of a fatality, the police dispatched the police very quickly.

About 10 minutes later, several police cars came roaring with their sirens, and even special police came to block the scene and immediately brought everyone present under control.

The team led by the police station was Team Li, who had been in the hospital before.

He looked at the badly damaged door and couldn't help frowning. He walked slowly into the bar and passed by the team of bar staff who were escorted out by the police one by one.

As soon as I walked in, I smelled a strong smell of blood and a little smell of gunpowder left after the shooting.

At this time, the forensic doctor who rushed over was already checking the condition of the deceased's body and the cause of death.

When he saw the corpse, even Captain Li, who had seen many scenes, couldn't help but take a breath.

"The heart was dug out?"

"Yes, and looking at the wound, it looks like it was dug out by some wild beast."

Forensic doctors rarely see such wounds, and find it incredible.

"And more importantly... this corpse has such a large wound, but the amount of bleeding is extremely small, which is very abnormal!"

He tried to examine the corpse carefully, and soon found two blood holes at the neck, and couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

"This is... blood sucked by something?"

Li Dui, who was standing by the side, seemed to have seen something terrifying after seeing the wound, and his face suddenly became serious.

Immediately ask the forensic doctor to stop touching the corpse casually, and turn around to ask the subordinates around him.

"Call the surveillance here immediately and seal off the surrounding area! These bloodstains on the ground must not be touched casually! And arrest those people who were here just now! I want to ask them what happened just now..."


In the afternoon, Xu Xun, who was supervising work at Hanyun Mountain, received a call from the urban police station.

"Captain Li? What's the matter?"

"We found traces of someone who might be a vampire in a bar!" Li Dui on the other end of the phone cut short and solemn.


Xu Xun immediately got up and walked away a few steps to avoid the noise of the digging machines, covering the microphone.


"Yes!" Captain Li continued, "We checked the surveillance and checked with the witnesses on the scene again and again. We can confirm that the opponent's strength and speed are far beyond ordinary people, and his behavior is also very strange. He was shot but survived, and even sucked human blood..."

"What about that vampire? Have you caught it?" Xu Xun immediately asked a key question.

Team Li replied: "Not yet, but we found that this vampire's movements are not as secretive as before. Many Skynet cameras have captured his traces."

"Considering the danger of the other party, our people are still slowly investigating. If it goes well, we should be able to find it soon!"

Xu Xun took a deep breath, feeling that he was finally approaching that unknown extraordinary world.

(End of this chapter)

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