I played the world alone

Chapter 432 The Price of Eternal Life (2 in 1)

Chapter 432 The Price of Eternal Life (Two in One)

At the abandoned church, preparations for the exorcism ceremony have begun.

Many people had gathered around the originally desolate scene, and quite a few of them were police officers and soldiers responsible for security.

The clergy also arrived slowly in special cars afterwards.

Sweet has been here since last night, and is currently sitting on a plastic chair next to the entrance to the basement. He is crossing his legs and drinking coffee to refresh himself, while staring at the people who are leaving the buses one after another. People going up and down.

Putting the finished coffee cup aside, he turned to look at the police sergeant beside him.

"Have you found the three guys who escaped yesterday?"

"not yet."

The Sheriff shook his head.

"Those three guys ran very fast. Although we have used various means urgently, we have not been able to find them."

Sweet nodded.

Not too surprising.

Because he has already received news from his wizards, and knows that the relevant news has been spread throughout the wizard circle.

After all, the news of the appearance of the Vampires was really shocking. It was hard to accept that such a legendary creature suddenly appeared in reality.

Not to mention, the emergence of the Vampire Clan means an almost eternal lifespan...

It's hard for anyone to resist this temptation.

Especially those old guys who are coming to the end of their lifespan.

He looked down at the pile of missed calls on his phone and knew how impatient those guys were.

"It's ridiculous."

Thinking of this, Sweet couldn't help but sneer.

"For us ordinary people, wizards are already imaginary creatures, and now there are all kinds of superpowers, and vampires are not incomprehensible."

"Anyway, as long as it's in my hands, don't mess around with it."

Therefore, he must find the other party before those greedy guys, otherwise, the blood of the vampires may start to be sold at high prices in the black market in a few days.

A drop of blood is worth thousands of gold!

But now we still have to deal with the immediate matters first.

As a high-end-looking private car parked at the entrance, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Who is that?"

The police chief next to him glanced around and said, "Oh, that's a member of the Veitch family. You may not know that their family has been quite famous recently, and he is a rookie with considerable potential."

"Witch family..."

Sweet actually knew it, because the other party's family name had the same name as "Witch". Although it might have been a coincidence before, since the existence of witches was confirmed, this family naturally attracted the attention of the Security Bureau.

I have also investigated in private, and it is basically certain that the other party is a wizard family with a very ancient history, and its strength is very mysterious.

However, during the course of his investigation, he received some warnings and realized that the other party had actually prepared for a rainy day. He was very generous with political donations and the like, and he had good relationships with many established nobles and upstart congressmen.

If he wanted to take action against this family, he might be the first to step down.

But even though he wisely did not disturb him, some work of secretly collecting intelligence was not left behind.

The deeper we learn, the more surprised we become about the mysterious background of this family.

But this time, it sounds like they want to come and observe the event, and are officially one of the sponsors of this event.

Sweet had no need to stop him; on the contrary, he welcomed him.

If nothing else, I can feel a little more at ease if these veteran wizards can come to help.

And the church didn't have to pay for it, and there were people who could take the initiative to help promote it. I was so happy that I made the decision directly.

What got out of the car was a very beautiful woman who looked like a model. Perhaps because she attached great importance to this operation, she was wearing a dress that would be worn at a high-end banquet, and her figure was also very outstanding.

Coupled with the blond hair, blue eyes, deep eyes and high bridge of the nose, he has the appearance of a standard Imperial person.

When she appeared, many people's eyes seemed to light up.

As for whether he prefers her appearance or the wealth and status of the family behind her, that depends on everyone.

As the other party's identity, Sweet really had to step forward and take the initiative to greet him.

The other party was not arrogant and rude because of the status of the family behind him. Instead, he greeted him in a very ladylike manner. Then he glanced around, glanced at the church personnel, and showed a slight smile.

"At what time will this exorcism ceremony begin?"

"Nine o'clock." Sweet replied, "But not necessarily. We need to wait until everyone is here before we can start."

"Before that, I thought maybe we could sit and chat together. We've also prepared some nice snacks here."

Although there was some suspicion of flattery, personally, it was definitely more comfortable for him to have tea with such a beautiful lady than to hang out with a rough guy like the police chief.

"It's an honor." Novia nodded lightly.

However, the topic the two talked about was not a matter between men and women. Instead, it was a very serious matter about the relationship between wizard management and the official empire.

Fortunately, the other party did not find it boring. Instead, he was able to put forward some opinions of his own, some of which made Sweet feel refreshed.

I couldn't help feeling that he was worthy of being a member of a big family, and his vision was indeed different from that of ordinary little wizards.

Sweet also pretended to mention the vampire incident casually. He believed that given the other party's status, he must have already known about it.

As expected, the other party didn't show any surprise. He just took a sip of tea quietly and then said: "The vampires are indeed very mysterious and desirable, especially those in movies and TV series."

“But I also believe that if you want to get something, you must pay something, and the value must be equal.”

"Then what price do you need to pay to gain eternal life?"

Sweet thought for a moment, then saw the other person chuckle and shake his head.

"Perhaps a torture worse than death."

"A very interesting insight, Miss Novia." Sweet clapped his hands gently, "But as long as you can live forever, there will always be interesting ways to live. For example, I can learn whatever knowledge I want to learn..."

"If you were really immortal, maybe you wouldn't say that." Novia said suddenly, her voice calm.

"You...have lived forever?" Sweet glanced at her, a little confused.

"This is just a hypothesis, Mr. Sweet." Novia smiled, "The wizard's magic may help extend life, but it cannot lead to immortality."

Soon, the Dongfang Taoist priest, Mr. Yue Ze, also arrived at the scene under the leadership of Xu Xun.

There is no doubt that he immediately became the core figure present, responsible for directly instructing the specific process of the exorcism ceremony, the layout of the scene, and even everyone's positions.

"Who is he?"

Novia stood up and stared at the other party curiously.

After Sweet explained it, her interest was immediately aroused.

"An Eastern Taoist priest? He actually knows how to suppress the demons here? Oh, that's crazy..."

"It is indeed a bit unbelievable, but we must admit that what the other party said is correct. There is indeed a terrible demon suppressed here, and I have even seen it with my own eyes."    Sweet thought she didn't believe it and thought it was a scam. would say something like this.

"No, no, I do believe that. I mean, why would he know this?"

"This is indeed interesting." Sweet shrugged, "It's like I don't understand why your wizard's spells are in Chinese."

"Perhaps it was a long time ago that they Easterners were the origin of the world's extraordinary civilization?"

"With all due respect, Mr. Sweet, once your words are reported by the media, you will probably be removed from your position immediately, and you will be attacked by a group of people. The end will be very bad."

The last sentence was said in extremely fluent and smooth Chinese, even with a bit of standard Erhua pronunciation.

As a powerful wizard, this basic skill is a must. Even the standard level of Chinese will slightly affect the power of magic.

Of course, Sweet is not afraid of the other party telling the truth, and the higher-ups will not deal with him just because of this matter, but he also knows that many wizards also have a strong sense of honor for the empire. Although they cast spells in Chinese, they may not admit it. The self originates from somewhere else.

So there might be some trouble.

So he wisely changed the topic immediately.

"Let me introduce you to her. I believe Mr. Yueze also appreciates beautiful ladies."

However, Yueze just nodded lightly after introducing each other, and then continued busy.

Novia didn't mind, she simply followed and watched the grand exorcism ceremony begin at close range.

What is a little surprising is that this time there is almost no need for any additional media, such as holy water, holy objects and other common things.

All that is needed is for the clergy to recite the Bible, hold a cross, and circle around the church to complete the ceremony.

"Wait, does this really work?"

Novia couldn't help but ask doubtfully.

This was different from all the exorcism rituals performed by priests that she had known in the past. It was so simple that it was ridiculously simple!

Although everything she had seen before was a lie and not real, at least the appearance on the surface was still very good.

But now I don’t even pretend to pretend anymore!

If it weren't for the special situation now, she would really doubt whether the other party was a liar.

And among all the clergy present, some are already old faces. Although they are famous, they certainly do not have real magic power.

Just rely on these people to read the Bible and kill the devil?

This is really crazy!

"Whether it's useful or not, you'll know by looking at the results later." Yue Ze smiled slightly and didn't explain too much.

This mysterious performance made Novia more and more curious, and she began to wait patiently for what would happen next.

By the time it was almost time, almost everyone on site had arrived.

But there was a little hiccup in the middle.

Two exorcists were frightened by the video last night and chose to escape quietly.

Unfortunately, he was caught before he could run very far. He is being imprisoned and interrogated, so he probably won't be able to come.

Fortunately, for the sake of safety, the personnel were redundant before, so missing one or two is not a big problem.

"Then it's almost time, let's get ready to start."

The police have already begun to drive away the ordinary people watching at the scene. Novia is considered a super VIP so he does not have to leave the venue, but he still has to keep a safe distance.

The cameras at the scene have been erected one by one, and the live broadcast has officially begun.

It can be imagined how many people are watching in front of various TV or online media channels.

Although the clergy were trembling with fear, they had no way out at this moment and could only stand in their predetermined positions and prepare for the ceremony.

At the same time, I kept praying to the Lord in my heart that nothing would happen.

It is best for everyone to finish reciting together and leave safely. It would be better to have an inexplicable mistake than to be surprised.

It will officially open soon.

The sound of reciting the Bible sounded normal, and even seemed very boring. Only those believers would listen to the whole process with great piety.

Sweet also yawned. He is also a religious person, but he can only be regarded as being influenced by his family and friends. He just follows the crowd. His own belief is not deep, so he is indifferent to this kind of ceremony.

He glanced at Novia, who had a calm expression but was actually staring at the entrance to the basement, and Yueze next to him, and then looked at the still peaceful scene, feeling a little bored.

But at this moment, his body suddenly shook, and some of the water in the tea cup in his hand almost spilled out.

He looked down in shock.

Of course it wasn't that he was feeling unwell, but because the ground beneath his feet shook violently just now, like an earthquake.

"what happened……"


There was another violent tremor, and he was able to confirm that this was indeed reality and not an illusion, and he immediately stood up suddenly.

The clergy also accidentally fell several times during these two tremors, and the chanting stopped for a while.

"Earthquake?! Should we leave here and take shelter first?"

"But this place is quite empty. The earthquake shouldn't affect this place..."

"Wait a minute, why do I feel like the source of the earthquake is right under our feet? It's like someone detonated explosives down there..."


The others looked at each other.

With so many police officers guarding the place, it would definitely not be a bad incident.

So is it possible that...

They immediately thought of the video from last night, and their bodies trembled with fear.

And as the tremors under their feet came quickly for the third, fourth, and fifth times, cracks even appeared on the ground, making many people turn pale with fear.

"I...I suddenly remembered that I have something to do at home. I have to leave first..."

Father Bruce wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and immediately planned to run away.

Even if you want to become famous, you must at least be alive.

This situation is really terrifying right now!

This demon is completely different from the previous demon that would only possess a person's body and then go crazy and confuse people's hearts!

If that person was the devil before, then wouldn't this person under his feet be the legendary Satan? !

However, as soon as he turned around, a gun was put directly on his forehead.

"Immediately! Continue!"

Sweet shouted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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