Chapter 43 Price

"Monster? I'm a noble blood."

The man chuckled and waved his hands. The gaps exposed under the black cloak were covered with scarlet-eyed bats, which scared him so much that his legs limp on the ground.

Compared with being beaten, the scene in front of him, which is comparable to a horror movie, is more frightening.


His teeth chattered.


"You humans seem to be so contemptuous of our blood race, but please believe me, if you say this to another blood race, he may turn you into the next dessert."

The vampire gathered his cloak again, looking like a giant bat under the night sky.

" blood is not good to drink! Please let me go...I will help you find someone else..." He knelt on the ground and tried to beg for mercy.

"I'm not interested in your blood." The vampire chuckled, bent down instead, and scratched his cheek with sharp nails, "I just think that the more useless you are, the more worthy of my use."

"Do you want revenge? Do you want to become a master? I can give you a chance, surrender to me, be my dog, and I can let you have everything you can't dream of."


The young man swallowed, and secretly looked at the terrifying existence in front of him with some excitement and fear.

"The noble blood race will not deceive you lowly humans. As long as you do things for me obediently, all these can be achieved."

"I... I am willing!" The young man immediately roared, his eyes were red from being too excited.

I don't want to experience the humiliation just now again.

"Yes. What's your name?"

The young man replied tremblingly: "Sun Hao..."

"Be good. But remember, you will never have a chance to regret it later."

The Blood Race suddenly reached out and opened his mouth.

Then squeezed a drop of blood from his finger into his mouth.

Sun Hao suddenly felt his throat burning, as if he had swallowed a lump of roasted blades!
After the other party let go of his hand, he knelt on the ground in pain, clutching his throat and trying to retch, but nothing came out.

Even the voice became hoarse, and a word could not be uttered.

And the devil-like voice came from the ear again.

"Drink it, then sleep, and you will find a different life the next morning."

"Remember, the first task I give you is 300ml of the blood of the sinner."

"I will come to you before ten o'clock tomorrow night. If you fail to complete the task, you will know what life is like death."

After the words fell, the strange figure had disappeared before Sun Hao's eyes.

With a face full of fear, he staggered towards the house while clutching his painful throat that was still cut like a knife.

What he didn't know was that the bat that Lu Chen turned into was hovering in the air, staring at the movement below.

The reason why he was forced to get the blood of the three evil people in such a short time was to force him to think of various ways to attract attention.

Although the drop of blood given to the opponent just now was not large, it was enough to transform the opponent into a second vampire besides himself in the world.

After having this guy, I should be able to act a little more freely.

He parked on the eaves, feeling quite amusing.

"This is the first time that there is no system task, I will take the initiative to play it myself..."


The next morning.

Sun Hao, who had been in a coma all night, got up in a daze, only to find that he was lying on the floor at home, and passed out before he could hold on to the bed.

"Yesterday...wasn't it a dream?"

He shook his head, feeling stronger than ever before, without the stiffness of sleeping on the floor.

It's just that when he went to the toilet and saw himself in the mirror, the toothbrush in his hand fell to the ground instantly.

I saw my face in the mirror was pale like a dead body, with two sharp fangs in my mouth, and bloodthirsty red lights shining in my eyes.

"Sucking... vampires?!"

He was so frightened that he sat down in the bathroom, panting heavily.

"Have you really become a vampire?"

He looked down at his hands and body.

The injury from being beaten yesterday has completely healed, and his physical fitness is even stronger. After touching his teeth, they are real and not dentures.

Everything is so incredible.

But in a flash, he was ecstatic again.

"It turns out that those movies and TV shows are not lying, there really are vampires!"

"I'm no longer a mortal!"

He grinned, clenched his fists, and roughly felt the strength of his body doubled at least.

There was a kind of arrogance in my heart.

If he went back to last night, he would definitely beat up those bastards!
More importantly, he found that he can also show part of the bat form.

For example, the wings of bats grow out of the back, which can fly for a short time, and should be able to fly faster and longer after becoming proficient.

At the same time, he sensed the special skills he possessed, such as the ability to temporarily display a power far beyond his present through violent blood!

The price is to be weak for a period of time, and to replenish a lot of fresh blood afterwards.

Just because it is fresh, blood products like Maoxuewang have been ruled out.

And perhaps it was because he had consumed too much strength after repairing his body and converting, which made him feel very weak now.

"Blood...I want blood..."

This thought kept echoing in his mind, and his Adam's apple couldn't stop rolling up and down.

Finally unable to bear it any longer, he rushed out the door.

But as soon as he opened the door, the oncoming sunlight made him scream in an instant, and he hid in the shadow behind the door with a face full of fear.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly, and saw that the skin that had been exposed to the sun just now was covered with scalded blisters and broken skin.

"So vampires can't see the sun?!"

He really didn't know this before.

"What's the name of the ghost in broad daylight!"

Unfortunately, an aunt next door was probably in a bad mood, so she immediately opened the door and yelled.

If it was normal, Sun Hao, who is already a street sneaker, would have to choke a few words, but at this moment, he didn't even have the courage to probe.

He could only hide the door from the sun, and said in a hoarse voice, "Big... aunt... Please help me with something..."

"What's the matter?" The aunt came over and looked suspiciously at Sun Hao who was hiding behind the door.

"Help... help me buy some live chickens and ducks... I'll give you the money. Give me the money."

He took out a few hundred-yuan bills from his pocket, and without thinking about counting them, he handed them out in one breath.

"The rest will be your reward."

The desire to donate blood makes him have to restrain himself at all times to avoid jumping up and sucking the other party's blood.

"Hey, why are you so generous today!"

The aunt's eyes lit up immediately, she took the money, counted it, and then nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, you're sick, right? Auntie is very good at cooking, and I'll make you some old chicken soup later."

"Don't...don't cook, just keep alive." Sun Hao was so weak that he could hardly speak.

(End of this chapter)

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