I played the world alone

Chapter 35 Mission Rewards

Chapter 35 Mission Rewards

But what no one knew was that Lu Chen didn't leave immediately after the performance.

There is still about an hour and a half before the return time, and we have to continue to prepare.

Just now, after flying into the woods with the flying sword, he quickly put away the sword and the corpse of the giant snake, and then turned into a bat to hide in the woods and fly fast, looking for a suitable position.

During the period, by the way, he slapped two stupid snakes that wanted to eat him, and finally turned over the entire mountain top to the other side of the mountain.

This side is a steeper mountain wall than the front, so for the sake of safety, the scenic spot did not develop this side into a scenic spot. By the way, it was blocked and a safety warning sign was placed.

He went down the mountain wall until he was about halfway up the mountain, and selected a general area.

"Soil control technique!"

According to the requirements in the book, he directed the spiritual energy at the soil in front of him.

In the next second, the soil began to move automatically, falling down with rustle.

When he encountered huge stones in it, he first hollowed out the surrounding areas and then moved them away with several swords.

For this reason, I accidentally broke more than a dozen swords of poor quality. Fortunately, the price is not expensive and I don’t feel distressed.

With such efficient operation, he quickly dug out a deep cave leading directly to the interior of the mountain.

The distance of about ten meters in front is very narrow, barely enough for one person to pass through, until it was deep enough to dig out a cave about the size of a basketball court.

He even polished the stalagmites and stalactites by hand in order to create the appearance of time.

It doesn't really matter how long the history is, the important thing is that he has infused some spiritual energy into these.

That is to say, the puddles formed here will become "spiritual water".

In fact, he doesn't know exactly what it is useful for, but it must be of great benefit to ordinary people. Maybe drinking a little will cure the disease and prolong life?
Well, in fact, I just want others to help me experiment.

Lu Chen really didn't dare to use it for his relatives before he was sure if it was useful.

Then he placed the giant snake's body in the deepest part of the cave near the rock mass.

As soon as it was put down, you could see the blood of the snake flowing continuously, so hurry up and stay away, after all, you have seen the corrosiveness of this thing before.

"Okay, the next step is to pretend to be a seal."

"Although I haven't learned the formation technique, the rest of the world hasn't learned it either."

Full of confidence, he simply pasted many charms on the wall, and then placed some broken jade infused with a little spiritual energy on the ground to pretend to be the spirit stones in the novel.

It doesn't matter if the value is not high, from now on these things are worthless.

And the formation method only needs to be disguised, and it looks like it was shattered in the end.

In the end, it turned the place into a mess.

Originally, I wanted to leave a letter to pretend to be the suicide note of the real Yuanfeng, but after thinking about it, I decided to forget it.

He doesn't have the ability to make old things. If a piece of modern paper emerges from such a monument, it will be full of flaws and arouse suspicion.

Without further ado, after finishing the arrangement here, he saw that there was only one minute left in the time, and he turned into a bat and flew out.

Flying to the position of the hole, he turned his head, and then used the wood control technique to grow the surrounding vines to cover the hole.

As for whether it will be discovered...

He thought those people shouldn't be so stupid, but he couldn't find them.

"If you really can't find it, then I will personally give them some hints then."


【time up】


【In the process of summarizing evaluation information】

[This time you played the role of a cultivator with a mysterious origin, and hinted to the mortals that there is a powerful sect behind you. Although the method is a bit blunt, the effect is not bad. I believe it can make the mortals misunderstand your guess to a deeper level.It also makes them more aware of how shallow their understanding of the mysterious side of the world is. 】

[And in this performance, you combined with the performance of the immortal cultivator to successfully save the lives of a mother and daughter, and successfully changed the direction of the world line a little bit]

[This time you managed to have a certain amount of imagination, relaxation and performance.Although there are still some deficiencies, it is also remarkable]

【Comprehensive evaluation B】

【Congratulations on completing this flashback mission, you will receive the following rewards:】

[New system function is enabled]

[Expansion of portable space to 100 cubic meters]

[Six levels of Qi training]

[Spell "Five Elements Jue" Volume [-]]

[A cheat book of "10 Illustrations of Arrays that Monkeys Can Learn"]

[Countdown to next flashback: 167 hours and 59 minutes]

"No destination time?"

Lu Chen immediately noticed the difference from before.

Generally speaking, there should be one more destination below, how long ago.

but now……

[Current destination time undecided]

[The host can determine the time and place by grasping the creation at the corresponding time point that he wants to go to with both hands at the moment the countdown ends]

[The current maximum time span is 100 years]

[Note, an item can only be used once]

[Friendly reminder, the further time goes, the greater the effect of changing the world line]

"Finally you can choose yourself?"

Lu Chen suddenly understood and was pleasantly surprised.

Compared with the mandatory tasks before, he now has more autonomy, and it doesn't matter whether he wants to go a few days ago or decades ago.

But this also means that if you want to go to an earlier era and stay there for a while, you need to prepare enough antiques...

If it’s just the modern ones, it’s okay, but it’s troublesome if it’s just a little bit earlier.

Is it possible to go to the museum to steal things?

"It's better to solve it in a normal way..."

He pondered and began to think about his future plans.


Inside the municipal building.

Everyone from the special operations team from the capital was looking for information based on previous clues.

Xu Xun, who was sitting at the table and flipping through the newspaper, looked up, and the team member Yan Wenle was just moving in a half-person-high file.

Most of the files were packed in kraft paper bags, and many of them were covered with dust. It could be seen that they were all old objects that had been dusty for a long time.

"Captain, this time we can be regarded as revealing the old story of others..."

"I have an intuition that there must be some mystery in that Taoist temple that we haven't discovered, and then look for any clues that we missed!"

"Roger that!"

Everyone nodded again and again, and continued to look down at the information.

But right now.

An abrupt ringing of the phone broke the quiet environment where there was only the sound of flipping books.

All eyes were on Xu Xun.

Xu Xun looked at the caller, who was a police officer he had contacted before.

"Is there a problem?"

But the voice on the other end of the phone made his face change instantly.

"What? Was there a police report from that scenic spot a month ago?"

(End of this chapter)

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