I played the world alone

Chapter 2 Buying Lottery Tickets and Saving People

Chapter 2 Buying Lottery Tickets and Saving People
I couldn't tell whether it was excitement or fear, I just felt so weird and unpredictable.

Suddenly thinking about the lottery ticket, Lu Chen stood up suddenly with a changed expression, instantly attracting the attention of other overtime colleagues.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, I'm a little dizzy, go for a walk."

He said something casually under cover, then grabbed his phone and rushed downstairs.

"Lottery shop... lottery shop..."

He murmured in a low voice, looking around anxiously.

Those small shops selling lottery tickets are usually everywhere, so why did they disappear at this time? !

There are 8 minutes left before 3 o'clock!

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he finally saw a small lottery shop at the corner of the street.

He swears that he has never run so hard in his life. Although the distance is only 300 meters, it seems that he has run for most of his life. He was so tired that when he entered the store, he gasped heavily and was out of breath.


"Boss! Buy a lottery ticket!"

The boss looked at him strangely: "Don't worry, young man, what number do you want to buy?"


"this one!"


The boss was also straightforward, and after collecting the money, he played a lottery ticket for him, and it was in the last minute.

The moment he got the lottery ticket and walked out of the store, Lu Chen's mood was unexpectedly calm, so calm that he almost thought it was an illusion.

He looked down at the lottery ticket tightly clutched in his hand.

Is this stuff really worth tens of millions? !
I'm not dreaming, am I?

[Remaining time: 18 minutes]

"Next, do I just have to wait for this lottery to be drawn?"

His heart was beating like it was going to pop out of his throat, and he hid the lottery ticket in his pocket, for fear that others would snatch it away.

The lottery prize this time is a full 5000 million!
And he also found out that no one won the first prize, that is, he can enjoy the 5000 million to himself!

He has even begun to fantasize about what he will do with so much money.

Not working anymore!

Buy a car and buy a house!

Deposit all the remaining money in the bank and get regular interest every year, saving a little is enough for me to spend my whole life casually!
Until then, though, keep a low profile.

He couldn't let passers-by see his smirk, he tried his best to tense his expression, and walked towards the company in a relaxed and happy manner.

When he walked to the bottom of the building, he suddenly thought of what Qiao Weizhao said before for no reason.

"The falling object... killed that strong woman Zhou Manyin?"

"The time should be around 08:30?"

He looked at the time.

It is now 15:[-], and there are still [-] minutes before the return. It seems that there is no help.

Although he has some regrets, if he can really save it, he can save it, but he will never take the risk of exposing himself to have a system.

Even if the other party is a beautiful and rich woman.

He subconsciously looked up upstairs.

To be honest, there are not many floors with lights on, after all, it is already very late.

And because the night was too dark, he couldn't see clearly which floor was occupied.

"Forget it, I'm sorry I can't do anything."

He put his hand into his pocket to confirm that the lottery ticket was still there, he felt relieved, and continued to lift his feet to walk into the building.

But before he took a step, his body froze suddenly, and he looked at the tall, slightly tired figure of a woman who was coming out of the automatic door with astonishment.

The woman was wearing light glasses with gold wire edges, a steady gray suit, and a beige scarf around her neck. Her long black hair fell like a waterfall, and a few strands fell on her undulating chest. She was a little more feminine under her queen-like arrogance.

Mature, intellectual, beautiful.

And most conspicuously proud.

It seemed like she was a perfect swan who deserved to be admired and admired by others.

This kind of perfect woman and the ordinary Lu Chen are like the heroine in a movie and a passing supporting role, they are people from two worlds.

But who would have known that in a few seconds she would be gone?
Lu Chen was completely stunned at this time.

He stared blankly at Zhou Manyin who was approaching in front of him, and his heart beat faster and faster.

"Why...she appears here at this time?"

Could it be that there is an error in the police time backwards?
At this moment, after working overtime just now, Zhou Manyin only felt exhausted all over, and just wanted to go home early and take a good hot bath to relieve the fatigue from this week.

"Fortunately, you can take a good rest for a few days after finishing the business this time."

This business can match my performance in the past half a year, as long as I grasp it, I can take the company to a higher level!

She has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Thinking of this, even the fatigue on his body seemed to ease a little.

But just as she walked out of the gate of the building, her keen perception made her notice a man on the side of the road staring straight at her.

She couldn't help frowning.

The man's eyes were barely concealed, staring at her as if she had no clothes on.

Although it's not that she has never met a lustful man before, but she has always kept herself clean and she never shows good looks to this kind of man.

And the men you meet in the mall are generally not too much, and you will know to restrain yourself after noticing the change in her expression.

But at this time, she found that the strange man seemed unable to understand her disgust, and kept staring at her without restraint.

"It's not crazy, is it?"

Uneasy in her heart, she subconsciously tightened her bag a little, and decided to leave around a little.

But at this moment, she suddenly saw that man seemed to be stimulated by something, and rushed towards her crazily!

She was so frightened that her face suddenly changed color, she immediately took two steps back, took out a bottle of anti-wolf spray from her bag, and sprayed it on him.

"Stay away from me!"


Although Lu Chen closed his eyes in time, he was still sprayed with anti-wolf spray. His whole face was as hot as if it was on fire, and his eyes were so sore.

But in the end, Zhou Manyin was thrown to the ground at the most critical moment.

The two fell heavily to the ground, making a dull sound and the woman screaming in fear.

"what happened?"

"Look over there is Zhou Manyin, Mr. Zhou!"

"That perverted pervert, let her go!"

The security guards in the building also noticed the movement outside. After seeing the scene, they immediately thought of the worst situation and ran over in shock.

If such a vicious incident happened under their noses, they wouldn't have to do it!

But right now.


A loud bang of glass shattering sounded behind the two of them.

Everyone present was stunned.

Several security guards holding plastic batons stopped in their tracks, stunned,
Zhou Manyin, who was still struggling just now under Lu Chen's pressure, was also stunned, staring at the position she almost walked to just now through Lu Chen's shoulder with constricted pupils.

There, a vase that fell from a high altitude has been smashed to pieces. The powerful falling force even cracked a cobweb-like dense pattern on the marble floor tiles on the ground, and the center has been completely shattered.

 Sign within, seek investment and collection!

(End of this chapter)

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