Red Big Super

Chapter 61 060: Superman pushes Dongying horizontally (3)

Chapter 61 060: Superman pushes Dongying horizontally ([-])
Luo Niyue Mountain is not a famous mountain in the world, but it has a good reputation in Dongying. Of course, the most important thing is that a hundred years ago, a Taoist temple was located in the mountain, named Jingsi Taoist Temple. After years of precipitation, it gradually became famous in Dongying.

It was already dead of night, and the forest path leading to Jingsi Taoist Temple could still see pedestrians coming and going, maybe it had been light rain, the steps were wet, and rainwater was constantly dripping between the trees.

Luo Wei was worried about disturbing the enemy, so he didn't choose to fly. Instead, he walked along the stone-stone road through the secluded forest. After a while, he saw a quaint Huaxia Taoist Temple in front of him. Through the building with super vision, he could see that the Jingsi Taoist Temple had a similar layout to that of Pei Xushan's courtyard in Sichuan and Chongqing. It was a harmony of yin and yang, divided into two poles, neatly arranged, and there was a stone statue standing in the ashram.

"Sorry, we are going to close the door, now we only let out, not let in."

At the door, a boy stopped a couple. It seemed that it was too late, and Jingsi Taoist Temple was about to close. Although the Taoist temple looked noble, it also had prescribed business hours, so it couldn't be open 24 hours a day.

But a small doorman couldn't stop Luo Wei, and he didn't even think about entering through the main entrance. Just when the doorman was arguing with the couple, he had already entered the dojo in the blink of an eye.


After Luo Wei came in, he carefully observed the structure of the Taoist temple again, and found that there were no modern facilities inside the Taoist temple, not even a single power cord. All the rooms used were kerosene lamps or candles. Obviously, the owner of the Taoist temple was very cautious.

Before entering just now, Luo Wei also saw that there was a regulation on the collection of electronic equipment at the entrance. Anyone who enters the Taoist temple must temporarily store all electronic products on his body, including watches, at the gate guard as required.

This phenomenon made Luo Wei even more certain that the owner of the Taoist temple was Chi Hun, and the other party was far more cautious than he imagined. It was no wonder that he had been hiding for a hundred years and had never been noticed by the underworld. If it wasn't for the recent door knocker incident, Chi Hun might have been able to hide for so long.

"On the surface, there seems to be no problem with Jingsi Taoism."

Luo Wei watched the Taoist upside down, there were Taoist boys resting in the house, and many tourists were coming out of the main hall one after another, no one made any loud noises, the Taoist temple was quiet and silent, and the wind blowing the candles "whirling" could be heard clearly.

The Taoist Temple of Jingsi seems to be just like an ordinary Taoist temple, holy and clean, and it is out of the dust and has no competition with the world.Every Taoist boy also looked kind and kind, without any hostility in his eyes, even if tourists contradicted him, he would not show any displeasure. .

But all of this seems too weird, and the perfection of Jingsi Taoism is its biggest problem.

Luo Wei was not in a hurry to search for clues in every house, but chose to hide his aura, reduce his sense of presence, and stand in a dark corner, even if someone walked by, he would not notice a person standing in the corner.

It wasn't until the tourists were gone, the Taoist boy went back to the room to rest talking and laughing, and the Jingsi Taoist temple fell into silence, that Luo Wei started to act, but when he was about to go to the main hall to have a look first.

However, it was discovered that a sneaky figure also entered the main hall, and stood in front of the stone statue in the main hall, bowing again and again, "click" and saw the stone statue split in two, a deep passage appeared in front of the eyes, and there were strange runes faintly floating on the stone statue.

"It's the kind of rune I saw in the underworld."

Luo Wei recognized the runes, and it was the runes engraved on the palace of King Yama in the underworld. It was these runes that made his super vision lose its effect.

Seeing this, he didn't hesitate any more. One second before the stone statue closed, his figure flashed and turned into a gust of wind. He stepped into the hall and followed the figure into the deep passage.

After entering, the ground of the Taoist temple that I saw with super vision was a piece of soil, but now I look down, and at the end of the passage, there is an extremely spacious underground secret room, surrounded by stone bricks engraved with runes.

The little boy who walked in just now was walking slowly, holding a wooden box in his hand, walking towards the depths of the passage.

Luo Wei also followed closely behind. After using super concealment to reduce the sense of presence, even if he was half a meter behind the child, the other party would not notice anything.

"Master, the pill you asked for is here."

The little boy walked into the underground secret room, opened the wooden box, took out a white porcelain bowl containing black meatballs, half knelt on the ground, raised the white porcelain bowl, and said with his head down.

"Teacher, why did you bring outsiders in?"

In the deepest part of the secret room, a deep and hoarse voice came from the dark area.

"Master, don't scare me. Even if you give me a hundred guts, I won't dare to bring outsiders in."

When the little boy heard it, his whole body trembled, his head pressed against the ground and tremblingly said.

"Superman is behind you."

Chi Hun's voice came again.


As soon as the little boy turned his head, a hand was placed directly on his shoulder from behind. He was so frightened that he immediately knelt on the spot, not daring to move a little bit. For a moment, the air in the secret room seemed to freeze.

"Chi Hun, why hide and hide, come out."

Luo Wei looked into the depths of the darkness, and he could clearly sense that there was no one there, but there was indeed the aura of Chi Hun in the secret room, and his eyes kept scanning the surroundings as he spoke.

"Haha, Superman, you are really rebellious, but unfortunately, you are too stupid. Don't you think that entering the Taoist temple is too easy?"

A cloud of black air came out, forming a ferocious grimace, and when he spoke, his mouth opened and closed to reveal terrifying fangs.

"Master, save me."

Seeing the master appearing, the little boy wanted to get up immediately, but found that his body seemed to be pressed down by ten thousand mountains, and he couldn't move at all.

"You set up a formation here?"

Luo Wei glanced around, and found that inadvertently, a strange black air began to permeate the surroundings, and it continued to gather towards his position, and at the same time, strange runes appeared in the covered places.

"Smart, once Qiandaiba died, I knew that you would come to Dongpu, and sooner or later I would find Jingsi Taoist Temple, so I set up a formation in advance in the secret room. Originally, I was still thinking about how to let you enter the secret room. I never thought that you would come in by yourself, and save me from wasting my mind."

The black mist of Chi Hun's soul hovered in mid-air, speaking triumphantly.

That's right, after Chiyoba's death, Chi Hun guessed that Superman would definitely come to deal with him, so he set up a formation, but he didn't expect Superman to walk into the trap so easily. In addition, there was another thing that surprised Chihun, that is, Superman turned into Chiyoba, confused everyone, and even almost deceived Chi Hun.

"You are indeed an undead escaped from the underworld. Even the runes of the formation are similar to those in the underworld."

Luo Wei observed the runes that emerged from the secret room, which were similar to those seen in the underworld, and even the layout rules were very similar.

It seems that before Chi Hun escaped from the underworld, he often secretly studied in the underworld.

"Oh, it seems that you have already been to the underworld, does Yan Luo want you to take the deity back to the underworld?"

Chi Hun's voice came out from the black mist, his tone was full of disdain for the underworld.

Luo Wei was not surprised. After all, Hell has been looking for Chi Hun for hundreds of years, but there has been no result. It is normal to be despised. "Even if I am not King Yama, I will still come to you. You have killed so many innocent people, and you should pay for it."

"If you want to catch me, escape from the formation first."

Chi Hun disapproved words came out from the black mist, "I forgot to say that as long as you stay in the formation for ten hours, even a person with a firm mind will become a walking corpse with an empty body."


Just after Chi Hun finished speaking, two crimson beams of light gushed out, hitting the black mist, and the hot eyes pierced through it, hitting the ceiling and causing violent tremors.

The beam of light came from Luo Wei. He was raising his head, his eyes were glowing red, and white smoke was flying from the corners of his eyes. He said slowly, "Your body is not here."


Chi Hun looked smug, and laughed a few times, "My good apprentice, you will stay here with Superman for ten hours, and leave first as a teacher!"

"Master, don't leave me behind!"

The little boy cried and cried, but in the end he could only watch the black mist dissipate, leaving only him and Superman.

"Don't waste your time, you are just a grain of sand in Chi Hun's eyes, you can throw it away at any time, and you can find a new one at any time."

After Luo Wei finished speaking, he ignored the crying boy, but turned around and began to think about the formation. He tried to rush out with super speed, but it seemed that an invisible force, like a jelly barrier, bounced him back.

"Spells are as troublesome as magic."

Lowe frowned. If he wanted to say that the last thing he wanted to meet at this stage were warlocks and magicians, because sometimes brute force alone could not solve the troubles they caused.

The current formation set up by Chi Hun is the best example.

He always likes to use super strength and super speed, which can't work in the formation at all.

"This rune is similar to the underworld and has its own rules."

After several failed attempts, Luo Wei had no choice but to sit down calmly and observe the runes presented by the formation. The super brain kept recalling the runes seen in the underworld, trying to find a breakthrough.

After about half an hour, the little boy next to him no longer sobbed, and sat alone in a daze, maybe he felt that he was going to die, and muttered and ate the elixir given to the master, but the medicine was too strong and he blushed for a long time before returning to normal.

"Superman, don't worry about it, no one can crack the master's match."

The little boy spoke broken Huaxia with a strong Dazuo accent.

Luo Wei ignored him, and did not intend to kill him. In the Jingsi Taoist temple, not everyone is guilty, some of them are coerced, and the same is true for the boy in front of him. He doesn't look like he has practiced at all.

Thinking about it, Luo Wei continued to observe the formation runes, perhaps because he had been looking at them for too long, he seemed to understand the meaning of some of the runes and the reason why they were placed in this position.

"Tch, oh, if I knew I should have escaped earlier, I wouldn't be staying in the Taoist temple."

Seeing that he ignored him, Xiaotong could only talk to himself.

"It was so"

Suddenly, Luo Wei beside him spoke a little excitedly, as if he had discovered a new continent, with a smile on his face, he began to draw runes one after another on the floor with his fingers.

The hard floor, against the man of steel and super strength, is like a block of tofu, easily engraving a string of runes.

"What are you doing?"

Xiaotong asked, looking at the runes on the ground at the same time, always feeling familiar, so he looked at the runes on the master's formation, only to find that Superman was messing up and rearranging the runes on the formation.

He said with a speechless face: "It's useless, only the master can understand the runes, don't think that you can break the formation if you mess it up."

But Luo Wei didn't pay attention to him, so he didn't speak any more, and sat beside him alone, eating the remaining half of the elixir, talking to himself, quietly waiting for death to come.

Jingsi Taoist Temple, in the wooden house deep in the back mountain forest, there are rune signs hanging around, it is these that blocked Luo Wei's super vision, and did not let him notice that there is a wooden house in the back mountain, and at this time Chi Hun is sitting cross-legged in the wooden house, he slowly opened his eyes, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Superman, Man of Steel? I'm afraid it will be reduced to an empty shell by then."

Chi Hun sneered. In fact, he knew more about Superman than anyone else, because when he was in the underworld, he learned about the existence of Superman from the mouth of a bull-headed horse. There are Supermen in every universe, and Supermen in every universe are talented. Most of them represent justice and hope for the future.

Their souls are purer than anyone else.

And the physical body is even more perfect.

Chi Hun had set his sights on Superman early in the morning, and set it as the goal of his physical body. He wanted to occupy Superman's steel body. A good body would greatly increase his cultivation strength. In addition, Superman's soul is also a one-of-a-kind cultivation object.

In order to get Superman, he did not hesitate to use Chiyoba as a bait to lure Superman into the bait, because he knew a long time ago that Chiyoba could never be Superman's opponent, and things were as he expected.

And develop according to your own plan.

"Master, one Taoist boy is missing."

The disciple's voice sounded outside the door.

"Master, I know, step back."

Chi Hun didn't take it seriously, Taoist boys were like sand and stones everywhere, every year there would be stupid Dongying people who would go to Loni Moon Mountain to learn from their masters, and when they discovered the darkness of the Taoist temple, it was too late to leave because Chi Hun held all their souls in their hands.


Yet at this time.

In the direction of the main hall of the dojo, there was a violent tremor, as if a major earthquake had occurred, even the wooden house where Chi Hun was staying shook violently, layers of debris fell off the ceiling, and the lit candles on the table also fell down and extinguished.

Chi Hun frowned, stood up abruptly and looked towards the dojo, "What's going on?!"

(End of this chapter)

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