Douluo: I hang and beat the king of gods in the peerless live broadcast

Chapter 92 Wang Dong: Where Is My Man of Destiny?

Chapter 92 Wang Dong: Where is my man of destiny...

While Huo Yuhao was evading danger in an emergency, the audience also saw that touch of blue and pink.

However, they did not feel irritated by this, but their anger value soared, and they all sent "praise" words to Tang Shenwang:
"Hybrid King of Hydrogen, you can arrange your daughter here as a bait, and die for you!"

"Niubi, the anchor ran from Shrek City to Mingdu, and even sent his daughter over to act as a dog leash. It's really a fucking birth."

"My merciful Tang Fozu, you think that all you think about is how to train a dog with your daughter. You really don't deserve to be a human being!"

"I never expected that Tang Shenwang's blue silver grass not only has first-class winding ability, but also has such top-notch navigation effect."

"As expected of Tang Fozu with great supernatural powers, he can guide his daughter to Huo Yuhao so accurately by relying on the way of taking death with one hand."


Meng Hongchen looked at Cang An and wanted to run away from Huo Yuhao, doubts appeared in his sky blue eyes.

The first thing you do when you come here is to go first?

This is not a spy sent by other countries to collect information. Is it necessary to be so nervous?

Meng Hongchen was a little puzzled, subconsciously looked at the stall owner,
At this time, the stall owner was trying to get customers to circle him. He had short blue-pink hair, which was pretty good-looking. He exuded a confident and calm temperament in his gestures, and he had an innate sense of superiority that was pampered.

On the right is a pretty, pure and cute girl, and on the left is a middle-aged strong man with short brown hair.

It doesn't look like a scam gang, and the style of painting is quite serious.

The stall owner may have noticed her gaze, and raised his sunglasses to look in her direction.

Huo Yuhao suddenly felt like a thorn in his back. Meng Hongchen grabbed his wrist and asked puzzledly:
"Yuhao, why did you run away? Did you have a problem with this stall owner?"

"Sister Meng, when I see 'blue pink', I feel dizzy, tinnitus and dizzy, and even have a strong physical discomfort."

Huo Yuhao suddenly rubbed the center of his brows with his other hand, his brows were tightly furrowed, and he said in a low voice with an extremely uncomfortable expression:

"Maybe I'm allergic to blue and pink, sister Meng, you can play, I'll go back and have a rest first."

Immediately, he exerted a little force, trying to shake off Meng Hongchen's wrist.

As a result, Meng Hongchen gripped even tighter, and said with concern on his face:

"Yuhao, why are you allergic to colors? I've never heard of such a strange disease. We have a Healing Contra in the Sun Moon Empire, why don't we go find him."

Huo Yuhao thought about it, and it's not impossible, as long as he can stay away from Princess Tang now.

But then I thought about it again, I was healthy and healthy, and I was pretending to have a headache. When the time came to check and find out that I had no problems, it would be difficult to explain.

Huo Yuhao shook his head and said, "No need, sister Meng, I'll just go back and sleep."

"Okay then, if you can't do it, don't resist."

Meng Hongchen let go of the opponent's hand, his face was full of worry, and finally he was still worried, and said:

"Yuhao, let me go back with you. I'll send you back to play in this circle."

"Yeah." Huo Yuhao replied, seeing the caring expression on the other side's face, his heart was also very touched. Miss Meng was really kind to him, and he must repay her well in the future.

Then the two returned to Mingde Hall, and Meng Hongchen sent Huo Yuhao to his bedroom.


Half an hour later, looking at Huo Yuhao lying on the bed, Meng Hongchen asked with concern:

"Yuhao, how do you feel now?"

"It's much better, Sister Meng, you don't have to worry about me, it's just a little headache, and it's really not a big deal."

Hearing that Meng Hongchen smiled, he happily said:
"Yuhao, then I'll go out and play for a while, and see what's going on with that ring stand."

When Meng Hongchen was about to leave, Huo Yuhao wanted to remind her to keep as little contact with Princess Tang as possible.

Don't be afraid of [-], just in case. If too much contact causes a series of reactions, it will be bad for everyone once Tang Shenwang finds out.

However, Huo Yuhao didn't know how to speak, so after thinking for a while, he asked:

"Sister Meng, do you remember when we went hunting for soul rings, we didn't know which way to go at the fork in the road?"

Meng Hongchen nodded his lips and said with a smile:

"Remember, at that time you simulated a dice and finally determined the direction. After that, we all got soul rings that suit us."

"Sister Meng, for the sake of our safety, wait for me to simulate another wave."

As he said that, Huo Yuhao used the simulated soul skill to simulate a lottery tube, which contained dozens of things similar to bamboo sticks.

Immediately with a thought, the lottery container began to shake.

Meng Hongchen asked with a strange expression: "Yuhao, are you divination? Do you know divination?"

"Slightly understand, slightly understand." Huo Yuhao smiled.

Soon, a lottery swung out of the lottery.

Meng Hongchen asked curiously, "Yuhao, take a look, what's going on."

Huo Yuhao picked up the lottery and pretended to look at it: "Damn it, sign it!"

Immediately he said solemnly:

"Sister Meng, tell me the result of the divination. If I go this time, it is very likely that I will never return and never recover."

"If my relatives and friends go, something very unfortunate may happen."

Of course, these were all made up by Huo Yuhao. He didn't know how to divination. His original intention was just to find some excuses so that Meng Hongchen would have as little contact with Princess Tang as possible.

But Huo Yuhao didn't expect that this not only didn't make Meng Hongchen quit, but instead made her more curious.

"Yuhao, you must be thinking too much. Didn't my brother just go there to trap once yesterday? We are all in peace until now."

Huo Yuhao pursed his lips and said, "It's better to be careful. After all, the behavior of the stall owner who took advantage of him to give benefits is very suspicious. It's never wrong to be cautious."

"Well, I see, Yuhao, you should rest well."

Meng Hongchen nodded, clenched his fists and said, "I must go and find out what is the purpose of their loss-making business here."


Ten minutes later, Meng Hongchen came to the stall.

At this time, the stall was still surrounded by people, but when they saw Meng Hongchen approaching, they all consciously made way for her.

The stall was placed at the entrance of Mingdetang Street. These people were basically the soul mentors of Mingdetang, and they all knew Miss Meng.

Seeing Meng Hongchen, Xiao Xiao immediately became vigilant, with a sense of crisis in his heart, he moved the bench and sat closer to Wang Dong.

The stall owner Wang Dong saw everyone's reaction, and instantly realized that it was a big fish. She looked up.

The other party has long silver-white hair, a beautiful appearance, and an aristocratic temperament that symbolizes a superior family.

Wang Dong couldn't help thinking secretly, could she be my true destiny?

Then she shook her head again, admonishing herself:
No, no, no, I can no longer think like this, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Yesterday's boy also had white hair and a noble body, but he still didn't match Power Sword at all.

Immediately Wang Dong looked at Meng Hongchen and said:
"Hello, the Haotian Chamber of Commerce holds a welfare event for a limited time, and specially rents an expensive place to promote it, and you can take away any items in the set."

Meng Hongchen asked with a smile, "Hi little brother, the business seems to be going well, how are you doing?"

Wang Dong pointed to the sign next to him with his eyes, and said:

"The rules for the number of rings exchanged for the soul guide are written on it, you can see for yourself."

"Conscientious management, honest service, there is no situation where small items are large in the ring, and items with relatively large quantities are replaced by labels, and you can directly exchange them with me in the set."

Meng Hongchen looked at the items on the stall, and small items such as medicinal herbs and elixirs were placed directly on them.

There is only one sample of rare metals in large quantities, with labels of how many kilograms.

In addition, there seems to be a layer of airflow above the item stalls that affects the trajectory, and the trajectory of the airflow is chaotic, and it doesn't mean that you can catch whichever you want.

However, for soul masters, it is still possible to grasp a certain item in a certain area.

"I want to emphasize again that you can only use the soul guide you made yourself."

The corners of Wang Dong's mouth curled up slightly, and he said with a light smile:

"Most of you are Mingdetang's soul engineers. It shouldn't be difficult to make one to three level soul tools."

Meng Hongchen asked: "Little brother, how do you judge whether the soul guide is made by yourself?"

She could clearly feel that the stall owner's soul power was very weak, and his cultivation level was much lower than Yuhao's, and he might not even be able to sense the level of the soul tool.

At this time, the short-haired middle-aged man standing next to Wang Dong made a thick and powerful voice:
"Whether I made it myself, I just need to feel whether the soul power breath emitted by the soul tool and the soul master himself are consistent."

"In addition, no matter how many levels of soul guides you have exchanged for how many lap opportunities, each person can only participate in the total activity once."

The short-haired middle-aged man coughed, and his tone was a little heavier:

"Next time if I feel the same breath, I will not be allowed to participate again."

This Meng Hongchen can still understand, after all, he can't be caught by some senior soul engineers who can easily make a third-level soul tool.

You must know that most of the individual items in this stall are worth more than a third-level soul guide.

Even with the worst set of five thousand gold soul coins, five thousand gold soul coins still exceeded the value of a third-level soul tool.

Meng Hongchen took out a third-level soul guide ray gun, "Little brother, then I will set it five times."

The short-haired middle-aged man stretched out his hand, and the soul guide flew into his hand wrapped in soul power.

He felt it for a while, and said in a low voice: "Dong'er, she made it herself, but she still doesn't have the breath of spiritual power."

A bit of disappointment flashed across Wang Dong's face, but he quickly adjusted and gave the opponent five rubber rings.

Meng Hongchen looked at an area with a lot of pills and herbs, and threw a rubber ring.

Because the rubber ring was affected by the airflow above the booth, the trajectory of the flight was affected, and the item Meng Hongchen wanted was not caught, but a herb was still caught.

Wang Dong looked at the items in the set, waved his hands, and said in a cheerful tone: "An Shen rose, just take it away."

At the same time, the short-haired middle-aged man next to him flipped his right hand, and another soothing rose appeared in his palm.

Meng Hongchen squinted his eyes. It seemed that this chamber of commerce really had a solid background. No wonder they dared to set up a stall in such an arrogant way, but what was their real intention?
As she thought about it, she took away the Anshen rose, and the middle-aged man with short hair made a right move, and a new Anshen rose was added under the support of her soul power.

Immediately, Meng Hongchen threw out a second rubber ring, this time it contained a piece of metal with a "40kg" label on it.

Wang Dong glanced and said, "Tianxing Iron, give her forty kilograms."

The middle-aged man with short hair was about to take forty kilograms of Tianxing iron from the storage soul tool.

At this time, Meng Hongchen smiled and said: "Little brother, we have plenty of this kind of metal in Mingde Hall, can it be directly converted into gold soul coins?"

Wang Dong was slightly taken aback, nodded and said:
"Of course, the market price of [-]kg of Tianxing iron is [-] gold soul coins, and [-] kilograms is [-] gold soul coins. We can give it to you right now."

The short-haired middle-aged man took out a crystal card and threw it over, wrapped in soul power.

Meng Hongchen was very puzzled in his heart. If they wanted a soul guide, there was no need to obtain it in this way at all. They could buy the soul guide directly with gold soul coins.

Why is there still a limit to one to three soul guides?
The soul engineers who can enter Mingde Hall are basically high-level soul engineers, but such restrictions have to be stipulated.

Mingdetang has no low-level soul guides at all, and usually does not make third-level soul guides.


Mingdetang seems to have a low-level soul engineer.

Meng Hongchen suddenly thought of something as if he had a flash of inspiration. Combined with the fact that each person can only participate once, this is more like a rule made by excluding someone.


A few minutes later, Meng Hongchen used up the remaining three rubber rings, and converted the three low-quality pills into gold soul coins.

"Miss, it's over five times."

Wang Dong asked suspiciously: "I just saw a boy with short blue hair who was with you. Why didn't you let him come over to play?"

"We are definitely making a profit here."

Meng Hongchen smiled, and said intentionally or unintentionally:
"Oh him, my friend suddenly got a little dizzy and was resting on my bed, so he didn't come with me."

"Huh? Your friend, resting on your bed?"

Meng Hongchen glanced at her: "Yes, is there any problem?"

Wang Dong fell into a brief moment of confusion, his thoughts stroked, and he shook his head immediately:

"No, no problem."

At the same time, she said unhappily in her heart: "As long as your friend has nothing to do with Power Sword, then you two have nothing to do with Miss Ben, hmph!"

Thinking so, Wang Dong asked:
"Well, this lady, do you have your friend's soul tool? Can you let me see it, I can let you set it five times, no, ten times!"

Meng Hongchen smiled: "Yes, but I definitely won't let you see it, so just give up."

After saying that, she turned and left.

Looking at her back, Wang Dong couldn't help sighing, where is my man of destiny...

This lady has crossed half of the continent to come to the Sun Moon Empire, out of love and reason, you should come out and meet me.

It’s fine if I didn’t meet my Man of Destiny in Shrek, but if I can’t meet him in the Sun Moon Empire now, then my Sun Moon Empire came in vain.

At this moment, Meng Hongchen was on his way back.

Xu Sheng ran over in a hurry and said incoherently:
"Dream, hall master, he blew up Mingde hall, oh no, hall master was blown away by eight eight-level custom-installed soul guide shells in Mingde hall, and even the entire laboratory was blown up!"

(End of this chapter)

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